Maurício Ranzini’s research while affiliated with Instituto Geológico de São Paulo and other places

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Publications (49)

Fiber properties of Acacia mangium and Calophyllum brasiliense woods for papermaking: a comparative study
  • Article

January 2025


9 Reads

Advances in Forestry Science



Mauricio Ranzini




Patrick Ayrivie Assumpção

This study analyzed the fiber properties of 24 trees, 12 of which were Acacia mangium and 12 Calophyllum brasiliense, with the aim of evaluating the suitability of these species for paper production.We determine wood density, fiber features and fiber properties for the purpose of papermaking. In general, our results showed that both woods have medium quality for papermaking; however, C. brasiliense has a slight advantage by the greater number of properties classified as medium based on the reference values for fiber properties and the average values for each species. For flexibility coefficient, both species are classified as medium quality, falling within the range of 0.50 to 0.65. Wall fraction is also classified as medium quality, falling within the range of 0.50 to 0.35. Runkel ratio values group both species as good for paper (0.50 - 1.00). Slenderness ratio ranks A. mangium (0.62) in group III, 0.50 - 1.00, as good for paper, while C. brasiliense (0.43) is ranked in group II, 0.25 - 0.50, as very good for paper. According to Luce’s shape factor, C. brasiliense is good for papermaking with a value below 0.5. Overall, both species were found to be suitable for paper manufacturing, demonstrating strong potential for this industrial application.

Figure 2. Variation in fixed and sequestered carbon in 4 and a half years Croton floribundus and Guazuma ulmifolia in silvi-agricultural (SA) and silvi-pastoral (SP) systems. Different letters indicate statistical significance at p < 0.05 level (TUKEY test).
Figure 4. Radial variation of basic density (BD) [A], fiber length (FL) [B], fiber wall thickness (FWT) [C] and vessel element length (VEL) [D] in the silvi-agricultural system and Radial variation of basic density (BD) [E], fiber length (FL) [F], fiber wall thickness (FWT) [G] and vessel element length (VEL) [H] in the silvi-pastoral system.
Silvicultural data and mean annual increment of 4 and a half years Croton floribundus and Guazuma ulmifolia in different planting systems Tabela 1. Dados silviculturais e incremento médio anual de Croton floribundus e Guazuma ulmifolia aos 4 anos e meio em diferentes sistemas de plantio.
  • Article
  • Full-text available

December 2024


17 Reads

Revista do Instituto Florestal

- In Agrossilvipastoril systems trees are cultivated together with agricultural crops or animals, aiming at multiple uses therefore constituting a viable option for better soil use. Thus, reversing the processes of degradation of natural resources, to increase the availability of wood, food and environmental services and emerging as a sustainable alternative to the currently used wood production systems. Here we investigate the effect of the Silvi-agricultural and Silvi-pastoral systems on dendrometric data, mean annual increment (MAI), CO2 sequestration, wood density and anatomical features of Croton floribundus and Guazuma ulmifolia trees. The highest values of DBH (1.3 m from the ground), tree volume, volume per ha and MAI were observed in the silvi-agricultural system. Among the systems, C. floribundus presented higher values compared to G. ulmifolia in the silvi-agricultural system. While in the silvi-pastoral system, greater DBH and consequently greater volume of trees, volume per ha and MAI occurred in G. ulmifolia when compared to C. floribundus. CO2 sequestration values corroborated the MAI, with higher values in the silvi-agricultural system. Wood properties are affected in part by the type of system. C. floribundus has lower wood density values and higher vessel element length values, regardless of the management system, and the reverse occurs for G. ulmifolia. In this study, we demonstrated that integrating short-cycle crop cultivation with timber tree production is a feasible approach, which not only enhances carbon storage but also aligns with Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) criteria. These findings highlight that agroforestry systems not only enhance timber production but also diversify farmers' income streams and make a significant contribution to carbon sequestration, establishing themselves as a sustainable and economically viable land management solution.


Variation in wood properties of Pinus patula from different provenances

December 2024


12 Reads


Propriedades da madeira de Pinus patula de diferentes procedências plantadas em Itapeva, SP, Brasil. Desde as décadas de 60 e 70, Pinus spp. têm sido uma alternativa às espécies nativas do Brasil para certos usos na indústria madeireira. Assim, se justifica a importância de saber quais espécies de Pinus são as mais indicadas para o plantio em diferentes localidades do Brasil. No presente estudo, objetivamos ampliar o conhecimento da madeira de Pinus patula de diferentes procedências de sementes plantadas em Itapeva, São Paulo, Brasil, estudando a variabilidade em propriedades físicas, mecânicas e anatômicas e comparando-as com Pinus elliottii var. elliottii, espécie já utilizada tradicionalmente pela indústria madeireira brasileira. Espera-se que nossos achados forneçam subsídios para novos estudos voltados ao melhoramento genético de P. patula e, assim, contribuam para suprir a demanda por matérias-primas de boa qualidade. Para tanto, aos 31 anos foram coletadas 25 árvores, cinco de cada espécie/procedência. Não encontramos diferença entre os materiais estudados para espessura da parede das traqueídes, resistência à compressão paralela às fibras, resistência ao cisalhamento tangencial aos anéis de crescimento e módulo de ruptura. Pinus elliottii apresentou menor comprimento de traqueíde em comparação com as procedências de Pinus patula. Todas as propriedades avaliadas aumentaram em direção à casca, mas a partir da posição de 75%, os valores de todas as propriedades tenderam a se estabilizar, indicando maior presença de lenho adulto. Nossos resultados mostram que Pinus patula pode ser indicado para fins estruturais.

Figure 1 -Location in municipality of Pindamonhangaba (red circle) in São Paulo State, Brazil. Average monthly sum of precipitation, water deficit DEF (-1), water surplus (EXC), and mean temperature (line).
Figure 2 -Overview of Acacia mangium and Calophyllum brasiliense plantations in the municipality of Pindamonhangaba, São Paulo State.
Figure 4 -Comparison between basic density and chemical properties of Acacia mangium and Calophyllum brasiliense wood
Variables determined in chemical analyses and related standard/procedure.
Chemical characteristics of Acacia mangium and Calophyllum brasiliense wood at 15 and 16 years, respectively.
Wood chemical characterization of Acacia mangium and Calophyllum brasiliense grown in plantation

December 2024


34 Reads

Research Society and Development

This study aimed to characterize and compare the physical and chemical properties of wood from 15-year-old Acacia mangium and 16-year-old Calophyllum brasiliense plantation trees. Specific data is provided on basic density, extractives, holocellulose, lignin, ash content and the highest heating value, as well as the linear correlations between them were performed. We observed similar mean values of basic density, despite statistical differences were found in lignin and holocellulose contents. The results for the higher heating value (19.5 kJ kg−1) were noteworthy, as they are positively associated with the extractive content (8.3%) and lignin content (26.0%) of A. mangium and C. brasiliense, respectively. Furthermore, the relationships found between the basic density of C. brasiliense wood, and its chemical properties were different from those expected, suggesting that other analyses should be carried out on the wood in order to fully understand it. Both species demonstrate calorific values suitable for biomass production, suggesting the potential use of their residues for pellet and briquette manufacturing. The findings have provided valuable information on the quality and behavior of wood, especially to contribute to the sustainable use of forest resources.


November 2024


23 Reads


1 Citation

Revista do Instituto Florestal

Hevea brasiliensis is a forest species with potential for commercial planting for both latex and timber production at the end of the latex production cycle. This study aimed to determine the genetic variability of growth traits and wood properties in a 33-year-old clonal plantation of H. brasiliensis in the region of Selvíria, state of Mato Grosso do Sul. Significant differences were detected among the clones for DBH and total tree height. For the physical properties of the wood, only volumetric shrinkage showed a significant difference between clones; however, for all anatomical dimensions and mechanical properties, significant differences were found. Clone IAN717 stood out for the highest growth, while RRIM600 had the lowest growth. In terms of wood properties, clone RRIM600 exhibited highest mechanical resistance, while GT1 showed the lowest resistance. Most wood properties varied in the pith-to-bark direction, with the lowest values found in the pith region and the highest in the bark region, except for vessel frequency, where the opposite trend occurred. The highest heritability coefficients were observed for DBH, volumetric shrinkage in the bark region, vessel element diameter in the intermediate region, and vessel frequency in the bark region. The genetic correlation coefficient was high, positive, and significant between traits such as shear strength x modulus of rupture, modulus of elasticity x modulus of rupture, and volumetric shrinkage x modulus of rupture, indicating that selection for one trait may result in indirect gains in another.

Wood properties of three south american species planted in consortium

October 2024


26 Reads


1 Citation

Revista Árvore

The use of tropical wood species in reforestation can be an alternative resource to meet the demand from the industrial wood sector. However, this strategy remains very limited, even while tropical forests continue to be deliberately exploited for the selective extraction of native species of highly commercial value. To test the potential of tropical species in reforestation, it is first necessary to evaluate the production and quality of the wood produced. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the quality Astronium urundeuva, Astronium fraxinifolium and Terminalia argentea woods, all aged 22 years, from a heterogeneous plantation located in the municipality of Selvíria-MS. From each species, 15 trees were selected. A 10 cm thick disc was removed from the base of each tree. Samples were taken from the discs near the bark region to evaluate the anatomical characteristics and the physical and mechanical properties of the wood. According to the results, it was found that only compressive strength did not differ significantly among the species. Astronium urundeuva presented the highest values for basic density and apparent density, and Terminalia argentea presented the highest values for fiber length, fiber wall thickness and vessel element diameter. The best Pearson correlations were found for basic density and apparent density, both for Astronium fraxinifolium and Astronium urundeuva. The best regression equations obtained were correlations between basic density and apparent density for Astronium fraxinifolium and Astronium urundeuva. The linear model best fits the data for these correlations. The greater growth of Terminalia argentea trees caused lower wood density owing to the lower rate of competition among trees. Based on the results and according to wood strength standards, the three species can be classified in the D40 strength class. According to the obtained results, these can support information to be compared with some species used commercially for structural purposes and other uses. Keywords: Forest management; Physicomechanical properties; Tropical Brazilian wood

Apparent density of wood determined by two different methods in Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis and Pinus tecunumanii

June 2024


12 Reads

Advances in Forestry Science

The aim of this study was to compare the apparent wood density obtained by two different methods in populations of Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis and Pinus tecunumanii, both 50 years old, located in Itirapina, SP. For this purpose, five trees of each species were selected. From each tree, two discs of 7 cm thickness were removed in the diameter at breast height (DBH) region. To determine the apparent density by the gravimetric method, samples were collected at five different positions, from pith to bark, on one of the discs. The other disc was used to obtain the radial profile of apparent wood density, using the X-ray Densitometry method. The results revealed that the apparent density did not differ significantly between the species. Variations in apparent density were observed from pith to bark in the trunks of both species, with a tendency of increasing density towards the bark. Furthermore, positive correlations between radial position and apparent density were observed in both species. The methodologies used to obtain the apparent density showed a high correlation between them, allowing for estimates with good precision. It is worth noting that the apparent density obtained by the gravimetric method showed significantly higher values than the X-ray densitometry method.

Figure 1. Overview of experimental populations of Eucalyptus clones planted in the municipality of Palmital, São Paulo State.
Figure 3. Wall fraction (A) Runkel ratio (B) and flexibility coefficient (C) of 4-year-old Eucalyptus clones. Figura 3. Fator de Runkel (A), fração parede (B) e coeficiente de rigidez (C) de Eucalyptus (11 clones) aos 4 anos de idade.
Dendrometric survey of the experimental plot. Tabela 1. Levantamento dendrométrico da parcela experimental.
Basic density (BD), fiber length (FL), vessel element length (VEL) in Eucalyptus spp. as a function of age, data obtained according to the reference. Tabela 3. Densidade básica (BD), comprimento de fibra (FL), comprimento de elemento de vaso (VEL) em Eucalyptus spp. em função da idade, dados obtidos na literatura.

May 2024


22 Reads

Revista do Instituto Florestal

As in other countries, In Brazil, new genetic materials of Eucalyptus spp. and their hybrids are multiplied through cloning. These materials, currently in experimental trials, must undergo several stages to select the best ones for pulp and paper production. Therefore, new studies on wood quality are essential. Therefore, this study aimed to group 11 clones of Eucalyptus spp. wood, from a clonal plantation in the municipality of Palmital, São Paulo State, for the production of paper and cellulose. For this purpose, four trees of each clone of 4-year-old Eucalyptus spp. were collected. From each tree, a log of 1 m in length was taken from the base of the tree, for the study of the characterization of the basic density and cellular dimensions of the wood. The results showed that there were significant differences between clones for basic density, fiber length, vessel element length and fiber wall thickness. The Runkel ratio, wall fraction and stiffness coefficient did not show significant differences between the different genotypes. From the results obtained, we can conclude that clones can be differentiated only by basic density, fiber length, vessel element length and fiber wall thickness. The Runkel index, flexibility coefficient and wall fraction of Eucalyptus spp. were more efficient to group the clones into two groups.


May 2024


13 Reads

Revista do Instituto Florestal

As relações entre recomposição florestal e os processos hidrológicos são pouco estudadas. Áreas plantadas com espécies arbóreas são importantes para se avaliar a repartição da chuva ao nível das copas. Com esse propósito foi selecionada uma área reflorestada com cerca de 70 anos de idade na Estação Experimental de Tupi, onde demarcou-se uma parcela de 400 m2. Foram identificadas 11 espécies arbóreas dentre 40 árvores existentes, sendo 39 nativas e apenas uma exótica. Todos os eventos de precipitação foram registrados com pluviômetros feitos com garrafas plásticas PET de 2 L; quatro em área aberta, 25 no interior da floresta para a transprecipitação e para a determinação do escoamento pelo tronco das árvores foram instalados três coletores de espuma de poliuretano. A interceptação foi estimada pela equação do balanço hídrico do dossel. No período de 1 ano foram realizadas 60 coletas de chuva, totalizando 1.522,0 mm de precipitação. Em média, 15,3% da precipitação total foi interceptada pela floresta, 80,4% atravessaram o dossel pela transprecipitação e 4,3% como escoamento pelo tronco, totalizando 84,7% de precipitação efetiva. Houve diferença estatisticamente significativa para as perdas por interceptação entre os períodos chuvoso e seco, com os maiores valores na época das chuvas. Análises de regressão linear indicaram correlação positiva alta entre a precipitação total, tanto para a transprecipitação (R2 > 0,9) quanto para o escoamento pelo tronco (R2 > 0,8), e média para a precipitação total e a interceptação (R2 próximo a 0,6). Os resultados mostram que após cerca de 70 anos de sua implantação, o processo de repartição da chuva possui valores compatíveis aos encontrados em floresta estacional semidecidual.

Figure 3 Basic density [BD] (A), ber length [FL] (B), ber wall thickness [FWT] (C) and vessel element length [VEL] (D) as a function of management systems
Silvicultural data and mean annual increment of 4 and a half years Croton oribundus and Guazuma ulmifolia in different planting systems
Basic density (BD), ber length (FL), ber wall thickness (FWT) and vessel element length (VEL) as a function of management systems and species
Agrossilvipastoril systems such as timber production options and carbon stock

April 2024


68 Reads

In Agrossilvipastoril systems trees are cultivated together with agricultural crops or animals, aiming at multiple uses therefore constituting a viable option for better soil use. Thus, reversing the processes of degradation of natural resources, to increase the availability of wood, food and environmental services and emerging as a sustainable alternative to the currently used wood production systems. Here we investigate the effect of the Silvi-agricultural and Silvi-pastoral systems on dendrometric data, mean annual increment (MAI), CO 2 sequestration, wood density and anatomical features of Croton floribundus and Guazuma ulmifolia trees. The highest values of DBH (1.3 m from the ground), tree volume, volume per ha and MAI were observed in the silvi-agricultural system. Among the systems, Croton floribundus presented higher values compared to Guazuma ulmifolia in the silvi-agricultural system. While in the silvi-pastoral system, greater DBH and consequently greater volume of trees, volume per ha and MAI occurred in G. ulmifolia when compared to C. floribundus . CO 2 sequestration values corroborated the MAI, with higher values in the silvi-agricultural system. Wood properties are affected in part by the type of system. We report shorter fibers with thicker walls in the silvi-agricultural system for Croton floribundus . Additionally, we show that it is possible to associate the planting of short-cycle crops with the production of trees to obtain wood, increase the carbon stock and still be aligned with the criteria of Environmental, Social, and Governance. Results that encourage the practice of agroforestry systems with multiple sources of income.

Citations (28)

... The average DBH and tree height were (24 cm and 22 m) in Acacia mangium and (16.5 cm and 13 m) in Calophyllum brasiliense, respectively, according to the methodological recommendations of Pereira et al. (2018). The selected trees were felled, and from each tree, a 1-meter-long log was cut from the region immediately below breast height, following Lima et al. (2024). From the logs, a central plank (5 cm thick) was cut. ...


Wood chemical characterization of Acacia mangium and Calophyllum brasiliense grown in plantation

Revista do Instituto Florestal

... de acidez y saponificación (Gallo-Corredor y Sarria-Villa, 2013; Riveros-Alcedo et al., 2017), debido a que se modifica la proporción de ácidos presentes en la resina (Sarria-Villa et al., 2021).Algunos sistemas cerrados descritos en la literatura evitan la contaminación y oxidación de las muestras de resina; sin embargo, se basan en la aplicación de estimulantes químicos(De Freitas et al., 2023), lo que altera las propiedades químicas de la muestra y son inviables para realizar el análisis químico.Los valores de los índices de acidez y saponificación (índices de calidad) de la resina resultan ser muy altos cuando se usan estimulantes químicos(Osorio-Pérez et al., 2016; Wiyono, 2007). ...

Evaluation of different compositions of stimulating paste in a closed resin system in 10-year-old Pinus elliottii var. elliottii

Research Society and Development

... O escoamento de tronco não responde à chuva total da mesma maneira que a chuva interna. A magnitude da chuva só explicou 37% da variação desse processo em pinheiros e 79% em eucaliptos (LIMA, 1976), 80,5% em Mata Atlântica (ARCOVA et al., 2003) e 86,4% em araucárias (SOUSA et al., 2009). Essa informação sugere que o escoamento de tronco sofre maior influência das características da vegetação do que a chuva interna. ...


Revista do Instituto Florestal

... These catchments have been monitored for over 30 years. Numerous studies have been carried out there (e.g., Arcova et al., 1998Arcova et al., , 2016Arcova & Cicco, 1997;Donato et al., 2008;Fujieda et al., 1997;Ranzini et al., 2011). In this regard, given that the formation of a forest canopy influences the degree of immersion in fog, which, in turn, affects both evapotranspiration and fog capture, the present study tested the hypothesis that the natural regeneration of cloud forests increases the catchment water yield. ...


Revista do Instituto Florestal

... In contrast, other RC estimates for streams in the montane region of Serra do Mar in Southeast Brazil were substantially higher than our results. Estimates ranged from 40% to 48% (Groppo et al., 2019), 44% to 55% (Salemi et al., 2013), 60% (Donato et al., 2007), 67% to 76% (Teixeira et al., 2021), and up to 70% (Fujieda et al., 1997). These catchments in Serra do Mar all have higher annual rainfall than that at PO, generally ...


Revista do Instituto Florestal

... In contrast, other RC estimates for streams in the montane region of Serra do Mar in Southeast Brazil were substantially higher than our results. Estimates ranged from 40% to 48% (Groppo et al., 2019), 44% to 55% (Salemi et al., 2013), 60% (Donato et al., 2007), 67% to 76% (Teixeira et al., 2021), and up to 70% (Fujieda et al., 1997). These catchments in Serra do Mar all have higher annual rainfall than that at PO, generally ...


Revista do Instituto Florestal

... This natural phenomenon may explain, to some extent, the lower values of density and mechanical resistance of this species when compared to those properties in Astronium urundeuva and Astronium fraxinifolium (Figure 3). Several studies reporting on the effect of competition between trees on wood density have found that this increase is correlated with a lower rate of competition between trees (Vidaurre et al. 2018;Lima et al., 2022). Therefore, competition between trees can also influence wood density, a fact that foresters should recognize and incorporate into their management planning in order to adapt Wood properties of three south american... Longui et al, 2024 10 Revista Árvore 2024;48:e4828 spacing in concordance with the final use of the wood (Moulin et al., 2020).The degree of competition between trees influences the intensity of juvenile/adult wood production, and it is desirable that the transition between juvenile and adult wood occur at younger ages, as this will result in a higher percentage of adult wood at the end of the seasonal cutting cycle (Moulin et al., 2020). ...

Wood Properties of 38-year-old Cariniana legalis (Mart.) Kuntze Based on Planting Spacing

Colombia Forestal

... The pores were primarily solitary, with occasional twinning and no defined arrangement [57,62]. The teak also exhibited radial parenchyma in cross-sections, with axial parenchyma that were arranged in marginal bands [59][60][61] and vasicentric paratracheal parenchyma [57]. Thus, the greater fungal attack in the earlywood region can be attributed to its greater permeability, resulting from the larger vessel diameters and marginal bands of parenchyma, which create a favorable environment for fungal growth and decomposition. ...

Wood characterization of Tectona grandis L. F. cultivated in Brazil: a review of the last 30 years

Research Society and Development

... For instance, Calonego et al. [22] reported that thermal modification of Shizolobium parahyba resulted in EMC reductions of up to 51.1% for juvenile wood and 42.7% for mature wood. Similarly, Barbosa et al. [23] and Kozakiewicz et al. [24] highlighted that thermal treatment significantly reduces the wood's ability to exchange water with the outside environment, thereby minimizing dimensional variations. This reduction in moisture absorption not only enhances the dimensional stability of the wood but also contributes to its longevity, as it minimizes the risk of warping and cracking over time [25]. ...

Effect of thermal modification on wood properties of 38-year-old Cariniana legalis cultivated at different spacing

Scientific Electronic Archives

... As a significant ecosystem service, water conservation refers to the capacity and process of an ecosystem to retain water resources from precipitation through various hydrological and ecological processes. These processes commonly include interception, infiltration, and storage in the canopy, litter layer, soil, and water bodies across specific temporal and spatial extents Teixeira et al., 2021;Xu et al., 2022). ...

Regeneration of Tropical Montane Cloud Forests increases water yield in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest
  • Citing Article
  • April 2021
