Martin Trow’s research while affiliated with Barcelona Media and other places

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Publications (6)

The New Production of Knowledge: The Dynamics of Science and Research in Contemporary Societies
  • Book

January 2010


204 Reads


1,646 Citations

Michael Gibbons


Camille Limoges





Martin Trow

La nueva producción del conocimiento: La dinámica de la ciencia y la investigación en las sociedades contemporáneas
  • Book
  • Full-text available

January 1997


8,564 Reads


472 Citations


The New Production of Knowledge: The Dynamics of Science and Research in Contemporary Societies

November 1995


29,893 Reads


7,555 Citations

Contemporary Sociology A Journal of Reviews

This volume offers an exploration of major changes in the way knowledge is produced in science, technology, social science, & humanities, arguing that a new mode of knowledge production promises to replace or radically reform established institutions, disciplines, practices, & policies. A range of features - reflexivity, transdisciplinarity, heterogeneity - associated with the new mode of knowledge production are identified to illustrate the connections between them & the changing role of knowledge in social relations. Methodological difficulties inherent in attempts to describe a new mode of knowledge production are discussed, & implications of this mode for science policy & international economic competitiveness, collaboration, & globalization are treated. The book is particularly relevant for those concerned with educational systems, the changing nature of knowledge, the social study of science, & the connections between research & development, & social, economic, & technological development. The book is presented in 7 Chpts with a Preface & an Introduction. (1) Evolution of Knowledge Production. (2) The Marketability and Commercialisation of Knowledge. (3) Massification of Research and Education. (4) The Case of the Humanities. (5) Competitiveness, Collaboration and Globalisation. (6) Reconfiguring Institutions. (7) Towards Managing Socially Distributed Knowledge. References accompany each Chpt. 2 Tables. W. Howard (Copyright 1995, Sociological Abstracts, Inc., all rights reserved.)

The New Production of Knowledge: The Dynamics of Science and Research in Contemporary Societies. London, Thousand Oaks, New Delhi: Sage

January 1994


3,950 Reads


580 Citations

This volume offers an exploration of major changes in the way knowledge is produced in science, technology, social science, & humanities, arguing that a new mode of knowledge production promises to replace or radically reform established institutions, disciplines, practices, & policies. A range of features - reflexivity, transdisciplinarity, heterogeneity - associated with the new mode of knowledge production are identified to illustrate the connections between them & the changing role of knowledge in social relations. Methodological difficulties inherent in attempts to describe a new mode of knowledge production are discussed, & implications of this mode for science policy & international economic competitiveness, collaboration, & globalization are treated. The book is particularly relevant for those concerned with educational systems, the changing nature of knowledge, the social study of science, & the connections between research & development, & social, economic, & technological development. The book is presented in 7 Chpts with a Preface & an Introduction. (1) Evolution of Knowledge Production. (2) The Marketability and Commercialisation of Knowledge. (3) Massification of Research and Education. (4) The Case of the Humanities. (5) Competitiveness, Collaboration and Globalisation. (6) Reconfiguring Institutions. (7) Towards Managing Socially Distributed Knowledge. References accompany each Chpt. 2 Tables. W. Howard (Copyright 1995, Sociological Abstracts, Inc., all rights reserved.)

Citations (6)

... Decades of research in sustainability scholarship suggest that facilitating long-term sustainability transformations requires deliberate collaborations between researchers and practitioners integrating diverse forms of knowledge, insights, and approaches for addressing complex environmental challenges (Lang et al. 2012, Page et al. 2016, Schneider et al. 2019. Consequently, there has been an increased focus on interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research in sustainability sciences (Klein 2004, Spangenberg 2011 and the corresponding emergence of conceptual tools such as post-normal science (Funtowicz and Ravetz 1993), mode 2 knowledge production (Gibbons et al. 1994, Nowotny et al. 2003, and knowledge co-production (Cash et al. 2003, Wyborn et al. 2019, Norström et al. 2020, all of which signal the need for broadening the idea of experts beyond academia. These developments have led to the reshaping of the researcher's role in society (Pohl et al. 2010, Wittmayer and Schäpke 2014, Bednarek et al. 2018) and a push toward reevaluating relationships between universities and their surrounding communities (Trencher et al. 2014, König 2015, Leal Filho et al. 2022 to conduct more socially embedded and solutions-oriented research (Kemmis 2009, Miller et al. 2014, Balvanera et al. 2017). ...


Enabling barrio innovation: a grassroots approach for centering community initiatives in just sustainability transformations
The New Production of Knowledge: The Dynamics of Science and Research in Contemporary Societies
  • Citing Book
  • January 2010

... Since SSH research is concerned primarily with studying the human condition, how individuals relate and behave and how societies are organized, research in the context of application and reflexivity are inherent characteristics of these disciplines (Gibbons et al., 1994). Although there might appear to be strong links between SSH research and societal needs, this does not imply direct engagement of researchers with the potential beneficiaries of their research activities: conducting research on social phenomena and interacting with the potential users of that research are different activities. ...

The case of the humanities
  • Citing Article
  • January 1994

... internacionales tiene en las universidades brasileñas; analizar el modelo de internacionalización ejercido por la Universidad de São Paulo y las consecuencias de esa política en la realidad académica. El aporte teórico se basa en Ortiz (2007), Santos (2001) y Mignolo (2000), para referenciar los conceptos de mundialización y globalización; Mignolo (2000) y Pennycook (2007) quienes esbozan un panorama histórico del proceso de globalización en América y su relación con el conocimiento académico; Slaughter y Leslie (2001), quienes analizan el concepto de capitalismo académico; Gibbons et al. (1997), que analiza la conversión de las universidades en industrias del conocimiento que generan miles de millones de dólares; Altabach (2001) y Miúra (2006), que analizan la internacionalización de las universidades; Morosini (2011), Didriksson (1997), Lima y Maranhão (2009) y Vuilletet (2005, quienes discuten los modelos y conceptos de internacionalización existentes. Las metodologías utilizadas fueron: investigación bibliográfica sobre el tema, investigación descriptiva y exploratoria en la que analizamos la internacionalización de la Universidad de São Paulo. ...

La nueva producción del conocimiento: La dinámica de la ciencia y la investigación en las sociedades contemporáneas

... En lo que respecta a la vida académica, la globalización ha tenido efectos que pueden sintetizarse en: a) nuevas formas de vinculación laboral entre los docentes e investigadores y las casas de estudios (Sisto, 2005(Sisto, y 2007; b) presiones para aumentar la productividad del trabajo académico, principalmente medido en términos de publicaciones en revistas extranjeras, subsidios externos a la investigación y patentes (Galcerán, 2007); c) internacionalización del aprendizaje, con un aumento sostenido de la movilidad estudiantil que, en algunos casos, favorece la diversidad en el aula (Pérez, 2003); d) internacionalización de la investigación, con presiones internas y externas para formar equipos de trabajo multinacionales (Becher y Trowler, 2001); e) masificación de la educación superior que no ha sido acompañada por un incremento de los fondos públicos, lo que ha generado déficit de infraestructura y de personal (García, 2007), y f) control externo de la actividad académica mediante la evaluación de pares (Fernández, 2007) y el mercado (Baert y Shipman, 2005). Para los países en desarrollo, la cuestión se agrava debido a la escasa participación del sector privado en la investigación, más allá de pequeños emprendimientos orientados sobre todo a la docencia (Barsky et al., 2004) Para la mayor parte de los académicos en países en desarrollo, el actual contexto en el que se cruzan tendencias globales del capitalismo con las exigencias propias de la vida académica es complejo. ...

Becher, T. (1989) Academic Tribes and Territories. Intellectual Enquiry and the Cultres of Disciplines. The Society for Research into Higher Education
  • Citing Article

... Nowadays, nation states, multinational organizations, universities, and business enterprises are emphasizing and promoting the notion that the principal means of economic progress and social development are through the adequate capturing of knowledge as a form of capital and investment. Even though there is much diversification in the number and type of knowledge producing organizations, universities as a centre of excellence can promote economic prosperity (Gibbons et al., 1994). Nevertheless, any knowledge produced requires patents by which knowledge-based development is measured and monitored as a form of capital (Powell & Snellman, 2004). ...

The New Production of Knowledge: The Dynamics of Science and Research in Contemporary Societies

Contemporary Sociology A Journal of Reviews

... Since finally Etzkowitz & Leydesdorff (2000) expended the understanding of the university within an innovation system, at the same time they explained the important role of universities in the regional context. The authors did it by describing the path shift from "mode 1", which was the traditional concept of knowledge generation by means of a hierarchically, disciplinary and homogeneous approach (Gibbons, 1994), moving to the path of "mode 2", which in addition to a knowledge generation, is also knowledge production and even distribution. This new understanding of the role of a university could also be called in a broader sense the "commercial" role of a university. ...

The New Production of Knowledge: The Dynamics of Science and Research in Contemporary Societies. London, Thousand Oaks, New Delhi: Sage