September 2020
70 Reads
1 Citation
NABE Journal of Research and Practice
Dual language learners are a growing population in early learning and care settings. Young DLLs have the potential to develop proficiency in two languages when provided adequate supports; however, most teachers of young DLLs feel inadequately prepared to support DLLs. Cultivating Oral Language and Literacy Talent in Students (COLLTS) is an evidence-based dual language program that provides teachers with lessons to support DLLs’ language development. Findings from a study of COLLTS conducted in Head Start Centers serving Spanish-speaking DLLs indicate that children who participated in the intervention demonstrated significant improvement in oral language skills compared with students who did not participate in the intervention. In this paper, we showcase the COLLTS methods used to develop DLLs’ language during vocabulary instruction, interactive shared reading and writing, foundational skills development, and family engagement activities.