Mariela Gómez-Romero’s research while affiliated with Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo and other places

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Publications (45)

Figure 1. Seed germination and seedling establishment under salinity conditions (0, 15, 30, and 60 mM) of P. americana var. americana (a) and P. americana var. drymifolia (b). Time for 50% of the germination percentage (c). Germination percentage for both varieties (d). Different letters atop the bars indicate significant differences (Tukey test p ≤ 0.05). Capital letters indicate intravariety differences; lowercase letters express intervariety differences in NaCl.
Figure 2. Avocado PaHAK2 gene phylogenetic tree. UPGMA phylogenetic tree (Jukes-Cantor model) of HAK proteins from Arabidopsis thaliana (At), Amborella trichopoda (Amt), Beta vulgaris (Bv), Capsicum annum (Ca), Citrus clementina (Cc), Cucumis melo (Cm), Glycine max (Gm), Medicago truncatula (Mt), Musa acuminata (Ma), Oryza sativa (Os), Phaseolus vulgaris (Pv), Prunus persica (Pp), Solanum lycopersicum (Sl), Solanum tuberosum (St), Sorghum bicolor (Sb), Triticum aestivum (Ta), Vitis vinifera (Vv), and Zea mays (Zm) were obtained from the EBI-EMBL database. The construction was carried out with 106 sequences. The different branch colors represent different clusters. The numbers on each branch show the bootstrap values calculated for 500 replicates.
Figure 3. (a) Molecular modeling of the PaHAK2 protein in Persea americana var. drymifolia. The 3D model was constructed using the SWISS-MODEL web-based tool based on the potassium transporter AlphaFold structure of Kingdonia uniflora (A0A7J7NQB0.1.A) that shares 79% sequence similarity. (b) The most representative sketch map of conserved motif distribution in high-potassium transporter proteins. The protein length scale is presented at the top. Each motif is represented by a colored box on the bottom. Amborella trichopoda (XP_020523659.1), Persea americana var. drymifolia PaHAK2 (PP851826.1), Triticum aestivum (KAF7065380.1), Prunus persica (XP_020410727.1), Solanum lycopersicum (XP_010313988.1), Triticum aestivum (XP_044447980.1), Oryza sativa Japonica Group (XP_015636386.1), Arabidopsis thaliana (CAA0401580.1), and Zea mays (NP_001346288.1) are considered representative sequences of each phylogenetic branch classification; similar colors represent similar motif composition.
Figure 5. qPCR interspecific PaHAK2 expression differences between the americana and drymifola avocado varieties during seed germination under saline stress (60 mM NaCl). Americana variety (a), drymifolia variety (b). An increase in expression was observed 10 days after germination. Gene expression was normalized to the PaSUMO control gene. Data are presented as means ± standard deviation (n = 3).
Characterization of the PaHAK Gene and Its Expression During the In Vitro Seed Germination of Two Botanical Avocado Varieties Under Saline Stress
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December 2024


31 Reads



Luis María Suárez-Rodríguez


Mariela Gómez-Romero




Soil salinity is one of the main challenges that modern agriculture faces. Avocado, which is classified as a glycophyte, is very sensitive to salt stress. There are botanical varieties of avocado that differ in their salt tolerance. This study investigated how salt stress affects the in vitro germination of two avocado botanical varieties americana (West Indian breed) and drymifolia (Mexican native) with different salt tolerances. This study also assessed the potential role of the avocado PaHAK2 high-affinity K+ transporter HAK/KUP/KT in response to saline stress during germination. Salinity (60 mM NaCl) delayed the germination speed of the drymifolia variety relative to the americana variety. A computational 3D inference protein model of the PaHAK2 protein showed 10 highly conserved transmembrane domains. During the imbibition period, there was a differential increase in the expression of the PaHAK2 gene at 60 mM NaCl in both varieties, which suggests the presence of osmotic adjustment and regulation. The enhanced expression of PaHAK2 in the americana variety suggests an adaptive advantage to salinity. We conclude that PaHAK2 participates in the response of avocado to salt stress during seed germination.


Effects of organic acid application and ectomycorrhizal symbiosis on growth and morphological parameters of Pinus pseudostrobus

June 2024


35 Reads

Botanical Sciences

Background: Many landscapes, both natural and anthropogenic, are dominated by degraded soils that have low phosphorus availability due to low overall phosphorus concentration or to phosphorus sequestration by iron-rich minerals. Questions and / or Hypotheses: Does the application of low molecular weight organic acids improve phosphorus availability and plant growth in phosphorus-poor soils, and is this effect modulated by ectomycorrhizal fungi? Studied species / data description /Mathematical model: Pinus pseudostrobus and its ectomycorrhiza Pisolithus arhizus, in addition to six sodium salts of organic acids. Study site and dates: The experiment was carried out in a shade house (35 % shade) in Morelia, Michoacán in 2015. Methods: We conducted experiments with Pinus pseudostrobus and its ectomycorrhiza Pisolithus arhizus in addition to six sodium salts of organic acids. Sodium salts of citrate, oxalate, acetate, tartrate, succinate and malate were added to the soil at 0, 4, 8, 16, 32 and 64 micromolar concentrations. Results: The salts of the organic acids-particularly tartrate and malate-solubilized phosphorus and improved plant growth after 12 months in the absence of P. arhizus. When plants were inoculated with P. arhizus, the effect of most organic acids was either detrimental or non-significant. However, citrate, tartrate and succinate improved biomass and morphological parameters. Conclusions: These results suggest that adding appropriate organic acids to heavily degraded soils can aid P. pseudostrobus establishment and its benefits are higher than the association with mycorrhiza for young plants during the initial stages of fungal colonization.

Figure 1. Restoration trials when established in 2005 (A) and 2009 (C) and in the year 2020 (B and D). The amount of tree canopy cover ranged from 80% to 100%.
Potential for carbon sequestration in severely degraded temperate climate sites: Acrisol and Andosol gullies in Mexico

June 2024


52 Reads

Forest Systems

Aim of study: We assessed potential carbon (C) sequestration in gullies formed in Acrisols and Andosols, on the basis of long-term field restoration trials and GIS analysis. Area of study: Two field trials in Michocán, Mexico, restored with Pinus pseudostrobus, Pinus greggii and Pinus devoniana in 2005 and 2009. Material and methods: Soil C content was analyzed from field samples, and C content of aerial tree biomass of the three Pinus species was estimated by means of allometric equations. The potential restoration area was calculated with a GIS using available layers from the INEGI (Mexican National Institute for Geography and Statistics). Main results: The spatial analysis showed that 1.83% of the Mexican territory are Acrisols and 1.18% are Andosols. From which, 40.87% of Acrisols and 42% of Andosols are eroded. The area with gullies was 2810 km² for both groups of soils within the elevational range of conifer forests in Mexico. C content at the two restored sites was on average of 1.27 t/ha. Soil C content in a 30-cm depth profile was 4.25 t/ha. The potential C sequestration for an average period of 13 years for an area of 2810 km² was 3.947 megatons of C (MtC). A total of four states ‒ Michoacán, Chiapas, Oaxaca, and Puebla ‒ concentrate 89% of the possible capture. Research highlights: Severely degraded sites where gullying is dominant have a high potential for C sequestration once erosion has been controlled and plant cover has been restored.

Effect of Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes Functionalized with Kinetin on the Development of Avena sativa

July 2023


9 Reads

Microscopy and Microanalysis

In pioneering research, it has been documented that the CNT influences the development of plants through the balance of phytoregulators. Therefore, in this work the objective is to evaluate the effects of the CNT functionalized by non-covalent method with kinetin that have in Avena sativa. CNT was characterized by FTIR and Raman to confirm functionality. The results showed that the application of CNT with phytoregulators modified plant development.

Abundance of Dendroctonus frontalis and D. mexicanus (Coleoptera: Scolytinae) along altitudinal transects in Mexico: Implications of climatic change for forest conservation

July 2023


234 Reads


2 Citations

Bark beetle infestations have historically been primary drivers of stand thinning in Mexican pine forests. However, bark beetle impacts have become increasingly extensive and intense, apparently associated with climate change. Our objective was to describe the possible association between abundance of bark beetle flying populations and the occurrence of given value intervals of temperature, precipitation and their balance, in order to have a better comprehension of the climatic space that might trigger larger insect abundances, an issue relevant in the context of the ongoing climatic change. Here, we monitored the abundance of two of the most important bark beetle species in Mexico, Dendroctonus frontalis and D. mexicanus. We sampled 147 sites using pheromone-baited funnel traps along 24 altitudinal transects in 11 Mexican states, from northwestern Chihuahua to southeastern Chiapas, from 2015 to 2017. Through mixed model analysis, we found that the optimum Mean Annual Temperatures were 17°C–20°C for D. frontalis in low-elevation pine-oak forest, while D. mexicanus had two optimal intervals: 11–13°C and 15–18°C. Higher atmospheric Vapor Pressure Deficit (≥ 1.0) was correlated with higher D. frontalis abundances, indicating that warming-amplified drought stress intensifies trees’ vulnerability to beetle attack. As temperatures and drought stress increase further with projected future climatic changes, it is likely that these Dendroctonus species will increase tree damage at higher elevations. Pine forests in Mexico are an important source of livelihood for communities inhabiting those areas, so providing tools to tackle obstacles to forest growth and health posed by changing climate is imperative.

Figura 1: Especies utilizadas en el estudio de interacciones biológicas en la restauración. A. Tecoma stans (L.) Juss. ex Kunth en floración; B. cuerpo fructífero del hongo ectomicorrícico Scleroderma verrucosum (Bull.) Pers.; C. bacilos de la bacteria Azospirillum brasilense Tarrand et al., 1978. Fotografías A, B: A. Becerril-Navarrete; C: Tomada de la Fig. 5c, publicada en Hong et al. (2019), bajo la licencia CC BY 4.0
Interacciones biológicas en la restauración: el caso de Tecoma stans (Bignoniaceae) y hongos micorrícicos

February 2022


315 Reads


3 Citations

Acta Botanica Mexicana

Antecedentes y Objetivos: Los disturbios antropogénicos o naturales pueden ser tan fuertes que para recuperar sitios degradados se requiere de intervención. Una forma de facilitar el proceso de recuperación es mediante el uso de especies nativas adaptadas al ambiente local, pero aún existe desconocimiento sobre su desempeño. Asimismo, el establecimiento de interacciones con hongos micorrícicos puede contribuir a tener un mayor éxito en supervivencia y crecimiento de especies empleadas en la restauración. El arbusto Tecoma stans es una especie nativa con potencial para restauración, ya que se considera que tiene resistencia al estrés. Por lo tanto, en el presente estudio se exploró si establece interacciones con hongos micorrícicos y una bacteria, y si esto tiene efectos sobre su crecimiento. Métodos: Se estableció un experimento en condiciones semicontroladas, para lo cual se germinaron sus semillas y las plántulas se inocularon con hongos micorrícicos (Rhizophagus intraradices, Pisolithus arhizus y Scleroderma verrucosum) y con una bacteria (Azospirillum brasilense). Después de seis meses de crecimiento en los tratamientos de inoculo se cuantificó la tasa relativa de crecimiento, se estimaron rasgos morfofuncionales de la raíz y la parte aérea, y se midió el grado infección en las raíces. Resultados clave: Detectamos que todos los hongos infectaron las plántulas y cada uno afectó de forma distinta el crecimiento y los rasgos morfofuncionales. En la inoculación con S. verrucosum las plántulas crecieron más, tuvieron más hojas, una mayor copa y un sistema radicular de mayor volumen y con raíces de mayor diámetro. Conclusiones: Los resultados indican que el uso de hongos micorrícicos contribuiría al éxito del establecimiento de T. stans en la restauración, ya que promueve su crecimiento y características que potencialmente permitirían a la especie una mayor capacidad de ganancia de recursos.

Diversity of Saxicolous Lichens along an Aridity Gradient in Central M閤ico

December 2021


400 Reads

Lichens are symbiotic organisms that comprise a fungus and a photosynthetic partner wich are recognized as a good indicator of climate change. However, our understanding of how aridity affects the diversity of saxicolous lichens in drylands is still limited. To evaluate the relationship between saxicolous lichen diversity and aridity in a central México dryland, a geographical transect was established of 100 km to build an aridity gradient in the semiarid zone of the State of Querétaro, Mexico, comprising ten sampling sites with a 10 km separation. Species richness, abundance and diversity of soil lichen species were recorded using two sampling methods: the quadrat-intercept and the line-intercept method, to compare their performance in assessing soil lichen diversity in drylands. The number of species and Shannon diversity of saxicolous lichens were higher at intermediate values of the aridity index (AI = 0.10–0.34). Quadrat intercept and point intercept methods gave quite similar results, which means that the selected method does not influence the results in a significant way. This study confirms the role of saxicolous lichens as climate change indicators and reveals the importance of the sampling method selection in the evaluation of different parameters of soil lichen diversity in drylands.

Citations (29)

... In A. religiosa, each generation comprises about 27 years since sexual maturity is reached at 17 to 25 years, and the cycle from pollen release to seed takes another two years (Mantilla, 2006;Ortiz-Bibian et al., 2019). The detected genetic structure may not reveal the actual effect of land-use changes, so it would be important to include recent generations (i.e., seedlings) to determine potential changes in connectivity. ...


Analysis of the Correlation between Genetic and Species Diversity in a Temperate Forest: Variation in Cohorts and Effect of Disturbance

Revista Fitotecnia Mexicana

... Encino blanco, contribuye a la infiltración de agua en los acuíferos y cuando el árbol es adulto, es tolerante a sequías, heladas y a la contaminación ambiental (CONAFOR, 2023e). Y tronadora, es una especie útil para la restauración de suelos, debido al denso sistema radicular que desarrolla (Becerril-Navarrete et al., 2022). En el análisis del grado de cercanía, los Ayuntamientos de Coacalco, Ecatepec, Tlalnepantla y Tultitlán, son actores que no sobresalen en las dinámicas de comunicación de estos con la población, lo cual, es un punto crítico y una posible área de oportunidad a explorar. ...

Interacciones biológicas en la restauración: el caso de Tecoma stans (Bignoniaceae) y hongos micorrícicos

Acta Botanica Mexicana

... Seedlings were grown for 2 years in a shade-house (35% shade mesh) in 380 cm 3 rigid containers at the Instituto de Investigaciones sobre los Recursos Naturales (INIRENA), in Morelia (1900 m), Michoacán, Mexico. (Additional seedling production details in Cruzado-Vargas et al., 2021). Seedlings were then transplanted to larger rigid containers (1,000 mL) and transferred to a communal nursery at 3000 m at the Ejido La Mesa, San José del Rincón, Estado de México, near the MBBR where they remained for 1 year to harden before planting. ...

Reciprocal Common Garden Altitudinal Transplants Reveal Potential Negative Impacts of Climate Change on Abies religiosa Populations in the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve Overwintering Sites


... These MWCNTs appear to play a significant ecological role, as they influence the germination and growth of various plant species within the affected forest ecosystems. Experimental data indicates that the application of synthetic MWCNTs, similar to those found naturally, can enhance the germination and subsequent development of Lupinus elegans and Eysenhardtia polystachya, which are native to these burned areas [88,89]. The increasing application and release of metalbased engineered NMs (MENM) across diverse industries have raised concerns about their toxicity to forest ecosystems and soil biodiversity. ...

Multi-walled carbon nanotubes produced after forest fires improve germination and development of Eysenhardtia polystachya

... In A. religiosa, each generation comprises about 27 years since sexual maturity is reached at 17 to 25 years, and the cycle from pollen release to seed takes another two years (Mantilla, 2006;Ortiz-Bibian et al., 2019). The detected genetic structure may not reveal the actual effect of land-use changes, so it would be important to include recent generations (i.e., seedlings) to determine potential changes in connectivity. ...


Revista Fitotecnia Mexicana

... However, we consider inaction not to be an option and prefer to explore novel adaptive forest management options that could offer an opportunity for the survival of the migratory Monarch butterfly populations under future climates. Although the challenges associated with A. religiosa establishment are well known, recent evidence suggests that planting under the shade of a nurse shrub can significantly increase the probability of survival (Carbajal-Navarro et al., 2019). ...

Ecological Restoration of Abies religiosa Forests Using Nurse Plants and Assisted Migration in the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve, Mexico

... Iron-rich soils are sensitive and prone to degradation, especially when plant cover has been lost. In this scenario such soils present high erosion rates and the formation of gullies (Lindig-Cisneros et al., 2019). Gullies is a form of advanced soil erosion caused by water runoff when water flows into channels or rills after intense rainfall. ...

Biomass and iron accumulation in plants of Pinus pseudotrobus and Fraxinus uhdei in Acrisols from Western-Mexico with endo- and ectomycorrhiza
  • Citing Article
  • February 2019


... Growth of inoculated trees was significantly higher in four environments, with the highest gains (up to 33.6% in height, up to 75.6% in RCD, up to 63.4% in crown diameter, and up to 2.7 times in number of vegetative shoots) being found in Exploradores, the southernmost and coldest environment. Similarly, Gómez-Romero et al. (2019) found that the inoculation of Pinus pseudostrobus with Pisolithus tinctorious, another ectomycorrhizal fungus, growing together with Eysenhardtia polystachya, significantly increased growth (number of branches). Vigor was also enhanced by inoculation in Exploradores. ...

Performance of two valuable species, Pinus pseudostrobus and Eysenhardtia polystachya, in a low fertility soil mediated by mycorrhizal fungi and fertilization

Agroforestry Systems

... Of the ecosystem services they provide, natural buffering, climate regulation, flood risk reduction, and educational, aesthetic, spiritual, and cultural benefits stand out [8] [9] [10]. Furthermore, the variety of vegetation that inhabits the vicinity of wetland water bodies serves as an indicator of the ecological state of the environment [11]. ...

Ten-year study of vegetation dynamics in wetlands subject to human disturbance in Western Mexico


... The mean minimum temperature of the coldest month (MMIN) was identified as the seed source climatic variable that best accounted for variation in response traits, thus corroborating studies in more controlled provenance test environments (Ortiz-Bibian et al., 2017). Nevertheless, the impact of the colder temperatures at the test sites at Nevado de Toluca appeared to override the expression of genetic differentiation among populations. ...

Genetic Variation in Abies religiosa for Quantitative Traits and Delineation of Elevational and Climatic Zoning for Maintaining Monarch Butterfly Overwintering Sites in Mexico, considering Climatic Change

Silvae Genetica