Michael A. Persinger’s research while affiliated with Laurentian University and other places

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Publications (40)

Design schematic for in vivo experiments. Male C57 mice received a right flank injection of B16-BL6 cells, expressing large palpable tumors 19 days post-injection (A). Other mice received negative control injections of UV-irradiated B16-BL6 cells (B) or no injections, (C) which did not induce tumor growth.
Photon counts per second from malignant and non-malignant cells show a significant decrease in photon counts (** = p < 0.05) in non-cancerous cells as compared to the cancerous phenotypes. Means and SEMs presented.
(A) Spectral power densities for 0.2 Hz frequency band can accurately classify 83% of 113 cases for cancerous and non-cancerous pancreatic cell lines (** p < 0.001). (B) Discriminant score for cancerous and non-cancerous cell lines. Scores were computed with the following discriminant function (=0.2 Hz Freq * (0.023–1.023).
Raw photon counts per second within the dark-adapted box when no mice were present and when c57 mice were present. Means and standard error or the means are presented (* = p < 0.05).
Photon counts per second by injection group (control = no injection, Tumour = melanoma cells injected, UV = ultraviolet irradiated melanoma cells injected) and time from injection day. Means and SEMs presented. (** = p < 0.05, ns = not significantly different).


Ultraweak Photon Emissions as a Non-Invasive, Early-Malignancy Detection Tool: An In Vitro and In Vivo Study
  • Article
  • Full-text available

April 2020


255 Reads


14 Citations


Michael A. Persinger


Lukasz M. Karbowski


Early detection of cancer improves treatment options and increases survival. Building upon previous demonstrations that ultraweak photon emissions (UPE) could be measured to detect cancers, we designed an early detection protocol to test malignancy in both in vitro and in vivo systems. Photons were measured for 100 s from plates containing ~1 million malignant or non-malignant cells from 13 different types of human and mouse cell lines. Tumor cells displayed increased photon emissions compared to non-malignant cells. Examining the standardized Spectral Power Density (SPD) configurations for flux densities between 0.1 and 25 Hz (Δf = 0.01 Hz) yielded 90% discriminant accuracy. The emission profiles of mice that had been injected with melanoma cells could be differentiated from a non-malignant reference groups as early as 24 h post-injection. The peak SPD associated with photon emissions was ~20 Hz for both malignant cell cultures and mice with growing tumors. These results extend the original suggestion by Takeda and his colleagues (2004) published in this journal concerning the potential diagnostic value of UPEs for assessing proliferations of carcinoma cells. The specificity of the spectral profile in the 20 Hz range may be relevant to the consistent efficacy reported by several authors that weak magnetic field pulsations within this frequency range can diminish the growth of malignant cells in culture and tumor weights in mice.


Figure 1. Thomas pattern, modeled after chirp features of a communication system.
Figure 2. A picture of the t-maze that was used for this experiment. It was created by filling a plastic dish with paraffin wax and molding the "T" shape into this. During testing it was filled with ~ 7 mL of President's Choice spring water.
Figure 3. Drawing of the t-maze and the layout of all the arms. The electrodes were placed at Line B, in either Arm 1 or Arm 2. The planaria were placed in the bottom of the starting arm and allowed to roam free for 5 min. The arms that they visited and the time for them to cross Line C.
Sensitivity of Planaria to Weak, Patterned Electric Current and the Subsequent Correlative Interactions with Fluctuations in the Intensity of the Magnetic Field of Earth

February 2020


146 Reads

J — Multidisciplinary Scientific Journal

Some species of fish show highly evolved mechanisms by which they can detect exogenous electric and magnetic fields. The detection of electromagnetic fields has been hypothesized to exist in humans, despite the lack of specialized sensors. In this experiment, planaria were tested in a t-maze with weak electric current pulsed in one arm to determine if the planaria showed any indication of being able to detect it. It was found that a small proportion of the population seemed to be attracted to this current. Additionally, if the experiment was preceded by a geomagnetic storm, the planaria showed a linear correlation increase in the variability of their movement in response to the presence of the weak electric field. Both of these results indicate that a subpopulation of planaria show some ability to respond to electromagnetic fields.

Seed Germination and Their Photon Emission Profile Following Exposure to a Rotating Magnetic Field

January 2019


455 Reads

Open Journal of Biophysics

A multitude of experiments have applied magnetic fields to plants or seeds and found a variety of different and sometimes contradicting results. A magnetic field generating device called the Chrysalis resonator has been shown to influence the brain activity of human participants, the photon emissions from bacteria, mammalian cell cultures and water. In this experiment sunflower seeds (Helianthus annus) were allowed to begin germination and then exposed to either the field generated by the Chrysalis resonator or a sham condition. Their growth and photon emissions were taken over the next 5 days. It was found that the seeds showed less germination 48 hours after exposure and significantly higher photon emissions when 3 seeds were measured together in a dish, but not if 2 seeds or 1 seed were measured. There were no significant differences in the photon measurements from the water the seeds were germinating in. These results may indicate that the seeds became more sensitive to the presence of neighbouring seeds. The photon emissions results were also significantly impacted by external weather conditions.

Bacterial biophotons as non‐local information carriers: Species‐specific spectral characteristics of a stress response

October 2018


495 Reads


11 Citations

Studies by Alexander Gurwitsch in the 1920' s with onion root cells revealed the phenomenon of mitogenetic radiation. Subsequent works by Popp, Van Wijk, Quickenden, Tillbury, and Trushin have demonstrated a link between Gurwitsch's mitogenetic radiation and the biophoton, emissions of light correlated with biological processes. The present study seeks to expand upon these and other works to explore whether biophoton emissions of bacterial cultures is used as an information carrier of environmental stress. Bacterial cultures (Escherichia coli and Serratia marcescens) were incubated for 24 hr in 5 ml of nutrient broth to stationary phase and cell densities of ~107 cells/mL. Cultures of E. coli were placed upon a photomultiplier tube housed within a dark box. A second bacterial culture, either E. coli or S. marcescens, was placed in an identical dark box at a distance of 5 m and received injections of hydrogen peroxide. Spectral analyses revealed significant differences in peak frequencies of 7.2, 10.1, and 24.9 Hz in the amplitude modulation of the emitted biophoton signal with respect to whether a peroxide injection occurred or not, and whether the species receiving the injection was E. coli or S. marcescens. These and the subsequent results of discriminant functions suggest that bacteria may release biophotons as a non‐local communication system in response to stress, and that these biophotons are species specific. Two cultures of bacteria were placed in dark boxes 5 m apart, and one culture received injections of hydrogen peroxide while the other was recorded for biophoton emissions. We show that the emissions recorded differ in character from baseline measures, or those when there is no injection present. These data suggest bacteria communicate non‐locally.

MicroVolt Variations of The Human Brain (Quantitative Electroencephalography) Display Differential Torque Effects During West-East versus North-South Orientation in the Geomagnetic Field

August 2016


235 Reads


1 Citation


         The human brain was assumed to be an elliptical electric dipole. Repeated quantitative electroencephalographic measurements over several weeks were completed for a single subject who sat in either a magnetic eastward or magnetic southward direction. The predicted potential difference equivalence for the torque while facing perpendicular (west-to-east) to the northward component of the geomagnetic field (relative to facing south) was 4 μV. The actual measurement was 10 μV. The oscillation frequency around the central equilibrium based upon the summed units of neuronal processes within the cerebral cortices for the moment of inertia was 1 to 2 ms which are the boundaries for the action potential of axons and the latencies for diffusion of neurotransmitters. The calculated additional energy available to each neuron within the human cerebrum during the torque condition was ~10-20 J which is the same order of magnitude as the energy associated with action potentials, resting membrane potentials, and ligand-receptor binding. It is also the basic energy at the level of the neuronal cell membrane that originates from gravitational forces upon a single cell and the local expression of the uniaxial magnetic anisotropic constant for ferritin which occurs in the brain. These results indicate that the more complex electrophysiological functions that are strongly correlated with cognitive and related human properties can be described by basic physics and may respond to specific geomagnetic spatial orientation.

Detection of Transient 1.42 GHz (Hydrogen Line) Bursts From the Human Brain-Body During Specific Angular Velocities

July 2016


86 Reads


Basic physical principles should be reflected at the macro- and micro-levels. The 1.42 GHz neutral hydrogen lineis a primary signature of the universe but has also been measured over large bodies of water. Pursuant to ourcalculations indicating that the human brain contained sufficient proton-electron pairs to be conducive to photon fluxdensities of ~10-13 to 10-11 W·m-2 for this phenomenon, we designed an experiment to measure the 1.42 GHz emission.When human subjects who were sitting within a very shielded chamber moved towards and away at angular velocities ofabout 4 m per s to within 21 cm of a sensitive Yagi antenna-sensor system connected to a RF field strength analyzerhighly reliable discrete (~250 ms) bursts were detected for the hydrogen line. Static positions near the antenna did notproduce this configuration. Quantification indicated that angular momentum of each electron within the peripheral extent ofthe moment of inertia of the moving mass (the subject’s head) multiplied by the hydrogen line frequency would have beenequivalent to ~10-12 W·m-2. If this universal frequency is generated by specific angular momentum of the human head with respect to the coccyx (fulcrum), then the potential interaction between cerebral electromagnetic phenomena and moreuniversal energies might be re-evaluated.

The Product of the Calculated Impedance and the Capacitance of the Universe Solves for Planck’s Time and 8Ï

July 2016


73 Reads


2 Citations


The prominence of 8π in cosmological solutions regarding the structure of space might be accommodated by factors other than the presence of mass. When the total set is considered a LC (inductance-capacitance) circuit, the “time constant” differs from Planck’s time by a factor of 8π which satisfies the numbers of turns (N) within the geometry of a universal solenoid. The calculated separation between two concentric spherical Casimir boundaries whose energies and pressures define the current universe is ~54 μm. If the volume of the universe was held constant the linear distance of this extraordinarily flat space would require the hypothetical entanglement velocity (~1023 m·s-1) continuing until the final epoch (~1018 s) of the universe to be integrated into a singular entity. We suggest that 8π may be a reflection of the temporal properties of an implicit solenoid-like spatial structure that will ultimately be manifested quite differently as the temporal boundary of the universe is approached. Two perspectives emerge. The first reflects the topological properties of a line that become the second derivative of the surface of a sphere. The second is the shape would be extraordinarily flat.

The Aharanov-Bohm Phase Shift and Magnetic Vector Potential “A” Could Accommodate for Optical Coupler, Digital-to-Analogue Magnetic Field Excess Correlations of Photon Emissions Within Living Aqueous Systems

April 2016


126 Reads


3 Citations


Quantitative convergence for solutions involving electron drift velocity, the magnetic A vector and phase shifts reveal an increment of energy in the range of 10-20 J that could relate the Aharanov-Bohm phase modulation of the orbital frequency of a Bohr atom to the electron’s Compton wavelength. The universal persistence of 10-12 W per m2 whose energy applied the square of the hydrogen wavelength solves for the energy equivalence of the rest mass of an electron could set the conditions for excess correlations between electronic systems that produce magnetic fields through optocouplers. Experimental evidence and quantitative solutions indicate variations of the Lorentz Lemma and circularly rotating magnetic fields whose phase and group velocities are uncoupled could create the conditions for excess correlations. Modification of Basharov’s operator of resonance interaction for decoherence and entanglement in the radioactive decay of a diatomic system and Das and Misra’s estimates for the fractal charge of a photon strongly suggests that the efficacy for optocoupler circuits to generate non-local magnetic field effects in living and non-living aqueous systems originates from a single photon wave across the circuit’s p-n junctions. A review of the concepts and data indicate that excess correlations involving photons under optimal conditions are measureable within macrosystems

Figure 1. Exposure device within which a stack of 6 cell culture plates were placed. Each white cylinder contained the "solenoid" or reed switch. The fields were generated between opponent pairs of solenoids in each of the three spatial planes through a custom circuit composed of optocouplers, tyristors, Tirac switches and light emitting diodes. The optimal pre-optocoupler voltage predicted by the Aharanov-Bohm effect generated the largest cell effects.
Experimental Demonstration That Aharanov-Bohm Phase Shift Voltages In Optical Coupler Circuits of Tuned Patterned Magnetic Fields Is Critical for Inhibition of Malignant Cell Growth

April 2016


132 Reads


1 Citation


         The physical processes by which specific point duration magnetic fields affect aberrant expressions of living matter may involve non-classical mechanisms. The Aharanov-Bohm voltage for a quantum of energy that is convergent with the quotient of the proton’s magnetic moment to its charge multiplied by the viscosity of water at homeostatic temperatures applied across the distance of O-H bonds in conjunction with its phase modulation is about ±4.3 V. Application of frequency shifting, temporally-patterned magnetic fields produced by 3 ms point durations at average intensities of ~28 mG (that are equivalent to Nernst thresholds for plasma membranes) generated through optocoupler light emitting diodes produced the strongest inhibition of malignant cells growth when the pre-coupler value for the circuit maintenance was ±4.3 V compared to increments of voltage below or above this value. Spatial expansion of the effective zone for growth diminishment also occurred with this pre-voltage level. These results indicate that phase modulation of the electrons mediating cellular molecular pathways may be central to the etiology and potential treatment of malignant cells but not  for normal cells’ dynamics. Consideration of quantum effects rather than classical electromagnetic theory may be a more effective strategy for impeding the physical bases for the molecular pathways that define malignant cells.

Spontaneous Photon Emissions in Photoreceptors: Potential Convergence of Arrhenius Reactions and the Latency for Rest Mass Photons to Accelerate to Planck Unit Energies

April 2016


76 Reads


4 Citations


         Spontaneous or phasic voltage shifts normally occur across the plasma membranes of photoreceptors without impingement from external photons on average once every ~38 s (26 mHz). There have been arguments that all living cells spontaneously exhibit Bokkon-type ~10-12 W·m-2 ultraweak photon emissions (UPE) independent of temperature-based Arrhenius reactions. However the non-Gaussian distribution of the phasic voltage-photon events can be accommodated by the results of accelerating mass equivalents of resting photons into the time frame of single electron orbits which would require ~38 s. This condition is strongly dependent upon the presence of free protons within Pollack’s interfacial water states. The duration associated with the energy from the magnetic moment of a proton in a 1 nT magnetic field generated by 2 pA currents through channels across the membrane when divided into Planck’s constant is ~38 s. Second shell activation energies (~10-20 J) that are correlated with proton movements within a human photoreceptor’s volume of water result in a rate constant that is equivalent to energy within the range of Cosmic Microwave Background. One solution to accommodate the median emission of ~2·10-12 W·m-2 as a mass volume within a cell, the equivalent magnetic field strength of 1 nT, the interconnected 10-20 J and the diffusivity coupled to the hydrogen line suggests UPE may be reverse reactions from all living mass originating as Popp’s primordial solar photon energy. If these convergence solutions are valid then non-local photon formation would be the source of these spontaneous shifts in photoreceptors that would be mediated by a plethora of local physical chemical manifestations.

Citations (10)

... It was found that there are transient periods of "harmonic synchrony" that occur when calculating interchannel coherence between ultra-low-frequency magnetic activity originating in the environment and the caudal RMS signal that is received from the brain. These periods of harmonic synchrony have a duration of approximately 200-300 ms, and they are a phenomenon of simultaneous coherence in the ranges of 7-8, 13-14 and 19-20 Hz [109,110]. It should be noted that a significant scientific contribution to the study of the influence of Schumann resonances on the human brain was made by scientists from Laurentian University (Canada). ...


Schumann Resonances and the Human Body: Questions About Interactions, Problems and Prospects
Quantitative Evidence for Direct Effects between Earth-Ionosphere Schumann Resonances and Human Cerebral Cortical Activity

International Letters of Chemistry Physics and Astronomy

... These excited molecules emit photons across distinct ranges of the electromagnetic spectrum, from the near-ultraviolet and blue-green regions to the infrared regions ( Figure 3) [83][84][85][86][87]. Studies have shown that malignant cells emit higher levels of UPEs compared to non-malignant cells, which allows differentiation between cancerous and healthy tissues. The spectral power density analysis of UPEs from both human and mouse cell lines was able to distinguish between cancerous and non-cancerous cells with around 90% accuracy [88]. One of the factors in this may be the increased production of ROS by cancer cells [89]. ...

Ultraweak Photon Emissions as a Non-Invasive, Early-Malignancy Detection Tool: An In Vitro and In Vivo Study

... The solution is within about 12% of 8π. Recently we have shown that the relationship between the impedance and capacitance of the universe as a single unit results in Planck's time and 8π as an implicit geometry that represents the numbers of "turns" or a process that shares variance with inductance [12]. ...

The Product of the Calculated Impedance and the Capacitance of the Universe Solves for Planck’s Time and 8Ï


... Popp [7] extended this concept and suggested that since all energy that presently composed living systems originated from the sun, "virtual" photons might be stored within every cell. Persinger [8] showed quantitatively that the ubiquitous approximately 10 -12 W·m -2 of photon flux density emitted by living systems was consistent with a fraction of spontaneous 're-emission' of the accumulation of solar photon energy since Life evolved. Trushin [9] Fels [10] and Bajpai et al. [11] have argued that these photon emissions from cells and bacteria may reflect the fundamental method of information transfer. ...

Spontaneous Photon Emissions in Photoreceptors: Potential Convergence of Arrhenius Reactions and the Latency for Rest Mass Photons to Accelerate to Planck Unit Energies


... It diminishes the growth of only cancer cells without adversely affecting normal cells. Several experimenters [1][2][3][4], employing different equipment and magnetic field patterns, have demonstrated reliable and consistent reduction (~50%) in growth within malignant cell cultures. If this technology is to be employed as a substitute for traditional methods then the variables that interfere with its beneficial effects should be isolated and described before routine treatment begins. ...

Experimental Demonstration That Aharanov-Bohm Phase Shift Voltages In Optical Coupler Circuits of Tuned Patterned Magnetic Fields Is Critical for Inhibition of Malignant Cell Growth


... As calculated by Del Giudice et al [39] quantum-related coherence domains in the order of 100 nm can "trap" electromagnetic fields which produce a magnetic A vector in surrounding space. This indicates that the phase of a system could exhibit the Bohm-Aharanov effect [40]. The most common frequency of the matter in coherent domains and electromagnetic fields is 0.26 eV or 10 -20 J. ...

The Aharanov-Bohm Phase Shift and Magnetic Vector Potential “A” Could Accommodate for Optical Coupler, Digital-to-Analogue Magnetic Field Excess Correlations of Photon Emissions Within Living Aqueous Systems


... The ~10 23 m·s -1 value relates the rest mass of the graviton and the rest mass of the photon [31] as intersecting phenomena that may only differ by the proportion of involvement of the entanglement velocity. The product of the upper boundary for the rest mass of a photon (2·10 -52 kg, the velocity of light (3·10 8 m·s -1 ) and the entanglement velocity (2.8·10 23 m·s -1 ) is 1.7·10 -20 J. On the other hand the product of the upper boundary of a graviton is ~2·10 -65 kg. ...

The Graviton: An Emergent Solution From The Equivalence of Universal Magnetic Field Intensity and Radiant Flux Density


... Recently, biophotons are also revealing their ability to be used in noninvasive methods for research in biology from applications in toxicology [14] to human health monitoring [15] as well as identification and treatment of diseases, especially cancer [16]. ...

Bacterial biophotons as non‐local information carriers: Species‐specific spectral characteristics of a stress response

... Autoantibodies were profiled from mouse serum with a custom antigen microarray, as described by Chruscinski et al. [35]. Briefly, antigens were spotted in duplicate onto nitrocellulose coated slides (Maine Manufacturing, Sanford, ME, USA) using a VersArray Chipwriter Pro (Virtek, ON, Canada). ...

Generation of Antigen Microarrays to Screen for Autoantibodies in Heart Failure and Heart Transplantation
Andrzej Chruscinski


Flora Y. Y. Huang


Albert Nguyen




Heather J. Ross

... This value divided by the total number of Planck's voxels in the total volume of the universe (10 78 m 3 per universe divided by 10 -105 m 3 per Planck's voxel) results in ~10 -19 N. When applied across the most common wavelength (space) in the total set, the hydrogen wavelength (0.21 m), the product results in ~2·10 -20 J. This could be considered a ubiquitous "space-time" energy that interconnects the structure of space-time [9]. It is also the most common solution for the dynamics within the physical-chemical bases to living systems [10]. ...

A NeuroQuantologic Approach to How Human Thought Might Affect the Universe
