Mathias Prat’s scientific contributions

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Publications (6)

Les poissons cryptobenthiques de la baie d'Agay (Var). Découverte de deux gobies, espèces nouvelles pour le France. Les cahiers de la fondation Biotope 39 : 1- 58.
  • Article
  • Full-text available

February 2023


159 Reads

Julien P Renoult


Thomas Menut





Mathias Prat

Cryptobenthic fishes are bottom dwelling species that are easily overlooked because of their small size, their colouring similar to the surrounding, or because they live hidden. These species are also often difficult to identify. For these reasons, the diversity of cryptobenthic fishes is one of the least known of the marine world. This Notebook presents the observations of cryptobenthic fishes made in the Bay of Agay, in the French Mediterranean, by a group of naturalist divers, in particular during two missions targeting these species in 2021. Notably, we describe the first records for France of two species of gobies (Buenia massutii and Speleogobius llorisi), the first mention of Gobius gasteveni and the second of Lebetus guilleti for the French Mediterranean. These missions demonstrate that the marine cryptobenthic ichthyofauna of our territory is still understudied, including in the coastal zone accessible to recreational diving


New records of marine invertebrates from the coast of Gabon, Eastern Atlantic

March 2020


298 Reads


9 Citations

An underwater inventory mission was conducted in November 2017 by six naturalists on the north rocky coast of Gabon between Cape Esterias and Cape Santa Clara. The following twenty-six species are recorded from the coast of Gabon for the first time : the protozoan Zoothamnium niveum, the octocoral Carijoa riisei, the sea anemone Actinostella flosculifera, the plathelmint Pseudobiceros wirtzi, nine opisthobranch molluscs, the polychaete Eurythoe sp., the mudshrimp Neaxius mclaughlinae, seven species of true shrimps, a possibly undescribed pagurid hermit crab, the mantis shrimp Protosquilla sp., the cirriped Conopea saotomensis, and the sea cucumber Isostichopus cf badionotus. For some of these species, this is a large extension of the known range of distribution. The poorly explored coasts of Gabon apparently harbour many still undetected species.

2016 : Bilan d’une année d’inventaires ichtyologiques subaquatiques en Méditerranée française.

December 2018


485 Reads


3 Citations

Depuis quelques années, un petit groupe de plongeurs passionnés de poissons marins réalisent le long de la côte méditerranéenne française une quarantaine de plongées par an. L'objectif est d’inventorier la diversité spécifique et de dresser les listes les plus complètes possibles des poissons qu’ils détectent par observation directe, de jour ou de nuit, et ce dans le maximum d’habitats différents. Ce compte-rendu présente les données les plus intéressantes recueillies en 2016.

New records of marine invertebrates from the coast of Gabon (Eastern Atlantic)

December 2018


223 Reads

ABSTRACT.- The following twenty-four species are recorded from the coast of Gabon for the first time: the protozoan Zoothamnium niveum, the octocoral Carijoa riisei, the sea anemone Actinostella flosculifera, the plathelmint Pseudobiceros wirtzi, nine opisthobranch molluscs, the axiid mudshrimp Neaxius mclaughlinae, eight species of true shrimps (including an undescribed species of Cinetorhynchus), a possibly undescribed pagurid hermit crab and the cirriped Conopea saotomensis. For some of these species, this is a large extension of the known range of distribution. The little explored coasts of Gabon apparently harbour many still undetected species.

Citations (3)

... These swarmers produced (6); Red sea (7); Tokyo bay (8); White Point Beach in California, USA available genome for Thiobius zoothamnicola, this paper (9); Indian River Lagoon as well as Pete stone's creek located in Florida, USA (10); Madeira Island (11); São Tomé Island (12); Gabon (13); Giglio Island, Italy (14); and Cyprus Island (15). Supplementary Table S1 provides more details on the Z. niveum locations, including literature citations: (Indian River Lagoon Species Inventory, n.d.; Frenkiel et al., 1996;Wirtz and Debelius, 2003;Nyholm and McFall-Ngai, 2004;Goffredi et al., 2005;Wirtz, 2008;Laurent et al., 2009;Kawato et al., 2010;Petersen et al., 2011;Laurent et al., 2013;Lorion et al., 2013;Riehl and Frederickson, 2016;Wirtz, 2018;Wirtz and Serval-Roquefort, 2020;Sogin et al., 2020;Roger et al., 2021;Fokin and Serra, 2022;Lin et al., 2023). ...


A novel open-source cultivation system helps establish the first full cycle chemosynthetic symbiosis model system involving the giant ciliate Zoothamnium niveum
New records of marine invertebrates from the coast of Gabon, Eastern Atlantic

... Pallaoro & Jardas, 1996;Kovacic, 1998;Tsagarakis et al., 2008;Maximov & Zaharia, 2010). Ophidion rochei is difficult to detect by UVC and can only be detected at night (Menut et al., 2018) owing to its nocturnal preferences. This sand-dwelling fish, however, can be easily detected through PAM. ...

2016 : Bilan d’une année d’inventaires ichtyologiques subaquatiques en Méditerranée française.

... Bailly (2016) pointed out that this species probably also occurs at the coasts of Angola and Namibia but reliable records from this area are missing. Holacanthus africanus is a littoral species, living between 1 (Falcón et al. 2018;Menut et al. 2018). In the present survey, it was found close to a shipwreck in Dive #1 and Dive #2 (Fig. 2). ...

Exploration naturaliste sous-marine des petits fonds rocheux du Cap Santa Clara au Cap Esterias, Province de l’Estuaire, Gabon : les poissons marins.