April 2012
76 Reads
1 Citation
The total detection reliability of a mine searching system is analogous to NDE-systems governed by three elements; � intrinsic capability- which describes the basic physical-technical capability of the method � application factors- including those due to environment � human factor- the effect of human operators on the detection reliability. Some of these can be determined in simple laboratory measurements in which the effect on detection capability of individual parameters is measured. However, the human factor and some aspects of the effects of environmental conditions on the system need to be treated statistically. By far the most common "mine searching system " in use today is the metal detector. The test and evaluation procedures for metal detectors described in CEN CWA 14747: 2003 include the above ideas. This is why, in addition to parameter tests, they include detection reliability or blind field tests under local conditions with local personnel. A series of three field trials was performed in the ITEP-project in 2003 “Reliability