Matt Pharr’s research while affiliated with NVIDIA and other places

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Publications (53)

A Generalized Ray Formulation For Wave-Optical Light Transport
  • Article

November 2024


15 Reads

ACM Transactions on Graphics

Shlomi Steinberg


Ravi Ramamoorthi


Benedikt Bitterli




Matt Pharr

Ray optics is the foundation of modern path tracing and sampling algorithms for computer graphics; crucially, it allows high-performance implementations based on ray tracing. However, many applications of interest in computer graphics and computational optics demand a more precise understanding of light: as waves. For example, accurately modelling scattering effects like diffraction or interference requires a model that provides the coherence of light waves arriving at surfaces. While recent work in Physical Light Transport [Steinberg et al. 2022; Steinberg and Yan 2021] has introduced such a model, it requires tracing light paths starting from the light sources, which is often less efficient than tracing them from the sensor, and does not allow the use of many effective importance sampling techniques. We introduce a new model for wave optical light transport that is based on the fact that sensors aggregate the measurement of many light waves when capturing an image. This allows us to compactly represent the statistics of light waves in a generalized ray. Generalized rays allow sampling light paths starting from the sensor and applying sophisticated path tracing sampling techniques while still accurately modelling the wave nature of light. Our model is computationally efficient and straightforward to add to an existing path tracer; this offers the prospect of wave optics becoming the foundation of most renderers in the future. Using our model, we show that it is possible to render complex scenes under wave optics with high performance, which has not been possible with any existing method.

A Free-Space Diffraction BSDF

July 2024


14 Reads


1 Citation

ACM Transactions on Graphics

Free-space diffractions are an optical phenomenon where light appears to "bend" around the geometric edges and corners of scene objects. In this paper we present an efficient method to simulate such effects. We derive an edge-based formulation of Fraunhofer diffraction, which is well suited to the common (triangular) geometric meshes used in computer graphics. Our method dynamically constructs a free-space diffraction BSDF by considering the geometry around the intersection point of a ray of light with an object, and we present an importance sampling strategy for these BSDFs. Our method is unique in requiring only ray tracing to produce free-space diffractions, works with general meshes, requires no geometry preprocessing, and is designed to work with path tracers with a linear rendering equation. We show that we are able to reproduce accurate diffraction lobes, and, in contrast to any existing method, are able to handle complex, real-world geometry. This work serves to connect free-space diffractions to the efficient path tracing tools from computer graphics.

Fig. 2. Appearance of a normal-mapped material under minification. Filtering before shading incorrectly filters the surface normal before shading, while filtering after shading more accurately reconstructs the material's appearance.
Fig. 5. A magnified normal-mapped specular surface. (a) Traditional filtering. (b) Filtering after shading with Equation 10 introduces aliasing.
Fig. 13. Full triplanar mapping (top) compared to its stochastic, single sample estimation (bottom). From left to right we present pure diffuse shading without normal mapping, diffuse shading with normal mapping, and full specular and diffuse lighting. Insets show error magnified 10×.
Fig. 14. Stochastic filtering of a DCT-compressed texture set (left). Despite some loss of higher frequency details in the original uncompressed texture (upper left inset), the stochastic trilinear (upper right inset) and deterministic trilinear (lower left inset) filtering results appear virtually identical, as shown by the 10× magnified error image (bottom right). Stochastic filtering reduces rendering time from 1.66 ms to 0.57 ms.
Fig. 17. Effect of various nonlinearities applied to a single sine function creating new harmonics and higher signal frequencies.
Filtering After Shading With Stochastic Texture Filtering
  • Preprint
  • File available

May 2024


233 Reads

2D texture maps and 3D voxel arrays are widely used to add rich detail to the surfaces and volumes of rendered scenes, and filtered texture lookups are integral to producing high-quality imagery. We show that applying the texture filter after evaluating shading generally gives more accurate imagery than filtering textures before BSDF evaluation, as is current practice. These benefits are not merely theoretical, but are apparent in common cases. We demonstrate that practical and efficient filtering after shading is possible through the use of stochastic sampling of texture filters. Stochastic texture filtering offers additional benefits, including efficient implementation of high-quality texture filters and efficient filtering of textures stored in compressed and sparse data structures, including neural representations. We demonstrate applications in both real-time and offline rendering and show that the additional error from stochastic filtering is minimal. We find that this error is handled well by either spatiotemporal denoising or moderate pixel sampling rates.


Filtering After Shading With Stochastic Texture Filtering

May 2024


13 Reads

Proceedings of the ACM on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques

2D texture maps and 3D voxel arrays are widely used to add rich detail to the surfaces and volumes of rendered scenes, and filtered texture lookups are integral to producing high-quality imagery. We show that applying the texture filter after evaluating shading generally gives more accurate imagery than filtering textures before BSDF evaluation, as is current practice. These benefits are not merely theoretical, but are apparent in common cases. We demonstrate that practical and efficient filtering after shading is possible through the use of stochastic sampling of texture filters. Stochastic texture filtering offers additional benefits, including efficient implementation of high-quality texture filters and efficient filtering of textures stored in compressed and sparse data structures, including neural representations. We demonstrate applications in both real-time and offline rendering and show that the additional error from stochastic filtering is minimal. We find that this error is handled well by either spatiotemporal denoising or moderate pixel sampling rates.

ART-Owen Scrambling

December 2023


18 Reads


1 Citation

ACM Transactions on Graphics

We present a novel algorithm for implementing Owen-scrambling, combining the generation and distribution of the scrambling bits in a single self-contained compact process. We employ a context-free grammar to build a binary tree of symbols, and equip each symbol with a scrambling code that affects all descendant nodes. We nominate the grammar of adaptive regular tiles (ART) derived from the repetition-avoiding Thue-Morse word, and we discuss its potential advantages and shortcomings. Our algorithm has many advantages, including random access to samples, fixed time complexity, GPU friendliness, and scalability to any memory budget. Further, it provides two unique features over known methods: it admits optimization, and it is in-vertible, enabling screen-space scrambling of the high-dimensional Sobol sampler.

Decorrelating ReSTIR Samplers via MCMC Mutations

October 2023


19 Reads


7 Citations

ACM Transactions on Graphics

Monte Carlo rendering algorithms often utilize correlations between pixels to improve efficiency and enhance image quality. For real-time applications in particular, repeated reservoir resampling offers a powerful framework to reuse samples both spatially in an image and temporally across multiple frames. While such techniques achieve equal-error up to 100 × faster for real-time direct lighting [5] and global illumination [39, 49], they are still far from optimal. For instance, spatiotemporal resampling often introduces noticeable correlation artifacts, while reservoirs holding more than one sample suffer from impoverishment in the form of duplicate samples. We demonstrate how interleaving Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) mutations with reservoir resampling helps alleviate these issues, especially in scenes with glossy materials and difficult-to-sample lighting. Moreover, our approach does not introduce any bias, and in practice we find considerable improvement in image quality with just a single mutation per reservoir sample in each frame.

Fast Procedural Noise By Monte Carlo Sampling

June 2023


12 Reads

Procedural noise functions are widely used in computer graphics as a way to add texture detail to surfaces and volumes. Many noise functions are based on weighted sums that can be expressed in terms of random variables, which makes it possible to compute Monte Carlo estimates of their values at lower cost. Such stochastic noise functions fit naturally into many Monte Carlo estimators already used in rendering. Leveraging the dense image-plane sampling in modern path tracing renderers, we show that stochastic evaluation allows the use of procedural noise at a fraction of its full cost with little additional error.

Stochastic Texture Filtering

May 2023


728 Reads

2D texture maps and 3D voxel arrays are widely used to add rich detail to the surfaces and volumes of rendered scenes, and filtered texture lookups are integral to producing high-quality imagery. We show that filtering textures after evaluating lighting, rather than before BSDF evaluation as is current practice, gives a more accurate solution to the rendering equation. These benefits are not merely theoretical, but are apparent in common cases. We further show that stochastically sampling texture filters is crucial for enabling this approach, which has not been possible previously except in limited cases. Stochastic texture filtering offers additional benefits, including efficient implementation of high-quality texture filters and efficient filtering of textures stored in compressed and sparse data structures, including neural representations. We demonstrate applications in both real-time and offline rendering and show that the additional stochastic error is minimal. Furthermore, this error is handled well by either spatiotemporal denoising or moderate pixel sampling rates.

A Generalized Ray Formulation For Wave-Optics Rendering

March 2023


569 Reads

Under ray-optical light transport, the classical ray serves as a local and linear "point query" of light's behaviour. Such point queries are useful, and sophisticated path tracing and sampling techniques enable efficiently computing solutions to light transport problems in complex, real-world settings and environments. However, such formulations are firmly confined to the realm of ray optics, while many applications of interest, in computer graphics and computational optics, demand a more precise understanding of light. We rigorously formulate the generalized ray, which enables local and linear point queries of the wave-optical phase space. Furthermore, we present sample-solve: a simple method that serves as a novel link between path tracing and computational optics. We will show that this link enables the application of modern path tracing techniques for wave-optical rendering, improving upon the state-of-the-art in terms of the generality and accuracy of the formalism, ease of application, as well as performance. Sampling using generalized rays enables interactive rendering under rigorous wave optics, with orders-of-magnitude faster performance compared to existing techniques.

Decorrelating ReSTIR Samplers via MCMC Mutations

October 2022


359 Reads

Monte Carlo rendering algorithms often utilize correlations between pixels to improve efficiency and enhance image quality. For real-time applications in particular, repeated reservoir resampling offers a powerful framework to reuse samples both spatially in an image and temporally across multiple frames. While such techniques achieve equal-error up to 100 times faster for real-time direct lighting and global illumination, they are still far from optimal. For instance, unchecked spatiotemporal resampling often introduces noticeable correlation artifacts, while reservoirs holding more than one sample suffer from impoverishment in the form of duplicate samples. We demonstrate how interleaving Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) mutations with reservoir resampling helps alleviate these issues, especially in scenes with glossy materials and difficult-to-sample lighting. Moreover, our approach does not introduce any bias, and in practice we find considerable improvement in image quality with just a single mutation per reservoir sample in each frame.

Citations (26)

... These typically find efficient ways of generating paths which connect light sources to the cam-era via a series of interactions with a scene. To render scenes containing complicated light transport efficiently, various methods have been proposed, such as Bidirectional Path Tracing [Lafortune and Willems(1993), Veach and Guibas(1995)], ReSTIR approaches [Lin et al.(2022), Kettunen et al.(2023)] and Markov Chain Monte Carlo [Veach and Guibas(1997), Kelemen et al.(2002), Hachisuka et al.(2014)]. Many of the concepts in these works overlap, for instance exploiting the correlation between nearby paths in path or image space. ...


Path Space Partitioning and Guided Image Sampling for MCMC
Decorrelating ReSTIR Samplers via MCMC Mutations
  • Citing Article
  • October 2023

ACM Transactions on Graphics

... Recently, path tracing, combined with advanced sampling strategies and denoising, has become a possible solution for real-time global illumination. Advanced sampling strategies include resampled importance sampling (RIS) [6] for both direct illumination [7] and global illumination [8]. Neither of these methods work well for low-roughness materials. ...

ReSTIR GI: Path Resampling for Real‐Time Path Tracing

... Recently, path tracing, combined with advanced sampling strategies and denoising, has become a possible solution for real-time global illumination. Advanced sampling strategies include resampled importance sampling (RIS) [6] for both direct illumination [7] and global illumination [8]. Neither of these methods work well for low-roughness materials. ...

Spatiotemporal reservoir resampling for real-time ray tracing with dynamic direct lighting
  • Citing Article
  • July 2020

ACM Transactions on Graphics

... Closest to our work is the framework of Hart et al. [2020] who also recognized that sample warps can-in theory-be composed to achieve perfect product importance sampling. Their work specifically targets area light sources and uses simple analytic warps to approximately correct for the optimal transformation after sampling from a known strategy. ...

Practical Product Sampling by Fitting and Composing Warps

... Most basic sampling method, which is actually a great choice for Lambertian and other diffuse BRDFs is sampling in a cosine-weighted hemisphere, with PDF = ( • ) . The code for this sample method can be found, e.g., in Sampling Transformations Zoo in Ray Tracing Gems [15], and is used in our code sample. These methods generally work by generating a random point in disk (by warping two random numbers which form a square to a disk), and projecting that point up onto the hemisphere (just by calculating the Z component). ...

Sampling Transformations Zoo: High-Quality and Real-Time Rendering with DXR and Other APIs

... Despite their effectiveness, these systems are costly and require bulky hardware, making them impractical setup for many applications. Another approach, time-series acquisition [2,23], involves using sensors mounted on a moving robotic arm to capture lights from all directions. However, this method is not suitable for dynamic scenes due to its slow acquisition speed. ...

A System for Acquiring, Processing, and Rendering Panoramic Light Field Stills for Virtual Reality
  • Citing Preprint
  • October 2018

ACM Transactions on Graphics

... There is also work on realistically presenting virtual content [95,107,200], for example, by improving the rendering of motion cues to improve depth perception in VR [255,303]. Another cluster is about the improvement of image quality [54,184,387] and optimizing illumination [215,231,307]. Two works aim to improve the efciency of algorithms [117,411]. ...

View-Region Optimized Image-Based Scene Simplification
  • Citing Article
  • August 2018

Proceedings of the ACM on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques

... Deep Shadow Maps [Lok00a] stores nodes of a transmittance function per pixel and compresses them to guarantee a fixed absolute error. Salvi et al. [Sal10a] uses in their Adaptive Volumetric Shadow Maps (AVSM) an area based metric to compress a transmittance function with a fixed number of nodes. Several approaches use a basis transformation to compress a transmittance function, e.g. ...

Adaptive volumetric shadow maps
  • Citing Chapter
  • April 2016

... In addition to allowing new creative roles to emerge, real-time collaboration and communication on set are the primary benefit of this technological revolution. Consequently, by combining physical and virtual equipment within a game engine, pre-production, production and post-production can be achieved collectively (Harvey 2019;Pharr 2018). For instance, actors' rehearsal, VFX animations, shooting and editing are rendered and tracked in real time (Yao 2018). ...

Guest Editor’s Introduction: Special Issue on Production Rendering
  • Citing Article
  • July 2018

ACM Transactions on Graphics