Meilizar Meilizar’s scientific contributions

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Publications (7)

Agroindustri Santan Kelapa di Sumatera Barat: Identifikasi Faktor Berpengaruh untuk Peningkatan Daya Saing
  • Article
  • Full-text available

December 2024


2 Reads


Meilizar Meilizar



Santosa Santosa


Pengembangan agroindustri santan kelapa memiliki potensi dalam mendorong eskalasi ekonomi, meningkatkan penghasilan masyarakat, memfasilitasi penyerapan tenaga kerja, mendorong pembangunan yang adil dan mempercepat kemajuan daerah. Usaha pengolahan santan kelapa di Sumatera Barat umumnya masih skala usaha rumah tangga dengan proses produksi sederhana, teknologi tradisional, mutu santan kelapa yang belum standar dan akses pasar yang terbatas. Tujuan riset ini adalah mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor berpengaruh pada pengembangan agroindustri santan kelapa dengan pendekatan kuantitatif menggunakan metode Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (FAHP). Faktor-faktor ini dapat menjadi pedoman bagi pemerintah dan pihak terkait dalam merencanakan strategi kebijakan yang berkaitan dengan pengembangan dan pertumbuhan agroindustri santan kelapa. Penelitian ini menerapkan prosedur yang dimulai dari pembuatan struktur hierarki, penyusunan kuisioner, pembuatan matrik perbandingan fuzzy, dan penentuan jumlah bobot prioritas. Penelitian ini melibatkan informan kunci yang terdiri dari praktisi industri, akademisi dan tenaga ahli dari pemerintahan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh sebelas faktor-faktor berpengaruh pada pengembangan agroindustri santan kelapa yang terbagi atas tiga kelompok, yaitu: (i) kelompok A, merupakan faktor-faktor yang memerlukan tingkat pengawasan yang sangat ketat (extremely), terdiri dari faktor pendapatan (15,5 %), faktor harga (14,8 %), faktor pasar (14,5%), faktor bahan baku (11,9 %), faktor produktivitas (9 %) dan faktor kualitas (8,1 %), (ii) kelompok B, merupakan faktor-faktor yang memerlukan tingkat pengawasan ketat (strongly), terdiri dari faktor teknologi (8 %), faktor transportasi (7,8 %) dan faktor tenaga kerja (4,2 %), (iii) kelompok C, merupakan faktor-faktor yang memerlukan tingkat pengawasan sedang (moderately), terdiri dari faktor limbah produksi (4,3 %) dan faktor regulasi (1,9 %).


Fig. 1. Soft-System Methodology Framework.
Fig. 2. The stages of research
Fig. 3. Rich picture conceptual model of the coconut milk supply chain.
Fig. 4. Causal Loop Diagram . The conceptual model of raw material supply is built on the partnership between the coconut milk agroindustry and coconut farmers. Coconut farmers provide coconuts as raw material for milk production. Raw materials are a critical aspect of the production process because it cannot proceed without raw materials. In the raw-material supply model, the extent of coconut plantations has a positive impact on coconut milk production. The extent of coconut plantations, measured in hectares (ha), correlates positively with coconut production. Coconut productivity, calculated in tons per hectare (ton/ha), also had a positive influence on coconut production. A higher coconut productivity results in an increase in coconut production. This heightened coconut production in turn affects the increase in coconut milk production.
SSM implementation on the conceptual model of the agroindustry.


Supply Chain Conceptual Model to Optimize a Local Food Agroindustry from the Coconut Milk Processing

December 2024


27 Reads

Journal of Applied Engineering and Technological Science (JAETS)

This study uses a soft system methodology to examine the coconut milk supply chain, which supports the local food agro-industry, particularly for rendang products. It aims to develop a fundamental concept to optimize this supply chain. The proposed method is effective for addressing complex, multi-stakeholder problems. Using systems thinking, real-world system behaviour is converted into a conceptual model, facilitating decision-making through customer, actor, transformation, worldview, owner, and environment components. The findings include a conceptual model translated into a causal loop diagram, part of a dynamic systems approach, which shows the interconnections and feedbacks among variables in the supply chain, such as raw material supply, logistics costs, production volume, and distribution costs. This stage identifies stakeholders and systematically illustrates the relationships in managing the flow of goods. It provides a basis for designing a supply chain network aligned with local government policies for developing the coconut milk agro-industry. It aims to optimize the local food industry, particularly rendang, in West Sumatra province. After creating the conceptual model, gap analysis and validation were conducted, comparing the model with real-world insights from stakeholders, including coconut farmers, producers, rendang manufacturers, academic institutions, and local governments. Validation focused on efficiency, efficacy, and effectiveness. The results demonstrate the foundational idea for designing the coconut milk agro-industry supply chain network to support local food products, as depicted in the causal loop diagram.

Pelatihan Pengemasan, Pelabelan dan Digital Marketing Produk Black Garlic di Kota Payakumbuh Sumatera Barat

October 2023


9 Reads

Journal of Industrial Community Empowerment

Lisa Nesti


Meilizar Meilizar


Firdaus Jamsan




Reni Sutri

Payakumbuh City, is one of the centres of garlic production in West Sumatra. In the city, an industry has been established for the manufacture and marketing of health products, one of them is fermented garlic (black garlic). The lack of knowledge, technology, attention from the government and related parties is an obstacle for the community to develop this business. After this community service activity, it is hoped that they can improve and develop their black garlic product through packaging, labelling and digital marketing. The method of implementing this activity is done by providing material and demonstration of packaging, labelling and digital marketing of black garlic products. This activity was accompanied by instructors (lecturers) and continued with practice by participants. The output that has been achieved is that the community understands the technology of packaging and labelling of black garlic products which have added value in order to compete widely.

Strategi Pengembangan Agroindustri Santan Kelapa

October 2023


501 Reads


1 Citation

Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian

Kelapa menjadi produk unggulan dan banyak dibudidayakan di Wilayah Padang Pariaman. Kemajuan agroindustri kelapa diprediksi memiliki kemampuan untuk meningkatkan motivasi petani dan efisiensi budidaya kelapa, sehingga merangsang perluasan industsri pedesaan. Tujuan penelitian adalah merumuskan strategi pengembangan agroindustri santan kelapa yang dirancang dengan pendekatan sistem melalui integrasi sub sistem usaha tani kelapa dan sub sistem pengolahan kelapa untuk memaksimalkan keuntungan usaha tani kelapa dan menjamin pemenuhan kapasitas produksi agroindustri santan kelapa untuk mendukung industri produk pangan lokal. Penelitian ini berupaya untuk melakukan serangkaian tahapan yang melibatkan petani kelapa dan pelaku agroindustri santan di Padang Pariaman, pengisian kuisioner pleh pakar, analisis SWOT untuk mengidentifikasi dan menghitung bobot IFE dan EFE agroindustri santan kelapa, dan identifikasi strategi pengembangan agroindustri santan kelapa melalui penerapan AHP. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh strategi pengembangan agroindustri santan kelapa melalui integrasi horizontal dengan cara mendirikan agroindustri santan kelapa yang terintegrasi dengan petani sebagai pemasok kelapa butiran untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pasokan santan kelapa berkualitas bagi industri produk pangan lokal dapat terwujud.

Pelatihan Pembuatan, Pengemasan, Pelabelan dan Digital Marketing Produk Turunan Minyak Atsiri di Desa Batu Sandaran

October 2022


35 Reads

Journal of Industrial Community Empowerment

Balai Batu Sandaran Village, which is included in the administrative area of Barangin District, Sawahlunto City, West Sumatra, is one of the centers for citronella oil production in West Sumatra. In this village, a citronella oil refining industry has been established. The establishment of a citronella oil refining industry is one way that can be done so that existing citronella can be processed into essential oils. Mekar Wangi is one of the SMEs that uses essential oils as an additional ingredient in the household cleaning products they produce. The obstacles faced by Mekar Wangi in developing their business are the absence of PIRT, inadequate packaging, and difficulty in marketing. It only operates when there is an order. Through this activity, it is expected that Mekar Wangi will understand techniques to make attractive packaging and labeling so that they can be made later for the products they produce and provide understanding to the public that digital marketing needs to be done in promoting their business. The method of implementing this activity is carried out by giving technical demonstrations of making essential oil derivative products, labeling, product packaging, and digital marketing and providing entrepreneurial motivation so that they are able to compete and provide added value for the Mekar Wangi.

Citations (1)

... Daging buah kelapa mengandung banyak enzim. Setiap bagian dari buah kelapa dapat dimanfaatkan untuk berbagai tujuan (Meilizar et al., 2023). Komoditas unggulan yang berasal dari daging buah kelapa adalah kopra dan minyak kelapa yang memiliki nilai ekonomi yang luar biasa. ...


Peningkatan Kapasitas Produksi dan Pemasaran Produk Olahan Kelapa dan Susu menjadi Sup Buah
Strategi Pengembangan Agroindustri Santan Kelapa

Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian