Maryam Daviran’s research while affiliated with Lehigh University and other places

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Publications (7)

Measuring the Effects of Cytokines on the Modification of Pericellular Rheology by Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells
  • Article

November 2021


17 Reads


3 Citations

ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering

Maryam Daviran


John A. McGlynn


Jenna A. Catalano




Top view of the microfluidic device and a droplet trap (left). Schematic of the side view of the device (right) shows that water slowly diffuses out the droplet and concentration increases
Viscosities are measured along the increasing concentration in shrinking droplets. (a) Droplet diameters are tracked as a function of time for all 40 drops by scanning the device in the zig-zag direction (shown by the inset) every 1 or 2 hours. The corresponding solute concentrations are shown as the filled blue triangles. Viscosities are measured during the dehydration process. The corresponding solute concentrations calculated based on the linear-extrapolated diameter are represented by the red crosses. Each cluster represents one viscosity scan, which takes approximately 40 min.(b) The variation in solute concentration (red crosses) and viscosity (green squares) as a function of trap number during one viscosity scan. (c) Viscosity as a function of concentration with high composition resolution by replotting data provided in b).
Unity plot of viscosities measured inside the droplets versus viscosities measured in the glass chamber for glycerol (blue circles), BSA (red triangles), and lysozyme (green squares) at varying concentrations. The diagonal dashed line represents a slope of 1 and the two dotted lines represent ±\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$\pm$$\end{document} 10% deviation. The open and filled symbols represent measurements in the droplet taken at initial loading and results obtained from the shrinking droplets, respectively.
Viscosity of concentrating 4 kg/mol (filled squares) and 100 kg/mol (filled triangles) PEG solutions are quantified inside shrinking droplets using MPT. For 100 kg/mol PEG, two devices (red and yellow filled triangles) are used with loading concentrations indicated by the arrows. The black crosses are bulk measurements for 100 kg/mol PEG. The open symbols indicate results obtained from Natalia et al. (2011). Each symbol represents a specific molecular weight. The top two dotted lines show the microrheology resolution for 0.26 μm and 0.50 μm probes, respectively.
Concentration-dependence of viscosity for BSA (circles) and lysozyme (diamonds) are quantified in the microfluidic device. For each protein, multiple devices are used to cover the entire concentration range from 50 to 400 mg/ml. Each color represents one device, with the loading concentration indicated by the arrow. The two bold dotted lines represent the best-fit to the Krieger-Dougherty model for each protein. The top two dotted lines show the microrheology resolution for 0.26 μm and 0.50 μm probes, respectively.
Droplet-Based Microfluidic Tool to Quantify Viscosity of Concentrating Protein Solutions
  • Article
  • Publisher preview available

October 2021


256 Reads


9 Citations

Pharmaceutical Research

Purpose Measurement of the viscosity of concentrated protein solutions is vital for the manufacture and delivery of protein therapeutics. Conventional methods for viscosity measurements require large solution volumes, creating a severe limitation during the early stage of protein development. The goal of this work is to develop a robust technique that requires minimal sample. Methods In this work, a droplet-based microfluidic device is developed to quantify the viscosity of protein solutions while concentrating in micrometer-scale droplets. The technique requires only microliters of sample. The corresponding viscosity is characterized by multiple particle tracking microrheology (MPT). Results We show that the viscosities quantified in the microfluidic device are consistent with macroscopic results measured by a conventional rheometer for poly(ethylene) glycol (PEG) solutions. The technique was further applied to quantify viscosities of well-studied lysozyme and bovine serum albumin (BSA) solutions. Comparison to both macroscopic measurements and models (Krieger-Dougherty model) demonstrate the validity of the approach. Conclusion The droplet-based microfluidic device provides accurate quantitative values of viscosity over a range of concentrations for protein solutions with small sample volumes (~ μL) and high compositional resolution. This device will be extended to study the effect of different excipients and other additives on the viscosity of protein solutions. Graphical abstract

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Determining How Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells Change Their Degradation Strategy in Response to Microenvironmental Stiffness

June 2020


21 Reads


16 Citations


During the wound healing process, human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) are recruited to the injury where they regulate inflammation and initiate healing and tissue regeneration. To aid in healing, synthetic cell-laden hydrogel scaffolds are being designed to deliver additional hMSCs to wounds to enhance or restart the healing process. These scaffolds are being designed to mimic the native tissue environments, which includes physical cues, such as scaffold stiffness. In this work, we focus on how the initial scaffold stiffness hMSCs are encapsulated in changes cell-mediated remodeling and degradation and motility of the encapsulated cells. To do this, we encapsulate hMSCs in a well-defined synthetic hydrogel scaffold that recapitulates aspects of the native extracellular matrix (ECM). We then characterize cell-mediated degradation in the pericellular region as a function of the initial microenvironmental stiffness. Our hydrogel consists of a 4-arm poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) end-functionalized with norbornene which is chemically cross-linked with a matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) degradable peptide sequence. This peptide sequence is cleaved by hMSC-secreted MMPs. The hydrogel elastic modulus is varied from 80 to 2400 Pa by changing the concentration of the peptide cross-linker. We use multiple particle tracking microrheology (MPT) to characterize the spatio-temporal cell-mediated degradation in the pericellular region. In MPT, fluorescently labeled particles are embedded in the material and their Brownian motion is measured. We measure an increase in cell-mediated degradation and remodeling as the post-encapsulation time increases. MPT also measures changes in the degradation profile in the pericellular region as hydrogel stiffness is increased. We hypothesize that the change in the degradation profile is due to a change in the amount and type of molecules secreted by hMSCs. We also measure a significant decrease in cell speed as hydrogel stiffness increases due to the increased physical barrier that needs to be degraded to enable motility. These measurements increase our understanding of the rheological changes in the pericellular region in different physical microenvironments which could lead to better design of implantable biomaterials for cell delivery to wounded areas.

Characterizing the dynamic rheology in the pericellular region by human mesenchymal stem cell re-engineering in PEG-peptide hydrogel scaffolds

August 2019


61 Reads


16 Citations

Rheologica Acta

During wound healing, human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) migrate to injuries to regulate inflammation and coordinate tissue regeneration. To enable migration, hMSCs re-engineer the extracellular matrix rheology. Our work determines the correlation between cell-engineered rheology and motility. We encapsulate hMSCs in a cell-degradable peptide-polymeric hydrogel and characterize the change in rheological properties in the pericellular region using multiple particle tracking microrheology. Previous studies determined that pericellular rheology is correlated with motility. Additionally, hMSCs re-engineer their microenvironment by regulating cell-secreted enzyme, matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), activity by also secreting their inhibitors, tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMPs). We independently inhibit TIMPs and measure two different degradation profiles, reaction-diffusion and reverse reaction-diffusion. These profiles are correlated with cell spreading, speed and motility type. We model scaffold degradation using Michaelis-Menten kinetics, finding a decrease in kinetics between joint and independent TIMP inhibition. hMSCs ability to regulate microenvironmental remodeling and motility could be exploited in design of new materials that deliver hMSCs to wounds to enhance healing.

Characterization of the Kinetics and Mechanism of Degradation of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cell-Laden Poly(ethylene glycol) Hydrogels

December 2018


33 Reads


30 Citations

ACS Applied Bio Materials

Human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) are motile cells that migrate from their native niche to wounded sites where they regulate inflammation during healing. New materials are being developed as hMSC delivery platforms to enhance wound healing. To act as an effective wound healing material, the hydrogel must degrade at the same rate as tissue regeneration while maintaining high cell viability. This work determines the kinetics and mechanism of cell-mediated degradation in hMSC-laden poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) hydrogels. We use a well-established hydrogel scaffold that is composed of a backbone of four-arm star PEG functionalized with norbornene that is cross-linked with a matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) degradable peptide. This peptide sequence is cleaved by cell-secreted MMPs, which allow hMSCs to actively degrade the hydrogel during motility. Three mechanisms of degradation are characterized: hydrolytic, non-cellular enzymatic and cell-mediated degradation. We use bulk rheology to characterize hydrogel material properties and quantify degradation throughout the entire reaction. Hydrolysis and non-cellular enzymatic degradation are first characterized in hydrogels without hMSCs, and follow first-order and Michaelis-Menten kinetics, respectively. High cell viability is measured in hMSC-laden hydrogels, even after shearing on the rheometer. After confirming hMSC viability, bulk rheology characterizes cell-mediated degradation. When comparing cell-mediated degradation to non-cellular degradation mechanisms, cell-mediated degradation is dominated by enzymatic degradation. This indicates hydrogels with hMSCs are degraded primarily due to cell-secreted MMPs and very little network structure is lost due to hydrolysis. Modeling cell-mediated degradation provides an estimate of the initial concentration of MMPs secreted by hMSCs. By changing the concentration of hMSCs, we determine the initial MMP concentration increases with increasing hMSC concentration. This work characterizes the rate and mechanism of scaffold degradation, giving new insight into the design of these materials as implantable scaffolds.

Rheological characterization of dynamic remodeling of the pericellular region by human mesenchymal stem cell-secreted enzymes in well-defined synthetic hydrogel scaffolds

April 2018


42 Reads


28 Citations

Soft Matter

Human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) dynamically remodel their microenvironment during basic processes, such as migration and differentiation. Migration requires extracellular matrix invasion, necessitating dynamic cell-material interactions. Understanding these interactions is critical to advancing materials design that harness and manipulate these processes for applications including wound healing and tissue regeneration. In this work, we encapsulate hMSCs in a cell-degradable poly(ethylene glycol)-peptide hydrogel to determine how cell-secreted enzymes, specifically matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMPs), create unique pericellular microenvironments. Using multiple particle tracking microrheology (MPT), we characterize spatio-temporal rheological properties in the pericellular region during cell-mediated remodeling. In MPT, the thermal motion of probes embedded in the network is measured. A newly designed sample chamber that limits probe drift during degradation and minimizes high value antibody volumes required for cell treatments enables MPT characterization. Previous MPT measurements around hMSCs show that directly around the cell the scaffold remains intact with the cross-link density decreasing as distance from the cell increases. This degradation profile suggests that hMSCs are simultaneously secreting TIMPs, which are inactivating MMPs through MMP−TIMP complexes. By neutralizing TIMPs using antibodies, we characterize the changes in matrix degradation. TIMP inhibited hMSCs create a reaction-diffusion type degradation profile where MMPs are actively degrading the matrix immediately after secretion. In this profile, the cross-link density increases with increasing distance from the cell. This change in material properties also increases the speed of migration. This simple treatment could increase delivery of hMSCs to injuries to aid wound healing and tissue regeneration.

The role of cell-mediated enzymatic degradation and cytoskeletal tension on dynamic changes in the rheology of the pericellular region prior to human mesenchymal stem cell motility

January 2018


20 Reads


24 Citations

ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering

Human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) are encapsulated in synthetic matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) degradable poly(ethylene glycol)-peptide hydrogels to characterize cell-mediated degradation of the pericellular region using multiple particle tracking microrheology. The hydrogel scaffold is degraded by cell-secreted enzymes and cytoskeletal tension. We determine that cell-secreted enzymatic degradation can be the main contributor to changes in the pericellular region, with cytoskeletal tension playing a minimal role. Measured degradation profiles for untreated and myosin II inhibited hMSCs have with the highest cross-link density around the cell. We hypothesize that cells are also secreting tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMPs) to inhibit MMPs, which allow cell spreading and attachment prior to motility. We develop a Michaelis-Menten competitive enzymatic inhibition model which accurately describes the degradation profile due to MMP-TIMP unbinding.

Citations (7)

... [85] Besides, to confer the confounding mechanical input and for precise quantification of the force applied, together with atomic force microscopy, [86] video particle tracking microrheology was developed as well. Intracellular viscoelasticity [87] and the mechanical responses to external cytokines were depicted using such platform [88] during cell differentiation. Employing the tension sensor of Förster resonance energy transfer to define the force gradient [89] and further to the assessment at the single-molecule level [90] are advanced illustrations reflecting the industrial evolvement of experimental apparatus to analyze mechanotransduction. ...


Mechanotransduction of Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Hemodynamic Implications
Measuring the Effects of Cytokines on the Modification of Pericellular Rheology by Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells
  • Citing Article
  • November 2021

ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering

... 110 A recent device by Yang et al. used traps in microfluidic channels to capture concentrated droplets of protein solutions for microrheology characterization. 111 The water in the drops slowly partitioned into the surrounding mineral oil, increasing the concentration of the protein filled droplets. Microrheology measurements over time were then used to characterize the change in viscosity with concentration. ...

Droplet-Based Microfluidic Tool to Quantify Viscosity of Concentrating Protein Solutions

Pharmaceutical Research

... This time range was chosen to allow time for hydrogel swelling and the potential for some initial cell-triggered pericellular degradation of the hydrogel and the initiation of general cell-mediated hydrogel remodeling based on literature reports. 87,88 Each cell object (an individual cell or cluster of interacting cells) was identified and tracked over the course of the timelapse imaging. That information was used to generate track plots of cell motility and measure the displacement of each cell object from the first frame it was detected to the last, as well as the total distance traveled in those frames ( Figure 6A). ...

Determining How Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells Change Their Degradation Strategy in Response to Microenvironmental Stiffness
  • Citing Article
  • June 2020


... The rheological measurements are the direct approach to characterize the hydrogels, because they provide useful information about the microstructural environment and dependence of rheological parameters on temperature, frequency and time [17]. The rheological investigation plays a vital role in pharmaceutical industry, as it ensures the adequate characteristics for the drug delivery, or of the behavior in the targeted area [18,19]. The dependency of viscosity of polymer on its structure in shear is of great interest, because this type of flow is widely applicable in technical applications [20]. ...

Characterizing the dynamic rheology in the pericellular region by human mesenchymal stem cell re-engineering in PEG-peptide hydrogel scaffolds

Rheologica Acta

... The positive outcome of the study was emphasised to be a preliminary study, as the in vitro study did not represent the real microenvironment such as the culture medium used was not comprised of enzymes and other cells or extracellular matrix in the human vocal fold. Altogether, these factors might influence the degradation kinetics and cellular behaviour of the biomaterials and encapsulated cells (Mazzeo et al., 2019). By referring to Kwon et al. (2021)'s protocol, Cytokine release of macrophage. ...

Characterization of the Kinetics and Mechanism of Degradation of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cell-Laden Poly(ethylene glycol) Hydrogels
  • Citing Article
  • December 2018

ACS Applied Bio Materials

... Another new technique to quantify cell-matrix interactions is multiple particle tracking microrheology (MPT). Using this technology, the thermal motion of the probe embedded in the hydrogel network can be measured and characterized spatiotemporal rheological properties in the pericellular region during cell-mediated remodeling [147]. MPT is a powerful technique to better understand the dynamics of cell-matrix interactions (e.g., remodeling dynamics of mesenchymal stem cells during cellular processes such as migration), advancing material designs that manipulate these processes for TERM applications [148]. ...

Rheological characterization of dynamic remodeling of the pericellular region by human mesenchymal stem cell-secreted enzymes in well-defined synthetic hydrogel scaffolds
  • Citing Article
  • April 2018

Soft Matter

... Apart from cleavable sequences, the secondary structure of peptide hydrogels also affects MMP-based degradation. Since MMP collagenases only attack collagens [83][84][85][86] by changing the peptide sequences, the resulting hydrogels will become sensitive to other proteases, such as proteinase K (with broad cleavage activity), trypsin (that mainly hydrolyzes peptides at the carboxyl side of K or R aminoacids) [87,88], polymorphonuclear elastase (that usually cleaves at the carboxyl side of A, G and V aminoacids) [89] and papain (that preferentially cuts peptides after a K or R aminoacid preceded by a hydrophobic one and not followed by a V) [90]. With this strategy, the biodegradability of peptide hydrogels can be modulated for tissue engineering applications. ...

The role of cell-mediated enzymatic degradation and cytoskeletal tension on dynamic changes in the rheology of the pericellular region prior to human mesenchymal stem cell motility
  • Citing Article
  • January 2018

ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering