Martin J. Gander’s research while affiliated with University of Geneva and other places

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Publications (119)

A Parareal algorithm without Coarse Propagator?
  • Preprint

September 2024


7 Reads

Martin J. Gander



Stephan Rave

The Parareal algorithm was invented in 2001 in order to parallelize the solution of evolution problems in the time direction. It is based on parallel fine time propagators called F and sequential coarse time propagators called G, which alternatingly solve the evolution problem and iteratively converge to the fine solution. The coarse propagator G is a very important component of Parareal, as one sees in the convergence analyses. We present here for the first time a Parareal algorithm without coarse propagator, and explain why this can work very well for parabolic problems. We give a new convergence proof for coarse propagators approximating in space, in contrast to the more classical coarse propagators which are approximations in time, and our proof also applies in the absence of the coarse propagator. We illustrate our theoretical results with numerical experiments, and also explain why this approach can not work for hyperbolic problems.

Figure 2. Mesh for the discretization and finite element functions.
Figure 3. Mesh.
Figure 5. (a) í µí¼† + and í µí¼† − for í µí»¿ 0 = 1, 1.2, 2 (in decreasing absolute value at í µí±˜ = 0) using í µí»¼ opt . (b) í µí±“ + and í µí±“ − .
Figure 6. (a) í µí¼† + and í µí¼† − for í µí»¿ 0 = 1, ̃︀ í µí»¿ 0+ (in decreasing absolute value at í µí±˜ = 0) using í µí»¼ opt . (b) í µí¼† + and í µí¼† − for í µí»¿ 0 = ̃︀ í µí»¿ 0− , 2+ √ 2 2
Figure 10. Spectrum of the iteration operator of Algorithm 1 using a cell block-Jacobi smoother for a varying stabilization parameter í µí»¿ 0 of the SIPG method and reaction scaling í µí»¾ ≥ í µí»¾ í µí± . (a) í µí»¾ = 0.5, í µí»¼ = 1. (b) í µí»¾ = 0.5, í µí»¼ = 1. (c) í µí»¾ = 0.5, í µí»¼ = 1. (d) í µí»¾ = 0.5, í µí»¼ = 1.


Optimization of two-level methods for DG discretizations of reaction-diffusion equations
  • Article
  • Full-text available

July 2024


5 Reads

ESAIM Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

In this manuscript, two-level methods applied to a symmetric interior penalty discontinuous Galerkin finite element discretization of a singularly perturbed reaction-diffusion equation are analyzed. Previous analyses of such methods have been performed numerically by Hemker et al. for the Poisson problem. The main innovation in this work is that explicit formulas for the optimal relaxation parameter of the two-level method for the Poisson problem in 1D are obtained, as well as very accurate closed form approximation formulas for the optimal choice in the reaction-diffusion case in all regimes. Using Local Fourier Analysis, performed at the matrix level to make it more accessible to the linear algebra community, it is shown that for DG penalization parameter values used in practice, it is better to use cell block-Jacobi smoothers of Schwarz type, in contrast to earlier results suggesting that point block-Jacobi smoothers are preferable, based on a smoothing analysis alone. The analysis also reveals how the performance of the iterative solver depends on the DG penalization parameter, and what value should be chosen to get the fastest iterative solver, providing a new, direct link between DG discretization and iterative solver performance. Numerical experiments and comparisons show the applicability of the expressions obtained in higher dimensions and more general geometries.


Symmetrized non-decomposable approximations of the non-additive kinetic energy functional

May 2023


12 Reads


4 Citations

In subsystem density functional theory (DFT), the bottom-up strategy to approximate the multivariable functional of the non-additive kinetic energy (NAKE) makes it possible to impose exact properties on the corresponding NAKE potential (NAKEP). Such a construction might lead to a non-symmetric and non-homogeneous functional, which excludes the use of such approximations for the evaluation of the total energy. We propose a general formalism to construct a symmetric version based on a perturbation theory approach of the energy expression for the asymmetric part. This strategy is then applied to construct a symmetrized NAKE corresponding to the NAKEP developed recently [Polak et al., J. Chem. Phys. 156, 044103 (2022)], making it possible to evaluate consistently the energy. These functionals were used to evaluate the interaction energy in several model intermolecular complexes using the formal framework of subsystem DFT. The new symmetrized energy expression shows a superior qualitative performance over common decomposable models.

SParse Approximate Inverse (SPAI) Based Transmission Conditions for Optimized Algebraic Schwarz Methods

March 2023


9 Reads

Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering

There have been various studies on algebraic domain decomposition methods, see e.g. [1], [2], [6], [7], [8] and references therein. Algebraic Optimized Schwarz Methods (AOSMs) were introduced in [4] to solve block banded linear systems arising from the discretization of PDEs on irregular domains. AOSMs mimic Optimized Schwarz Methods (OSMs) [5] algebraically by optimizing transmission blocks between subdomains. We propose here a new approach for obtaining transmission blocks using SParse Approximate Inverse (SPAI) techniques [9]. SPAI permits the approximation of the required parts of an inverse needed in the optimal transmission blocks, without knowing the entire inverse, which would be infeasible in practice, and is naturally parallel, like the domain decomposition iteration itself.

Should Multilevel Methods for Discontinuous Galerkin Discretizations Use Discontinuous Interpolation Operators?

March 2023


4 Reads


1 Citation

Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering

For discontinuous Galerkin (DG) discretizations [2], the problem of choosing an interpolation becomes particularly interesting. A good interpolation operator will not produce undesirable high frequency components in the residual. In an inherited (Galerkin) coarse operator, the choice of restriction and prolongation operators defines the coarse space itself, and then convergence of multigrid algorithms with classical restriction and interpolation operators for DG discretizations of elliptic problems cannot be independent of the number of levels [1].

Citations (78)

... -The Stein equation (obtained for A 1 = I n and B 1 = I m ), also known as the discrete-time Sylvester equation, appears in the analysis of dynamical systems [14] and in the stage equations of implicit Runge-Kutta methods [15]. ...


Preconditioning techniques for generalized Sylvester matrix equations
Spectral analysis of implicit 2 stage block Runge-Kutta preconditioners
  • Citing Article
  • July 2023

Linear Algebra and its Applications

... The switching function used in NDSD uses the reduced density gradient of the frozen electron density to detect regions close to the nuclei. Recently, Wesolowski and co-workers improved on this functional by considering a more general kernel of a differential operator instead of the von Weizsäcker functional and by improving the switching function, resulting in the non-decomposable NDCS approximation [66] as well as a symmetrized version thereof [67]. ...

Symmetrized non-decomposable approximations of the non-additive kinetic energy functional
  • Citing Article
  • May 2023

... Furthermore, our numerical experiments in higher dimensions show that the 1D results are still giving close to optimal relaxation parameters, even on non-tensor and irregular meshes, which indicates that our 1D analysis captures fundamental diffusion and singularly perturbed reaction diffusion behavior of the underlying operator, not just in 1D and for tensor product meshes. A further illustration of the interest of our detailed 1D analysis is our publication [14] showing that the optimization can be carried as far as to obtain an exact solver from an iterative one, with exact analytical expressions for the relaxation parameters involved. ...

Should Multilevel Methods for Discontinuous Galerkin Discretizations Use Discontinuous Interpolation Operators?
  • Citing Chapter
  • March 2023

Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering

... Specifically, for each face of M n , we use the recorded codes ({γ} and {τ}) to find all the triangles of M n+1 that intersect it, and compute the triangle-to-triangle intersection. For more details of the intersection implementation, refer to [39]. Moreover, in the step (2) and step (4) of the method described above, we can record additional triplets and quadruplets for embedding M n on M n+1 . ...

A Provably Robust Algorithm for Triangle-triangle Intersections in Floating-point Arithmetic
  • Citing Article
  • March 2022

ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software

... This approach involves making a detailed quantum mechanical treatment of the central molecule or protein while considering an average potential of the surrounding solvent. In particular, we are considering frozen density embedding theory [31][32][33] in which the full density is partitioned into the embedded subsystem and the environment. This is somewhat reminiscent of the ion correlation models [22] where the central ion sphere is embedded in a large correlation sphere which acts as the average environment potential of the plasma. ...

A non-decomposable approximation on the complete density function space for the non-additive kinetic potential
  • Citing Article
  • January 2022

... However, it is also possible to write an overlapping method, such as Lions' Parallel Schwarz Method (PSM) [28], which is equivalent to RAS [16], in substructured form, even though this approach is much less common in the literature. For a two subdomain decomposition, a substructuring procedure applied to the PSM is carried out in [15,Section 5], [18,Section 3.4] and [10]. In [10,11], the authors introduced a substructured formulation of the PSM at the continuous level for decompositions with many subdomains and crosspoints, and further studied ad hoc spectral and geometric two-level methods. ...

Méthodes de décomposition de domaines - Notions de base
  • Citing Article
  • July 2016

... In the free space problem C = n − i and in the waveguide problem C = n (n being the unit outer normal vector). Assume that Ω = ∪ =1 Ω with Ω = ( − −1 , + ) × (0, 1), ± := ± 2 , > 0 and ≥ 0. The optimized Schwarz method iteratively solves (1) restricted to Ω for ≈ | Ω in parallel or in some order of = 1, .., with the transmission conditions From the Sturm-Liouville problem − = 2 in (0, 1), (1) to an ODE forˆ ( , ) for each , and the iteration operator acting on { ∓ := B ∓ at { − −1 , + } × (0, 1)} to a matrix for each ; see [8]. The spectral radius of the iteration matrix as a function of or Re / is called the convergence factor . ...

Analysis of Double Sweep Optimized Schwarz Methods: the Positive Definite Case
  • Citing Chapter
  • October 2020

Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering

... Here, the fine propagator in time subintervals is only performed sequentially, which can be implemented in parallel. Further studies based on the parareal method include the parallel implicit time-integrator (PITA) [8], ParaExp [10], adaptive parareal method [19,23], etc. Parareal can also be constructed by combining with other techniques, such as the strategies of domain decomposition and waveform relaxation [3,12,20], the diagonalization technique [14], and the application of probabilistic methods to time-parallelization [25]. ...

A Superlinear Convergence Estimate for the Parareal Schwarz Waveform Relaxation Algorithm
  • Citing Article
  • January 2019

SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing

... Under the energy norm, we found similar results in the symmetric case as for the Poisson problem. Therefore, we can expect similar convergence behavior for many subdomains as presented in [3]. Furthermore, explicit formulations along with an upper bound are also given for the optimal relaxation parameters with a nonsymmetric decomposition, for which the methods converge still in two iterations in the one-dimensional case. ...

On the Scalability of Classical One-Level Domain-Decomposition Methods
  • Citing Article
  • November 2018

Vietnam Journal of Mathematics