Meijuan Shang’s research while affiliated with Beijing Jiaotong University and other places

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Publications (63)

Comparison of NHTP r with different r.
Comparison of NHTP 2 with different s.
Comparison of Lemke, NHTP and NHTPT.
Comparison of NHTP r , HTP and ETA.
Newton Hard Thresholding Pursuit for Sparse Linear Complementarity Problem via A New Merit Function
  • Article
  • Full-text available

February 2021


377 Reads


3 Citations

SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing



M U Li


Meijuan Shang

Solutions to the linear complementarity problem (LCP) are naturally sparse in many applications such as bimatrix games and portfolio section problems. Despite that it gives rise to the hardness, sparsity makes optimization faster and enables relatively large scale computation. Motivated by this, we take the sparse LCP into consideration, investigating the existence and boundedness of its solution set as well as introducing a new merit function, which allows us to convert the problem into a sparsity constrained optimization. The function turns out to be continuously differentiable and twice continuously differentiable for some chosen parameters. Interestingly, it is also convex if the involved matrix is positive semidefinite. We then explore the relationship between the solution set to the sparse LCP and stationary points of the sparsity constrained optimization. Finally, Newton hard thresholding pursuit is adopted to solve the sparsity constrained model. Numerical experiments demonstrate that the problem can be efficiently solved through the new merit function.


Newton Hard Thresholding Pursuit for Sparse LCP via A New Merit Function

April 2020


38 Reads

Solutions to the linear complementarity problem (LCP) are naturally sparse in many applications such as bimatrix games and portfolio section problems. Despite that it gives rise to the hardness, sparsity makes optimization faster and enables relatively large scale computation. Motivated by this, we take the sparse LCP into consideration, investigating the existence and boundedness of its solution set as well as introducing a new merit function, which allows us to convert the problem into a sparsity constrained optimization. The function turns out to be continuously differentiable and twice continuously differentiable for some chosen parameters. Interestingly, it is also convex if the involved matrix is positive semidefinite. We then explore the relationship between the solution set to the sparse LCP and stationary points of the sparsity constrained optimization. Finally, Newton hard thresholding pursuit is adopted to solve the sparsity constrained model. Numerical experiments demonstrate that the problem can be efficiently solved through the new merit function.

Table 1 ETA's computational results on LCPs with Z-matrices. 
Table 2 SSG's computational results on LCPs with Z-matrices. 
Table 3 Results on randomly created LCPs with positive semidefinite matrices. 
Table 4 Results on co-coercive nonlinear complementarity problems. 
Extragradient Thresholding Methods for Sparse Solutions of Co-coercive NCPs

December 2015


37 Reads


5 Citations

Journal of Inequalities and Applications

In this paper, we aim to find sparse solutions of co-coercive nonlinear complementarity problems (NCPs). Mathematically, the underlying model is NP-hard in general. Thus an l(1) regularized projection minimization model is proposed for relaxation and an extragradient thresholding algorithm (ETA) is then designed for this regularized model. Furthermore, we analyze the convergence of this algorithm and show any cluster point of the sequence generated by ETA is a solution of NCP. Numerical results demonstrate that the ETA can effectively solve the l(1) regularized model and output very sparse solutions of co-coercive NCPs with high quality.

A Half Thresholding Projection Algorithm for Sparse Solutions of LCPs

August 2015


47 Reads


4 Citations

Optimization Letters

In this paper, we aim to find sparse solutions of the linear complementarity problems (LCPs), which has many applications such as bimatrix games and portfolio selection. Mathematically, the underlying model is NP-hard in general. Thus, an l2-regularized projection minimization model is proposed for relaxation. A half thresholding projection (HTP) algorithm is then designed for this regularization model, and the convergence of HTP algorithm is studied. Numerical results demonstrate that the HTP algorithm can effectively solve this regularization model and output very sparse solutions of LCPs with high quality.

Minimal Zero Norm Solutions of Linear Complementarity Problems

December 2014


74 Reads


27 Citations

Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications

In this paper, we study minimal zero norm solutions of the linear complementarity problems, defined as the solutions with smallest cardinality. Minimal zero norm solutions are often desired in some real applications such as bimatrix game and portfolio selection. We first show the uniqueness of the minimal zero norm solution for Z-matrix linear complementarity problems. To find minimal zero norm solutions is equivalent to solve a difficult zero norm minimization problem with linear complementarity constraints. We then propose a p norm regularized minimization model with p in the open interval from zero to one, and show that it can approximate minimal zero norm solutions very well by sequentially decreasing the regularization parameter. We establish a threshold lower bound for any nonzero entry in its local minimizers, that can be used to identify zero entries precisely in computed solutions. We also consider the choice of regularization parameter to get desired sparsity. Based on the theoretical results, we design a sequential smoothing gradient method to solve the model. Numerical results demonstrate that the sequential smoothing gradient method can effectively solve the regularized model and get minimal zero norm solutions of linear complementarity problems.

A shrinkage-thresholding projection method for sparsest solutions of LCPs

January 2014


10 Reads


6 Citations

Journal of Inequalities and Applications

In this paper, we study the sparsest solutions of linear complementarity problems (LCPs), which study has many applications, such as bimatrix games and portfolio selections. Mathematically, the underlying model is NP-hard in general. By transforming the complementarity constraints into a fixed point equation with projection type, we propose an l(1) regularization projection minimization model for relaxation. Through developing a thresholding representation of solutions for a key subproblem of this regularization model, we design a shrinkage-thresholding projection (STP) algorithm to solve this model and also analyze convergence of STP algorithm. Numerical results demonstrate that the STP method can efficiently solve this regularized model and get a sparsest solution of LCP with high quality.

Convergence of an extragradient-like iterative algorithm for monotone mappings and nonexpansive mappings

February 2013


17 Reads


3 Citations

Fixed Point Theory and Applications

In this paper, we investigate the problem of finding some common element in the set of common fixed points of an infinite family of nonexpansive mappings and in the set of solutions of variational inequalities based on an extragradient-like iterative algorithm. Strong convergence of the purposed iterative algorithm is obtained. MSC: 47H05, 47H09, 47J25, 90C33.

Citations (36)

... where φ is the so-called NCP function, which is defined by φ(a, b) = 0 if and only if a ≥ 0, b ≥ 0, ab = 0. We take advantage of an NCP function φ(a, b) = a 2 + b 2 + + (−a) 2 + + (−b) 2 + , where a + := max{a, 0}, and a testing example from [54]. Example 4.3 Let M = ZZ with Z ∈ R n×m and m ≤ n (e.g. ...


Newton Method for L0-Regularized Optimization
Newton Hard Thresholding Pursuit for Sparse Linear Complementarity Problem via A New Merit Function

SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing

... Equilibrium and fixed point problems have been studied by various mathematicians and methods of solutions of the said problems have been proposed by many authors see for examples [1,3,21,23,28,32,33,34,35] and the references therein. Moreover, inertial extrapolation method introduced by Polyak [25] to speed up the convergence rate of iteration procedures has attracted attention of reseachers, see [4,6,7,8,11,18,20,27] and the references contained therein. ...

A General Iterative Method for Equilibrium Problems and Fixed Point Problems in Hilbert Spaces
  • Citing Article
  • January 2008

Fixed Point Theory and Applications

... Next, we provide two strategies to select a proper s in model (1.6) in case the sparsity level s is unknown. Followed are the numerical comparisons of NHTP and two other solvers: half thresholding projection (HTP) [35] and extra-gradient thresholding algorithm (ETA) [33]. In conclusion, NHTP is capable of producing high quality solutions with fast computational speed when benchmarked against other methods. ...

A Half Thresholding Projection Algorithm for Sparse Solutions of LCPs
  • Citing Article
  • August 2015

Optimization Letters

... Since there are very few methods that have been proposed to process the sparse LCP, we only select two solvers: the half-thresholding projection (HTP) method [43] and LEMKA's method (LEMKE * ). We alter the sample size n but fix m = n/2, s * = 0.01n and s * = 0.05n. ...

Extragradient Thresholding Methods for Sparse Solutions of Co-coercive NCPs

Journal of Inequalities and Applications

... In contrast with the fast development in sparse solutions of optimization and linear equations, there are few researches available for the sparse solutions of the complementarity problems. The sparse solution problem of linear complementarity was first studied by Chen and Xiang [17], by using the concept of minimum [18], half thresholding projection algorithm [19] and extragradient thresholding method [20]. ...

A shrinkage-thresholding projection method for sparsest solutions of LCPs
  • Citing Article
  • January 2014

Journal of Inequalities and Applications

... We display a numerical example to show the the behaviour of our proposed method. Our result improve and generalize the results of [1,2,13,19,39,40] and many recent results in the literature. ...

Common fixed points of a family of strictly pseudocontractive mappings

Fixed Point Theory and Applications

... Various kinds of iterative algorithms to solve the variational inequalities and variational inclusions have been developed by many authors. There exists a vast literature123456789101112 on the approximation solvability of nonlinear variational inequalities as well as nonlinear variational inclusions using projection type methods, resolvent operator type methods or averaging techniques . In most of the resolvent operator methods, the maximal monotonicity has played a key role, but more recently introduced notions of A-monotonicity [10] and H-monotonicity [3,4] have not only generalized the maximal monotonicity , but gave a new edge to resolvent operator methods. ...

Generalized variational inequalities involving relaxed monotone mappings in Hilbert spaces
  • Citing Article
  • January 2007

Panamerican Mathematical Journal

... Projection methods and its variants forms represent important tools for finding the approximate solutions of variational inequalities. The main idea in this technique is to establish the equivalence between the variational inequalities and the fixed-point problem of nonlinear operators by using the concept of projection; see [10,17,19,20,21,22,31] and the references therein. This alternative formulation has played a significant part in developing various projection methods for solving variational inequalities. ...

Convergence theorems for nonexpansive mappings and inverse-strongly monotone mappings
  • Citing Article
  • January 2010

Fixed Point Theory

... In a way similar to the above, I can also prove (2). □ Recently, fixed point problems based on implicit iterative processes have been considered by many authors, (see, for example, Chang et al. 2006;Cianciaruso et al. 2010;Sun 2003;Gu 2006;Qin et al. 2008;Xu and Ori 2001). In Hao (2010) established weak and strong convergence theorems of the implicit iteration process for a finite family of uniformly Lipschitz total asymptotically nonexpansive mappings in a real Hilbert space. ...

On the convergence of implicit iteration process for a finite family of k-strictly asymptotically pseudocontractive mappings
  • Citing Article
  • January 2008