Mark A. van de Wiel’s research while affiliated with Gezond Amsterdam and other places

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Publications (95)

Figure 1: Set-up of FusedTree. In each leaf node m (m = 1, . . . , 4 in this example), we fit a linear regression using n m samples with omics covariates X (m) and an intercept c m . The intercept contains the (potentially nonlinear) clinical information. The regression in leaf node m borrows information from the other leaf nodes by linking the regressions (indicated with ←→) through fusion penalty (5).
Figure 2: Boxplots of the prediction mean square errors of several prediction models across 500 simulated data sets for the Interaction(top), Full Fusion (middle), and Linear (bottom) simulation experiment. For all experiments, we consider N = 100 (left) and N = 300 (right). The oracle prediction model is only considered for the Interaction experiment ( * indicates that oracle model boxplots are missing for the Full Fusion and Linear experiment). We do not depict results for ridge regression in the Interaction experiment because its PMSE's fall far outside the range of the PMSE's of the other models (indicated by ↑). Outliers of boxplots are not shown.
Figure 3: (a) The estimated survival tree of FusedTree. In the leaf nodes, the relative death rate (top) and the number of events/node sample size (bottom) are depicted. The plot is produced using the R package rpart.plot. (b) Regularization paths as a function of fusion penalty α for the effect estimates of two genes in nodes 5, 12, and 13 of FusedTree. The vertical dotted line (at log α = 9.6) indicates the tuned α of FusedTree.
Figure S1: Fit of the tree
Figure S4: Scatter plot of PMSE ZeroFus /PMSE FusedTree as a function of fusion penalty α (log scale) across 500 simulated data sets for N = 100 and N = 300 for the effect modification simulation experiment (Section 4.1)


Fusion of Tree-induced Regressions for Clinico-genomic Data
  • Preprint
  • File available

November 2024


31 Reads

Jeroen M. Goedhart


Mark A. van de Wiel


Wessel N. van Wieringen


Thomas Klausch

Cancer prognosis is often based on a set of omics covariates and a set of established clinical covariates such as age and tumor stage. Combining these two sets poses challenges. First, dimension difference: clinical covariates should be favored because they are low-dimensional and usually have stronger prognostic ability than high-dimensional omics covariates. Second, interactions: genetic profiles and their prognostic effects may vary across patient subpopulations. Last, redundancy: a (set of) gene(s) may encode similar prognostic information as a clinical covariate. To address these challenges, we combine regression trees, employing clinical covariates only, with a fusion-like penalized regression framework in the leaf nodes for the omics covariates. The fusion penalty controls the variability in genetic profiles across subpopulations. We prove that the shrinkage limit of the proposed method equals a benchmark model: a ridge regression with penalized omics covariates and unpenalized clinical covariates. Furthermore, the proposed method allows researchers to evaluate, for different subpopulations, whether the overall omics effect enhances prognosis compared to only employing clinical covariates. In an application to colorectal cancer prognosis based on established clinical covariates and 20,000+ gene expressions, we illustrate the features of our method.


Figure 7: The distribution discrepancy of X 1 in source and target domains under the restricted range situation with score = X 1 .
Refining CART Models for Covariate Shift with Importance Weight

October 2024


4 Reads

Machine learning models often face challenges in medical applications due to covariate shifts, where discrepancies between training and target data distributions can decrease predictive accuracy. This paper introduces an adaptation of Classification and Regression Trees (CART) that incorporates importance weighting to address these distributional differences effectively. By assigning greater weight to training samples that closely represent the target distribution, our approach modifies the CART model to improve performance in the presence of covariate shift. We evaluate the effectiveness of this method through simulation studies and apply it to real-world medical data, showing significant improvements in predictive accuracy. The results indicate that this weighted CART approach can be valuable in medical and other fields where covariate shift poses challenges, enabling more reliable predictions across diverse data distributions.

Hallmarks of a genomically distinct subclass of head and neck cancer

October 2024


67 Reads


1 Citation



Anabel van der Lee




Ruud H. Brakenhoff

Cancer is caused by an accumulation of somatic mutations and copy number alterations (CNAs). Besides mutations, these copy number changes are key characteristics of cancer development. Nonetheless, some tumors show hardly any CNAs, a remarkable phenomenon in oncogenesis. Head and neck squamous cell carcinomas (HNSCCs) arise by either exposure to carcinogens, or infection with the human papillomavirus (HPV). HPV-negative HNSCCs are generally characterized by many CNAs and frequent mutations in CDKN2A, TP53, FAT1, and NOTCH1. Here, we present the hallmarks of the distinct subgroup of HPV-negative HNSCC with no or few CNAs (CNA-quiet) by genetic profiling of 802 oral cavity squamous cell carcinomas (OCSCCs). In total, 73 OCSCC (9.1%) are classified as CNA-quiet and 729 as CNA-other. The CNA-quiet group is characterized by wild-type TP53, frequent CASP8 and HRAS mutations, and a less immunosuppressed tumor immune microenvironment with lower density of regulatory T cells. Patients with CNA-quiet OCSCC are older, more often women, less frequently current smokers, and have a better 5-year overall survival compared to CNA-other OCSCC. This study demonstrates that CNA-quiet OCSCC should be considered as a distinct, clinically relevant subclass. Given the clinical characteristics, the patient group with these tumors will rapidly increase in the aging population.

A flexible model for Record Linkage

July 2024


6 Reads

Combining data from various sources empowers researchers to explore innovative questions, for example those raised by conducting healthcare monitoring studies. However, the lack of a unique identifier often poses challenges. Record linkage procedures determine whether pairs of observations collected on different occasions belong to the same individual using partially identifying variables (e.g. birth year, postal code). Existing methodologies typically involve a compromise between computational efficiency and accuracy. Traditional approaches simplify this task by condensing information, yet they neglect dependencies among linkage decisions and disregard the one-to-one relationship required to establish coherent links. Modern approaches offer a comprehensive representation of the data generation process, at the expense of computational overhead and reduced flexibility. We propose a flexible method, that adapts to varying data complexities, addressing registration errors and accommodating changes of the identifying information over time. Our approach balances accuracy and scalability, estimating the linkage using a Stochastic Expectation Maximisation algorithm on a latent variable model. We illustrate the ability of our methodology to connect observations using large real data applications and demonstrate the robustness of our model to the linking variables quality in a simulation study. The proposed algorithm FlexRL is implemented and available in an open source R package.

Linked shrinkage to improve estimation of interaction effects in regression models

July 2024


9 Reads

Epidemiologic Methods

Objectives The addition of two-way interactions is a classic problem in statistics, and comes with the challenge of quadratically increasing dimension. We aim to a) devise an estimation method that can handle this challenge and b) to aid interpretation of the resulting model by developing computational tools for quantifying variable importance. Methods Existing strategies typically overcome the dimensionality problem by only allowing interactions between relevant main effects. Building on this philosophy, and aiming for settings with moderate n to p ratio, we develop a local shrinkage model that links the shrinkage of interaction effects to the shrinkage of their corresponding main effects. In addition, we derive a new analytical formula for the Shapley value, which allows rapid assessment of individual-specific variable importance scores and their uncertainties. Results We empirically demonstrate that our approach provides accurate estimates of the model parameters and very competitive predictive accuracy. In our Bayesian framework, estimation inherently comes with inference, which facilitates variable selection. Comparisons with key competitors are provided. Large-scale cohort data are used to provide realistic illustrations and evaluations. The implementation of our method in RStan is relatively straightforward and flexible, allowing for adaptation to specific needs. Conclusions Our method is an attractive alternative for existing strategies to handle interactions in epidemiological and/or clinical studies, as its linked local shrinkage can improve parameter accuracy, prediction and variable selection. Moreover, it provides appropriate inference and interpretation, and may compete well with less interpretable machine learners in terms of prediction.

Bayesian regression discontinuity design with unknown cutoff

June 2024


17 Reads

Regression discontinuity design (RDD) is a quasi-experimental approach used to estimate the causal effects of an intervention assigned based on a cutoff criterion. RDD exploits the idea that close to the cutoff units below and above are similar; hence, they can be meaningfully compared. Consequently, the causal effect can be estimated only locally at the cutoff point. This makes the cutoff point an essential element of RDD. However, especially in medical applications, the exact cutoff location may not always be disclosed to the researcher, and even when it is, the actual location may deviate from the official one. As we illustrate on the application of RDD to the HIV treatment eligibility data, estimating the causal effect at an incorrect cutoff point leads to meaningless results. Moreover, since the cutoff criterion often acts as a guideline rather than as a strict rule, the location of the cutoff may be unclear from the data. The method we present can be applied both as an estimation and validation tool in RDD. We use a Bayesian approach to incorporate prior knowledge and uncertainty about the cutoff location in the causal effect estimation. At the same time, our Bayesian model LoTTA is fitted globally to the whole data, whereas RDD is a local, boundary point estimation problem. In this work we address a natural question that arises: how to make Bayesian inference more local to render a meaningful and powerful estimate of the treatment effect?

Exposome-Wide Association Study of Body Mass Index Using a Novel Meta-Analytical Approach for Random Forest Models

June 2024


44 Reads

Environmental Health Perspectives

Background: Overweight and obesity impose a considerable individual and social burden, and the urban environments might encompass factors that contribute to obesity. Nevertheless, there is a scarcity of research that takes into account the simultaneous interaction of multiple environmental factors. Objectives: Our objective was to perform an exposome-wide association study of body mass index (BMI) in a multicohort setting of 15 studies. Methods: Studies were affiliated with the Dutch Geoscience and Health Cohort Consortium (GECCO), had different population sizes (688-141,825), and covered the entire Netherlands. Ten studies contained general population samples, others focused on specific populations including people with diabetes or impaired hearing. BMI was calculated from self-reported or measured height and weight. Associations with 69 residential neighborhood environmental factors (air pollution, noise, temperature, neighborhood socioeconomic and demographic factors, food environment, drivability, and walkability) were explored. Random forest (RF) regression addressed potential nonlinear and nonadditive associations. In the absence of formal methods for multimodel inference for RF, a rank aggregation-based meta-analytic strategy was used to summarize the results across the studies. Results: Six exposures were associated with BMI: five indicating neighborhood economic or social environments (average home values, percentage of high-income residents, average income, livability score, share of single residents) and one indicating the physical activity environment (walkability in 5-km buffer area). Living in high-income neighborhoods and neighborhoods with higher livability scores was associated with lower BMI. Nonlinear associations were observed with neighborhood home values in all studies. Lower neighborhood home values were associated with higher BMI scores but only for values up to €300,000. The directions of associations were less consistent for walkability and share of single residents. Discussion: Rank aggregation made it possible to flexibly combine the results from various studies, although between-study heterogeneity could not be estimated quantitatively based on RF models. Neighborhood social, economic, and physical environments had the strongest associations with BMI.

Figure 1. Malignant cell fraction-informed deconvolution. The graphical model depicts dependency (solid arrows) between the hidden variables (off-white) and the observed variables (olive-green) (a). For each sample í µí±– and gene í µí±—, the observed bulk gene expression level (í µí±¦ í µí±–í µí±— ) is reconstructed by two hidden variables; the cell fraction (í µí±“ í µí±– í µí±¡ ) of each cell type í µí±¡ in sample í µí±– and the cell type-specific gene expression profiles í µí±¥ í µí±–í µí±— í µí±¡ . OncoBLADE uses scRNAseq signatures which composed of the average cell type specific-gene expression level (µ í µí±— í µí±¡ ) and cell typespecific gene expression variability (í µí¼† í µí±— í µí±¡ ). Prior knowledge of the expected malignant cell fraction (í µí±“ ̅ í µí±– í µí±¥ ) is integrated. The further optimization step in OncoBLADE (b). The posterior estimate of cell fractions (í µí±“ ̂ í µí±— í µí±¡ ) is fixed while further optimizing the posterior estimate of the cell type-specific gene expression profiles (í µí±¥ ̂ í µí±–í µí±— í µí±¡ ).
Figure 2. Deconvolution of PBMC bulk transcriptomes with matched CyTOF data. Experimental design of bulk PBMC deconvolution with matched CyTOF data (a). UMAP visualization of single cell transcriptomes colored and annotated by cell phenotype (b). Characterization of cell type heterogeneity and abundance in scRNAseq data (c). Computational efficiency as measured by computing time in hours (d). Bars indicate the mean computing time over 10 repetitions with standard error indicated by error bars. Performance was measured without (1 core, blue bars) and with parallel optimization (4 cores, yellow bars). Parallel 4 core optimization is not supported by BLADE, denoted by n.a. (non-applicable). Performance of cell type fraction estimation averaged per cell type (e, f) and averaged per sample (g,h) as measured by RMSE (e,g) and PCC (f, h) for all deconvolution methods. T cell fraction estimation performance of BLADE and OncoBLADE is annotated. Statistical significance for each deconvolution method compared to OncoBLADE is determined using the Wilcoxon rank-sum test and indicated as follows: *: p<=0.05, **: p<=0.01, ***: p<=0.001. dots in graphs b, e and f are the different cell types and colored coded the same as bars in c with T cell (green); B cell (maroon); B mem, B memory cell (red); NK, natural killer cell (purple); early NK, early natural killer cell (magenta); late NK, late natural killer cell (lavender); Mono class, classical Monocyte (brown); Mono non-class, non-classical Monocyte (orange); DC, dendritic cell (grey); ILC, innate lymphoid cell (pink); PCC, Pearson correlation coefficient; RMSE, root-mean-square error.
Figure 3. Deconvolution of NSCLC pseudobulk transcriptomes with known cell fractions. Experimental design and cross validation procedure for NSCLC pseudobulk deconvolution (a). UMAP visualization of single cell transcriptomes colored and annotated by cell phenotype (b). Predicted malignant cell fractions plotted against true malignant cell fractions for samples across each fold (c). Lines indicate regression lines for each of the methods. Cross validation performance of cell fraction estimation averaged per cell type (d,e) and averaged per sample (f,g) as measured by RMSE (d,f) and PCC (e,g) for all deconvolution methods and cross validation folds (n=5). The cell type performance is split into malignant (red) and non-malignant (green). Statistical significance for each deconvolution method compared to OncoBLADE is determined using the Wilcoxon rank-sum test and indicated as follows: *: p<=0.05, **: p<=0.01, ***: p<=0.001. Malignant, malignant cell; Endoth, endothelial cell; Malignant, Malignant cell (red); Epith, Epithelial cell (dark red); Endo, Endothelial cell (magenta); Alveolar, alveolar cell (olive); B cell, B cell (maroon);Fibro, fibroblast (navy); CD4+ T prolif, CD4+ proliferating T cell (moss); CD4+Th17,CD4+ T helper 17 cell (lime); CD4+ T naive, CD4+ naïve T cell (yellow); Treg, regulatory T cell (black); CD8+ T exh, CD8+ exhausted T cell (cyan); CD8+ T eff, CD8+ effector T cell (blue); NK, natural killer cell (purple); Plasma; plasma cell (teal); Macro, macrophage (orange); Mono, monocyte (brown); DC, dendritic cell (grey); Neutro, neutrophil (dark green); Mast, mast cell (green); PCC, Pearson correlation coefficient; RMSE, root-mean-square error.
Figure 4. Cell type-specific gene expression profiles estimated by OncoBLADE using NSCLC pseudobulk transcriptomes captures interpatient heterogeneity. Gene expression estimation performance averaged per cell type and sample in each cross validation fold (n=5) measured by PCC (a). Average explained variance per cell type in each cross validation fold (b). The performance is split into malignant (red) and non-malignant (green). UMAP visualization of malignant cell (c) and fibroblast (d) scRNAseq profiles colored by different patients for each cross validation (CV) fold. Circled dots indicate the estimated malignant gene expression profiles predicted by OncoBLADE projected onto the single cell UMAP space and are colored by patient. Pseudobulk mixtures consisting of less than 10 cells were omitted. Statistical significance is determined for each deconvolution method compared to OncoBLADE using the Wilcoxon rank-sum test and indicated as follows: *: p<=0.05, **: p<=0.01, ***: p<=0.001.PCC, Pearson correlation coefficient; CV, cross-validation fold.
Figure 5. Malignant fraction-informed deconvolution of TCGA NSCLC bulk transcriptomes by integrating copy number-derived malignant cell fractions by OncoBLADE. Experimental design for deconvolution of TCGA bulk transcriptomes (a). Expected malignant fractions estimated by ACE (y-axis) plotted against malignant fractions predicted by bulk transcriptome deconvolution (x-axis) for OncoBLADE and baseline methods as indicated by color (b). RMSE between predicted and expected malignant cell fractions is indicated on top. Heatmap of LUAD (red) and LUSC (green) malignant (c) and fibroblast (d) gene expression profiles estimated by OncoBLADE for samples (horizontal) and genes (vertical). Gene expression profiles were z-score transformed. In this visualization, only differentially expressed genes are shown as determined by comparing LUAD and LUSC using a Wilcoxon ranksum test (q<0.1, Benjamini-Hochberg correction). For each sample the histological subtype is annotated at the top, LUAD red bar, LUSC green bar. Samples were ordered within each histological subtype by hierarchical clustering using complete linkage and Euclidean distance as shown by the dendogram. UMAP visualization of malignant (e) and fibroblast (i) single cell profiles in the NSCLC atlas colored by histological subtype. Average Pearson correlation between malignant (c) and fibroblast (d) estimated gene expression of differentially expressed genes in LUAD (red, TCGA-LUAD score) and LUSC (green, TCGA-LUSC score) samples and single cell transcriptomes were calculated and visualized in UMAP space for malignant cells (f-g) and fibroblasts (j-k). Violin plots depict the distribution of TCGA-LUAD and TCGA-LUSC scores in LUAD (red) and LUSC (green) malignant cells (h) and fibroblasts (l). RMSE, root-mean-square error.
Hidden RNA profiles of cells in the tumor microenvironment accurately revealed by malignant cell fraction-informed deconvolution

May 2024


228 Reads

Deconvolution of bulk RNA profiles can identify hidden cell fractions and functional states in the tumor microenvironment. The malignant cells however, are commonly the most abundant cell type and impair deconvolution by profound interpatient heterogeneity. We developed a malignant cell fraction-informed RNA deconvolution method by Bayesian integration of DNA-derived malignant fraction estimates, OncoBLADE. We evaluated OncoBLADE experimentally using bulk RNA profiles with 19 CyTOF determined cell fractions from blood of 46 individuals, and in silico using 180,177 single-cell RNA profiles from 73 lung tumors. Using malignant cell fractions, OncoBLADE achieved improved accuracy in cell fraction and cell type-specific RNA profile estimation. We tested OncoBLADE on real bulk profiles of 50 adeno- and 50 squamous lung cancer samples, revealing hidden RNA profiles of malignant cells and fibroblasts that distinguished two histological subtypes. In conclusion, multimodal deconvolution utilizing bulk DNA and RNA data accurately unveils hidden RNA profiles within the tumor microenvironment.

Evolutionary trajectories of IDH-mutant astrocytoma identify molecular grading markers related to cell cycling

March 2024


75 Reads


1 Citation

To study the evolutionary processes that drive malignant progression of IDH-mutant astrocytomas, we performed multi-omics on a large cohort of matched initial and recurrent tumor samples. The overlay of genetic, epigenetic, transcriptomic and proteomic data, combined with single-cell analysis, have identified overlapping features associated with malignant progression. These features are derived from three molecular mechanisms and provide a rationale of the underlying biology of tumor malignancy: cell-cycling, tumor cell (de-)differentiation and remodeling of the extracellular matrix. Specifically, DNA-methylation levels decreased over time, predominantly in tumors with malignant transformation and co-occurred with poor prognostic genetic events. DNA-methylation was lifted from specific loci associated with DNA replication and was associated with an increased RNA and protein expression of cell cycling associated genes. All results were validated on samples of newly diagnosed IDH-mutant astrocytoma patients included the CATNON randomized phase 3 clinical trial. Importantly, malignant progression was hardly affected by radio- or chemotherapy, indicating that treatment does not affect the course of disease. Our results culminate in a DNA-methylation based signature for objective tumor grading.

Figure 1
Figure 3
Figure 5
Evolutionary trajectories of IDH-mutant astrocytoma identify molecular grading markers related to cell cycling

February 2024


132 Reads

To study the evolutionary processes that drive malignant progression of IDH-mutant astrocytomas, we performed multi-omics on a large cohort of matched initial and recurrent tumor samples. The overlay of genetic, epigenetic, transcriptomic and proteomic data, combined with single-cell analysis, have identified overlapping features associated with malignant progression. These features are derived from three molecular mechanisms and provide a rationale of the underlying biology of tumor malignancy: cell-cycling, tumor cell (de-)differentiation and remodeling of the extracellular matrix. Specifically, DNA-methylation levels decreased over time, predominantly in tumors with malignant transformation and co-occurred with poor prognostic genetic events. DNA-methylation was lifted from specific loci associated with DNA replication and was associated with an increased RNA and protein expression of cell cycling associated genes. All results were validated on samples of newly diagnosed IDH-mutant astrocytoma patients included the CATNON randomized phase 3 clinical trial. Importantly, malignant progression was hardly affected by radio- or chemotherapy, indicating that treatment does not affect the course of disease. Our results culminate in a DNA-methylation based signature for objective tumor grading.

Citations (43)

... Only recently, the AJCC classification has incorporated the five-category classification (the WPOI). In a recent publication, we showed that in OCSCC, there was a good correlation between WPOI class 1-3 and a cohesive pattern of invasion, and between WPOI class 4-5 and a noncohesive growth pattern [29]. Since a five-category distribution would reduce the statistical power to find differences in this cohort of 109 TIL-B-rich and 113 TIL-B-poor cases, we decided to use the two-category classification. ...


Richness for Tumor-Infiltrating B-Cells in the Oral Cancer Tumor Microenvironment Is a Prognostic Factor in Early-Stage Disease and Improves Outcome in Advanced-Stage Disease
Hallmarks of a genomically distinct subclass of head and neck cancer

... For the GLASS-NL dataset, raw Infinium 850k DNAm and RNA-sequencing data were collected from the public data repository (DNAm: EGAS00001007546, RNAsequencing: EGAS00001007551). IDH1/2, CNV and 1p/19q codeletion status were obtained from earlier work [44]. ...

Evolutionary trajectories of IDH-mutant astrocytoma identify molecular grading markers related to cell cycling

... This divergence suggests that when metabolomic data are included, these anthropometric features, given that they are not extreme values, may play a less significant role, underscoring the potential superior predictive power of metabolomic markers in forecasting diabetes onset. Conversely, it has recently been demonstrated that molecular markers, including 19 metabolites, improved the prognostic performance of ML models beyond that of classical risk factors [22]. This accentuates the findings of our study; metabolomic features could offer a more nuanced understanding of diabetes progression. ...

An omics-based machine learning approach to predict diabetes progression: a RHAPSODY study


... Impaired fatty acid catabolism is in line with findings in a novel 2-hit mouse model of HCM, in which the onset of cardiomyopathy was associated with depressed fatty acid oxidation. 51 A recent study found that failing human hearts with reduced ejection fraction surprisingly displayed retained capability of shifting energy metabolism toward fatty acid oxidation during intralipid infusion. This shift was accompanied by improved cardiac energetics and cardiac output, 52 suggesting therapeutic benefit of improved myocardial delivery of fatty acids. ...

Western diet triggers cardiac dysfunction in heterozygous Mybpc3-targeted knock-in mice: A two-hit model of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology Plus

... AFT models, applied in the present approach, are very similar to semi-Markov models in this regard; for example, a Weibull AFT specification allows for non-constant hazards of transition. Recently, Klausch et al. (2023) used AFT models for three-state screening data demonstrating the robustness of Bayesian estimation when using regularization priors, similar as in BayesPIM (section 4.3). However, these models do not take prevalence and misclassification into account. ...

A Bayesian accelerated failure time model for interval censored three-state screening outcomes
  • Citing Article
  • June 2023

The Annals of Applied Statistics

... This is particularly important for radiomic phenotyping, as HPV-positive OPC histologically differs from HPV-negative OPC [19,28]. The use of ADC values as prognostic indicators, as well as for assessing treatment response and tumor characterization, has been reported for various cancer types [12,[29][30][31]. However, the use of ADC maps for extracting and analyzing radiomic features for OPC has been explored in only a few studies [29,[31][32][33]. ...

Magnetic resonance imaging based radiomics prediction of Human Papillomavirus infection status and overall survival in oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma
  • Citing Article
  • January 2023

... Additional MRI measures and ROIs are available online in Fig. S3. VWM, vanishing white matter; MLD, metachromatic leukodystrophy; ROI, region-of-interest; FISO, free (isotropic) water fraction cerebral white matter [12,25,26], several quantitative values are much closer to control values than in other regions or are within the normal range. In MLD, regional differences are less pronounced. ...

Radiological correlates of episodes of acute decline in the leukodystrophy vanishing white matter


... Bos et al. [32] validated a pretreatment MRI-based radiomics model for predicting locoregional control in oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma and evaluated the impact of differences between datasets on predictive signature demonstrated significant prognostic power for overall survival. ...

External validation of an MR-based radiomic model predictive of locoregional control in oropharyngeal cancer
  • Citing Article
  • December 2022

European Radiology

... We investigated the optimal way of implementing TL, including exploring different source datasets, and assessing whether refinement in the target domain is beneficial for TL. We demonstrate the added value of TL in a use case which has always been a challenging prediction task in previous studies, 12,13 namely, predicting temozolomide (TMZ) response in glioblastoma (GBM) patient-derived cell cultures. The GBM is the most aggressive type of brain cancer, but also one of the most lethal cancers with a 5-year survival rate of less than 10%. ...

Predicting patient response with models trained on cell lines and patient-derived xenografts by nonlinear transfer learning
  • Citing Article
  • December 2021

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

... [25][26][27][28] Multi-omics approaches, including metabolomics, transcriptomics and proteomics, have been applied to study human HCM and numerous molecular signatures and metabolic alterations were identified. [29][30][31][32] In cats, serum proteomics studies comparing expressions of circulating proteins and a myocardial transcriptomics study comparing tissue gene expressions between healthy cats and cats with HCM were reported. [33][34][35] Mutations in sarcomeric protein-coding genes have been identified in humans and Maine Coon and Ragdoll cats with HCM. ...

Distinct Metabolomic Signatures in Preclinical and Obstructive Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
