Mažvydas Jastramskis’s research while affiliated with Vilnius University and other places

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Publications (33)

Presidential legislative initiatives under semi-presidentialism: What accounts for their success and failure?
  • Article

November 2024


14 Reads

Parliamentary Affairs

Mažvydas Jastramskis



Miglė Palujanskaitė

Few presidents in Europe have the power to propose legislation directly to Parliament. Accordingly, presidential legal initiatives in Europe are not very well researched or understood. This paper seeks to address this research gap by providing an analysis of presidential legal initiatives in Lithuania. We have assembled a dataset of all the presidential legal initiatives proposed in Lithuania since 1993. Using this dataset, we find that factors in the political environment significantly affect the success of presidential legislative initiatives. Additionally, we find that the success of these initiatives partly depends on policy content, as initiatives in foreign and defense policy, on average, tend to be more successful. Lastly, non-partisan presidents in Lithuania become more successful over time; our results suggest a consolidation of consultation mechanisms between the presidents and the legislature.

Lithuania: Political Developments and Data in 2023: Local Elections, NATO Summit and Expenses Scandal

May 2024


7 Reads

European Journal of Political Research Political Data Yearbook

In 2023, the NATO Vilnius Summit was the major political event in Lithuania that attracted significant global media attention. In addition, Lithuania underwent local elections and faced a municipal expenses scandal that nearly brought down the government. Nevertheless, the Cabinet remained stable with only one minister being replaced.

Routine Presidential Activism by Going Public under Semi-Presidential and Parliamentary Regimes

July 2023


19 Reads


6 Citations

Political Studies Review

Presidential research commonly focuses on the most prominent cases of going public by presidents in semi-presidential regimes: such as expressing a lack of trust in the cabinet members. However, it is also important to understand the day-to-day functioning of semi-presidential republics and routine efforts by the presidents to insert themselves into government decisions. Moreover, presidents in parliamentary republics may also try to influence the government through the power of the public word. In this article, we conceptualize going public as an instance when a president weighs in on the performance of the cabinet and/or individual minister in the media. We analyze the focus and intensity of these instances in semi-presidential (Lithuania) and parliamentary (Latvia) regimes. Our main finding is that on average, presidents are more routinely active in public under semi-presidentialism. We also find that the intensity and focus of presidential attention on the cabinet are highly correlated to the media attention. Furthermore, presidents go public more often during the first year of their terms and pay more attention to foreign and defense policy than to other areas. Our results tend to support the presidency-centered arguments that emphasize the institutional prerogatives and political culture in the explanation of presidential activism.

Lithuania: Political Developments and Data in 2022: Amendments to Election Laws

June 2023


8 Reads


1 Citation

European Journal of Political Research Political Data Yearbook

As no elections were held in Lithuania in 2022 and the Cabinet experienced no changes, the article mainly focuses on issues in national politics and institutional adjustments that have affected the conditions for non‐partisan electoral committees to compete in elections and changed the balance of power between mayors and municipal councils. Moreover, the article presents developments in the party system, mainly focusing on the newly established Democratic Party “For Lithuania,” which became one of the most popular political parties in Lithuania immediately after its establishment.

Foreign Policy Preferences and Vote Choice Under Semi-Presidentialism

August 2022


28 Reads


2 Citations

Political Research Quarterly

Under semi-presidential regimes, directly elected presidents often play a central role in foreign policy, but their responsibility for the economy is limited. I propose an office-centred explanation of voter behaviour in semi-presidential elections based on the foreign policy preferences of the electorate. In order to explore the empirical applicability of this addition to the theory, I explore the Lithuanian case: a semi-presidential country where the president has substantial powers in foreign and defence policy and the presidents are usually non-partisan. I employ a dataset from the Lithuanian 2019 post-election survey that offers a battery of items measuring the positions of voters on foreign policy issues. When controlling for alternative explanations, I find that foreign policy preferences (measured as an index of voter attitudes towards Russia and defence) are a strong and stable determinant of vote choice, in both the first and second rounds of presidential elections.

Lithuania: Political Developments and Data in 2021

June 2022


18 Reads


2 Citations

European Journal of Political Research Political Data Yearbook

The main political developments in Lithuania in 2021 were mayoral elections in three municipalities, tensions in the Cabinet related to management of the COVID‐19 pandemic and a conflict between Lithuania and China, splits in the parliamentary political groups, and party leadership changes. Much of the article is devoted to issue politics, including the migration crisis, and social unrests directed against both the government's pandemic measures and the progressive agenda of the ruling parties.

The Logic of the Punisher: Retrospective Voting and Hyper-Accountability in Lithuania

December 2021


13 Reads


1 Citation

East European Politics and Societies and Cultures

This article explores the roots of electoral hyper-accountability in Central and Eastern Europe. I focus on Lithuania: a country that is a stable liberal democracy, but has re-elected none of its governments (in the same party composition) since the restoration of independence. Survey data from the Lithuanian National Election Study reveal that Lithuanian voters are constantly dissatisfied with the economy and retrospectively evaluate it worse than the objective indicators would suggest. This partially explains why the Lithuanian voters constantly turn away from the government parties at parliamentary elections. However, their subsequent choice between parliamentary and new (previously marginal) parties is another puzzle. Using the 2016 Lithuanian post-election survey, I test how retrospective voting (economic and corruption issues) and political factors (trust and satisfaction with democracy) explain vote choice between the three types of parties (governmental, oppositional, and successful new party). It appears that new parties in Lithuania capitalize on double dissatisfaction, as the logic of the punisher comprises two steps. First, due to economic discontent, she turns away from the incumbent. Second, due to political mistrust, she often turns not to the parliamentary opposition, but to new parties. An analysis of retrospective economic evaluations hints at the political roots of hyper-accountability: these two steps are connected, as dissatisfaction with democracy is a strong predictor of negative retrospective evaluations of economy. Additional analysis of the 2019 post-election survey corroborates the results and reveals that a similar logic also applies in direct presidential elections.

Citations (14)

... Ketvirtasis tyrimų tipas nagrinėja pačios tiesioginių merų rinkimų reformos poveikį vietos politinio gyvenimo aspektams, pavyzdžiui, dalyvavimo savivaldos rinkimuose aktyvumui. Tokio tipo tyrimu laikytinos Mažvydo Jastramskio ir Audrio Narbuto (Jastramskis, Narbutas, 2023) pastangos įvertinti rinkėjų aktyvumo rinkimuose, savivaldybių koalicijų stabilumo ir kitus veiksnius. ...


Rusijos agresijos atspindžiai 2023 m. savivaldos rinkimuose
How Do Local Party Systems Change after the Direct Election of Mayors? Analysis of the Institutional Reform in Lithuania
  • Citing Article
  • August 2023

Problems of Post-Communism

... Interestingly, partisan conflict had little effect on presidential social media activity, further supporting the 'statespersonlike' thesis. Jastramskis and Pukelis (2023) compare parliamentary Latvia, with its indirectly elected president, to semi-presidential Lithuania, examining cases where the president publicly comments on the performance of the cabinet and individual ministers. Their findings confirm that on average presidents under the semi-presidential system in Lithuania are significantly more publicly active than their counterparts in Latvia and that presidential attention on the government correlated highly with overall media attention. ...

Routine Presidential Activism by Going Public under Semi-Presidential and Parliamentary Regimes
  • Citing Article
  • July 2023

Political Studies Review

... active role in pushing the EU to adopt punitive measures against Russia and provide support for Ukraine in all possible ways. Lithuania even went so far as to initiate a process of 'de-russification' of public life (Jastramskis & Ramonaitė 2023). Farther south, Romania also showed unwavering support for Ukraine, facilitating exports of wheat and imports of medicine and military equipment (Stan & Zaharia 2023). ...

Lithuania: Political Developments and Data in 2022: Amendments to Election Laws
  • Citing Article
  • June 2023

European Journal of Political Research Political Data Yearbook

... One such stream of research focuses on how voters' issue positions and policy preferences in various areas shape their political preferences. Indeed, evidence has shown that policy congruence (i.e., congruence between voters' preferred policies and policies proposed by candidates) largely matters in various contexts (Graham & Svolik, 2020;Jastramskis, 2022). However, the majority of voters do not possess detailed knowledge about parties' issue positions. ...

Foreign Policy Preferences and Vote Choice Under Semi-Presidentialism
  • Citing Article
  • August 2022

Political Research Quarterly

... Lithuania refused to close Taiwanese representative office, and was faced with China's full de facto embargo on Lithuanian imports. This resulted, in China's downgraded political and economic relationships (Jastramskis and Ramonaitė, 2022). Obviously, the bilateral economic relationships have not been continuing and have been demolished. ...

Lithuania: Political Developments and Data in 2021
  • Citing Article
  • June 2022

European Journal of Political Research Political Data Yearbook

... Ši tendencija būdinga ir daugeliui kitų pasaulio didmiesčių elektoratui (Gainsborough, 2001;Walks, 2005Walks, , 2006. Priskiriant šias politines partijas centro dešiniajam blokui, buvo remiamasi 4 kriterijais: partijų programinės nuostatos, nusistovėjęs požiūris viešojoje erdvėje, partijų blokavimasis parlamente į valdančiąsias ir opozicines partijas, sociologų ir politologų Lietuvos partinės sistemos bei partijų elektorato tyrimai (Gaidys, 2004(Gaidys, , 2014Ramonaitė, 2007;Ramonaitė ir kt., 2014;Jastramskis, 2015). ...

Artūro Zuoko vieta Lietuvos politinės konkurencijos lauke: sociologinė analizė
  • Citing Article
  • January 2015

Parliamentary Studies

... When MPs elected in the majority tier (in the single-mandate constituency) resign from their seats in Lithuania, by-elections are held to determine their successors (Martinaitis, 2012;Jastramskis, 2019). If the result of these by-elections confirms the previous result and the newly elected MPs join the parliamentary group of their predecessor, for the structure of the party system at the parliamentary level this is irrelevant and no case of LPS is then recorded. ...

Effects of the Mixed Parallel Electoral System in Lithuania: The Worst of All Worlds?
  • Citing Article
  • July 2019

Parliamentary Affairs

... It is stated in the country's constitution that the presidents must suspend their activity in political parties after being elected, and the presidents seem to implement this strategy. This together with the general distrust in political parties has been connected to the success of non-partisan presidents and presidential candidates (Jastramskis 2021(Jastramskis , 2022 and presidential activism: "Some presidents in semi-presidential republics have their parties in the government and can act through them. This road is closed for Lithuanian presidents: however, non-partisan status almost guarantees higher support from the public, as Lithuanians do not trust the parties. ...

Explaining the success of non-partisan presidents in Lithuania
  • Citing Article
  • May 2020

East European Politics

... 93 To facilitate comparison, we scaled economic performance to have the same standard deviation as PMP (0.13). 94 Jastramskis, Kuokštis, and Baltrukevičius 2021. suggest that PMP shapes the economy and volatility in a particular chain of effects (as we elaborate on in the section below, "Implications for Democratic Accountability"). ...

Retrospective voting in Central and Eastern Europe: Hyper-accountability, corruption or socio-economic inequality?
  • Citing Article
  • October 2019

Party Politics