Maxim Olshanii’s research while affiliated with University of Massachusetts Boston and other places

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Publications (151)

A “test” for closeness of a subset of natural numbers under multiplication. In this numerical experiment, we want to see if an atom can travel from the ground state ( n=1) to every single available power of 3 state ( n=3m), under an action of a weak monochromatic perturbation of a frequency Ω=U0 ln (3), in an unperturbed potential with spectrum En=U0 ln (n), where the indices 1≤n≤120 form a subset of the set of natural numbers. The spatial dependence of the perturbation potential was designed specifically to ensure an approximate uniformity of the transition matrix elements across the spectrum (see the text). The main plot shows energy as a function of time (solid red). The straight line (dashed red) is a linear fit (9) to the analogous time dependence for a semi-infinite constant-hopping lattice of the resonant states, n=1, 3, 9, …,+∞, with the hopping constant being equal to the average of the corresponding hopping coefficients of the full model. The inset to the left shows the unperturbed potential. The lower left inset reflects the total population of the resonant cascade states n=1, 3, 9, 27, 81 (red), as compared to unity (dashed black). The lower right inset shows the populations of the individual cascade states, n=1 (green), n=3 (green), n=9 (red), n=27 (magenta), n=1 (orange). (a) All natural numbers 1≤n≤120 are present in the ln (n) spectrum. (b) We design a new potential where the energy level n=9 is excluded.
Resonance cascades and number theory
  • Article
  • Publisher preview available

January 2025


7 Reads


Maxim Olshanii

In this article, we are interested in situations where the existence of a contiguous cascade of quantum resonant transitions is predicated on the validity of a particular statement in number theory. The setting is a tailored one-atom one-dimensional potential with a prescribed spectrum under a weak periodic perturbation. The former is, by now, an experimental reality [Cassettari et al., PNAS Nexus 2, pgac279 (2022)]. As a case study, we look at the following trivial statement: “Any power of 3 is an integer.” Consequently, we “test” this statement in a numerical experiment where we demonstrate an unimpeded upward mobility along an equidistant ln (3)-spaced subsequence of the energy levels of a potential with a log-natural spectrum under a frequency ln (3) time-periodic perturbation. We further show that when we “remove” 9 from the set of integers—by excluding the corresponding energy level from the spectrum—the cascade halts abruptly.

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Quantum dynamics of atoms in number-theory-inspired potentials

October 2024


49 Reads



B. Carruthers




In this paper we study transitions of atoms between energy levels of several number-theory-inspired atom potentials, under the effect of time-dependent perturbations. First, we simulate in detail the case of a trap whose one-particle spectrum is given by prime numbers. We investigate one-body Rabi oscillations and the excitation lineshape for two resonantly coupled energy levels. We also show that techniques from quantum control are effective in reducing the transition time, compared to the case of a periodic perturbation. Next, we investigate cascades of such transitions. To this end, we pose the following question: can one construct a quantum system where the existence of a continuous resonant cascade is predicted on the validity of a particular statement in number theory? We find that a one-body trap with a log-natural spectrum, parametrically driven with a perturbation of a log-natural frequency, provides such a quantum system. Here, powers of a given natural number will form a ladder of equidistant energy levels; absence of gaps in this ladder is an indication of the validity of the number theory statement in question. Ideas for two more resonance cascade experiments are presented as well: they are designed to illustrate the validity of the Diophantus-Brahmagupta-Fibonacci identity (the set of sums of two squares of integers is closed under multiplication) and the validity of the Goldbach conjecture (every even number is a sum of two primes).

Asymmetric Bethe Ansatz

September 2024


13 Reads


1 Citation

SciPost Physics Core

The recently proposed exact quantum solution for two \delta δ -function-interacting particles with a mass-ratio 3\!:\!1 3 : 1 in a hard-wall box [Y. Liu, F. Qi, Y. Zhang and S. Chen, iScience 22, 181 (2019)] violates the conventional necessary condition for a Bethe Ansatz integrability, the condition being that the system must be reducible to a superposition of semi-transparent mirrors that is invariant under all the reflections it generates. In this article, we found a way to relax this condition: some of the semi-transparent mirrors of a known self-invariant mirror superposition can be replaced by the perfectly reflecting ones, thus breaking the self-invariance. The proposed name for the method is asymmetric Bethe Ansatz (asymmetric BA). As a worked example, we study in detail the bound states of the nominally non-integrable system comprised of a bosonic dimer in a \delta δ -well. Finally, we show that the exact solution of the Liu-Qi-Zhang-Chen problem is a particular instance of the the asymmetric BA.

Rule 60 cellular automaton, Mersenne numbers, and the Newman-Moore spin lattice

July 2024


5 Reads

The goal of this paper is to review the properties of a Rule 60 cellular automaton on a ring with a Mersenne number circumference and to use this knowledge to explicitly construct all the ground state configurations of the classical Newman-Moore model (a particular two-dimensional spin lattice model with a specific three-spin interaction) on a square lattice of the same size. In this particular case, the number of ground states is equal to half of the available spin configurations in any given row of the lattice.

Internal energy per particle vs temperature and for several interaction strengths. Calculations have been performed with Thermal Bethe-Ansatz method. Vertical lines denote the anomaly temperature from small (left) to large (right) interaction strengths.
Scaled momentum distribution for different interaction strengths. Solid (empty) symbols correspond to temperatures below (above) the hole-anomaly and represent Path-Integral Monte Carlo results. The minimum momentum for the tail of the momentum distribution is denoted by vertical lines from low (left) to high (right) temperatures. Horizontal lines report the coefficient of the Tan relation (proportional to the Tan's contact parameter) obtained with exact Thermal Bethe-Ansatz method.
Momentum distribution for different interaction strengths in each panel. Symbols correspond to Path Integral Monte Carlo results for temperatures below (solid) and above (empty) the hole anomaly. Solid lines
represent the novel tail calculated with Thermal Bethe Ansatz. Dashed lines present the same tail with b_3 = 0. The minimal momentum for the tail is denoted by vertical lines from low (left) to high (right) temperatures at fixed interaction strength.
One-body density matrix vs interparticle distance for different interaction strengths reported in each panel. Symbols denote Path Integral Monte Carlo results and their sizes are larger than the statistical error bars. Solid (empty) symbols correspond to temperatures below (above) the anomaly value. Solid lines represent the short-distance expansion calculated with exact Thermal Bethe Ansatz. Dashed
black lines correspond to the short-distance expansion with b_3 = 0. The maximal distance of the expansion is shown with vertical lines from low (right) to high (left) temperatures at fixed interaction strength.
The hole-anomaly mechanism occurs for arbitrary interaction strength in a one-dimensional contact repulsive Bose gas at finite temperature. It allows to understand the connection between excitations, thermodynamics and correlations.
Thermal fading of the 1 / k^4 tail of the momentum distribution induced by the hole anomaly

March 2024


18 Reads


4 Citations

Physical Review A

We study the thermal behavior of correlations in a one-dimensional Bose gas with tunable interaction strength, crossing from weakly repulsive to the Tonks-Girardeau regime. A reference temperature in this system is that of the hole anomaly, observed as a peak in the specific heat and a maximum in the chemical potential. We find that at large momenta k and temperature above the anomaly threshold, the tail C/k^4 of the momentum distribution (proportional to the Tan contact C) is screened by the 1/|k|^3 term due to a dramatic thermal increase of the internal energy emerging from the thermal occupation of spectral excitation states. The same fading is consistently revealed in the behavior at short distances x of the one-body density matrix (OBDM) where the |x|^3 dependence disappears for temperatures above the anomaly. We obtain a general analytic tail for the momentum distribution and a minimum k fixing its validity range, both calculated with exact Bethe-Ansatz method and valid in all interaction and thermal regimes, crossing from the quantum to the classical gas limit. Our predictions are confirmed by comparison with ab initio path-integral Monte Carlo calculations for the momentum distribution and the OBDM exploring a wide range of interaction strength and temperature. Our results unveil a connection between excitations and correlations. We expect them to be of interest to any cold atomic, nuclear, solid-state, electronic, and spin system exhibiting an anomaly or a thermal second-order phase transition.

Figure 3: Interferometric fringes for N = 5, L = 41 and L 0 = 10. CoM kinetic energy is sufficiently high that total ionization is energetically allowed. Other parameters are kept the same as in Fig. 2.
Figure 4: Ratio f as a function of applied force F lattice /J of both initial state ψ 0 and the prepared state φ int . Parameters are set to N = 5 (blue) and N = 6 (red), L = 41 and L 0 = 10. Other parameters are kept the same as in Fig. 2.
Massive particle interferometry with lattice solitons

November 2023


23 Reads


5 Citations

SciPost Physics

We discuss an interferometric scheme employing interference of bright solitons formed as specific bound states of attracting bosons on a lattice. We revisit the proposal of Castin and Weiss [Phys. Rev. Lett. vol. 102, 010403 (2009)] for using the scattering of a quantum matter-wave soliton on a barrier in order to create a coherent superposition state of the soliton being entirely to the left of the barrier and being entirely to the right of the barrier. In that proposal, it was assumed that the scattering is perfectly elastic, i.e. that the center-of-mass kinetic energy of the soliton is lower than the chemical potential of the soliton. Here we relax this assumption: By employing a combination of Bethe ansatz and DMRG-based analysis of the dynamics of the appropriate many-body system, we find that the interferometric fringes persist even when the center-of-mass kinetic energy of the soliton is above the energy needed for its complete dissociation into constituent atoms.

Growth of the Wang-Casati-Prosen counter in an integrable billiard

February 2023


39 Reads


2 Citations

SciPost Physics

This work is motivated by an article by Wang, Casati, and Prosen [Phys. Rev. E vol. 89, 042918 (2014)] devoted to a study of ergodicity in two-dimensional irrational right-triangular billiards. Numerical results presented there suggest that these billiards are generally not ergodic. However, they become ergodic when the billiard angle is equal to \pi/2 π / 2 times a Liouvillian irrational, morally a class of irrational numbers which are well approximated by rationals. In particular, Wang et al. study a special integer counter that reflects the irrational contribution to the velocity orientation; they conjecture that this counter is localized in the generic case, but grows in the Liouvillian case. We propose a generalization of the Wang-Casati-Prosen counter: this generalization allows to include rational billiards into consideration. We show that in the case of a 45°\!\!:\!45°\!\!:\!90° 45 ° : 45 ° : 90 ° billiard, the counter grows indefinitely, consistent with the Liouvillian scenario suggested by Wang et al.

Thermal fading of the 1/k41/k^4-tail of the momentum distribution induced by the hole anomaly

February 2023


52 Reads

We provide the first ab-initio Path Integral Monte Carlo calculation of the momentum distribution in a one-dimensional repulsive Bose gas at finite temperatures. We explore all interaction and thermal regimes. An important reference temperature is that of the hole anomaly, observed as a peak in the specific heat and a maximum in the chemical potential. We find that at large momentum k and temperature above the anomaly threshold, the universal tail C/k4\mathcal{C}/k^4 of the distribution (proportional to the Tan's contact C\mathcal{C}) is screened by the 1/k31/|k|^3-term due to a dramatic thermal increase of the internal energy. The same fading is consistently revealed in the short-distance behavior of the one-body density matrix (OBDM) where the x3|x|^3-dependence disappears for temperatures above the anomaly. At very high temperatures, the OBDM and the momentum distribution approach the Gaussian of classical gases. We obtain a new and general analytic tail for the momentum distribution and a minimum k fixing its range of validity, both calculated with Bethe-Ansatz and valid for any interaction strength and temperature.

Two ways of realizing quantum bubbles: (upper row) schematic sketch of 3D shell density profiles for the rf-dressed (upper left) and mixture (upper right) implementations. The darker colours illustrate higher atom density and the blue colour gradient illustrates the second species in the mixture case. (Lower row) Underlying principle of shell generation. (Lower left) Two-level system in a magnetic trap undergoing rf-dressing starting from the bare picture of a trapped and anti-trapped state with a resonant rf signal coupling the two states. The corresponding dressed-state picture depicts the double-well structure of the adiabatic potentials as seen in 1D which take the form of full bubbles in 3D. (Lower right) Cuts through the ground-state density distribution of a dual-species mixture with and without inter-species interaction illustrating the hollowing of the outer species due to increased repulsive inter-species interaction. Reprinted figure with permission from [34], Copyright 2022 by the American Physical Society.
Recent observations of rf-dressed bubble structures in orbital microgravity with NASA CAL. Left photo shows astronaut Christina Koch installing a CAL upgrade on the ISS, and adjacent is an illustration of the vacuum chamber at the heart of the instrument. Absorption image at left is of initial ultracold sample of ⁸⁷Rb; the centre and right absorption images are of bubbles inflated to intermediate and large radii. The three absorption images portray false-colour optical depth, which (through column-density integration and significant imaging resolution effects) increases the apparent residual shell tilt and results in exaggerated ‘lobes’, or a slight preference for higher densities at the top/bottom of the imaged bubble. A terrestrial equivalent would have atoms strongly pinned to the leftmost 5% of the bubble surface. Reproduced from [26], with permission from Springer Nature. Reproduced from [43], with permission from Springer Nature.
Perspective on quantum bubbles in microgravity

February 2023


157 Reads


18 Citations

Progress in understanding quantum systems has been driven by the exploration of the geometry, topology, and dimensionality of ultracold atomic systems. The NASA Cold Atom Laboratory (CAL) aboard the International Space Station has enabled the study of ultracold atomic bubbles, a terrestrially-inaccessible topology. Proof-of-principle bubble experiments have been performed on CAL with an radiofrequency-dressing technique; an alternate technique (dual-species interaction-driven bubbles) has also been proposed. Both techniques can drive discovery in the next decade of fundamental physics research in microgravity.

Perspective on Quantum Bubbles in Microgravity

November 2022


38 Reads

Progress in understanding quantum systems has been driven by the exploration of the geometry, topology, and dimensionality of ultracold atomic systems. The NASA Cold Atom Laboratory (CAL) aboard the International Space Station has enabled the study of ultracold atomic bubbles, a terrestrially-inaccessible topology. Proof-of-principle bubble experiments have been performed on CAL with an rf-dressing technique; an alternate technique (dual-species interaction-driven bubbles) has also been proposed. Both techniques can drive discovery in the next decade of fundamental physics research in microgravity.

Citations (51)

... The zero-momentum peak of the momentum distribution is indicative of quasi long-range order and depends on the sum of all-order spin correlations, weighted by the inverse square root of spin distance [15,16]. At asymptotically large momenta, the behavior of the momentum distribution depends only, except in particular cases [17][18][19][20][21][22], on the many-body wave function in the limit of vanishing * relative distance between two atoms and, therefore, only on nearest neighbor spin correlations. ...


Dynamical probing of high-order spin coherence in one-dimensional mixtures
Thermal fading of the 1 / k^4 tail of the momentum distribution induced by the hole anomaly

Physical Review A

... This unprecedented control enables the exploration of such systems in the presence of impurities with remarkable flexibility and precision over relevant parameters, including the characteristics of barriers and the nature of particle correlations [11][12][13][14][15][16]. Concurrently, novel applications have arisen, leveraging the interplay between impurity and correlations to craft quantum devices with enhanced performances, spanning from Josephson junction-based devices [17][18][19][20][21][22][23] to rotation sensors [24,25], and interferometers wherein the static impurity can serve as a matter-wave beam splitter [26][27][28][29]. ...

Massive particle interferometry with lattice solitons

SciPost Physics

... We suspect that if we can show that this contains an unbounded subsequence, we can argue that the WCP counter is also unbounded. We made the connection between the WCP counter in a 45 ∘ −45 ∘ −90 ∘ triangular billiard and a parity counter on irrational rotation in a very recent paper [308]. In it we show that the counter is unbounded in this case even though such a billiard is not ergodic. ...

Growth of the Wang-Casati-Prosen counter in an integrable billiard

SciPost Physics

... Interestingly, because the use of the Alena Tensor indicates the possibility of shaping the metric tensor of spacetime using a field, it also sheds new light on research on new drives [72], including the quantum effects [73] needed to analyze them. Although many QM and QFT problems seem unsolvable [74,75] using current paradigms, such as the Planck scale problems [76], previously mentioned paradigm shifts may change this situation. ...

Perspective on quantum bubbles in microgravity

... To conclude, we highlight that static impurities are of high relevance for quantum technology, and in particular for quantum sensing [29,36,49,[64][65][66]. Therefore, the setup considered here can also provide the basis for current-based devices and interferometers utlizing Ncomponent matter-waves. ...

Enhancing sensitivity to rotations with quantum solitonic currents

SciPost Physics

... Quantized versions of separatrix maps can exhibit dynamical localization 10,25 . Yampolsky et al. 63 in their study of a perturbed quantum system of hard core particles in a box, recently have shown that the presence of quantum chaos can be estimated from a classical resonance-overlap criterion. We similarly explore the possibility that classical techniques for estimating the location of chaotic regions in phase have quantum counterparts, but in periodically perturbed systems which are also known as Floquet systems (e.g., Neufeld et al. 37 ). ...

Quantum Chirikov criterion: Two particles in a box as a toy model for a quantum gas

SciPost Physics

... In view of the above reasons in this paper we have taken a relook at the sigma state of hydrogen molecule and hydrogen ion molecule as a testbed so explore the fully non-Born-Oppenheimer (nBO) or nonadiabatic e®ects in diatomic molecular systems in general. As a matter of fact, we have adopted a quantum Monte Carlo method based on generalized Feynman-Kac (GFK) method [6][7][8][9][10][11] to calculate the energies for the sigma state of hydrogen molecule and molecular hydrogen. Since GFK is a non-perturbative approach, it is easier to study motion of all the particles in the molecular system even in a fully quantum mechanical scenario. ...

Path Integral Estimates of the Quantum Fluctuations of the Relative Soliton-Soliton Velocity in a Gross-Pitaevskii Breather


... Liquid crystal on silicon (LCOS) SLMs have become a useful tool in fields ranging from holographic displays to state-of-the-art quantum computing [1][2][3][4][5][6][7]. Specifically, the rapidly advancing field of neutral-atom quantum computing has benefited from highly uniform and efficient light potentials that have been generated holographically using phase-modulating LCOS SLMs [8][9][10][11][12]. Outside the scope of cold-atom experiments, tailored light potentials are used in biomedical applications such as optogenetic stimulation [13], non-invasive imaging through tissue [14], and high-resolution 3D imaging [15] and tomography [16]. ...

Roadmap on Atomtronics: State of the art and perspective

... To the best of our knowledge, this provides the only setup, together with the nonrotating mesoscopic 2D Fermi gas considered in a previous work [25], where the nonrelativistic conformal symmetry can be verified exactly by elementary means in an interacting quantum system. Thus, studying the rotating mesoscopic 2D Fermi gas can not only help our understanding of interacting systems in a magnetic field, but also give new insights into problems such as conformal nonequilibrium dynamics [61][62][63][64][65][66][67][68]. ...

Triangular Gross-Pitaevskii breathers and Damski-Chandrasekhar shock waves

SciPost Physics

... The existence of shock waves at long times is generic, while its characterisation requires detailed numerical and analytical machinery beyond the scope of this work. However, preliminary confirmation of this intuition can be gained by generating a momentum kick 0 in the wavepacket near a wall [48]. When the kick and the gauge coupling have the same sign, i.e. sgn( 0 ) > 0, we observe an asymmetric expansion and the creation of a robust density wave modulation after the contact with a wall (see Figure 3 right). ...

Universal shock-wave propagation in one-dimensional Bose fluids

Physical Review Research