Matthew F. Pusey’s research while affiliated with The Graduate Center, CUNY and other places

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Publications (41)

FIG. 2. The Bell DAG. It encompasses the assumptions of Bell's theorem for a Bell scenario where X and Y are the measurement settings of Alice and Bob, A and B are their outcomes and is a classical hidden variable. The probability distributions that are classically compatible with this DAG are those that decompose as in Eq. (3).
FIG. 4. Example of a directed acyclic graph (DAG). The probability distributions that are classically compatible with this DAG are those that can be decomposed as in Eq. (2).
FIG. 10. A DAG with four observed nodes and seven total nodes whose NON-ALGEBRAICNESS can be shown by Fraser's algorithm for compatible supports.
FIG. 13. Nonmaximal DAG. It does not have any of the DAGs of Fig. 12 as a subgraph, but it nevertheless has a d-separation pattern that does not correspond to any latent-free DAG.
Classifying causal structures: Ascertaining when classical correlations are constrained by inequalities
  • Article
  • Full-text available

April 2024


22 Reads


2 Citations

Physical Review Research


Marina Maciel Ansanelli


Matthew F. Pusey


The classical causal relations between a set of variables, some observed and some latent, can induce both equality constraints (typically conditional independencies) as well as inequality constraints (Instrumental and Bell inequalities being prototypical examples) on their compatible distribution over the observed variables. Enumerating a causal structure's implied inequality constraints is generally far more difficult than enumerating its equalities. Furthermore, only inequality constraints ever admit violation by quantum correlations. For both those reasons, it is important to classify causal scenarios into those which impose inequality constraints versus those which do not. Here we develop methods for detecting such scenarios by appealing to d separation, e separation, and incompatible supports. Many (perhaps all?) scenarios with exclusively equality constraints can be detected via a condition articulated by Henson, Lal, and Pusey (HLP). Considering all scenarios with up to four observed variables, which number in the thousands, we are able to resolve all but three causal scenarios, providing evidence that the HLP condition is, in fact, exhaustive. Published by the American Physical Society 2024


A structure theorem for generalized-noncontextual ontological models

March 2024


49 Reads


46 Citations


It is useful to have a criterion for when the predictions of an operational theory should be considered classically explainable. Here we take the criterion to be that the theory admits of a generalized-noncontextual ontological model. Existing works on generalized noncontextuality have focused on experimental scenarios having a simple structure: typically, prepare-measure scenarios. Here, we formally extend the framework of ontological models as well as the principle of generalized noncontextuality to arbitrary compositional scenarios. We leverage a process-theoretic framework to prove that, under some reasonable assumptions, every generalized-noncontextual ontological model of a tomographically local operational theory has a surprisingly rigid and simple mathematical structure — in short, it corresponds to a frame representation which is not overcomplete. One consequence of this theorem is that the largest number of ontic states possible in any such model is given by the dimension of the associated generalized probabilistic theory. This constraint is useful for generating noncontextuality no-go theorems as well as techniques for experimentally certifying contextuality. Along the way, we extend known results concerning the equivalence of different notions of classicality from prepare-measure scenarios to arbitrary compositional scenarios. Specifically, we prove a correspondence between the following three notions of classical explainability of an operational theory: (i) existence of a noncontextual ontological model for it, (ii) existence of a positive quasiprobability representation for the generalized probabilistic theory it defines, and (iii) existence of an ontological model for the generalized probabilistic theory it defines.

Figure 8: A DAG with 4 observed nodes that is shown to be Non-Algebraic per Theorem 22 [Nonmaximal]. This can be seen because G and F not d-separable, i.e. none of the d-separation relations (G⊥ d F |E), (G⊥ d F |D) or (G⊥ d F |D,E) hold, but they are not adjacent.
Figure 10: A DAG with 4 observed nodes and 7 total nodes whose Non-Algebraicness can be shown by Fraser's algorithm for compatible supports.
Figure 13: nonmaximal DAG. It does not have any of the DAGs of Figure 12 as a subgraph, but it nevertheless has a d-separation pattern that does not correspond to any latent-free DAG.
Classifying Causal Structures: Ascertaining when Classical Correlations are Constrained by Inequalities

August 2023


23 Reads

The classical causal relations between a set of variables, some observed and some latent, can induce both equality constraints (typically conditional independences) as well as inequality constraints (Instrumental and Bell inequalities being prototypical examples) on their compatible distribution over the observed variables. Enumerating a causal structure's implied inequality constraints is generally far more difficult than enumerating its equalities. Furthermore, only inequality constraints ever admit violation by quantum correlations. For both those reasons, it is important to classify causal scenarios into those which impose inequality constraints versus those which do not. Here we develop methods for detecting such scenarios by appealing to d-separation, e-separation, and incompatible supports. Many (perhaps all?) scenarios with exclusively equality constraints can be detected via a condition articulated by Henson, Lal and Pusey (HLP). Considering all scenarios with up to 4 observed variables, which number in the thousands, we are able to resolve all but three causal scenarios, providing evidence that the HLP condition is, in fact, exhaustive.

Uniqueness of Noncontextual Models for Stabilizer Subtheories

September 2022


11 Reads


41 Citations

Physical Review Letters

We give a complete characterization of the (non)classicality of all stabilizer subtheories. First, we prove that there is a unique nonnegative and diagram-preserving quasiprobability representation of the stabilizer subtheory in all odd dimensions, namely Gross’s discrete Wigner function. This representation is equivalent to Spekkens’ epistemically restricted toy theory, which is consequently singled out as the unique noncontextual ontological model for the stabilizer subtheory. Strikingly, the principle of noncontextuality is powerful enough (at least in this setting) to single out one particular classical realist interpretation. Our result explains the practical utility of Gross’s representation by showing that (in the setting of the stabilizer subtheory) negativity in this particular representation implies generalized contextuality. Since negativity of this particular representation is a necessary resource for universal quantum computation in the state injection model, it follows that generalized contextuality is also a necessary resource for universal quantum computation in this model. In all even dimensions, we prove that there does not exist any nonnegative and diagram-preserving quasiprobability representation of the stabilizer subtheory, and, hence, that the stabilizer subtheory is contextual in all even dimensions.

The only noncontextual model of the stabilizer subtheory is Gross'

January 2021


35 Reads

We prove that there is a unique nonnegative and diagram-preserving quasiprobability representation of the stabilizer subtheory in odd dimensions, namely Gross' discrete Wigner function. This representation is equivalent to Spekkens' epistemically restricted toy theory, which is consequently singled out as the unique noncontextual ontological model for the stabilizer subtheory. Strikingly, the principle of noncontextuality is powerful enough (at least in this setting) to single out one particular classical realist interpretation. Our result explains the practical utility of Gross' representation, e.g. why (in the setting of the stabilizer subtheory) negativity in this particular representation implies generalized contextuality, and hence sheds light on why negativity of this particular representation is a resource for quantum computational speedup.

A structure theorem for generalized-noncontextual ontological models

May 2020


56 Reads


1 Citation

It is useful to have a criterion for when the predictions of an operational theory should be considered classically explainable. Here we take the criterion to be that the theory admits of a generalized-noncontextual ontological model. Existing works on generalized noncontextuality have focused on experimental scenarios having a simple structure, typically, prepare-measure scenarios. Here, we formally extend the framework of ontological models as well as the principle of generalized noncontextuality to arbitrary compositional scenarios. We leverage this process-theoretic framework to prove that, under some reasonable assumptions, every generalized-noncontextual ontological model of a tomographically local operational theory has a surprisingly rigid and simple mathematical structure; in short, it corresponds to a frame representation which is not overcomplete. One consequence of this theorem is that the largest number of ontic states possible in any such model is given by the dimension of the associated generalized probabilistic theory. This constraint is useful for generating noncontextuality no-go theorems as well as techniques for experimentally certifying contextuality. Along the way, we extend known results concerning the equivalence of different notions of classicality from prepare-measure scenarios to arbitrary compositional scenarios. Specifically, we prove a correspondence between the following three notions of classical explainability of an operational theory: (i) admitting a noncontextual ontological model, (ii) admitting of a positive quasiprobability representation, and (iii) being simplex-embeddable.

Anomalous weak values and contextuality: Robustness, tightness, and imaginary parts

October 2019


16 Reads


101 Citations

Physical Review A

Weak values are quantities accessed through quantum experiments involving weak measurements and postselection. It has been shown that “anomalous” weak values (those lying beyond the eigenvalue range of the corresponding operator) defy classical explanation in the sense of requiring contextuality [M. F. Pusey, Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 200401 (2014)]. Here we elaborate on and extend that result in several directions. First, the original theorem requires certain perfect correlations that can never be realized in any actual experiment. Hence, we provide theorems that allow for a noise-robust experimental verification of contextuality from anomalous weak values, and compare with a recent experiment. Second, the original theorem connects the anomaly to contextuality only in the presence of a whole set of extra operational constraints. Here we clarify the debate surrounding anomalous weak values by showing that these conditions are tight: if any one of them is dropped, the anomaly can be reproduced classically. Third, whereas the original result required the real part of the weak value to be anomalous, we also give a version for any weak value with nonzero imaginary part. Finally, we show that similar results hold if the weak measurement is performed through qubit pointers, rather than the traditional continuous system. In summary, we provide inequalities for witnessing nonclassicality using experimentally realistic measurements of any anomalous weak value, and clarify what ingredients of the quantum experiment must be missing in any classical model that can reproduce the anomaly.

Contextuality without access to a tomographically complete set

April 2019


9 Reads

The non-classicality of single quantum systems can be formalised using the notion of contextuality. But can contextuality be convincingly demonstrated in an experiment, without reference to the quantum formalism? The operational approach to contextuality due to Spekkens requires finding operationally equivalent preparation procedures. Previously these have been obtained by demanding indistinguishability under a set of measurements taken to be tomographically complete. In the language of generalised probability theories, this requires the ability to explore all the dimensions of the system's state space. However, if the true tomographically complete set is larger than the set assumed, the extra measurements could break the operational equivalences and hence eliminate the putative contextuality. Such extra dimensions could arise in post-quantum theories, but even if quantum theory is exact there can be unexpected degrees of freedoms due to imperfections in an experiment. Here we design tests of contextuality that are immune to this effect for a given number of extra measurements in the tomographically complete set, even if nothing is known about their statistics. This allows contextuality to be demonstrated with weaker assumptions.

FIG. 2. An illustration of the model in Section V A 1. On the left are plots of p M W (x, λ |λ) against x, and the numbers pM(λ |λ) = ∞ −∞ p M W (x, λ |λ)dx. On the right are plots of pM w (x|λ) = λ p M W (x, λ |λ) against x. The operational probabilities used are quantum probabilities from the standard scheme with parameters chosen so that pF = 1 5 , p d = 1 20
FIG. 4. As in Fig. 3, but for the model of Sec. V A 2. Notice on the right that neither ontic state is predisposed to give negative x, but on the left we see that the λ = 1 state is very likely to be disturbed to λ = 0.
FIG. 5. The noncontextuality tradeoff between p−, pF and CS for p d = 1/4, ˜ p = 1/2, q0 = q * = 1/2. The facet corresponding to (37) is shown in black.
Anomalous weak values and contextuality: robustness, tightness, and imaginary parts

December 2018


36 Reads

It has been shown that observations of weak values outside the eigenvalue range of the corresponding operator defy classical explanation in the sense of requiring contextuality [M. F. Pusey, arXiv:1409.1535]. Here we elaborate on and extend that result in several directions. Firstly, we provide "robust" extensions that account for the failure of realistic postselections to be exactly projective and also allow for the weak measurement to be carried out with a qubit pointer in place of the traditional continuous system. Secondly, we slightly tighten the relevant contextuality inequalities and show that (a) no single inequality is tighter and (b) all the operational constraints required by the argument are indeed necessary -- if any one of them is dropped, the anomaly can be reproduced classically. Finally, whereas the original result required the real part of the weak value to be anomalous, we also give a version for any weak value with an imaginary part. In short, we provide tight inequalities for witnessing nonclassicality using experimentally realistic measurements of any weak value that can be considered anomalous and clarify the debate surrounding them.

Citations (25)

... The availability of inequalities easily derived by reading the original causal structure can also be helpful in combination with the inflation method, in order to discard as many candidate causal structures as possible before the design of additional inflated graphs. The connection with other approaches [69][70][71][72][73][74] also deserves further investigation, ultimately to determine minimal sets of inequality constraints with equivalent inferential power. ...


Causal Structure Learning with Conditional and Unique Information Groups-Decomposition Inequalities
Classifying causal structures: Ascertaining when classical correlations are constrained by inequalities

Physical Review Research

... Considering the growing acceptability of generalised quantum contextuality as a viable notion of nonclassicality behind a plethora of information processing and computational tasks [23,[25][26][27][28][29][30][31], it is important to investigate what structural uniqueness of quantum theory providing such contextual advantage in those tasks. On the other hand, it is also well known that incompatible quantum measurements implies advantage in a number of tasks including quantum state discrimination [32,33], quantum random access codes [34,35], and parameter estimation [36]. ...

Uniqueness of Noncontextual Models for Stabilizer Subtheories
  • Citing Article
  • September 2022

Physical Review Letters

... KD quasiprobability yields correct marginal probabilities, but it may assume nonreal values and its real part maybe negative or larger than one, manifesting the noncommutativity among the quantum state and the two defining bases. Recently, such anomalous or nonclassical values of the KD quasiprobability has been shown to play crucial roles in different areas of quantum science and technology [22,[32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44][45][46]. Here, we show that the nonreality of the KD quasiprobability can indeed be used to characterize and quantify bipartite entanglement in a quantum state on a finite-dimensional Hilbert space by devising an entanglement monotone. ...

Anomalous weak values and contextuality: Robustness, tightness, and imaginary parts
  • Citing Article
  • October 2019

Physical Review A

... This work is a contribution to this effort. We undertake the experimental investigation of a causal structure that has attracted growing attention 5,15,16,18,19,22,23,43,[46][47][48][49][50][51][52][53][54][55] : the "triangle scenario", depicted in Fig. 1(b). Here, three distant parties each receives a share from two out of three independent sources, and in stark contrast to the Bell scenario, each party implements a single measurement on the systems in its lab, rather than having the freedom to choose among a set of incompatible measurements. ...

Quantum Correlations Take a New Shape
  • Citing Article
  • September 2019


... In this work it is shown that an inequality-free version of the LF no-go theorem can indeed be formulated. The proof is inspired by observations [11,18,19] regarding the similarities of Hardy's paradox [6,7] and the no-go theorem of Frauchiger and Renner (FR) [10], where a logical contradiction arises from certain premises in a variant of the Wigner's friend scenario. However, some of the assumptions in the FR proof directly refer to quantum theory. ...

An inconsistent friend
  • Citing Article
  • September 2018

Nature Physics

... For instance, based on the collective interest that we have in photonic experiments, it is pragmatically justified to think of a photon polarization system as corresponding to procedures that "[probe] a photon's polarization in conventional ways (using wave plates and beam splitters)" (p. 2, [43]). Furthermore, one can think of discriminating between different pragmatic systems based on statistical evidence: this is, for instance, a possible reading of some of the considerations of Ref. [44], whose system of interest is the polarization of a single photon, and where other choices of systems related to multiple photons are excluded statistically by experimentally demonstrating the rarity of multiphoton events. ...

Experimentally Bounding Deviations From Quantum Theory in the Landscape of Generalized Probabilistic Theories

PRX Quantum

... This is a peculiar and distinctive feature of the transition from an initial state of a quantum system to its final state. See [9], [33]. ...

Is a Time Symmetric Interpretation of Quantum Theory Possible Without Retrocausality?

... There is a growing interest in defining objects in the quantum formalism, called states-over-time, that encode both the input ρ and the output E(ρ) of a process (described by a CPTP linear map E) [26][27][28][29][30]. Different definitions satisfy different desiderata. ...

Can a quantum state over time resemble a quantum state at a single time?
Dominic Horsman


Chris Heunen


Matthew F. Pusey




... For instance, based on the collective interest that we have in photonic experiments, it is pragmatically justified to think of a photon polarization system as corresponding to procedures that "[probe] a photon's polarization in conventional ways (using wave plates and beam splitters)" (p. 2, [43]). Furthermore, one can think of discriminating between different pragmatic systems based on statistical evidence: this is, for instance, a possible reading of some of the considerations of Ref. [44], whose system of interest is the polarization of a single photon, and where other choices of systems related to multiple photons are excluded statistically by experimentally demonstrating the rarity of multiphoton events. In Ref. [14], it is stated that "An equivalence class of preparation procedures is associated with a density operator ρ. ...

An experimental test of noncontextuality without unphysical idealizations