August 2024
8 Reads
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August 2024
8 Reads
July 2024
12 Reads
Perbanas Journal of Islamic Economics and Business
Dalam era revolusi industri 4.0, pengembangan Halal Travel Agency menjadi penting sebagai respons terhadap perubahan teknologi dan kebutuhan konsumen. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi strategi pengembangan Halal Travel Agency menuju konsep teknososiopreneurship dalam menghadapi revolusi industri 4.0. Bisnis Halal Travel Agency mengalami dampak signifikan dari perubahan industri, terutama dalam hal digitalisasi dan konsep teknososiopreneurship. Mengubah mindset korporat menjadi krusial dalam menyesuaikan dengan perkembangan tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menawarkan strategi yang konkret dan berbasis bukti untuk mengubah mindset korporat Halal Travel Agency dalam menyambut revolusi industri 4.0, dengan fokus pada promosi dan edukasi yang lebih intensif mengenai konsep Halal Travel serta analisis kesenjangan dalam pola pengelolaan perusahaan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan fenomenologi dengan mengekplorasi dan memahami makna yang oleh sejumlah individu atau sekelompok orang dianggap berasal dari masalah sosial atau kemanusiaan. Hasil dari penelitian ini bahwa strategi yang diusulkan meliputi penekanan pada promosi dan edukasi yang lebih gencar tentang konsep Halal Travel, serta analisis kesenjangan dari pola pengelolaan perusahaan. Langkah-langkah konkret termasuk pemahaman konsep Halal Travel, persiapan sumber daya, edukasi, implementasi sistem baru, kolaborasi dengan komunitas sejenis, dan modernisasi dalam konteks religiusitas dan esensi bisnis.
January 2024
37 Reads
1 Citation
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews
The aim of this research is to identify the potential of the creative economy in depth and formulate a model for strengthening the creative economy that can increase the attractiveness of tourism in rural areas. This research uses qualitative methods with a participatory action research approach. Data was collected through observation, structured interviews, and triangulation to obtain comprehensive information. The research results show that the villages that are the focus of the research have a variety of potential creative economic activities that can be a mainstay in supporting tourism activities. Support from tourism stakeholders is an important factor in strengthening creative economic activities in village areas. Thus, this research provides an in-depth view of the potential of the creative economy in rural areas and formulates a strengthening model that can increase tourism attractiveness and have a positive impact on the welfare of local communities.
October 2022
31 Reads
2 Citations
Perisai Islamic Banking and Finance Journal
Human resources are the main support system for managing tourist villages. The main support system should be managed well. Managing human resources can reflected by empowering them to develop new skills based on their need to elaborate on the region’s potency. The region potency consists of culture, tourism place, and heritage. The aim of the research is to know about the correlation between empowerment and human resources in Ranu Pani Tourist Village and Sanan Tourist Village. This study used quantitative research. The data was collected using questionnaire. Data analysis was performed using descriptive, quantitative data. The result of this research is that the test distribution is normal by 0.871. The data were normal with a significance level of 0.55. The distribution number was greater than or greater than the significance number. The second was about ANOVA test. Based on ANOVA, the result was F= 56.245. This mean that there was a significant correlation between empowerment and human resources. Empowerment does influence human resources and human resources may influence empowerment. Even though there is significant correlation between empowerment and human resources, empowerment is still important for people particularly around village tourists. Society will be change quickly, and they need readiness to face the fast changing. Fast changing and society reflecting where does they live. Empowerment includes developing skills, abilities, knowledge and competency that need to be advanced around tourist villages. Human resources are the success or failure of tourist.
August 2022
90 Reads
4 Citations
Jurnal Pengembangan Wiraswasta
Tinjauan konseptual ini untuk mengeksplorasi peluang bisnis inovatif di industri wisata halal. Hasil temuan menunjukkan bahwa pariwisata halal memberikan prospek baru. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan melakukan penilaian kritis dalam literatur pariwisata halal untuk mengeksplorasi peluang pemasaran inovatif bagi pengusaha. Studi ini memberikan kontribusi teoretis dan praktis baru dalam pariwisata halal dan kewirausahaan halal. Terobosan baru pariwisata halal terkait dengan platform digital dan tekologi baru yaitu virtual reality (VR) dan augmented reality (AR). Pengembangan dapat dilakukan melalui pemanfaatan platform digital, menjadikan milenial dan muslim wanita sebagai pasar sasaran, pengembangan kuliner halal dan penyediaan virtual reality dan augment reality tentang destinasi pariwisata halal.This conceptual review is to explore innovative business opportunities in the halal tourism industry. The findings show that halal tourism provides new prospects. The approach used in this study is to conduct a critical assessment in the halal tourism literature to explore innovative marketing opportunities for entrepreneurs. This study makes a new theoretical and practical contribution in halal tourism and halal entrepreneurship. The new breakthrough of halal tourism is related to new digital and technological platforms, namely virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR). Development can be done through the use of digital platforms, making millennials and Muslim women as target markets, developing halal culinary and providing virtual reality and augment reality about halal tourism destinations.
June 2021
68 Reads
3 Citations
Jurnal Pengembangan Wiraswasta
Era globalisasi dan teknologi berkontribusi terhadap bisnis pariwisata melampaui ekspor minyak, produk makanan sekaligus merupakan salah satu sumber pendapatan utama bagi banyak negara berkembang. Di bidang pelayanan, kekhasan pariwisata menampilkan dirinya sebagai industri utama untuk penggunaan dan inovasi teknologi. Tetapi di balik pertumbuhannya, muncul pula risiko iklim yang datang tanpa kompromi. Gempa Lombok merupakan awal dari rangkaian Gempa Lombok 2018 yang dipicu oleh aktivitas sesar naik di utara Lombok . Hal ini menelan banyak korban jiwa dan lebih dari 10.000 bangunan rusak. Berita kehancuran dan memukul pariwisata Lombok serta meneror wisatawan dalam merencanakan wisata ke Lombok, dengan cepat menyiarkan kabar hingga ke manca negara. Dampak ekonomi dari gempa, kerusakan hingga kerugian yang dialami pelaku usaha pariwisata dan pemulihan citra destinasi,membutuhkan pemulihan hinga bertahun-tahun. Makalah ini bermaksud untuk memperdalam kerusakan yang terjadi pada pulau Lombok, dengan menyarankan beberapa tindakan yang dapat meminimalkan efek dari bencana untuk menarik Kembali minat wisatawan sehingga memulihkan perekonomian Indonesia.Kata kunci: Manajemen krisis; Krisis Keselamatan dan Keamanan; Image Destinasi ABSTRACT The era of globalization and technology has contributed to the tourism business beyond the export of oil, food products and is one of the main sources of income for many developing countries. In the service sector, the specialty of tourism presents itself as a major industry for the use and innovation of technology. But behind its growth, there are also climate risks that come without compromise. The Lombok Earthquake was the beginning of the 2018 Lombok Earthquake series which was triggered by an upswing activity in the north of Lombok. This claimed many lives and damaged more than 10,000 buildings. News of the destruction and hit Lombok tourism as well as terrorizing tourists in planning tours to Lombok, quickly spread the news to foreign countries. The economic impact of the earthquake, the damage to the losses suffered by tourism business actors and the restoration of the image of the destination, requires years of recovery. This paper intends to deepen the damage done to the island of Lombok, by suggesting some actions that can minimize the effects of the disaster in order to re-attract tourists and thus restore the Indonesian economy.Keywords: Crisis management; Safety and Security Crisis; Destination Image
May 2021
52 Reads
1 Citation
Media Mahardhika
Masalah kemiskinan menjadi fokus pemerintah setiap tahunnya. Dan menjadi topik utama dalam negara dengan penduduk padat seperti Indonesia. Pengentasan kemiskinan dewasa ini selain dimainkan oleh pemerintah juga digerakkan oleh lembaga amal. Sementara kewirausahaan sebagai salah satu organisasi yang membantu pengentasan kemiskinan, menjadi ketertarikan penulis dalam penelitian ini. Penelitian ini mengeksplorasi hubungan antara pengentasan kemiskinan dan kewirausahaan dengan memperluas pemahaman-mekanisme di mana proses kewirausahaan berkontribusi pada pengentasan kemiskinan di wilayah Indonesia.
January 2021
42 Reads
September 2020
5 Reads
11 Citations
Media Mahardhika
This paper discusses the issue of developing halal food and its role in halal tourism in Indonesia to be more competitive with other Muslim countries. This study aims to explore the role of government and the Muslim community in general in the development of halal food and tourism in Indonesia. The research method used is descriptive qualitative literature review. Based on the results of the analysis obtained the hypothesis that the role of government in the application of halal certification is very influential on the level of consumptive tourists. Indonesia with a Muslim majority population must be able to become a halal industry producer which is currently still dominated by countries with Muslim minorities such as Australia, New Zealand, Brazil and even small countries like Singapore. Examining government regulations related to tourism and halal food will provide enlightenment on the importance of stretching halal tourism destinations with halal food offerings in Indonesia.
February 2020
71 Reads
International Journal of Scientific Research and Management (IJSRM)
In order to maintain the existence of the business, it always creates and implements various marketing strategies to maintain and maintain business operations in the midst of fierce business competition. All businesses have competition so this makes the company must have a strategy to be able to excel in competition. Companies must be able to know how to retain their customers so as not to turn to competitors. Especially in the field of coffee drinks business which is currently being rife in Surabaya. This research uses a Quantitative Approach is a research approach that uses data in the form of figures from survey answers distributed to research samples and analyzed using statistical analysis techniques. The partial regression results (t-test) showed the results of the brand image proved to have a significant effect on the decision to purchase coffee drinks at Janji Jiwa Royal Plaza Surabaya. Value is proven to have a significant effect on coffee beverage purchase decisions at Janji Jiwa Royal Surabaya. Simultaneous regression analysis (F-test) proved to have a significant effect on brand image and value on coffee beverage purchase decisions at Janji Jiwa Royal Surabaya.
... Penelitian potensi ekonomi desa telah mengidentifikasi berbagai faktor dan strategi pembangunan. Putranto & Kusumaningtyas (2024) menyoroti potensi ekonomi kreatif dan peran Badan Usaha Milik Desa (BUMDes) dalam mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi (Sugiono et al., 2020) menekankan pentingnya memahami dan memanfaatkan potensi ekonomi spesifik setiap desa, dan Husaeni (2017) menyoroti peran infrastruktur dan kelompok tani. Sektor pendukung lainnya seperti perdagangan, jasa, pariwisata, dan industri kreatif lainnya juga muncul di perdesaan. ...
January 2024
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews
... Education-related initiatives seek to empower human resources by offering chances for skill and knowledge enhancement through training and development (Kusumaningtyas et al., 2022). In a similar vein, the tourism sector aims to highlight the country's rich cultural legacy, which supports sustainable tourism and benefits the local people (SERYAST, 2017). ...
October 2022
Perisai Islamic Banking and Finance Journal
... Augmented Reality (AR) dan Virtual Reality (VR) merupakan teknologi yang semakin berkembang dan memberikan banyak peluang bisnis. Salah satu peluang bisnis dari AR dan VR adalah dalam bidang pariwisata, dimana pengembangan aplikasi AR dan VR dapat membantu mempromosikan destinasi pariwisata dan memberikan pengalaman yang lebih interaktif bagi pengunjung (Kusumaningtyas et al., 2022). Selain itu, AR dan VR juga dapat digunakan dalam bidang pendidikan, dimana pengembangan aplikasi AR dan VR dapat membantu meningkatkan efektivitas pembelajaran dan memberikan pengalaman belajar yang lebih interaktif (Sugiarni et al., 2022). ...
August 2022
Jurnal Pengembangan Wiraswasta
... Allah SWT menciptakan seisi bumi lengkap agar manusia dapat memilih dan tidak mengikuti langkah-langkah syaitan yang selalu menggoda manusia untuk mengikutinya. Makanan halal kaitannya sangat erat dengan segala aspek kebutuhan umat muslim sehingga perkembangannya tumbuh mencuat kepermukaan secara signifikan (Kusumaningtyas & Lestari, 2020). Aspek penting yang perlu diperhatikan dalam menkonsumsi makanan halal harus sesuai dengan standar kesehatan yang memiliki sertifikasi halal dibawah Lembaga Pengawasan Pangan Obat dan Makanan Majelis Ulama Indonesia. ...
September 2020
Media Mahardhika
... Not including from my ummah (people) those who were sleeping while his neighbor sleeps in hunger (Kusumaningtyas & Putranto, 2020). Companies in Islamic economies can pay Zakat to carry out a CSR program, which helps the firm achieves its objectives and increase its market value (Al-Malkawi & Javaid, 2018; Lestari, 2018). ...
January 2020