October 2024
15 Reads
Today’s physics describes nature in “subjective concepts” (concepts of observers), such as spatial, temporal, wave, particle, force, field. There are coordinate-free formulations of special and general relativity (SR/GR), but there is no absolute time in SR/GR. Thus, there is no “holistic view” (a view that is universal for all objects at the same instant in time) in SR/GR. I show: Euclidean relativity (ER) provides a holistic view by describing nature in “objective concepts” (concepts that are immanent in all objects). “Pure distance” replaces spatial and temporal distance. “Pure energy” replaces wave and particle. I give one example where “process” replaces force and field. Each object’s proper space and its proper time span an absolute, Euclidean spacetime (ES), where and are pure distances. The new invariant is absolute, cosmic time . All energy moves through ES at the speed . An observer’s reality is created by orthogonally projecting ES to his proper space and to his proper time. These two projections are reassembled in SR/GR to a non-Euclidean spacetime. Information is lost in all projections. Thus, there will always be unsolved mysteries if we ignore ES. ER solves 15 mysteries, including the Hubble tension! On top, ER declares four concepts obsolete, such as dark energy and non-locality. I conclude: SR/GR describe an observer’s reality. ER describes the “master reality” ES. Objective concepts are mandatory in cosmology and in quantum mechanics. Thus, the scope of SR/GR is limited—just as the scope of Newton’s physics is limited.