Mavis Man-wai Lung’s research while affiliated with The University of Hong Kong and other places

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Publications (7)

Exploring gender differences in foreign domestic helpers' mobile information usage
  • Article

October 2022


22 Reads


31 Citations

Library Hi Tech

Noyenim Mercy Ezeamuzie


Anthony Hae Ryong Rhim



Mavis Man-Wai Lung

Purpose With the increasing computation and communication speed of mobile devices, their use and roles have been repositioned to act more than a communication tool. Around 0.4 million foreign domestic helpers (FDHs) form an integral part of Hong Kong society and have the highest concentrations of FDHs worldwide, but scant studies focus on their mobile technology usage. This study aims to discuss the aforementioned issue. Design/methodology/approach This research investigated mobile technology usage by 145 FDHs in Hong Kong with a quantitative survey, covering their actual mobile technology usage, perceptions, influences and adoption barriers. Findings Besides communication and connection with friends and family, participants used mobile technology for information seeking, productivity, utility and entertainment. Perception of usefulness was the greatest influence, and they would use any mobile technology once its basic function supports their daily needs. They considered no “very serious barrier,” though data tariff was their biggest concern. Overall, there were some significant differences between genders in the usage of mobile technologies. Originality/value Scant studies focus on the mobile technology usage of FDHs. The results reveal the usefulness of mobile technologies to FDHs for government policy-making and for employers and employment agencies to better support the FHDs' daily lives.

Changes in habits of electronic news usage on mobile devices in university students: a comparative survey

July 2021


72 Reads


64 Citations

Library Hi Tech

Hoi Yin Yu


Yan Yung Tsoi


Anthony Hae Ryong Rhim




Mavis Man-Wai Lung

Purpose A rising trend has been observed to minimize extraneous cognitive load when reading by enhancing secondary knowledge through technology. For the readers to comprehend information more efficiently in their cognitive architecture, instructional procedures, which are secondary knowledge, should be aligned with the modern technology environment. With continual, rapid technological advances in modern society, people have changed their news reading habits after using mobile devices such as smartphones, tablets and e-readers. Design/methodology/approach This research employed a quantitative survey to compare the changes in the news reading habits of the undergraduate (UG) and postgraduate (PG) students in the Library and Information Management program of a university in Hong Kong after using mobile devices to read electronic news. A total of 102 responses were collected, which comprised 51 UGs and 51 PGs, respectively (the student population for the program was around 100 UGs and 100 PGs). Findings Survey results showed that mobile devices had changed the respondents’ habit of reading news to read more content on phones, with a variation on news categories. Such changes included the duration and location of news discussion among the respondents that shorter periods were used to read and that more people read while traveling and in restaurants. Notably, reading the news helped respondents in their learning. Most respondents preferred to read electronic news by using mobile devices. The convenience of reading and discussing news may also cause a potential threat that intensifies disputes, arguments or even bullying on controversial issues. Originality/value This study confirmed that the usage of the mobile devices changed the respondents’ habit of reading news. This user group constitutes the future generation of information specialists in various disciplines. This study fills the research gap of finding students’ reading habits when using mobile devices, especially in East Asia. Educators are encouraged to recommend relevant news content to students to improve their general knowledge base and arouse their interest in reading and discussing related news topics.

Relationships between research supervisors and students from coursework-based master’s degrees: information usage under social media

March 2021


93 Reads


52 Citations

Information Discovery and Delivery

Purpose Existing studies reflect that traditional teaching–learning relationships between supervisors and graduate students have become disjointed with actuality seriously. In particular, there are practical difficulties in handling many students from coursework-based postgraduate degrees under current university curricula. Therefore, this study aims to explore the relationship between research supervisors and graduate students on social media, which is popular among students. Design/methodology/approach This study surveyed 109 graduate students from two majors (population around 100 each) of a university in Hong Kong to explore their information usage for research on social media, related attitudes and their perceived supervisor relationships. The differences between the two majors were also compared. Findings The authors’ findings indicated that graduate students were active on social media, and social media has successfully provided effective alternate ways for students to communicate with their research supervisors. Social media could improve relationships between supervisors and research students and among fellow students. Besides education purposes, students also discussed their personal affairs on social media with supervisors, demonstrating enhanced trusted relationships. Graduate students also showed confidence in the further application of social media in higher education. Some differences between respondents from the two programs were also found in terms of communication contents, strengths, personal preferences and purposes for using social media. Originality/value Scant studies focus on the relationship between supervisors and graduate students under the current social media environment, especially for students from coursework-based postgraduate degrees. At a deeper level, for the widespread use of social media in the information age, this study explores the specific changes brought about by social media. Therefore, this study is of great theoretical and practical value to graduate education under the current social media environment.

Exploring the aids of social media for musical instrument education

January 2021


151 Reads


74 Citations

International Journal of Music Education

With the rapid development of information communication technology, social media has become a necessary part of people’s daily life. Recently, many music teachers have applied social media to augment their classes and enhance their teaching. This article explores the use of social media for musical instrument education, with a focus on the violin and piano. A qualitative semi-structured interview was conducted with eight music teachers from music centers and studios. Our participants revealed that social media creates a virtual environment to extend (but not to replace) face-to-face instruction, which facilities knowledge sharing, arouses students’ interest, and supports communication. For pedagogy, social media helps students improve musical instrument playing techniques (e.g., posture, fingering, and rhythm) and musical styles. Drawbacks of applying social media are mainly the quality of content, difficulties in differentiating subtle differences (e.g., intonation), and inadequate talent of some students. Therefore, teachers need to pay attention to these issues and use social media to develop a better educating environment for individual learners.

Supporting higher education with social networks: trust and privacy vs perceived effectiveness

October 2020


46 Reads


33 Citations

Online Information Review

Purpose Social networks provide convenient communication and connection among people, and they have become essential in college students' lives. However, problems also come along with increasing concern about trust and privacy issues. This research attempts to investigate the trust and privacy perceptions of university students when using social networks for learning purposes. Design/methodology/approach This paper investigated the differences in trust and privacy perceptions between undergraduate (UG) and postgraduate (PG) students through an online survey with 96 subjects in Hong Kong. The authors used the Mann–Whitney U test to compare the differences between the responses provided by UG and PG subjects. Findings The authors found that both PG and UG students were generally satisfied with the use of social networking sites (SNSs) for learning. However, PG subjects used SNSs more for learning and were more willing to exchange with classmates than UG and PG perceived higher value of SNSs than UG students. The authors also found a relative lack of privacy awareness of UG students. Practical implications Based on the study’s findings, the authors made some recommendations about the application of SNSs for learning purposes. The authors also suggest universities provide more guidance and training to students on the privacy issues of SNSs. Originality/value Even though some previous studies have focused on studying privacy and trust issues on SNSs, studies that aim at university students in the context of Asia–Pacific are rather limited, especially university students' own trust and privacy perceptions on using SNSs for learning purposes. Peer review The peer review history for this article is available at:

Changes in reading behaviour of periodicals on mobile devices: A comparative study

July 2020


72 Reads


42 Citations

Journal of Librarianship and Information Science

Mobile devices not only bring convenience to aspects of life but also change people’s behaviour in their daily lives, in particular reading. While most of the studies focus on reading books, there are few systematic publications primarily focusing on electronic periodicals, especially comparing the different needs of patrons from different faculties. Through an online questionnaire, the authors explored whether and how university patrons of the University of Hong Kong changed their reading behaviour of e-periodicals in the context of mobile devices. Six reading patterns were investigated: reading frequency, types of periodicals, preference of mobile devices, reading time spent, reading time slot and reading location. The authors purposefully compare subjects selected from three faculties (Education, Engineering and Science) to examine whether research and learning requirements affect their behaviours. The analysis found that reading patterns did indeed change after patrons adopted mobile devices to read periodicals. There are also some statistically significant differences among the faculties investigated, reflecting their different information needs. The findings can help academic libraries review their periodical subscription policies and reading promotion schemes to satisfy various patrons’ needs.

Mobile Learning Usage of LIS Students in Mainland China

April 2019


20 Reads


12 Citations

This study aims to explore the usage behaviors of smartphones for learning purposes by Library and Information Science (LIS) students of mainland China. A quantitative questionnaire was used for collecting the subjects' usage behavior, their perceptions on learning experience through using smartphones, and their needs of accessing library services using smartphones. The authors analyzed the results from two major universities in mainland China. This research discovered that LIS students in mainland China used smartphones for their daily-life matters more readily than for learning purposes. They were also interested in accessing library services with smartphones, but not many of them were already using these services. The undergraduate and postgraduate respondents had some differences in their usage preferences and behaviors. This paper suspected those library services are already available but the promotion has been inadequate. There are obviously opportunities for educators, librarians, and technology providers to get some insights to improve mobile learning (m-learning) in universities and for students to learn better with mobile technology and apps. This study provides insights into the users' needs and the application of m-learning in mainland China, where scant similar studies have been conducted before.

Citations (7)

... Many people worldwide possess one or more mobile devices since they have become more popular and affordable, including smartphones, tablets, laptops, and wearable devices (Delgado-Santos et al., 2022;Ezeamuzie et al., 2024). They can spend a lower price to gain high-quality mobile devices with high-speed processing, changing various information consumption habits of people, especially youths and students (Yu et al., 2022;Yip et al., 2021;Zhang et al., 2021). ...


Mobile security awareness of university students in Hong Kong: demographics and education
Exploring gender differences in foreign domestic helpers' mobile information usage
  • Citing Article
  • October 2022

Library Hi Tech

... For instance, Xuetang X, built by Tsinghua University, had 313 courses and 208,000 subscribers by September 2016. 60,61 Meanwhile, MOOCs have also gained universal attention in Chinese academic communities, especially with the rapid development and low-cost mobile technologies. 61 We applied a non-probability sampling technique, namely the accidental sampling in which respondents answered the questionnaire according to their availability and willingness. ...

Mobile Learning Usage of LIS Students in Mainland China
  • Citing Article
  • April 2019

... In contrast to traditional print newspapers, university students are increasingly likely to obtain news through digital channels including social media and online news websites (Yu et al., 2022). The authors credit this change to the immediate and convenient nature of digital news, which fits in with the hectic schedules of today's students. ...

Changes in habits of electronic news usage on mobile devices in university students: a comparative survey
  • Citing Article
  • July 2021

Library Hi Tech

... They can spend a lower price to gain high-quality mobile devices with high-speed processing, changing various information consumption habits of people, especially youths and students (Yu et al., 2022;Yip et al., 2021;Zhang et al., 2021). Also, people spend more time using their mobile devices because they can provide multi-functions to satisfy their daily lives, such as gaming, processing documents, learning, watching videos, listening to music, browsing social media sites, and using instant messaging applications to communicate with others (Cheng et al., 2024;Dong et al., 2021;Fan et al., 2020;Lau et al., 2020). The recent development of smart cities (Chang and Abdel-Basset, 2022), classrooms (Zhu et al., 2023), and libraries (Khan et al., 2023;Wang, 2024) has further increased the usage of mobile devices. ...

Relationships between research supervisors and students from coursework-based master’s degrees: information usage under social media
  • Citing Article
  • March 2021

Information Discovery and Delivery

... Social media has the capacity to be an effective teaching tool. It can assist educators, parents, and students in obtaining more relevant information, establishing connections with different educational systems and learning groups, and enhancing instructional strategies (Lei et al., 2021). Social media can be used to exchange ideas with experts, broaden one's perspective on many topics, and gather information (Mohaur 2023). ...

Exploring the aids of social media for musical instrument education
  • Citing Article
  • January 2021

International Journal of Music Education

... With the recent development of the Internet of Things (IoT), end-users use more and more devices connected to their multiple mobile devices, which may involve increasing security knowledge to prevent hacking (Cheung et al., 2023). Therefore, mobile security is becoming increasingly important nowadays, and more people are concerned about their privacy and security on their mobile devices Jiang et al., 2022;Wang et al., 2021;Jain and Shanbhag, 2012). ...

Supporting higher education with social networks: trust and privacy vs perceived effectiveness
  • Citing Article
  • October 2020

Online Information Review

... The Internet has become a key medium for learning, and school projects increasingly require students to search, evaluate, and integrate information across sources. People, especially young people in industrial countries, generally read on digital devices (Balling et al., 2019;Ding et al., 2021). The rapid increase of the rate of online reading stresses the importance of critical evaluation processes, which depend on the reader's ability to assess the trustworthiness and relevance of the information. ...

Changes in reading behaviour of periodicals on mobile devices: A comparative study
  • Citing Article
  • July 2020

Journal of Librarianship and Information Science