Mary Brydon-Miller’s research while affiliated with University of Louisville and other places

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Publications (53)

Greenlighting the University: Re-envisioning the Role of Higher Education in Tackling the Climate Crisis through Action Research
  • Chapter

October 2024


2 Reads

Mary Brydon-Miller

The university is struggling to keep up with the demands of a fast-changing world, and, as a system, higher education generally does not respond quickly to change. Its institutions produce valuable knowledge about social issues and problems, but this is so often not followed by action constructively using that knowledge to effectively address these problems. Shaping the Future of Higher Education generates knowledge to enable researchers, teachers and leadership in higher education to learn how to positively embrace constant change through innovative, collaborative, systemic, critical and creative thinking and action. Through a participatory and transformative paradigm, it strives to create knowledge to enable everyone involved in higher education to move from talking about change to actioning it. The book presents possible structures and processes for learning, teaching, research, community engagement and leadership. It provides pathways to shape a higher education system that is inclusive and student-centred, that promotes knowledge democracy, and is responsive to and relevant for dealing with pressing social issues as they arise. The contributing authors of this book are internationally renowned researchers with years of experience in their respective roles in higher education. Their ideas will benefit all who are involved in, concerned about, and/or actively promote most effective higher education practices.

Harnessing the Affordances of Action Researchers to Address the Challenges of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Educational Leaders take Action Research Online

May 2023


2 Reads


3 Citations

The Canadian Journal of Action Research

Mary Brydon-Miller


Rebecca Hicks-Hawkins


Michele Johnson




Erica Woolridge

The unique affordances of Action Research, including flexibility, playfulness, accessibility, and a focus on practical problem solving provided crucial strategies for generating knowledge and developing solutions to the challenges created by the Covid-19 pandemic. The move to online research settings, in particular, required action researchers to find ways to adapt existing research methods and to devise new approaches. This article describes the work of a group of doctoral students in an Educational Leadership program and their instructor in carrying out action research methods in both synchronous and asynchronous online settings. If the months of the pandemic have taught us nothing else, it is that flexibility and willingness to innovate, which are central to action research, are valuable assets in times of uncertainty. The unique affordances of Action Research include creativity, playfulness, accessibility to multiple participants and audiences, transferability of findings, and a focus on the generation of knowledge designed to be pragmatic and problem-focused. These qualities can be harnessed to address the multiple challenges we have encountered during the pandemic including health equity and access, poverty and unemployment, and the interruption of education for vulnerable student populations. They also offer us hope that action research can continue to contribute to addressing the challenges we are sure to face in the future. As students in an educational leadership doctoral program, we focus on examining problems of practice in our schools and districts through action research. As we adapted to online learning in our own schools, we were able to bring these skills to bear in our doctoral studies by developing strategies for conducting these action research methods in both synchronous and asynchronous online settings. This paper describes some of the approaches we developed in the hope that this will enable other action researchers to implement these methods in their own schools, organizations, and communities. The specific action research methods described in this paper are Future Creating Workshops, Citizens’ Juries, World Café, Nominal Group Technique, and Digital Storytelling.

The view from Robinswood Hill: a story of asset-based community development and a community-based participatory research partnership in South Gloucestershire

September 2022


23 Reads


1 Citation

Educational Action Research

The Gloucestershire Gateway Trust (GGT) is a social enterprise initiative in Southwest England focused on Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD). This article describes a six-year action research collaboration that has sought to support the GGT and its local non-profit organizational partners using a variety of action research methods, including community surveys, Group Level Assessment, Future Creating Workshops, and arts-based methods. The development of a community resident research team (CCRT) model has been a core aspect of this partnership that honours local knowledge and experience while providing training and employment opportunities to local residents. This initiative and the action research partnership described here offer an innovative approach for using AR to support effective community development that could be replicated in a variety of other contexts.

Creating a virtual space for collaborative project planning using the future creating workshop process: building the global climate change education initiative
  • Article
  • Full-text available

April 2022


111 Reads


4 Citations

Educational Action Research

This article describes our use of an online Future Creating Workshop (FCW) as a planning strategy to support our Global Climate Change Education Initiative (GCCEI). The GCCEI is an Educational Action Research project designed to provide the opportunity for students to discover how climate change acts to affect weather, health, economy, politics, and culture in their own communities and around the world by bringing young people aged eleven to fourteen into the conversation and into relationships with an international group of peers, In order to move this project forward despite the challenges created by the pandemic, we initiated an online FCW, grounded in Critical Utopian Action Research. We provide a detailed description of this research process highlighting both the challenges we face in trying to launch this project as well as our visions for the future. We consider the implications of this research process in relation to problem-based and multimodal forms of learning. This article describes the virtual FCW that we hope can serve as a model to others as well as a reflection on the implications of the outcomes of this research process for researchers and educators interested in fostering meaningful dialogue among students regarding the climate crisis.


Rethinking Ethical Processes for Community-Based Research with Vulnerable Populations: Lessons from Practice

January 2022


83 Reads


5 Citations

Community-based research offers opportunities to address issues of sustainability and inclusion through participatory democratic processes. But at the same time, these approaches to research raise ethical challenges not found in more traditional forms of inquiry. Here we review seven areas in which community-based research can generate specific ethical concerns. These involve issues related to collaboration and power, blurred boundaries between researcher and researched, community rights and conflict, ownership and dissemination of research findings, questions around anonymity and privacy, working within the constraints of institutional ethical review processes and the challenges of engaging in social action for social change. Using these overarching issues as a framework, we consider brief case studies that explore an ethical issue or challenge in doing community-based research with vulnerable populations. In analysing these case studies, we focus on examining how the university and community groups partnered, the processes they used to set up and conduct research, the challenges they faced, successes and failures they experienced and lessons from this experience related to the ethics associated with developing and maintaining community-based research partnerships. Based on these case studies, we also explore the larger ethical issues involved in doing community-based research, with examples from the South African context.

Citations (37)

... Quantitative methodology is an approach used in scientific research that focuses on the collection and analysis of numerical data to answer research questions. It involves employing several strategies, techniques, and assumptions to examine various phenomena through the analysis of numerical patterns, enabling researchers to gather and analyze numeric data to conduct statistical analyses ranging from simple to complex, including aggregating data, revealing relationships, and making comparisons across aggregated datasets (Coghlan & Brydon-Miller, 2014). Creswell (2009) proposed that choosing the appropriate research design depends on the nature of the research questions of the study. ...


Artificial intelligence as an automated essay scoring tool: A focus on ChatGPT
The SAGE Encyclopedia of Action Research
  • Citing Book
  • January 2014

... We have found relatively little experience with action research (AR) or PAR in engineering or sustainability education. Prince (2004) explored similar experiments in engineering education in North America, distinguishing between active, collaborative, cooperative, and problem-based learning, while Brydon-Miller and other authors recently explored the use of PAR to foster education for sustainability (Brydon-Miller 2022), primarily within teachers' professional education. Some of the conclusions from that research echo strongly in our own work with engineers at the university level, particularly the sense that both AR and sustainability share: a concept of learning that unfolds in an autonomous, networked, and research reflective confrontation with the world. ...

Participatory research to address climate change and sustainability
  • Citing Article
  • October 2022

Educational Action Research

... Metode ABCD menekankan bahwa masyarakat memiliki sumber daya internal yang kuat dan potensi untuk mengatasi masalah mereka sendiri (Morales, 2023;Nel, 2018Nel, , 2020Nel, , 2023Reddy, 2022;Shah, 2018;Ward, 2023;Willatt, 2022). Dengan membangun dari dalam, pendekatan ini bertujuan untuk menciptakan perubahan yang berkelanjutan dan mendorong pertumbuhan yang positif dalam masyarakat. ...

The view from Robinswood Hill: a story of asset-based community development and a community-based participatory research partnership in South Gloucestershire
  • Citing Article
  • September 2022

Educational Action Research

... International partnerships and collaborations are also an important means of connecting efforts globally. One such project is the International Climate Change Education project we designed to bring together university-based researchers with middle-school students and educators from Austria, Australia, the Philippines, South Africa, and the United States (Brydon-Miller et al., 2022). The goal was to provide students with the opportunity to learn about climate change in their own communities and then share that knowledge with peers in other parts of the world, enabling them to understand that climate change is happening everywhere, but that it takes different forms and has different impacts depending on where you are and what resources you have to address it. ...

Creating a virtual space for collaborative project planning using the future creating workshop process: building the global climate change education initiative

Educational Action Research

... Given the complexity and uncertainty involved, the role of clinical supervisor in the expanded clinical preparation field almost inevitably involves some "getting lost" (Brydon-Miller et al., 2021). However, getting lost may sometimes be a necessary step when entering new and uncharted territory. ...

The Fine Art of Getting Lost: Ethics as a Guide to Transformative Learning in Participatory Research
  • Citing Chapter
  • July 2021

... Furthermore, practitioner action research has the potential to empower the individual and those they work with to have a broader positive impact, becoming participatory action research. The term 'participatory action research' is used as a broad conceptual umbrella that covers a variety of practices (Ortiz Aragon and Brydon-Miller 2021). It includes a range of processes adopted by the teachers, who are the subject of this paper, whereby evidence is gathered and analysed in a participatory way. ...

Section Introduction: Show me the Action! Understanding Action as a Way of Knowing in Participatory Research
  • Citing Chapter
  • July 2021

... Regardless of the sensitive methodological, epistemological and political differences (Greenwood, 2004), the terms describing the methodology almost entirely overlap. At the same time, the element of "participatory" added into the action research attempts to signal about the collaborative ambitions of the research (Reason & Bradbury, 2006). ...

Davydd J. Greenwood, Feminism and Action Research: Is “Resistance” Possible and, If So, Why is it Necessary? in Mary Brydon-Miller, Patricia Maguire, and Alice McIntyre, eds., Traveling Companions: Feminism, Teaching, and Action Research. Westport, Praeger, pp. 157-168

... MTEI facilitated three FCWs in 2020-2021 (See Figure 1). Each iteration allowed us to learn from the prior, making adjustments to the implementation based on the timing, participants, and their needs (Raider-Roth et al. 2021). In February 2020, we sought to identify essential components of an online relational learning community (RLC) to inform our work with MTEI graduates. ...

Moving Toward a Utopian Future One Step at a Time: Taking Our Future Creating Workshop Online

Journal of Participatory Research Methods

... PAR seeks to employ both action and research into this research design to create a platform for change to take place (Benjamin- Thomas, et al., 2018). There is a keen focus on the partnership between the researcher and the coresearchers, who are committed to working together to introduce change (Wallerstein, et al., 2017;Brydon-Miller, et al., 2020;Thomas et al., 2024). ...

Participatory Action Research: International Perspectives and Practices

International Review of Qualitative Research

... This review provides examples of youth-engaged processes for specific BIPOC communities, which could guide prevention organizations and systems looking to engage youth authentically in their prevention efforts. With many variations of YPAR approaches and many studies with limited generalizability, future research might consider longitudinal examination of the overarching guidelines of the different models, how fidelity is measured [90], and effectiveness to determine generalizable outcomes. Furthermore, none of the projects in this review changed policy, which impacts the success of sociopolitical and environmental prevention strategies. ...

Reflections of the role of relationships, participation, fidelity, and action in participatory action research
  • Citing Article
  • January 2020

Educational Action Research