Martina Sapienza’s research while affiliated with Sacred Heart University and other places

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Publications (42)

The practice of defensive medicine among Italian physicians: a cross sectional study in Rome
  • Article

October 2024


7 Reads

The European Journal of Public Health


H A Alizadeh


M Sapienza




Background To identify the perception and the reason of defensive medicine among Italian physicians, and identify the socio-demographic and work-related determinants of the increased practice of defensive medicine. Methods This study is a cross sectional web survey. A questionnaire was sent by e-mail to all the physicians registered to the Order of Physicians and Dentists of the Province of Rome. The collection period was from mar 2024 to may 2024. Descriptive analysis and multivariable linear regression models were conducted to describe differences between groups and to estimate the relationships between variables. Results A total of 291 physicians completed the survey and were included in this analysis. Almost 60% of respondents feel under pressure due to the possibility of legal disputes. 73,8% adopted defensive medicine behaviours during the last year. More than 80% are aware that defensive medicine represents a limitation for their profession and a unfavourable factor for patients. Who answered that they practice defensive medicine think that it is a factor limiting their professional activity (OR: 2.3) and an unfavourable factor for the patient’s health (OR: 1.1). Conclusions Defensive medicine is an important factor in health care costs without increasing the benefits to the patient. The study contributes to a deeper understanding of the perception of defensive medicine among physicians. Defensive medicine practice is common among physicians with concerns about increasing pattern in the future. Key messages • Our study highlights physicians’ awareness of adopting defensive medicine behaviors in their clinical practice. • The study contributes to a deeper understanding of the perception of defensive medicine among physicians.

Figure 1. Graph of annual HW per day/bed, per each facility.
Figure 2. Trend analysis of monthly data of IFO, ISMETT, IEO.
EWC 18.01.03 weight records per facilities, in kilograms.
Yearly tonnes of CO 2 -eq produced by each facility.
Estimated SCCs for each facility in the considered period.
Hospital waste management before and during COVID-19 pandemic: An analysis of the environmental impact of CO 2 emissions in four Italian facilities
  • Article
  • Full-text available

June 2024


42 Reads


3 Citations


In this table, some of the specializations to which, according to the participants, telemedicine can be applied are listed.
The Role of Health Institutions in Training Healthcare Personnel for the Digital Transition: The International Training Program of the Order of Physicians and Dentists of Rome

March 2024


15 Reads


1 Citation

International Medical Education

Digital health, encompassing the use of digital technologies in healthcare, and telemedicine, facilitating healthcare delivery across long distances, have witnessed widespread applications across various healthcare domains. The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the adoption of digital solutions in healthcare, overcoming barriers to access and fostering transitions to new care models. However, healthcare professionals often lack digital health competencies, necessitating targeted training initiatives. This study presents a project initiated by the Order of Physicians and Dentists of Rome, promoting a comprehensive training program in digital health for healthcare professionals. This investigation aims to describe the project, report demographic characteristics of participants, and analyze survey results on participants’ perceptions of the training program. The Erasmus+ project, titled ‘Training of Physician Trainers in Telemedicine, eHealth, and Digital Medicine,’ facilitated the digital transition of the healthcare sector through international training. The project involved structured courses, job-shadowing, and support activities in Malta and Madrid. A survey, developed using the Delphi methodology, assessed participants’ views on telemedicine. Thirty participants, selected based on merit, engaged in the project. Survey responses highlighted a strong impact on participants’ understanding of digital health concepts and increased confidence in utilizing digital tools. Notably, 85% acknowledged significant skill acquisition in healthcare digitalization. The project addressed a critical training gap among healthcare professionals, emphasizing the need for ongoing education in digital health. Despite existing recommendations, formal digital health education remains limited. The study underscores the importance of educational efforts to foster a digitalized healthcare model.

Schematic of the data collection and analysis
We focus on a sample of 100 asylum-seekers in Italy during their first contact with the national reception and integration system, which took place between May 2021 and September 2021 in Rome. In the schematic in (a), blue arrows correspond to migration flows to Italy, which is highlighted in green, whereas red arrows to internal transfers from hotspots to Rome, which is identified by a red square. As illustrated in (b), at their arrival in the reception facilities, the migrants were administered a demographic questionnaire (denoted Survey Q0) and the WHO-5 survey on psychological well-being (Survey Q1). During their 14-day COVID-19 related quarantine before the admission into the Reception and Integration System (in Italian, SAI—Sistema di Accoglienza Integrato), they were administered two surveys for detecting PTSD (namely, the PC-PTSD-5, Survey Q2, and the HTQ, Survey Q3), the Structured Clinical Interview for Trauma and Loss Spectrum (SCI-TALS, Survey Q4) to evaluate the spectrum of the stress response, and the Italian version of the LiMEs checklist of the traumatic experiences and living difficulties encountered before migrating, during the travel, or in the destination country (Survey Q5). At the end of their stay (day 14), the WHO-5 questionnaire (Survey Q6) was administered again to detect variation in the overall psychological well-being, as illustrated in (c). The incidence of PTSD were evaluated from Surveys Q2 and Q3, whereas supervised learning was used to identify the possible traumatic events (Survey Q3) or demographics traits (Survey Q4) that may help predict the insurgence of PTSD, see “Methods” for further details.
Select demographic traits of the participants (part 2).
Select demographic traits of the participants (part 3).
Answers of LiMEs Questionnaire (survey Q5).
Migrants’ mental health recovery in Italian reception facilities

November 2023


70 Reads


6 Citations

Communications Medicine

Background Forced migration leaves deep marks on the psychological well-being of migrants, with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other psychological conditions being prevalent among them. While research has clarified the extent to which pre-migration trauma is a predictor of mental health outcomes, the role of post-migration stressors in the settlement environment are yet to be fully characterized. Methods We monitored mental health of a cohort of 100 asylum-seekers during their 14-day COVID-19-related quarantine in reception facilities in Rome, Italy, through the administration of six questionnaires (a demographic survey, the WHO-5 well-being index, the Primary Care PTSD Screen for Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 5 (DSM-5), the Harvard Trauma Questionnaire, the Trauma and Loss Spectrum—Self Report, and the LiMEs—Italian version). Through the combination of statistical analysis and supervised learning, we studied the impact of the first contact with the reception system on asylum-seekers’ mental health and sought for possible risk and shielding factors for PTSD. Results We find that sheltering in refugee centers has a positive impact on migrants’ mental health; asylum-seekers with PTSD reported more traumatic events and personality characteristics related to loss and trauma; life events are predictors of PTSD in asylum-seekers. Conclusions We identify past traumatic experiences as predictors of PTSD, and establish the positive role the immediate post-migration environment can play on migrants’ psychological well-being. We recommend for host countries to implement reception models that provide effective protection and integration of asylum-seekers, similar to those in the Italian system.

Knowledge, experiences, and perceptions relating to obesity management among primary care physicians in the Lazio Region, Italy

November 2023


83 Reads


4 Citations

Background Primary care providers (PCPs) play an essential role in obesity care as they represent the first contact for patients seeking weight loss interventions. Objective This study explored the knowledge, experiences, and perceptions of PCPs in the Lazio Region of Italy in the management of obesity. Design and subjects We conducted an anonymous survey delivered from March to July 2022 via the newsletter of Rome Provincial Order of Physicians and Dentists and at the annual meeting of the regional section of the Italian Obesity Society. Approach The survey consisted of 24 closed-ended questions grouped into 5 sections: sociodemographic and work information; assessment of obesity; management of obesity; connections with regional Centres for Obesity Management; attitudes towards obesity. Key results A total of 92 PCPs accessed the survey. Of those, 2.2% were excluded because they did not see any patients with obesity. A total of 68 PCPs (75.6%) had complete questionnaires and were included in this analysis. All participants reported asking their patients about their eating habits, lifestyle, and clinical complications at the first assessment. Body weight and blood pressure were measured by 98.5% of participants and 82% calculate body mass index (BMI), while a small proportion of PCPs analysed body composition and fat distribution. Over 80% prescribed laboratory tests and ECG. Approximately 40% of PCPs did not refer patients for nutritional counselling, and most prescribed a low-calorie diet. Sixty-three percent referred patients to an endocrinologist, 48.5% to a psychotherapist, and a minority to specialists for obesity complications. Twenty-three percent prescribed anti-obesity medications and 46.5% referred patients for bariatric surgery only in severe cases. Ninety-one percent stated that obesity is “a complex and multifactorial disease” and 7.4% considered obesity to be secondary to other conditions. Conclusions Despite most PCPs adopt a correct approach to manage patients with obesity, many aspects could be improved to ensure optimal and multidisciplinary management.

Unveiling the Dark Nexus: A systematic review on the interplay of mental health, substance abuse, and socio-cultural factors in femicide

October 2023


129 Reads


3 Citations

Legal Medicine

A shared definition of femicide would help to distinguish it from the murder of a woman and understand its root causes favoring prevention. We conducted a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) to assess how (and if) femicide cases were related to mental disorders. Articles papers that explicitly define or discuss femicides or articles that, albeit not expressly mention femicides, thoroughly compare generic homicides and homicides with female victims. We analyse 3546 articles were retrieved from the databases, and 75 studies fulfilled the eligibility criteria and were included in the SLR. Many forms of femicide emerge worldwide as people's values, beliefs, attitudes, and behaviours evolve (intimate partner femicide, femicide-suicide, religious femicide, honour, revolt femicide) and state of vulnerability. A tiny percentage of femicides occur at the hands of subjects with diagnosed mental disorders, and controversies exist regarding the possible link between femicide and the use of drugs and/or alcohol and other factors. The complex problem of violence against women must be addressed with a transdisciplinary approach and targeted interventions for both the victims and the perpetrators. The present SLR shows that it is not possible to link femicides to mental disorders and that socio and cultural factors appear to be more relevant. Further quantitative research is warranted to disentangle the root causes of this heinous phenomenon plaguing our times. Our studies show that using the proposed definition of feminicide would help to delimit and adequately recognise violence in courtrooms, promote the culture of equality, and identify adequate policy strategies for prevention. Keywords: Abuse; Femicide; Gender-related murder; Mental disorders; Socio-cultural factors; Violence.

Structural accreditation of healthcare facilities: comparison of the requirements by Italian Presidential Decree 14/01/1997 and regional regulations. A proposal for updating the minimum environmental units at national level

August 2023


28 Reads

Background and aim: The Decree of the President of the Italian Republic 14/01/1997 is the reference norm related to the accreditation of public and private healthcare structures. This guideline establishes the minimum structural, technological and organizational requirements that each structure operating in the Italian territory must comply with. Methods: In occasion of the project work for the postgraduate training course in healthcare management by ALTEMS School, a team of researchers conducted a survey on the state of updating of the minimum structural requirements indicated in the norm-in particular those relating to hospital facilities- with those adopted by the individual regions through the analysis of the most up-to-date regional regulations. Results: Precisely starting from the comparison of regional references and from the regulations on the subject of structural accreditation which suggest strategic environmental units and which address some key-aspects relating to the contemporary design of healing environments (i.e. semi-intensive care units, hybrid operating theatres, etc.), the outcome of the project work is to define a proposal to update the national reference document, also in the light of the currently changing needs in terms of hospital design. Conclusions: The research aims to become a starting milestone for future investigations. The team investigated - in this first phase - the functional areas listed in the norm, and the next step aims to extend the analysis also to the innovative functions (i.e. buffer spaces, hybrid operating theatres, sub-intensive care units, etc.) and/or introduced only the last years which have only been regulated in some regions.

Characteristics of respondents
Results of proportional odd models, Univariate and Multivariable (3 variables and 5 variables models)
Primary care pediatricians and job satisfaction: a cross sectional study in the Lazio region

August 2023


25 Reads


3 Citations

Italian Journal of Pediatrics

Background: The Order of Physicians and Dentists of the Province of Rome aims at focusing on the satisfaction of healthcare personnel as an essential factor for the quality of medical care in the health sector. The aim of this study is to assess and prioritize the factors that can be linked to a higher or lower degree of job satisfaction in Primary Care Pediatricians (PCPs). Methods: This study is a cross sectional survey. A questionnaire was administered to all primary care pediatricians registered to the Order, exploring in particular the work activity organization, the level of satisfaction in their professional life, and the level of perceived health. A pilot activity was conducted to validate the questionnaire. Fisher exact test and ordinal logistic regression (ologit) models were used for the univariate and multivariate analysis. Results: The highest level of job dissatisfaction, in both men and women, was found to be in the practice type without any form of association; among women, it reached an even higher level for those who had their own practice at a distance of 20-40 km from their home. Women, compared to men, maintained a lower level of job satisfaction also while working in Pediatric Primary Care Units (PPCUs). In PPCUs, for the same distance, females showed a more similar pattern to males. Men working in PPCUs, regardless of distance, declared a higher degree of job satisfaction. Both men and women, working as a group pediatrician or in PPCUs, did not show a significant difference in the level of job satisfaction. Conclusions: The study contributes to a deeper understanding of the factors that may influence levels of career satisfaction in female and male PCPs. Therefore, research and interventions regarding job satisfaction should foster an organizational network connection among PCPs for their job and individual well-being, from a perspective of enhancing patient care. A major effort to improve work-life balance and career satisfaction among women is important, suggesting that interventions for improving job satisfaction could benefit from a gender-specific approach.

Citations (23)

... Surprisingly, 55% of this rubbish is plastic. These persistent toxins pose a double threat: poor treatment can infect regular trash, causing a disposal nightmare and disease such as COVID-19 [2][3][4][5]. Traditional options, like incineration and landfills, appear easy but are far from ideal, as they harm the air and soil. Clearly, novel measures are required to reduce the growing mountain of medical plastic waste. ...


Performance Evaluation of Asphalt Mixture Modified with Medical Plastic Waste
Hospital waste management before and during COVID-19 pandemic: An analysis of the environmental impact of CO 2 emissions in four Italian facilities

... Nowadays, there are many different digital solutions (digital tools, applications, etc.) for telemedicine that usually require special training in order to implement them in clinical practice. Targeted programs will enhance healthcare professionals' skills and can contribute to further improvement of the management of cardiovascular diseases, particularly HF [9]. ...

The Role of Health Institutions in Training Healthcare Personnel for the Digital Transition: The International Training Program of the Order of Physicians and Dentists of Rome

International Medical Education

... Dessa forma, a migração implica não apenas no deslocamento geográfico, mas também num processo de redefinição de papeis e relações em um novo ambiente e na experiência de passar a conviver com diferentes culturas e formas de compreensão do mundo, o que tem potencial para alterar as dinâmicas familiares. (9) Estudos realizados em diferentes países como Itália (10) ; Austrália (11) ; Holanda (12) ; e Peru (13) têm contribuído para a aquisição de conhecimentos sobre as complexas situações de vida e saúde que imigrantes e/ou refugiados vivenciam num constante processo adaptativo. Contudo, é preciso compreender melhor as experiências que eles e suas famílias enfrentam diante da migração, as quais são identificadas/elucidadas a partir das pesquisas qualitativas. ...

Migrants’ mental health recovery in Italian reception facilities

Communications Medicine

... Our findings are consistent with earlier research of a similar nature, in which PCPs managing obese patients used an appropriate strategy and were more knowledgeable about management guidelines. [11,24,25] Patients were more likely to receive weight management from doctors who had more information on obesity and more positive views toward it. [24,25] Nevertheless, in contrast to other research, our study did not find a significant correlation between knowledge and other relevant variables, such as gender, age groups, professional level, length of time spent working as a PCP, and full-or part-time employment. ...

Knowledge, experiences, and perceptions relating to obesity management among primary care physicians in the Lazio Region, Italy

... This phenomenon has been discussed poorly and not homogeneously yet, but it is interesting herein to correlate risk factors related to femicides with the ones established by this study. Authors reported that immigration patterns with ongoing difficulties due to new environments and low socioeconomic status may trigger violence against women [86][87][88]. Additionally, alcohol abuse contributes to precipitate such aggressive behavior. ...

Unveiling the Dark Nexus: A systematic review on the interplay of mental health, substance abuse, and socio-cultural factors in femicide
  • Citing Article
  • October 2023

Legal Medicine

... Expanding the study sample would enhance the generalizability of the results and account for different cultural contexts. Additionally, the questionnaire was pilot-tested but not validated, and the response rate was low, albeit similar to previous studies in the same population [47,48]. ...

Primary care pediatricians and job satisfaction: a cross sectional study in the Lazio region

Italian Journal of Pediatrics

... Promoting a value-based approach to CC prevention with pragmatic policies ensuring access, equity, quality, performance, efficiency and productivity (optimized allocation of resources) will help European countries minimize the inequalities that currently exist between and within the countries. 37 ...

Cervical cancer elimination in Italy: current scenario and priority actions for a values-based prevention

Population Medicine

... The era of digital intelligence is sweeping along with the rapid development of information technology, which is an information age marked by big data and intelligent technology, and emerging technology is changing people's lives and affecting the development of various industries. Deeply affected by digital intellectualization are also business management practice and accounting practice, and the biggest difference in accounting practice at present is that it is more inclined toward strategic management and business decision-making [1][2][3]. Colleges and universities are the main body of accounting education. Most of the previous accounting education systems were based on the background of the industrialization era, and the changes brought to the accounting practice in the era of digitalization will also make accounting education in colleges and universities face new opportunities and challenges [4][5][6]. ...

Artificial Intelligence and Urban health: a step forward to the achievement of SDGs
  • Citing Article
  • October 2021

The European Journal of Public Health

... Global health systems face challenges ensuring access to high-quality healthcare for all populations. Evidence-based tools to support a value-based decision-making process in the context of disease prevention are needed, taking into account cost and health outcomes in addition to societal value, to ensure social wellbeing is maximized [55,56]. ...

Cervical cancer elimination in Italy: Current scenario and future endeavors for a value based prevention

... Several exciting potential areas include trials, 36 development of polygenic risk scores, 26 and risk prediction models. 37 Further, longitudinal studies are necessary to better predict recurrence. This will greatly aid in decision-making about a possible colectomy. ...

Combined Overview on Diverticular Assessment:a new score for the management of diverticular disease

The European Journal of Public Health