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Publications (8)

Towards a Framework for Mobile Knowledge Management
  • Conference Paper
  • Full-text available

November 2007


66 Reads


19 Citations

Lecture Notes in Computer Science

Matthias Grimm


Mohammad-Reza Tazari


Mobile devices, such as PDAs, evolve rapidly from digital calendars and address books to hosts of more complex functionality. Screen quality, processing power and mobile networks allow for full-blown mobile information systems. However, mobility and scaled-down technology lead to specific limitations in contrast to the usage of desktop computers. It is absolutely crucial to consider these restrictions to ensure the development of usable mobile applications. In this paper, we are going to derive basic requirements for mobile knowledge management and present a first approach to possible solutions within the area of project management work. Underlying technical and human constraints are drawn from a general discussion of mobile information access and processing. We will point out focal components and problems to address. Finally, our main concept of context-aware KM will be sketched, building on the idea of Knowledge Portals and prototyped as the “BuddyAlert” system.


Figure 1: building blocks of Knowledge Management [Probst et al., 1999]
Figure 2: example process site inspection 
Figure 3: Reference Architecture for mobile Knowledge Management
A Reference Architecture for Mobile Knowledge Management

January 2005


463 Reads


7 Citations

Although mobile knowledge management (mKM) is being perceived as an emerging R&D field, its concepts and approaches are not well-settled, as opposed to the general field of Knowledge Management (KM). In this work, we try to establish a definition for mKM. Taking into account building blocks of KM in enterprises and the abstract use cases of mKM systems we introduce an reference architecture for mKM systems as a basis for verifying and comparing concepts and system architectures. Finally we address the potential of mKM to be suitable as a prototype model for mobile, situation-aware information processing in the field of Ambient Intelligence Environments. @InProceedings{balfanz_et_al:DSP:2005:374, author = {Dirk Balfanz and Matthias Grimm and Mohammad-Reza Tazari}, title = {A Reference Architecture for Mobile Knowledge Management}, booktitle = {Mobile Computing and Ambient Intelligence: The Challenge of Multimedia}, year = {2005}, editor = {Nigel Davies and Thomas Kirste and Heidrun Schumann}, number = {05181}, series = {Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings}, ISSN = {1862-4405}, publisher = {Internationales Begegnungs- und Forschungszentrum f{"u}r Informatik (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany}, address = {Dagstuhl, Germany}, URL = {}, annote = {Keywords: Knowledge Management, Mobile Computing, Context-Awareness, Ambient Intelligence} }

The Impact of Dimensionality and Color Coding of Information Visualizations on Knowledge Acquisition

January 2005


326 Reads


21 Citations

Lecture Notes in Computer Science

Up to now, information visualizations have been mainly used to support information retrieval. In the study presented here, we investigate whether information visualizations can also be used to aid in acquiring knowledge, that is, in memorizing and understanding large abstract data structures. Furthermore, we address the issue of how information visualizations have to be designed in order to support knowledge acquisition of abstract data. To this end, we conducted an experimental study investigating the influence of the factors “dimensionality” and “color coding”. The domain was the building industry. The study provided evidence that information visualizations may foster knowledge acquisition and that two-dimensional information visualizations are better suited for supporting knowledge acquisition than three-dimensional ones. In addition, we found a marginal main effect of color coding, that is, the use of color coding slightly increased performance in a knowledge test. To conclude our analysis, we will outline how information visualizations for fostering knowledge acquisition can benefit from the field of knowledge visualization.

Figure 1: m ma ap p network architecture [MTI, 2003]
Figure 2. The AlertSpace of Buddy Alert 
Mobile Situation-Awareness within the Project map

December 2003


74 Reads


2 Citations

Computers & Graphics

Mobile devices as PDAs evolve rapidly from digital calendars and address books to hosts of more complex functionality. Mobile access to business information such as customer, product or project databases is seen as one of the cutting edge IT solutions for improving productivity and customer satisfaction. However, mobility and scaled-down mobile technology lead to specific limitations in contrast to the usage of desktop computers. These restrictions are absolutely crucial to consider for the development of usable mobile applications.With reference to the project map—Multimedia Arbeitsplatz der Zukunft (Multimedia Workplace of the Future), this article outlines our main approach to situation-aware support for mobile workers in response to mobile restrictions. We are pointing out focal components and sketch parts of the map architecture, in particular the prototypical application “BuddyAlert”.

User interface techniques for mobile agents

January 2003


18 Reads


4 Citations

In mobile environments, the usage of mobile agents is very common. After being configured by the user, mobile agents can perform tasks autonomously and present their results when they have finished their task. In most cases, communication between user and agent is only necessary at the time of configuration and at the time of presentation, when the agent has accomplished its task. Our research activities deal with agent-based applications for mobile users with mobile devices of low processing power and without Java capabilities, which yields the question of how user interfaces can be implemented. In this paper, different approaches for the communication between users and agents are summarized and classified with respect to our applications. An agent platform gateway is introduced as our approach to user interface implementation and some services of the gateway are described in detail.

Design principles for a collaborative hypervideo user interface concept in mobile environments

14 Reads


2 Citations

Hypervideo content can be understood as a video-based hypermedia information structure providing a user the option to exert influence on the way the video-related content is presented. It offers a user the opportunity to take an active part in the presentation. It has been proven that the combination of interactivity, video content and multimedia documents forming a hypermedia structure is a powerful way to present information. Collaborative knowledge construction within communities on the Internet is a hot topic today, providing support for exchanging and retrieving multimedia content based on group conversation. With this paper, we announce a first approach to a hypervideo collaborative learning interface concept for mobile environments. This approach enables users to extend the interactive video content with multimedia documents during a presentation in order to exchange and share experiences and views with other members within a mobile community.

Modelling user context

14 Reads


25 Citations

A major problem in the domain of context-aware and adaptive HCI is the lack of a shared understanding of context. Many of the existing context-aware applications act independently from a shared context management service relying on a curtailed context model not appropriate for interoperability between independently running components. This paper aims at identifying the core of context parameters for a mobile user, followed by a discussion about the classification of these parameters. For each identified class, the most important properties are then determined. The context model presented here is a result of our two major projects from the domain of mobile workplaces and mobile knowledge management (m ma ap p 1 1 and mummy 2). Most parts of the model, however, can be applied in arbitrary scenarios and systems.

Figure 1: Interdisciplinary approach to mobile knowledge management 
Figure 2: Concepts of context-aware authoring and retrieval Figure 3: Schematic presentation of the Reference Model
A reference model for mobile knowledge management

290 Reads


19 Citations

Although mobile knowledge management is being perceived as an emerging R&D field, its concepts and approaches are not well-settled, as opposed to the general field of knowledge management. In this paper, we try to fill this gap by establishing a definition for mKM, specifying the abstract use cases of mKM systems, and intro-ducing a reference model as a basis for verifying and comparing concepts and system architectures.

Citations (8)

... For example, Karen's innovative sunshaped visualization reflects her personal perspective on schooling, demonstrating the power of art for constructing individual narratives. From an art technique perspective, color-coding emerges as a common approach, fostering efficient information acquisition (Keller & Grimm, 2005). In addition, specific art techniques, such as bouncing and rolling a painted soccer ball or drawing on pencils, not only reflect data artists' understanding of their dataset but also contribute to the creation of unique and meaningful data visualizations at personal and cultural levels. ...


Bridging Data and Art: Investigating Data-Art Connections in a Data-Art Inquiry Program
The Impact of Dimensionality and Color Coding of Information Visualizations on Knowledge Acquisition
  • Citing Chapter
  • January 2005

Lecture Notes in Computer Science

... Ein entsprechendes Bedienungskonzept ist dafür verantwortlich, Eingabefunktionen bereitzustellen, um den Wechsel zwischen den einzelnen Sichten einfach und nachvollziehbar durchzuführen, vgl. dazu[FiGT03].Bei Endgeräten, die über eine große Displayfläche verfügen, allerdings im Vergleich dazu eher eine geringe Auflösung aufweisen (z.B. bei Fernsehformaten, wie PAL oder NTSC), bietet sich ein Bild-in-Bild Modus an. Hierbei wird primär die Videosicht gezeigt. ...

Design principles for a collaborative hypervideo user interface concept in mobile environments
  • Citing Article

... This phenomenon of 'consumerization of IT' has become the way for mobile technologies to penetrate from consumers into organizations, generating increased numbers of mobile knowledge workers (Moschella, Neal, Taylor, & Opperman, 2004). Although mobile knowledge work is perceived as an emerging field, its concepts and approaches are not well settled (Grimm, Tazari, & Balfanz, 2005). The interest in 'knowledge worker' and 'mobility' is often motivated by the fact that work in many organizations is 'knowledge intensive' and 'mobile' (Fagrell, Forsberg, & Sanneblad, 2000). ...

A reference model for mobile knowledge management

... We introduced the idea of physical homebases (or personal agent portals) as personal installations of SeMoA, where the personal instances of agents start their lifecycle and automatically get signed digitally, and through which their services are offered. We also provided the so-called " Thin Client Gateway " on SeMoA, formed from a session servlet and a gateway agent, to translate user actions into ACL 1 messages [6]. Agents can provide their Web-based UIs through the thin client gateway. ...

User interface techniques for mobile agents
  • Citing Article
  • January 2003

... Other papers (11) were focused on algorithms development and thus used Experiment with Software Subjects method. The following UbiSA were described in the primary studies: mSpace Mobile [58], BuddyAlert [19], OntoWiki Mobile [15], MSSW [49], myCampus [44], PhotoMap [54] and csxPOI [6]. These studies were selected to cover as many quality attributes and parts of the generalized architecture as possible. ...

Towards a Framework for Mobile Knowledge Management

Lecture Notes in Computer Science

... Information real time and fast reactions in unforeseen situations are crucial factors. Mobile phone, PDA, and smart phones can serve as permanent companions used for ad hoc and spontaneous up-to-date and online information access [1]. Consequently, personal digital assistant (PDA) is becoming a popular portable device [12]. ...

Mobile Situation-Awareness within the Project map

Computers & Graphics

... Therefore, we argue that mobile knowledge creation supporting situated mobile working scenarios has not attracted as much attention as it should, considering its potential. Researchers like Balfanz, Grimm et al. [24], Becerra-Fernandez, Cousins et al. [23], and Merckel and Nishida [4]) argue that mobile knowledge creation systems should be physical context-aware of the users' working situation and location. That is, a mobile face-to-face support system can be used as the basis to manage situated knowledge, i.e., knowledge specific to a particular location. ...

A Reference Architecture for Mobile Knowledge Management