Masayoshi Nakashima’s research while affiliated with Kyoto University and other places

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Publications (8)

Three benefits of “Caution (Yellow Tag)” in SHM-driven condition assessment of buildings: Eight years experience with market-based SHM
  • Article

December 2024


29 Reads

Earthquake Spectra

Yu Fukutomi



Masayoshi Nakashima




Saori Ogasawara

In Japan, structural health monitoring (SHM) for building structures has received increased attention since the 2011 Tohoku earthquake, particularly regarding business continuity and functional recovery. Most applications are market-driven, and building owners deploy an SHM system at their own expense so that they can promptly assess the condition of their buildings as one of the tags denoted “Green,”“Yellow,” or “Red.” In 2015, the authors’ group began installing such an SHM system, and as of December 2023, 553 privately owned buildings have been equipped with this SHM system. This opinion paper presents the authors’ experiences to date on monitoring, utility of data, and interaction with building owners. It conveys three opinions that the authors believe to be most interesting, particularly in the context of the benefits of the “Caution (Yellow)” tag. The article briefly introduces SHM, followed by the specific system in question and the data accumulated over the years in Japan. The first opinion is that the damage criteria, that is, the boundaries among the three tags, should not be considered permanent but subject to updates based on experience and newly acquired data. The second opinion is that SHM is one of the best means to characterize the damage (and fragility) of major nonstructural elements, while “Caution (Yellow)” has inherent relevance to the nonstructural damage, particularly for initial damage states. The third opinion is that “Caution (Yellow)” is a good message for building owners and managers with a solid contingency plan that includes readily available building maintenance workers and engineers. On the contrary, it tends to frighten building owners and managers when such a contingency plan is absent, discouraging them from installing SHM. Overall, it presents some valuable insights of interest to those wishing to further such SHM systems on a broader scale.

On the fragility of non‐structural elements in loss and recovery: Field observations from Japan

December 2023


87 Reads


5 Citations

Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics

The role of non‐structural elements (NSEs) in the seismic performance of buildings has been highlighted in past years. Research studies following state‐of‐the‐art methodologies generally find that when the structural collapse is not of significant concern, NSEs tend to dominate the repair costs and financial investment required in a building. This paper examines field observations from interviews and data collected from commercial buildings via structural health monitoring (SHM) following the 2018 Osaka earthquake in Japan. It suggests that fragility functions used in current methodologies for estimating NSE damage may not be entirely representative of the in‐situ reality and possibly underestimate actual damage. Additionally, interviews with building owners/managers indicate that the alarm and financial impact of NSEs was not as critical as anticipated, with much of the observed NSE damage not of serious concern and tolerable in many cases. This article provides discussion and insight into possible causes for these differences before discussing how current methodologies can benefit from these observations. It is believed that many of the fragility functions currently used to estimate NSE damage may not be representative because of differences in installation conditions and loading protocols used in experimental testing, possible interaction with other elements, variability in the quality of workmanship during installation and possible wear, tear and degradation during service. On the other hand, it is seen how SHM data recorded during seismic events may provide valuable data for an alternative means to develop fragility functions. Furthermore, it is seen that when building recovery states (RSs) other than the implicitly assumed ‘full recovery’ state used in guidelines like FEMA P‐58 are explored, the role of NSEs in direct monetary losses significantly reduces. This coincides with the field observations in Japan regarding the impact of NSEs and supports the recent developments in functional recovery on what building owners and occupants are prepared to tolerate post‐earthquake. It indicates that when discussing the relative importance of different building performance groups, it is vital that the expected RS is also stated, as for most decision‐makers following major events, functionality rather than full recovery remains the primary goal; hence, repairs and proactive measures should bear this in mind for more effective use of resources.

Japanese attitudes toward risk control in seismic design in light of observation, prediction, and actual performance of building structures

February 2023


57 Reads


6 Citations

Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics

Despite recent international efforts toward a risk‐conscious approach to advancing seismic design, Japan, a country very prone to earthquakes, remains conservative regarding the consideration of risk‐based seismic hazards in developing seismic designs. This article attempts to interpret the reasons. First, the evolution of Japanese seismic design codes and specifications is introduced, noting that the design seismic loads have remained essentially the same since the revisions implemented in 1981. Second, Japanese efforts in providing and renewing seismic hazard maps are briefly introduced and discussed. The maps have been developed using the data recorded by Japanese strong motion networks. Some unique challenges in preparing seismic hazard maps for the territory of Japan are presented, in light of the observations of actual earthquakes in the past three decades. On many occasions, the damage disclosed in modern buildings remained limited even when the recorded ground motions significantly exceeded the design earthquake level. An inherent conservatism is embedded in the performance criteria imposed on structural systems and elements. Third, political‐legal and sociocultural aspects are discussed. Centralized operation is commonly exercised in Japan for post‐disaster relief efforts, and the general public also values “equality” for such support. The factors naturally encourage cautiousness for the revision of relevant seismic codes and specifications.

Risk‐based seismic design of base‐isolated structures with single surface friction sliders

May 2022


210 Reads


22 Citations

Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics

Choosing friction pendulum isolators to avoid problems with device displacement capacity or boundary wall collision is a critical part of the seismic design of base isolation systems. This paper developed a probabilistic method to quantify the risk of failure in single friction pendulum bearing (FPB) devices. This was done by calibrating a demand‐intensity model for FPBs from numerical analysis for several device property combinations. These properties encompassed the dynamic friction coefficient and effective radius of curvature—key parameters impacting these FPB devices’ seismic response. Through this demand‐intensity model, a closed‐form and relatively simple approach to quantify the mean annual frequency of exceeding a given device displacement threshold, or risk of failure, was proposed. By applying this simplified method to several case study structures and comparing it with a more extensive assessment involving multiple stripe analysis (MSA) using hazard‐consistent ground motions, the proposed simplified approach could provide very accurate estimates of displacement‐based failure risk in FPB devices under the assumption of no non‐linear behaviour in the superstructure. This proposed approach implies that structural engineers can now quickly assess the actual failure rates of different FPB device combinations used in practice to give a more uniform level of safety or reliability when designing and assessing FPB‐isolated systems. It is also arguably much simpler, direct and accurate than currently available code‐based approaches.

A comparative study of seismic analysis, design, and collapse safety margins of tall buildings in the United States and Japan: Part II: comparison of seismic capacity and collapse safety margin
  • Article
  • Full-text available

April 2022


369 Reads


6 Citations

Earthquake Spectra

This is an extension of the companion paper (Part 1) that presents the details of the two buildings located in Tokyo and designed using the US Performance Based Seismic Design (PBSD) methodology for one building (US Prototype Building) and the Japanese PBSD methodology for the other (Japan Prototype Building). The paper presents the IDA results and associated discussion on the collapse safety margin and the damage progress of the major structural elements. The Japan Prototype Building made of steel moment-resisting frames equipped with oil dampers is 1.5 times stronger in terms of the collapse safety margin than the US Prototype Building made of an reinforced concrete (RC) core shear wall system. The difference between the two buildings is believed to occur because of the larger redundancy and resultant larger over-strength achieved by the Japan Prototype Building. It is noteworthy that the construction cost of the Japan Prototype Building is about 30% higher than the US Prototype Building as indicated in Part 1. To explain the behavioral difference, sequences, and progresses of damage to major structural members are characterized in reference to the fragility curves of respective members. The benefits of oil dampers are found that the addition of the oil dampers would increase the collapse safety margin by 29% with an extra construction cost of 3%.


Figure 2. Core wall configuration and typical floor system layout for the US Prototype Building. No beam nor floor slab arranged in the partial lobby shown in Figure 1.
Figure 3. Typical core wall reinforcing for the US Prototype Building: (a) Corner walls (''a'' in upperright inset), (b) Y-direction walls (''b'' in upper-right inset), and (c) X-direction walls (''c'' in upper-right inset).
Figure 4. Typical floor system layout for the Japan Prototype Building. No beam nor floor slab arranged in the partial lobby shown in Figure 1. (The dimension of column cross-section is designated, for instance, as BOX-800 3 28, which means the height and breadth are 800 mm and the skin's thickness is 28 mm.)
Figure 7. Representative response of the US Prototype Building to MCE R motions: (a) story drift ratio, (b) coupling beam rotation, and (c) normalized shear of wall pier.
Figure 8. Modeling approach for CFT columns and steel beams: (a) CFT column and (b) steel beams.


A comparative study of seismic analysis, design, and collapse safety margins of tall buildings in the United States and Japan, Part I: Performance-based analysis and design

March 2022


518 Reads


9 Citations

Earthquake Spectra

Performance-based seismic analysis and design of tall buildings have become increasingly common in the United States and have been the standard practice in Japan for a long time. The methodologies for seismic hazard analyses, selection of earthquake records for design, and acceptance criteria, however, are widely different in the two countries. Japan experiences large earthquakes and strong shakings of buildings significantly more frequently than the United States, and the data on actual seismic performance are richer in Japan than in the United States. Comparison of performance and calibration between the two design procedures can help to improve the quantitative assessment of seismic performance of buildings in the United States. This article presents the application of US and Japanese procedures to a tall building archetype once proportioned, analyzed, and designed according to US practices and once per Japanese practices. The structural systems selected are very different; for the United States, the archetype is designed using a core reinforced concrete shear wall building with composite floor systems and steel columns as the gravity system, whereas for Japan, the archetype is designed using a steel moment frame made of square concrete-filled steel tube (CFT) columns and composite beams and installed with oil dampers. Although the design procedures followed are vastly different, the seismic performances of the systems are rather similar during serviceability, design basis, and maximum considered events. As will be presented in the second part of this article, the collapse safety margins of the two designs are significantly different.

“q-NAVI”: A case of market-based implementation of structural health monitoring in Japan

July 2020


254 Reads


16 Citations

Earthquake Spectra

In Japan, structural health monitoring (SHM) of building structures began in the 1950s, but, until recently, its widespread use was not realized. A new trend arrived a few years ago, and currently over 850 buildings have SHM systems installed. The most recent SHM systems have been installed voluntarily by owners in the private sector; that is, the major development of recent Japanese SHM has been based on market forces. This article reports on why SHM was not accepted widely in the past, what were the keys for change of the atmosphere, how the building owners evaluate SHM after it is deployed, and what tangible benefits the building owners realize by experience on SHM implementation. To investigate those, an SHM system named q-NAVI is introduced as an example. The system has been deployed for 450 buildings, and they experienced a few significant shakings from recent earthquakes. SHM is also found effective for acquiring information on the quantification of fragility curves for various nonstructural components, using the data samples collected in recent earthquakes.

Hybrid simulation: An early history

April 2020


73 Reads


44 Citations

Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics

This historical note reports on the early days of the development of an experimental method called “hybrid simulation.” As background, the seeds of this concept, initiated in the early 1970s by Japanese researchers, are presented first, followed by initial efforts (regarded as Stage I) to realize the concept of hybrid simulation and its first applications to explore the seismic performance of structures. The initial research in this now‐seminal field of earthquake engineering began in the early 1970s by Koichi Takanashi and his coworkers at the Institute of Industrial Science, the University of Tokyo. Their highly notable efforts in laying the groundwork for hybrid simulation occurred in the mid‐1970s through the early 1980s by Takanashi (for steel structures) and Tsuneo Okada (for RC structures). These two men and their coworkers first applied hybrid simulation to explore the seismic behavior, performance, and design of various types of building structures. In Stage I, this method was called “the on‐line computer‐controlled test” or “pseudo dynamic test” because the unique feature of the method was the combined test and simulation and the intentional slow loading in the test. Extension of the scope and application of hybrid simulation occurred largely between the early 1980s and the early 1990s (regarded as Stage II) in conjunction with the United States–Japan joint research project. A few notable efforts made around that period are touched upon briefly, including error propagation and suppression in multi‐degree‐of‐freedom hybrid simulation, application of the substructure methodology to hybrid simulation, and real‐time hybrid simulation.

Citations (7)

... Among various features, fragility functions account for record-to-record variabilities in earthquake ground motions, termed aleatoric uncertainty, and uncertainties in structural systems (or modeling uncertainties), referred to as epistemic uncertainties. [3][4][5][6] However, the impact of structural system uncertainty on seismic responses has not been extensively investigated compared to the other one. This is primarily due to two reasons: (1) it is well accepted that record-to-record variabilities tend to exert a more significant impact on structural responses than structural system uncertainty, [7][8][9] and (2) exploring the impact of structural system uncertainty along with record-to-record variabilities involves substantial computational costs. ...


Efficient seismic fragility analysis considering uncertainties in structural systems and ground motions
On the fragility of non‐structural elements in loss and recovery: Field observations from Japan
  • Citing Article
  • December 2023

Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics

... (Charvet et al. 2014;Wu et al. 2016;De Risi et al. 2017;Macabuag et al. 2018)) due to it being one of the first ever large tsunami to hit a developed country, and due to the systematic collection of detailed damage data. However, damage data inland of the inundation zone has received far less attention, as it was perceived as being less extreme than the 1995 Kobe event (Mimura et al. 2011) and that observed earthquake damage in buildings were not deemed important enough to lead to a further major updating in seismic design codes (Suzuki et al. 2023). ...

Japanese attitudes toward risk control in seismic design in light of observation, prediction, and actual performance of building structures
  • Citing Article
  • February 2023

Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics

... Based on the maximum elastic inter story displacement to floor height ratio of the frame not exceeding 1/550, the inter story displacement angle in frequent cases was set at 1/550. For rare cases, to prevent damage from characteristic earthquakes, the inter story displacement angle was set at 1/100 [16]. In displacement-based design, equating multi-degree-of-freedom structures into single degrees of freedom is the key to seismic design. ...

Risk‐based seismic design of base‐isolated structures with single surface friction sliders
  • Citing Article
  • May 2022

Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics

... Gravity column sizes vary from W14x605 at the base of the building to W14x43 at the roof. For additional details about the properties of the considered building prototype and its design refer to Hori et al. (2022) and Kolozvari et al. (2022). ...

A comparative study of seismic analysis, design, and collapse safety margins of tall buildings in the United States and Japan: Part II: comparison of seismic capacity and collapse safety margin

Earthquake Spectra

... Gravity column sizes vary from W14x605 at the base of the building to W14x43 at the roof. For additional details about the properties of the considered building prototype and its design refer to Hori et al. (2022) and Kolozvari et al. (2022). ...

A comparative study of seismic analysis, design, and collapse safety margins of tall buildings in the United States and Japan, Part I: Performance-based analysis and design

Earthquake Spectra

... However, the collapse or failure of less prominent structures, such as mid-span or short-span bridges, can also lead to considerable economic implications [2]. Recent advancements in Internet of Things (IoT) and sensing technologies have made it feasible to extend SHM systems to these regular structures as well [3]. This strategy, referred to as lightweight monitoring, aims to maintain the scale of SHM systems minimal yet sufficiently robust to monitor structural behavior effectively. ...

“q-NAVI”: A case of market-based implementation of structural health monitoring in Japan

Earthquake Spectra

... Nakashima provides a detailed review of the history of hybrid simulation, including the initial stages of RTHS. 2 One interesting study contributing to the birth of RTHS was an internet-based hybrid testing environment, in which distributed experiments transferred response data between separated substructures via internet. 3 Later notable stages in the evolution of RTHS included the development of techniques for compensating delays between the physical and numerical substructures, such as the work by Chen and Ricles,4 and the advancement of robust control strategies tailored for RTHS, as developed by Maghareh et al. 5 Focusing on the numerical substructure, a major challenge has been the real-time computation of large systems with numerous degrees-of-freedom (DOFs). ...

Hybrid simulation: An early history
  • Citing Article
  • April 2020

Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics