Martin Breidenbach’s research while affiliated with SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Stanford University and other places

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Publications (24)

Figure 1: Time-domain distributions for a 1m-long C 3 structure of (a) input and reflected rf power, (b) delivered and dissipated rf energy and (c) accelerating gradient.
Baseline beam parameters for C 3 .
Power savings with adjustment in main linac design and beam parameters at 250 GeV. For 550 GeV the percentage savings would be unchanged for a combined 79 MW reduction in electrical power from the nominal 125 MW for the main linac.
Beam configuration scenarios for C 3 at 250 GeV which include modifications in the bunch spacing Δí µí±¡ í µí± , the number of bunches per train í µí±› í µí± and/or the train repetition rate í µí±“ í µí±Ÿ . The last two columns give the instantaneous luminosity and the estimated total site power in each case. More details can be found in [11].
Sustainability Strategy for the Cool Copper Collider
  • Conference Paper
  • Full-text available

December 2024

Martin Breidenbach


Brendon Bullard


Emilio Alessandro Nanni




Caterina Vernieri

Figure 3. Layout of SLAC prototype for WP1.2 2022 shared submission on TowerSemi 65nm
Figure 4. SiD on its platform, showing tracking (red), ECAL (light green), HCAL (violet) and dodecagonal iron yoke .
Figure 7. Display of clusters from 40 GeV π 0 → two 20 GeV γ's separated by 10 mm
Figure 8. Energy resolution for gamma showers vs. energy:
The SiD Digital ECal Based on Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors

December 2024


1 Read

The European Physical Journal Conferences

Higgs physics goals with detectors at future colliders demand unprecedented precision. Linear colliders, with energy reach to the TeV scale and low duty cycles and backgrounds, enable this high precision performance. The SiD Collaboration is developing Monolithic Active Pixel Sensor (MAPS) technology for tracking and electromagnetic calorimetry (ECal). This technology offers high granularity, thin sensors, good time resolution (<nsec), and small dead areas, enabled by gaseous cooling for tracking and passive thermal conduction for calorimetry. The first MAPS prototype (NAPA-p1), designed by SLAC in CMOS imaging 65 nm technology, is under test. The long-term objective is a wafer-scale sensor of area 5 × 20 cm². Detailed simulation of ECal performance confirms previous results, indicating electromagnetic energy resolution based on digital hit cluster counting provides better performance than the 13 mm² pixels SiD TDR analog design, and two particle separation in the ECal is excellent down to the millimeter scale. Recent heat management analysis indicates passive cooling for the low duty cycle linear colliders should work.

The alignment of the accelerator modules of the Cool Copper Collider C with the Rasnik 3-point alignment system

December 2024


5 Reads

The European Physical Journal Conferences

For C³, some 2000 accelerator modules must be 5D positioned, within 10 µm transversal, on a 2.3 km long straight line, for both linacs. In the Rasnik alignment system, light from a point-like monochromatic source falls on a zone lens, forming a Fraunhofer diffraction pattern on an image pixel sensor. The alignment of three objects can be obtained by analyzing the position of the diffraction pattern on the sensor. The alignment of a large number of objects can be realized by fixing a stick on each object, carrying all three Rasnik components. With this leap frog geometry, all sticks are mutually coupled, forming a multipoint alignment system. The system should operate in ambient air, in vacuum, and in liquid nitrogen. Due to the heat dissipation of these components, bubbles are formed, causing an error in the measured alignment when crossing the optical path. Various methods of beam shielding are presented. With the Quarter Cryo Module (QCM), essential studies will be carried out, enabling the realization of C³. The QCM will be equipped with four Rasnik chains, measuring alignment parameters with redundancy. In addition, the bubble-induced vibrations of the accelerator components can be registered accurately.

FIG. 1. Forward and reflected power for 1 m of structure for operation at at 70 MeV/m. An rf pulse is shown in the absence of the beam. With the beam the flat top power is constant at 30 MW.
FIG. 5. Global warming potential from (a) operation and (b) construction of all collider concepts. The hashed pink component represents the additional costs of operating C 3 without power optimization, while light blue regions account for additional run modes targeting Z and WW production.
Sustainability Strategy for the Cool Copper Collider

October 2023


54 Reads


6 Citations

PRX Energy

The particle physics community has agreed that an electron-positron collider is the next step for continued progress in this field, giving a unique opportunity for a detailed study of the Higgs boson. Several proposals are currently under evaluation by the international community. Any large particle accelerator will be an energy consumer and so, today, we must be concerned about its impact on the environment. This paper evaluates the carbon impact of the construction and operation of one of these Higgs factory proposals, the Cool Copper Collider. It introduces several strategies to lower the carbon impact of the accelerator. It proposes a metric to compare the carbon costs of Higgs factories, balancing physics reach, energy needs, and carbon footprint for both construction and operation, and compares the various Higgs factory proposals within this framework. For the Cool Copper Collider, the compact 8 km footprint and the possibility for cut-and-cover construction greatly reduce the dominant contribution from embodied carbon.

Status and future plans for C 3 R&D

September 2023


122 Reads


7 Citations

Journal of Instrumentation

C ³ is an opportunity to realize an e ⁺ e ⁻ collider for the study of the Higgs boson at √ s = 250 GeV, with a well defined upgrade path to 550 GeV while staying on the same short facility footprint [2,3]. C ³ is based on a fundamentally new approach to normal conducting linear accelerators that achieves both high gradient and high efficiency at relatively low cost. Given the advanced state of linear collider designs, the key system that requires technical maturation for C ³ is the main linac. This paper presents the staged approach towards a facility to demonstrate C ³ technology with both Direct (source and main linac) and Parallel (beam delivery, damping ring, ancillary component) R&D. The primary goal of the C ³ Demonstration R&D Plan is to reduce technical and cost risk by building and operating the key components of C ³ at an adequate scale. This R&D plan starts with the engineering design, and demonstration of one cryomodule and will culminate in the construction of a 3 cryomodule linac with pre-production prototypes. This R&D program would also demonstrate the linac rf fundamentals including achievable gradient and gradient stability over a full electron bunch train and breakdown rates. It will also investigate beam dynamics including energy spread, wakefields, and emittance growth. This work will be critical to confirm the suitability of the C ³ beam parameters for the physics reach and detector performance in preparation for a Conceptual Design Report (CDR), as well as for follow-on technology development and industrialization. The C ³ Demonstration R&D Plan will open up significant new scientific and technical opportunities based on development of high-gradient and high-efficiency accelerator technology. It will push this technology to operate both at the GeV scale and mature the technology to be reliable and provide high-brightness electron beams. The timeline for progressing with C ³ technology development will be governed by practical limitations on both the technical progress and resource availability. It consists of four stages: Stage 0) Ongoing fundamental R&D on structure prototypes, damping and vibrations. Stage 1) Advancing the engineering maturity of the design and developing start-to-end simulations including space-charge and wakefield effects. This stage will include testing of strucutres operating at cryogenic temperatures. Beam tests would be performed with high beam current to test full beam loading. Stage 2) Production and testing of the first cryomodule at cryogenic temperatures. This would provide sufficient experimental data to compile a CDR and it is anticipated for Stage 2 to last 3 years and to culminate with the transport of photo-electrons through the first cryomodule. Stage 3) Updates to the engineering design of the cryomodules, production of the second and third cryomodule and their installation. Lower charge and lower emittance beams will be used to investigate emittance growth. The successful full demonstration of the 3 cryomodules to deliver up to a 3 GeV beam and achieve the C ³ five gradient will allow a comprehensive and robust evaluation of the technical design of C ³ as well as mitigate technical, schedule, and cost risks required to proceed with a Technical Design Report (TDR).

A “Cool” route to the Higgs boson and beyond. The Cool Copper Collider

July 2023


69 Reads


36 Citations

Journal of Instrumentation

Construction of an e ⁺ e ⁻ Higgs factory has been identified as a major goal for particle physics. Such a collider will offer precise measurements of the Higgs bosons couplings to other particles. A Higgs factory extendable in energy can also establish the Higgs self-coupling, measure the Higgs coupling to the top quark, and expand the reach to probe new phenomena. We propose a strategy for an energy-extendable Higgs factory based on a new linear accelerator technology. This strategy offers a compact and cost-effective design that could be realized as an accelerator project in the US. The core technologies to be developed have broad applications to accelerators for medicine and for X-ray science. The challenge of realizing these technologies will offer unique and exciting opportunities to young scientists.

Figure 1. Principle of the RasDif system. The monochromatic waves, arriving at the zone plate, cause a diffraction pattern on the image sensor.
Figure 3. The Stick
Figure 6. The error degradation in a chain of N = 16 Rasnik systems.
Figure 8. The raft unit.
Figure 10. Cross section of the QCM. Since all Sticks are identical, interfaces are required between a Stick and either an Accelerator Structure (left) or the Quad (right). These interfaces may be an integral part of the Accelerator Structure or the Quad.
The alignment of the C3 Accelerator Structures with the Rasnik alignment system

July 2023


44 Reads

The Rasnik 3-point alignment system, now widely applied in particle physics experiments and in the instrumentation of gravitational wave experiments, can be used as N-point alignment system by daisy chain N individual 3-point systems. The conceptual implementation of Rasnik chains in C3 is presented. The proper operation of a laser diode and a CMOS image sensor in liquid nitrogen has been verified. Next plans for testing a small but complete system, immersed in liquid nitrogen, are presented.

A Sustainability Roadmap for C$^3

July 2023


27 Reads

The particle physics community has agreed that an electron-positron collider is the next step for continued progress in this field, giving a unique opportunity for a detailed study of the Higgs boson. Several proposals are current under evaluation of the international community. Any large particle accelerator will be an energy consumer and so, today, we must be concerned about its impact on the environment. This paper evaluates the carbon impact of the construction and operations of one of these Higgs factory proposals, the Cool Copper Collider (C3^{3}). It introduces several strategies to lower the carbon impact of the accelerator. It proposes a metric to compare the carbon costs of Higgs factories, balancing physics reach, energy needs, and carbon footprint for both construction and operations, and compares the various Higgs factory proposals within this framework. For C3^{3}, the compact 8 km footprint and the possibility for cut-and-cover construction greatly reduce the dominant contribution from embodied carbon.

Figure 2. SiD on its platform, showing tracking (red), ECAL (light green), HCAL (violet) and reconfigured dodecagonal iron yoke.
Figure 3. The distribution of weighted (by longitudinal and transverse position in shower) cluster counts for a 10 GeV gamma shower in the new SiD digital MAPs design based on a GEANT4 simulation.
Figure 6. Efficiency for distinguishing two 10 GeV electron showers as a function of shower separation (upper curve) and the degradation of energy resolution as a function of separation due to overlap of cluster hits (lower curve) in the new SiD digital MAPS design based on a GEANT4 simulation.
Figure 8. Energy resolution for gamma showers as a function of energy. The curves show (from lower up) the resolution based on counting minimum ionizing particles (light blue, MIPs), modified cluster counting (dark blue), pure simple cluster counting (light brown), active pixels (green, Hits), and the required performance from the ILC TDR (brown dash-dot).
Target specifications for 65 nm prototype.
The SiD Digital ECal Based on Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors

September 2022


38 Reads


2 Citations


The SiD detector concept capitalizes on high granularity in its tracker and calorimeter to achieve the momentum resolution and particle flow calorimetry physics goals in a compact design. The collaboration has had a long interest in the potential for improved granularity in both the tracker and ECal with an application of monolithic active pixel sensors (MAPS) and a study of MAPS in the SiD ECal was described in the ILC TDR. Work is progressing on the MAPS application in an upgraded SiD design with a prototyping design effort for a common SiD tracker/ECal design based on stitched reticules to achieve 10 × 10 cm2 sensors with 25 × 100 micron2 pixels. Application of large area MAPS in these systems would limit delicate and expensive bump-bonding, provide possibilities for better timing, and should be significantly cheaper than the TDR concept due to being a more conventional CMOS foundry process. The small pixels significantly improve shower separation. Recent simulation studies confirm previous performance projections, indicating electromagnetic energy resolution based on digital hit cluster counting provides better performance than the SiD TDR analog design based on 13 mm2 pixels. Furthermore, the two shower separation is excellent down to the millimeter scale. Geant4 simulation results demonstrate these expectations.

C3^3 Demonstration Research and Development Plan

March 2022


263 Reads

C3^3 is an opportunity to realize an e+^+e^- collider for the study of the Higgs boson at s=250\sqrt{s} = 250 GeV, with a well defined upgrade path to 550 GeV while staying on the same short facility footprint. C3^3 is based on a fundamentally new approach to normal conducting linear accelerators that achieves both high gradient and high efficiency at relatively low cost. Given the advanced state of linear collider designs, the key system that requires technical maturation for C3^3 is the main linac. This white paper presents the staged approach towards a facility to demonstrate C3^3 technology with both Direct (source and main linac) and Parallel (beam delivery, damping ring, ancillary component) R&D. The white paper also includes discussion on the approach for technology industrialization, related HEP R&D activities that are enabled by C3^3 R&D, infrastructure requirements and siting options.

Citations (9)

... In this work, we present an analysis of the carbon footprint of the Cool Copper Collider (C 3 ) [4,5], as well as a comparison with other HF concepts. This is a summary of the comprehensive evaluation carried out in [6], which includes both costs from construction and operation over the full proposed lifetime of C 3 . ...


Sustainability Strategy for the Cool Copper Collider
Sustainability Strategy for the Cool Copper Collider

PRX Energy

... Based on the requirements of C 3 , we have performed a range of targeted configuration optimizations and performance characterizations and summarized the test results in [9]. The RFSoC evaluation board with our custom firmware designs demonstrated pulse to pulse phase jitter as low as 87.54 femtoseconds (fs), which is considerably better than the 150 fs requirement of C 3 [10]. ...

Status and future plans for C 3 R&D

Journal of Instrumentation

... In this work, we present an analysis of the carbon footprint of the Cool Copper Collider (C 3 ) [4,5], as well as a comparison with other HF concepts. This is a summary of the comprehensive evaluation carried out in [6], which includes both costs from construction and operation over the full proposed lifetime of C 3 . ...

A “Cool” route to the Higgs boson and beyond. The Cool Copper Collider

Journal of Instrumentation

... This concept can be improved in function and reduced cost by replacing the sensors and chips with MAPS. A project has started in this direction [11,12], but full development and testing remains. A plan for this over the coming years is well coordinated with the timeline of the Higgs factory. ...

The SiD Digital ECal Based on Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors


... This channel is kinematically similar to the SM in the low mass window, but the cross section is larger by a factor of at least 1.5 in this regime. VBF Zh has a small cross section, but could potentially be probed with HL-LHC [20][21][22] or in a future lepton collider [23][24][25]. ...

C3^3: A "Cool" Route to the Higgs Boson and Beyond

... These higher-energy operations will enable the exploration of the Higgs-top quark coupling and provide direct access to the Higgs self-coupling through double Higgs production [7]. C 3 is based on a distributed coupling accelerator concept, operating at 80 K under liquid nitrogen [8], leading to high accelerating gradients and minimized breakdown rates compared to earlier designs based on normal conducting technologies. The baseline C 3 parameters, assumed for the present analysis, are shown in Table 1. ...

Experimental demonstration of particle acceleration with normal conducting accelerating structure at cryogenic temperature

Physical Review Accelerators and Beams

... Robots have reduced human intervention by roughly 50% and have become a vital element of practically all businesses, with robots being used in a variety of settings [1]. Medical robotic systems have a lot of advantages: they are adaptable and can be taught to execute a variety of jobs, they are more effective than human counterparts, and they can overcome [2].When patients' health conditions deteriorate, providing oxygen is one of the most important needs in hospitals and health centers, and it is no secret to anyone what the world is going through today in terms of shortages and respirators required for this purpose, as a result of the spread of the era's epidemic COVID-19 [3]. ...

Acute shortage ventilator (Preprint)
  • Citing Article
  • November 2020

JMIR Biomedical Engineering

... The LYCORIS Large Area Silicon Strip Telescope [22,23] is foreseen to be installed within the PCMAG at the DESY II Test Beam Facility. The system requirements described here are for the use case of a TPC within the PCMAG. ...

Development of a large active area beam telescope based on the SiD microstrip sensor
  • Citing Article
  • October 2019

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment