Mark S. Robinson’s research while affiliated with Arizona State University and other places

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Publications (178)

Geometric Calibration of the ShadowCam Instrument on the Korea Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter
  • Article

December 2024


1 Read

Journal of Astronomy and Space Science

Emerson Jacob Speyerer


Mark Southwick Robinson


David Carl Humm




Scott Michael Brylow

The ShadowCam instrument on the Danuri spacecraft provides high-resolution views of shadowed portions of the Moon, which are illuminated by naturally scattered light from nearby sunlit terrain. The sensitive time-delay integration detector captures high signal-to-noise observations within the permanently shadowed regions and areas in shadow for part of the year. We characterized the geometric properties of the images, enabling accurate placement of observations within the lunar cartographic framework. This work describes the internal and external orientation parameters using laboratory observations and images collected during the cruise and commissioning phase of the mission. We identified a radial distortion in the cross-track direction from these observations, which is correctable during our standard calibration pipeline procedures. We also calculated the pointing of the camera relative to the spacecraft bus within ~0.001°. Using these models, corrections, and the initial ephemeris provided by the Korea Aerospace Research Institute, images can be aligned within 60 m on the surface (95% confidence interval). This calibration and a precise radiometric model will enable reliable interpretation of ShadowCam images and the development of future derived products, including precisely mapped mosaics and meter-scale digital elevation models.

Sample analyses as part of the geology and sampling planning for Artemis III mission
  • Conference Paper
  • Full-text available

December 2024


26 Reads

Sample analyses consideration as part of the Artemis III sampling plan.


Figure 1. Location of PSR A and B. PSR B (in Spudis crater) is closer to the south pole but has higher summer maximum temperatures than PSR A
Figure 2. Concept of secondary illumination in lunar PSRs. Primary illumination (green) and secondary illumination (orange) show the interaction between one directly illuminated topographic facet(j) and one topographic facet(i) in PSR.
Figure 3. View factor maps for observers at two different locations within PSR B. Brighter colors indicate larger view factor magnitude.
Figure 5. Top row (A and B) shows the topographic influence maps for PSR A and PSR B respectively. A normalized scale shows that the topographic influence of PSR B is larger. Bottom row (C and D) show the corresponding maximum normalized primary illumination maps where the maximum value at each pixel is obtained over the full subsolar time range of the computation of primary illumination
Figure 6. Irradiance transfer function and Average primary illumination vs subsolar latitude


Quantifying Topographic Influence on Irradiance Transfer in Permanently Shadowed Regions

November 2024


11 Reads

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences

In permanently shadowed regions (PSRs), the surface temperature is influenced by secondary illumination, which changes daily and seasonally due to the sunlight reflected by the surrounding terrain. Understanding how topography affects the transfer of radiant energy can help us quickly interpret the thermal behavior using available topographic data. The amount of radiant energy transferred from a sunlit lunar surface to a PSR depends on the distance and orientation of the sunlit surface to the PSR, and is represented by view factors. In this study, we introduce an approach to systematically represent the combined effects of multiple surfaces using statistical analysis applied to view factor maps. We demonstrate that our proposed approach can explain the contrasting temperatures of two PSRs at the lunar south pole. We verify our theoretical findings using PSR images acquired by the ShadowCam instrument aboard the Danuri lunar orbiter.

Orthographic projection of the south pole (centered at 90°S, 0°E) showing (a) thirty‐three study areas; (b) four additional areas in Amundsen crater (84°S, 86°E); and (c) Schrödinger basin (75°S, 134.6°E) with two inner and two outer areas, for a total of 41 areas under investigation. Blue areas could be assigned absolute model ages, while red areas could not be dated.
CSFD R‐plots and corresponding randomness analyses for panel (a) Haworth crater floor, (b) Shoemaker crater floor, and (c) Faustini crater floor. The Haworth and Faustini crater floors exhibit equilibrium for most of the entire crater diameter range measured, and therefore could not be dated. A slight downward disturbance in the 4–8 km diameter range is consistent with the 3.70 Ga resurfacing event in Shoemaker crater. (d) Shackleton 1 deposit; (e) Shackleton 2; (f) Unnamed 4 deposits; and (g) Shackleton 4. We find a consistent ∼2.4 Ga age for all four Shackleton ejecta deposits.
Ages of light plains determined via Poisson age probability analysis (Michael et al., 2016) in the southern polar region. The inset shows that the Poisson error analysis (dark gray areas corresponding to the error bars in the figure) for the Amundsen crater floor (Am) overlaps with the Schrödinger M1 impact melt unit supporting a common origin. In contrast, the LP on the Shoemaker crater floor is statistically distinct from the Schrödinger event. Therefore, we find older areas to be consistent with the Schrödinger basin impact event as a separate event from the younger 3.7 Ga group, related to the Orientale basin, and Eratosthenian areas to be Shackleton crater ejecta deposits. Areas that do not fall within these groups (Slater and LP6) are likely created using local cratering processes.
Twenty‐two dated count areas of light plain materials and smooth crater floors within permanently shadowed regions investigated in this study and color‐coded by age. Schrödinger basin materials are shown in purple color (∼3.8 Ga), Orientale basin materials are shown in green (∼3.7 Ga, including Faustini and Haworth crater floors), Slater and LP6 areas are shown in black (∼3.3 Ga), and Shackleton deposits are shown in fuchsia (∼2.4 Ga), as they appear in Figure 3. Orthographic projection of the lunar southern polar region.
Multiple Impact Sources for Light Plains Around the Lunar South Pole

November 2024


66 Reads

Plain Language Summary The southern polar region of the Moon is the focus of future human exploration missions due to the presence of essential resources like water and the possible capability to sustain a prolonged human presence on the Moon. Thus, it is vital to understand the geologic context of the region for a correct interpretation of returned samples. In this paper, we used the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter data sets to investigate the age and origin of 41 smooth deposits around the lunar south pole. Of these, 22 could be accurately dated using the size‐frequency distribution of craters, and we found groups of smooth deposits of similar ages that can be related to a one or more source impacts. Some of them are related to the Schrödinger basin impact, while others are likely related to the Orientale basin on the farside of the Moon. We also found two deposits of younger age, likely related to fresh nearby craters, and other ejecta deposits that represent the formation age of the Shackleton crater. Therefore, these deposits appear to have formed from both basin/crater ejecta and local materials. Samples collected in this region will exhibit a diverse range of materials and sources from multiple events.

The Faustini Permanently Shadowed Region on the Moon

September 2024


66 Reads


1 Citation

The Planetary Science Journal

Faustini crater (41 km diameter) hosts a large (664 km ² ) permanently shadowed region (PSR) with a high potential to harbor water-ice deposits. One of the 13 candidate Artemis III landing areas contains a portion of the crater rim and proximal ejecta. The ShadowCam instrument aboard the Korea Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter provides detailed images of the PSR within Faustini. We characterize the terrain and thermal environment within the Faustini PSR from ShadowCam images, Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter thermal measurements and laser ranging, and thermal modeling. Our mapping revealed three distinct areas of the floor of Faustini based on elevations, slopes, and surface roughness. These units broadly correlate with temperatures; thus, they may be influenced by variations in volatile sublimation. Crater retention and topographic diffusion rates appear to be asymmetric across the floor, likely due to differences in maximum and average temperatures. Several irregular depressions and a pronounced lobate-rim crater are consistent with subsurface ice. However, differences in the thicknesses of deposited materials on the floor may also explain the asymmetry. Additionally, zones of elevated surface roughness across Faustini appear to result from overprinted crater ray segments, possibly from Tycho and Jackson craters. Mass wasting deposits and pitting on opposite sides of the crater wall may have resulted from the low-angle delivery of material ejected by the Shackleton crater impact event, suggesting that the Artemis III candidate landing region named “Faustini Rim A” will contain material from Shackleton.

Where Is That Crater? Best Practices for Obtaining Accurate Coordinates from LROC NAC Data

July 2024


59 Reads

The Planetary Science Journal

The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera (LROC) Narrow Angle Camera (NAC) images and their derived products make up one of the highest-resolution and most spatially accurate data sets available for the Moon, making them a crucial resource for planners of landed lunar missions. However, it is essential to understand the best uses for each data type and the limits on the accuracy and resolution of the data sets available. With this understanding, users can better interpret and communicate their results. In this paper, we describe what assumptions may be made about the accuracy of LROC NAC images and the various derived products created by the LROC team. NAC digital terrain models and their corresponding orthophotos have the best accuracy of all NAC products, usually better than 10 m horizontally, and should be used where available. Other controlled NAC products usually have accuracies better than 30 m. For areas without controlled products, we describe how to process NAC images to obtain coordinates with the highest possible accuracy. We also recommend best practices for data users interacting with LROC data through online map servers, such as QuickMap or Lunaserv, and for processing LROC data locally using the US Geological Survey Integrated Software for Imagers and Spectrometers.

Figure 2. (A) An example of a fresh ejecta blanket; the crater is 480 m diameter. (B)-(D) Examples of bright-excavating craters marked with blue arrows, darkexcavating craters marked with red arrows, and craters that simultaneously excavated dark and bright material marked with striped arrows. Note that dark-excavating craters are always larger than the nearby bright-excavating craters. (B) ∼2 radii from the rim; the transition from bright-to-dark child craters happens at relatively large diameters because the parent ejecta is thick (1-3 m depth). (C) ∼3 radii from the rim; ejecta is thinner (0.5-1 m depth) than in panel B because it is further from the crater. (D) ∼3 radii from the rim; ejecta is thinner (<0.5 m depth) than both panels (B) and (C) despite being as close as panel (C) because this part of the ejecta blanket has a higher decay constant B. (E) Child craters from this impact plotted by maximum excavation depth and distance from the crater. We plot Equation (1) with our estimate for thickness at the rim, T = 9 m, and B = 2.1, 2.8, and 4.0. Note that almost all dark-excavating craters are below the B = 4.0 line, almost all brightexcavating craters are above B = 2.1, and B = 2.8 is roughly at the average bright-to-dark subsurface transition.
Figure 3. Global context of the 73 craters where we made ejecta thickness estimates. Some points are too close to distinguish at this scale.
Figure 4. Crater excavation depth in the immediate vicinity of Apollo deep core samples. Gradients along the y-axes represent regolith maturity with depth in the core sample (dark is mature, bright is immature), inferred from I S /FeO ratios (McKay et al. 1991). Craters are plotted by rim-to-rim diameter alongside a notional excavation depth d e = 0.085D, which agrees well with the location of the dark/bright transition in the Apollo cores.
Figure 5. Isopach maps with blue contours at 0.5, 1, 2, and 5 m, with a final contour at the crater rim. Dotted lines indicate inferred contour positions. Scale bars are approximately one crater radii. Background images are small-incidence LROC NAC mosaics with minimal shadows. The child craters that constrain isopach contours on these maps are too numerous to display; see supplemental material for these data points.
Figure 7. Estimates for ejecta thickness at the rims of 73 lunar craters, with 2σ uncertainties. Compare our data points to equations for rim ejecta thickness, T, as a function of center-to-rim crater radius, R, from McGetchin et al. (1973, T = 0.14R 0.74 ), Pike (1974, T = 0.033R), and from Sharpton (2014, T = 0.014R 1.01 ). Also displayed are the data points from Sharpton (2014), with their 2σ uncertainties. The best-fit trend of our data is given by Equation (2), T = 0.14 ± 0.062R (0.77 ± 0.080) , producing thicknesses intermediate to McGetchin et al. (1973) and Pike (1974).
Ejecta Blankets at Small Craters on the Moon

May 2024


38 Reads


2 Citations

The Planetary Science Journal

Impact-derived ejecta covers most of the lunar surface, originating from recent impacts through to the beginning of the geologic record. Despite how common ejecta is, accurate measurements of ejecta thickness are difficult to obtain, and existing estimates of ejecta thickness vary widely. This study uses excavation by meter-scale impacts on the fresh ejecta blankets of larger, kilometer-scale impacts to make point measurements of ejecta thickness. We estimate ejecta thickness at the rims of 73 lunar craters (0.1–4.8 km diameter) and create isopach maps of ejecta thickness for three craters. We derive an equation for ejecta thickness, t = 0.14 ± 0.062 R ( 0.77 ± 0.080 ) r / R ( − B ) , where r is the horizontal distance from the center of the crater, R is the center-to-rim crater radius, and B describes the rate at which ejecta thickness decays with radial distance. Our average value for B (2.8 ± 0.1) is similar to previous work, though we observe that B can vary significantly within an ejecta blanket.

Fast Attitude Maneuvers for NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter: Practical Flight Application of Attitude Guidance using Birkhoff Pseudospectral Theory and Hamiltonian Programming

April 2024


32 Reads


1 Citation

IEEE Control Systems Magazine

italic xmlns:mml="" xmlns:xlink="">Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) was launched in 2009 to study and map the Moon and is now completing its fifth extended science mission. The LRO (see Figure 1 ) hosts a payload of seven different scientific instruments. The Cosmic Ray Telescope for the Effects of Radiation instrument has characterized the lunar radiation environment and allowed scientists to determine potential impacts to astronauts and other life. The Diviner Lunar Radiometer Experiment (DLRE) has identified cold traps where ice could reside and mapped global thermophysical and mineralogical properties by measuring surface and subsurface temperatures. The Lyman Alpha Mapping Project has found evidence of exposed ice in south polar cold traps as well as global diurnal variations in hydration. The Lunar Exploration Neutron Detector has been used to create high-resolution maps of lunar hydrogen distribution and gather information about the neutron component of the lunar radiation environment. The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera (LROC) is a system of three cameras [one wide-angle camera and two narrow-angle cameras (NACs)] mounted on the LRO that capture high-resolution black-and-white images and moderate resolution multispectral (seven-color band) images of the lunar surface. These images can be used, for example, to learn new details about the history of lunar volcanism or the present-day flux of impactors. The Miniature Radio Frequency (Mini-RF) instrument is an advanced synthetic aperture radar (SAR) that can probe surface and subsurface coherent rock contents to identify the polarization signature of ice in cold traps. The Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter (LOLA) has been used to generate a high-resolution, 3D map of the Moon that serves as the most accurate geodetic framework available for co-locating LRO (and other lunar) data. The data produced by the LRO continue to revolutionize our scientific understanding of the Moon, and are essential to planning NASA’s future human and robotic lunar missions.

Dynamic Secondary Illumination in Permanent Shadows within Artemis III Candidate Landing Regions

March 2024


60 Reads


1 Citation

The Planetary Science Journal

Investigations that can be conducted at the Artemis III candidate landing regions will benefit from the knowledge of the thermal environment within permanently shadowed regions (PSRs). Within PSRs, secondary illumination controls the surface temperature, varying diurnally and seasonally, affecting the stability and concentration of volatiles cold-trapped within the PSRs. In this case study, we characterize the dynamic nature of secondary illumination at four PSRs that overlap five of the Artemis III candidate landing regions. Our analysis is based on secondary illumination model-generated images paired with PSR images acquired by ShadowCam on board the Korean Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter. We find that illumination and thermal conditions can change rapidly within the PSRs, and knowledge of time-variable secondary illumination can be decisive for the efficient design of investigations and sample collection operations at the PSRs.

Citations (66)

... till be visible even after the new crater production. The second process is ejecta blanketing, where an ejecta deposit overlies and erases existing craters. Proximal ejecta deposits are usually given a thickness distribution as a function of the distance from the crater center (T. R. McGetchin et al. 1973;R. J. Pike 1974;P. E. Montalvo et al. 2023;T. Austin et al. 2024). When a new crater forms with a diameter larger than existing ones, i.e., D D  > , ejecta blanketing on crater erasure becomes significant. On the other hand, when the new crater size is comparable to or smaller than the existing one, ejecta blanketing can only partially bury existing craters. This implies that ejecta blanketing become ...


Crater Equilibrium State Characterization given Crater Production from a Single Power Law
Ejecta Blankets at Small Craters on the Moon

The Planetary Science Journal

... PS solvers show both theoretical and numerical advantages for practical optimal control onboard digital computers [50]. recently blurred the barrier between direct and indirect methods, manifesting their equivalency [51], and have initiated the field of Hamiltonian Programming, in comparison to NLP, which addresses the formal mathematical structure of OCP [51][52][53]. Although several formulations of PS methods exist [54][55][56] all of them employ direct collocation of the state-control pair on the nodes of a family of orthogonal polynomials and associated Gaussian quadratures. ...

Fast Attitude Maneuvers for NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter: Practical Flight Application of Attitude Guidance using Birkhoff Pseudospectral Theory and Hamiltonian Programming
  • Citing Article
  • April 2024

IEEE Control Systems Magazine

... The nonuniform spatial distribution of high δCPR and RA wrinkle ridges in the nearside lunar maria also supports the notion of a regional substrate and or protolith control on regolith development and surface rock populations (e.g., Head & Wilson 2020). Recent work has indicated that some mare surfaces, such as Mare Humorum, S. Mare Procellarum, and the features contained therein, are rockier than they are expected to be given their geologic age (e.g., Cahill et al. 2014;Vanga et al. 2022;Chertok et al. 2023;Elder et al. 2023). It was postulated that those surfaces were underlain by a mare basalt that was more resistant to macroscopic space weathering processes or more conducive to the production of larger rocks (e.g., Chertok et al. 2023). ...

The Variability of Lunar Mare Basalt Properties from Surface Rock Abundance

The Planetary Science Journal

... Note that while most lunar data sets use the MER reference frame, there are variations in ephemerides and/or control methods for their coordinates, particularly for older NASA data sets and recent non-NASA data sets (such as aligning to the Unified Lunar Control Network (ULCN2005; Archinal et al. 2006), which can have offsets of several kilometers from LOLA (Speyerer et al. 2023). A few data sets may use the Principal Axes (PA) frame instead of MER (Williams et al. 2008). ...

Precise mapping of the Moon with the Clementine Ultraviolet/Visible Camera
  • Citing Article
  • July 2023


... Interactions between volatiles and regolith. While the presence of surface water-ice has been proposed for parts of the polar regions and PSRs (19,28,36,37) and a global monolayer of metastable water (specifically OH) has been detected (38)(39)(40)(41), water-ice is thought to be much more stable and longer-lasting if it is buried by at least a thin regolith covering to protect and insulate it (18,29,42). Most models of ice stability at depth (Fig. 2D) are based on the inferred surface temperature and sublimation rate (e.g., (4)). ...

View Factor Based Computation of Secondary Illumination Within Lunar Permanently Shadowed Regions
  • Citing Article
  • January 2022

IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters

... A future revisit of the water content of CE5-Rock is necessary to nail down whether lunar interior water exists in CE5-Rock when a new model for estimating water content of rock samples will be available. Anyhow, the low water content of the regolith may suggest a dry mantle or substantial degassing at least beneath the Chang'E-5 landing area, which is consistent with the prolonged volcanic eruptions in the PKT region (29). It remains unclear whether our detected water is hydroxyl or molecular water because of the lack of full coverage of the whole 3-m region between ~2.65 and 4 m (9). ...

Origin and Evolution of the Moon’s Procellarum KREEP Terrane

... The coming decades are expected to see a substantial increase in the number of missions to the Moon and beyond (Cohen et al., 2021;Turan et al., 2022). This has inspired numerous research efforts to identify low-cost methods for autonomous navigation of spacecraft beyond Earth that can reduce the amount of ground-based tracking required by systems such as NASA's Deep Space Network (DSN). ...

Lunar Missions for the Decade 2023-2033

... Alternate explanations include a thin pyroclastic deposit, that the deposit has been heavily altered by space weathering or impact gardening, or that the eruption was Vulcanian with little juvenile material. In a study of the proportion of juvenile to non-juvenile components of 23 localized LPDs, Keske et al. (2020) found that the sampled LPDs can contain a range of juvenile proportions from 0%-100%, depending on factors such as geologic context, vent morphometry, and volatile content. As no vent was identified, we are unable to calculate the juvenile proportion using these methods, but there would be the potential that this is an eruption with a low proportion of juvenile material. ...

On the eruptive origins of lunar localized pyroclastic deposits
  • Citing Article
  • October 2020

Earth and Planetary Science Letters

... In contrast to wrinkle ridges, they are thought to result from shallow surface-breaking thrust faults (Watters & Johnson, 2009. In some cases, wrinkle ridges transform into lobate scarps at mare highland boundaries (Clark et al., 2019;Lucchitta, 1976;Watters & Johnson, 2009;Watters et al., 2010). Lobate scarps are thought to be among the youngest tectonic features on the Moon (e.g., Binder & Gunga, 1985;van der Bogert et al., 2018;Watters & Johnson, 2009;Watters et al., 2010;Watters et al., 2019). ...

Fault slip movement along wrinkle ridge-lobate scarp transitions in the last 100 Ma
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • March 2019

... Coman et al. (2018) showed that at low concentrations (<2 wt% TiO 2 ), the Ti in pyroxene and glasses accounts for a significant percentage of Ti in the regolith, resulting in a poor correlation. Hapke et al. ( , 2020 incorporates an additional 321/425 nm ratio to quantify TiO 2 in instances of low-Ti; however, it still fails in the presence of immature regolith (Coman et al., 2018). While the premise of the spectral ratio is thought to be related to ilmenite, extrapolation of ground truth samples to remote analysis relies on the assumption that all TiO 2 -rich materials have similar spectral properties. ...

Corrigendum to “Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Wide Angle Camera algorithm for TiO2 abundances on the lunar surface including low-Ti maria” [Icarus 321 (2019) 141–147]
