November 2024
37 Reads
Ecological momentary assessment (EMA) offers advantages over retrospective questionnaires by reducing recall bias and capturing rapid symptom dynamics, and it is increasingly used to measure depression symptoms. However, few depression symptom measures are validated for EMA use in the manner expected for traditional questionnaires. Therefore, the current study examined the internal consistency, longitudinal stability, and convergent validity of the Mobile Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (MPHQ-9), a version of the PHQ-9 modified for EMA. Depressed participants (N = 280; Female = 83.93%; White = 79.29%) completed the MPHQ-9 three times daily for 90 days. Data from the first and last 2 weeks were analyzed to align with a pre-study PHQ-9 and post-study PHQ-9 and Inventory of Depression and Anxiety Symptoms - Expanded Version (IDAS-II). The MPHQ-9 demonstrated fair to substantial adjusted item-total correlations (r = 0.42–0.83), often exceeding the PHQ-9 (r = 0.39–0.72). Inter-item correlations ranged from slight to substantial for the MPHQ-9 (r = 0.26–0.87) and were typically larger than the correlations observed for the PHQ-9 (r = 0.11–0.71). Cronbach’s alpha coefficients were substantial for both the MPHQ-9 (.91) and PHQ-9 (.81). The MPHQ-9 showed moderate and superior stability (r = .69), compared to the slight stability of the PHQ-9 (r = .39). There was moderate agreement between the MPHQ-9 and both the PHQ-9 (r = .71) and the IDAS-II General Depression subscale (r = .65). This study provides initial validation of the MPHQ-9 and suggests it may be a better measure of depression symptomatology than the PHQ-9 in some contexts.