June 2024
32 Reads
E3S Web of Conferences
At the present stage of society's development, issues related to improving the environmental quality of life of the population while maintaining the level of quality in other aspects – social and economic - are becoming increasingly developed. One of the possible solutions to this problem is a potential mechanism associated with changing the place of residence of citizens to regions and territories with a more favorable ecological and social situation while reducing the level of economic burden. This mechanism can be implemented in the context of solving the problem of early retirement of citizens, taking into account compensation payments, including at the expense of existing real estate. The purpose of the study: to develop a mechanism for improving the environmental quality of life of the population in the context of solving the problem of reducing pension costs through compensation payments of citizens. Research methods: comparison, analysis and synthesis, generalization, method of retrospective analysis and forecasting of ecosystem development. As a result of the study, approaches are proposed to choose options for improving the environmental quality of life of citizens, as well as substantiating the conditions of compensation payments due to the sale of excess value of real estate objects of citizens potentially suitable for early retirement