Maricarmen Grisolia’s research while affiliated with Centre for Materials Elaboration and Structural Studies and other places

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Publications (15)

A Supramolecular Rotor and Translator at Work: On-Surface Movement of Single Atoms
  • Article

July 2015


248 Reads


41 Citations

ACS Nano


Joerg Meyer


Anja Nickel




A supramolecular nanostructure composed of four 4 acetylbiphenyl molecules and self-assembled on Au (111) was loaded with single Au adatoms and studied by scanning tunneling microscopy at low temperature. By applying voltage pulses to the supramolecular structure, the loaded Au atoms can be rotated and translated in a controlled manner. The manipulation of the gold adatoms is driven neither by mechanical interaction nor by direct electronic excitation. At the electronic resonance and driven by the tunneling current intensity, the supramolecular nanostructure performs a minute work of about 8 × 10(-21) J, while transporting the single Au atom from one adsorption site to the next. Using the measured average excitation time necessary to induce the movement, we determine the mechanical motive power of the device yielding about 3 × 10(-21) W.

Current-Driven Supramolecular Motor with In Situ Surface Chiral Directionality Switching

June 2015


113 Reads


71 Citations

Nano Letters

Surface-supported molecular motors are nanomechanical devices of particular interest in terms of future nanoscale applications. However, the molecular motors realized so far consist of covalently bonded groups that cannot be reconfigured without undergoing a chemical reaction. Here we demonstrate that a platinum-porphyrin-based supramolecularly assembled dimer supported on a Au(111) surface can be rotated with high directionality using the tunneling current of a scanning tunneling microscope (STM). Rotational direction of this molecular motor is determined solely by the surface chirality of the dimer, and most importantly, the chirality can be inverted in situ through a process involving an intradimer rearrangement. Our result opens the way for the construction of complex molecular machines on a surface to mimic at a smaller scale versatile biological supramolecular motors.

Fig. 3 
Fig. 4 
Fig. 5 
Tetrabenzocircumpyrene: A Nanographene Fragment with an Embedded Peripentacene Core
  • Article
  • Full-text available

March 2015


190 Reads


15 Citations

Chemical Communications

A new disc-shaped highly symmetric C54H20 nanographene fragment, tetrabenzocircumpyrene, has been synthesized and characterized by scanning tunnelling microscopy, demonstrating the potential of this technique for identifying highly insoluble graphenic molecules.


Manipulation of a single molecule ground state by means of gold atom contacts

September 2013


151 Reads


7 Citations

Chemical Physics Letters

a b s t r a c t Single gold adatoms were manipulated on a Au(1 1 1) surface with the tip of a scanning tunnelling microscope to contact selected peripheral p bonds of a single Coronene molecule. Tunnelling electron spectroscopy and differential conductance mapping of the Au–Coronene complexes show how Coron-ene's electronic ground state is shifted down in energy as the function of the number of interacting Au atoms, demonstrating that a Coronene molecule can function like a single molecule counter. The number of interacting atoms can be counted by simply following the linear energy downshift of Coronene's ground state. Ó 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Amplification of Conformational Effects via tert-Butyl Groups: Hexa-tert-butyl Decacyclene on Cu(100) at Room Temperature

January 2013


59 Reads


6 Citations


The design of molecular systems as functional elements for use in next-generation electronic sensors and devices often relies on the addition of functional groups acting as spacers to modify adsorbate-substrate interactions. While advantageous in many regards, these spacer groups have the secondary effect of amplifying internal conformational effects of the parent molecule. Here we investigate one such molecule-2,5,8,11,14,17-hexa-tert-butyl-decacyclene (HBDC, C60H66) deposited on Cu(100) at monolayer and sub-monolayer coverages using an ultra-high vacuum (UHV) scanning tunneling microscope (STM). By combining sub-molecular resolution imaging with computational methods, we describe a variety of properties related to the effects of adding tert-buytl spacers to a decacyclene core including: molecular conformation, structure and chiral separation of the molecular adlayer, strong intermolecular interactions, and a meta-stable pinned conformation of the molecule brought on by deformation under high bias conditions which enables examination of its diffusive 2D molecular gas at room temperature. Collectively, these observations provide direct insight into the effect of adding spacers to a flexible molecular core such as decacyclene as relates to both intermolecular and adsorbate-substrate interfaces.

Controlled clockwise and anticlockwise rotational switching of a molecular motor

December 2012


1,042 Reads


270 Citations

Nature Nanotechnology

The design of artificial molecular machines often takes inspiration from macroscopic machines. However, the parallels between the two systems are often only superficial, because most molecular machines are governed by quantum processes. Previously, rotary molecular motors powered by light and chemical energy have been developed. In electrically driven motors, tunnelling electrons from the tip of a scanning tunnelling microscope have been used to drive the rotation of a simple rotor in a single direction and to move a four-wheeled molecule across a surface. Here, we show that a stand-alone molecular motor adsorbed on a gold surface can be made to rotate in a clockwise or anticlockwise direction by selective inelastic electron tunnelling through different subunits of the motor. Our motor is composed of a tripodal stator for vertical positioning, a five-arm rotor for controlled rotations, and a ruthenium atomic ball bearing connecting the static and rotational parts. The directional rotation arises from sawtooth-like rotational potentials, which are solely determined by the internal molecular structure and are independent of the surface adsorption site.

Moving Nanostructures: Pulse-Induced Positioning of Supramolecular Assemblies

December 2012


80 Reads


59 Citations

ACS Nano

For the development of nanoscale devices, the manipulation of single atoms and molecules by scanning tunneling microscopy is a well established experimental technique. However, for the construction of larger and higher order structures, it is important to move not only one adsorbate, but several at the same time. Additionally, a major issue in standard manipulation experiments is the strong mechanical interaction of the tip apex and the adsorbate, which can damage the system under investigation. Here, we present a purely electronic excitation method for the controlled movement of a weakly interacting assembly of a few molecules. By applying voltage pulses, this supramolecular nanostructure is moved in a controlled manner without losing its collective integrity. Depending on the polarity and location of the applied voltage, the movement can be driven in predefined directions. Our gentle purely electronic approach for the controlled manipulation of nanostructures opens new ways to construct molecular devices.

Mapping the Excited States of Single Hexa-peri-benzocoronene Oligomers

March 2012


138 Reads


28 Citations

ACS Nano

Electronic states of a molecule are usually analyzed via their decomposition in linear superposition of multielectronic Slater determinants built up from monoelectronics molecular orbitals. It is generally believed that a scanning tunneling microscope (STM) is able to map those molecular orbitals. Using a low-temperature ultrahigh vacuum (LT-UHV) STM, the dI/dV conductance maps of large single hexabenzocoronene (HBC) monomer, dimer, trimer, and tetramer molecules were recorded. We demonstrate that the attribution of a tunnel electronic resonance to a peculiar π molecular orbital of the molecule (or σ intermonomer chemical bond) in the STM junction is inappropriate. With an STM weak-measurement-like procedure, a dI/dV resonance results from the conductance contribution of many molecular states whose superposition makes it difficult to reconstruct an apparent molecular orbital electron probability density map.

Density functional theory investigations of the structural and electronic properties of Ag 2 V 4 O 11

April 2011


335 Reads


29 Citations

Physical review. B, Condensed matter

We present Density Functional Theory (DFT) investigations in the General Gradient Approximation (GGA) of the structural and electronic properties of the Ag2V4O11 (SVO) compound. We carried out a detailed study of the different structures of SVO proposed in the literature, by comparing the results obtained using DFT and the DFT+U approach. We found that two of the proposed structures are equally probable, the third one being unstable. We have obtained detailed information concerning the structural and electronic properties of SVO, including previously non-existent information on one of the SVO structures, considered hypothetical yet probable in the light of experimental facts from analogous compounds. From the analysis of the electronic density of states and of the Highest Occupied Molecular Orbital (HOMO) and Lowest Unoccupied Molecular Orbital (LUMO) states, we propose that, during the earlier stage of the reaction of lithium insertion and de-insertion in Li/SVO primary batteries, the reduction of V5+ takes place before that of Ag. In addition, our results allow to predict that only one kind of vanadium atom would be firstly reduced.

Citations (12)

... Solid state nano-gears and nano-disks are of fundamental interest for the construction of nanoscale mechanical machinery immune to radiations [1], to mechanically interface a single molecule logic gate for mechanical data inputs [2] and to transfer rotational motion to a single moleculegears train [3,4] or a single molecule-motor [5,6]. A central hole is also required to mount each of them on a robust nanoscale rotation axle. ...


Cutting nanodisks in graphene down to 20 nm in diameter
A Supramolecular Rotor and Translator at Work: On-Surface Movement of Single Atoms
  • Citing Article
  • July 2015

ACS Nano

... Hill, Joachim, Uchihashi, and co-workers reported a supramolecularly recombinable molecular rotor ( Figure 11). 75 This supramolecular rotor is a platinum-porphyrin supramolecular dimer assembly that can create a chiral image in the form of an association on a surface. Using the tunneling current of STM, it was demonstrated that a Pt-porphyrin supramolecular dimer assembly supported on an Au(111) surface can be rotated in a highly directional manner. ...

Current-Driven Supramolecular Motor with In Situ Surface Chiral Directionality Switching
  • Citing Article
  • June 2015

Nano Letters

... Figure 10 depicts some recently reported large PA Hs that were synthesized under intramolecular oxidative coupling conditions.T etrabenzocircumpyrene derivatives 139 a-c have been synthesized in good yields using FeCl 3 as an oxidant in aCH 2 Cl 2 /CH 3 NO 2 mixture. [124] Compound 140 is an extended hexabenzocoronene that was obtained by Dichtel and co-workers. [125] Thea uthors observed that the formation of the first four bonds is very fast (Figure 10, blue bonds), thereby providing an isolable partly fused, twisted intermediate,w hich after prolonged exposure to the FeCl 3 oxidant furnishes the final HBC derivative in good yield. ...

Tetrabenzocircumpyrene: A Nanographene Fragment with an Embedded Peripentacene Core

Chemical Communications

... With the persistent and rapid development of STM manipulation, its application has been greatly extended from arranging the adsorbates in a desired manner to managing singlemolecule chemistry, such as inducing 1) intramolecular confor-mational changes; [15][16][17][18][19][20] 2) intermolecular covalent interactions by coupling two molecules in a controlled step-by-step way; [21] 3) single-molecule isomerization including cis-trans transition of azobenzene, [22][23][24] tautomerization of melamine, [25] isomerization of single chlorobenzene and its analogues, [26,27] and tautomerization of single free-base naphthalocyanine and porphycene molecules; [28,29] and 4) metal-organic complexes including metal-aromatic binding on single-crystal surfaces, [30][31][32] K atoms attaching to C 60 molecules, [33] hybrid magnetic complexes of V atoms and tetracyanoethylene ligands, [34] and metal-ligand interactions on insulating films. [35][36][37] Moreover, the dynamic behaviors of the adsorbates on surfaces could also be controlled by STM manipulations. ...

Manipulation of a single molecule ground state by means of gold atom contacts

Chemical Physics Letters

... Previous studies of glasses have calculated the vibrational spectra of small clusters to reproduce the experimental Raman spectra, and thus, determine the presence or absence of various structural units in the overall glass structure. [38][39][40] To obtain a sense of the general structure of the monohalides, we calculated the 35 Cl and 73 Ge quadrupolar coupling constants for small isolated (GeX) n clusters using Gaussian 09 [41] and of the bulk GeCl material using CASTEP. [42] As GeCl and GeBr are expected to have similar structures from the NMR data, all modelling was performed on GeCl to greatly reduce the computational time. ...

On the chlorine role in the structure of GLSC glasses
  • Citing Article
  • September 2006

Journal of Molecular Structure THEOCHEM

... All of the Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations were implemented using the Vienna Ab initio Simulation Package (VASP) [35,36]. The exchange correlation pseudopotential Was PAW-PBE under the generalized gradient approximation [37,38]. The Brillouin zone was sampled with 2 × 2 × 1 and 4 × 4 × 2 Monkhorst-Pack grid schemes for structural relaxation and density of states (DOS) calculations, respectively. ...

Density functional theory investigations of the structural and electronic properties of Ag 2 V 4 O 11

Physical review. B, Condensed matter

... The ultimate goal for those miniaturized gears is to implement nanoscale mechanical systems such as nanorobots [28] or mechanical calculators such as the Pascaline [29]. This draws a lot of attention to issues such as triggering rotations on a surface [30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40], collective rotations [41][42][43][44][45][46][47][48] and rotational dissipation [49]. To proceed further, one may ask if lubricants can provide the same functionality as in the macroscopic case and are able to improve the transmission efficiency. ...

Amplification of Conformational Effects via tert-Butyl Groups: Hexa-tert-butyl Decacyclene on Cu(100) at Room Temperature
  • Citing Article
  • January 2013


... In general, the molecular conformation is difficult to control, which is usually considered to be in thermal equilibrium, i.e., rapid switching among different conformations. A unique example is the molecular motor (10)(11)(12). To simplify the rotation mode, the unidirectional rotation can be approached by the introduction of chiral steric hindrance moiety and alternating external stimuli. ...

Controlled clockwise and anticlockwise rotational switching of a molecular motor
  • Citing Article
  • December 2012

Nature Nanotechnology

... Specific examples of controlled rotations or translations of a molecule on a surface under the tip of a scanning tunneling microscope (STM) have been recently reported 7 and it is now known that in a STM junction the tunneling electrons can release energy to specific conformational or vibrational molecular degrees of freedom, being in some cases able to trigger rotations [8][9][10][11][12] or translations [13][14][15] . However, a general understanding of the physical mechanisms inducing controlled and directional movements on a surface is still lacking, which would allow the rational design of single-molecule machines towards specific applications. ...

Moving Nanostructures: Pulse-Induced Positioning of Supramolecular Assemblies
  • Citing Article
  • December 2012

ACS Nano