June 2016
10 Reads
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June 2016
10 Reads
January 2014
190 Reads
8 Citations
In this paper a new finding of the relict species Linnaea borealis (Caprifoliaceae) in the Bielovodská dolina Valley (Vysoké Tatry Mts, NE Slovakia) is reported in the context of published data on the distribution of the species, as well as a summary, clarification and evaluation of the information about its occurrence in Slovakia. Linnaea borealis is occuring in the confirmed location in the undergrowth of sparse, only slightly more closed, spruce forest laced with stone pine and mountain ash at an altitude of 1 260 – 1 680 m. The stand has a character of a primeval forest and L. borealis grows here mainly on small and medium-sized boulders, and usually creates smaller micro-stands, often even on the small hills at the base of trees and on the rocky substrate covered with a layer of mosses in the vegetation of the Piceion excelsae alliance.
June 2013
189 Reads
During the 2008–2011 potential territories and breeding of Peregrine Falcon have been recorded in the central Slovakia in these mountains: Javorie, Ostrôžky and Krupina plateau. Altogether 34 repeated controls in 16 localities were realized. Only 7 localities were selected and evaluated than suitable for Peregrine breeding (Javorie=5, Ostôžky=1 and Krupina plateau=1). Successful breeding of one pair in the Krupina plateau in 2008–2011 were recorded. Other localities were none occupied. Also on three localities we recorded successful Corvus corax breeding. From historical background view were identified only four historical breeding localities (two in Javorie, one by one in Ostôžky and Krupina plateau). On the present time the historical territories were none occupied by Peregrine Falcon in this area.
December 2012
169 Reads
3 Citations
Six localities of Slovak endangered species Listera cordata were found during the mapping of forest vegetation in the Veľká Fatra (Skalná Alpa, Čierny kameň a S uchý) and Ďumbierske Tatry Mts (Salatín, Hradište and Michalová valley in massif Slemä). Species was recorded on the limestone bedrock, in the steep slopes with prevailing northern aspect, on the skeletal soils in altitudes from 1100 to 1417 m. Individuals of Listera cordata grew in the sites with undecomposed litter, rarely on the dead wood. Listera cordata belongs to typical acidophilus species according to our opinion, but it is able to create large populations also in limestone bedrock.
June 2012
67 Reads
4 Citations
Carex capillaris occurs as a member of subalpine vegetation in some mountains on the Slovak territory. Most data come from the Belianske Tatry Mts. There are also rare older records from the foothills, reported from calcareous fens in the Spišská kotlina Basin. Currently, the species was found in the foothills of the Nízke Tatry Mts and in the Muránska planina Plateau. In this paper, we publish five phytosociological relevés sampled on recently found localities in the Slovenský raj Mts, Nízke Tatry Mts, Liptovská kotlina Basin and Spišská kotlina Basin. We confirmed the occurrence of the species in typically developed growths of the Caricetum davallianae association. In addition, Carex capillaris was present in the peripheral parts of the fens, where the species composition is transitional towards Molinion caerulae meadow communities. At present, 12 fen localities of the species are known in northern Slovakia.
January 2011
262 Reads
1 Citation
Spiranthes spiralis belongs to the rarest orchid species in Slovakia. Recently, the species is known only from two locations in the southwestern part of Slovakia and in several sites in the northeastern part of the country. All localities in NE Slovakia are threatened by human activity or by secondary succesion and some populations gradually disappear. In 2010, after 43 years, we confirmed unpublished data on the occurrence of the species in the NW part of Slovakia in the Kysuce region (Snežnica). Six flowering individuals were found there in vegetation of Antoxantho odorati-Agrostietum tenuis.
January 2010
64 Reads
Definition and determination of High Conservation Value Forests in Slovakia as a part of forest certification by FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) standard (principle 9)
November 2009
1,186 Reads
The aim of this work is: 1) to assess the importance of the key impacts of the approved “above ground-tunnel” variant of the motorway D1 Turany - Hubová on species and habitats of Community and national importance, Natura 2000 sites and landscape, and 2) to recommend appropriate changes in the project of this D1 motorway section. We undertook this work because we found the earlier assessments of the approved variant seriously flawed, data-deficient and methodically insufficient, as well as not complying with Article 6 of Directive 92/43/EEC dated 21. 5. 1992 on the Conservation of natural habitats and wild fauna and flora and with Directive 85/337/EEC on the Assessment of the effects of certain public and private projects on the environment, amended by Directives 97/11/EC and 2003/35/EC.
January 2009
175 Reads
3 Citations
The Chraste fen is situated in the Liptov basin in the northern foothills of the Nízke Tatry Mts, close to the villages Dúbrava, Svätý Kríž and Lazisko. The locality is a 130 hectars large mosaic of grassland and mire habitats. Wet habitats occupy approximately 25 hectars. This reports bring a commented list of habitats, plant communities important mire plant species found in the locality. Further, the complete list of vascular plants sorted by red list categories is presented. .
January 2009
481 Reads
3 Citations
This paper presents results of mapping survey of Orchidaceae in the territory of the Low Tatras National Park and its buffer zone during the vegetation seasons of 1992 – 2008. During this time period occurrence of 49 taxa from the Orchidaceae family has been confirmed. Most data comes from the North, Northwest and Southwest part of the area. The paper provides only partial information about the present occurrence of representatives from this family in the territory of the national park. It is an open issue with the need for follow-up in the future years.
... Šibík et al. 2007). Okrem týchto spoločenstiev bol druh Carex capillaris zaznamenaný v nižších polohách v porastoch triedy Scheuchzerio-Caricetea fuscae, zväzu Caricion davallianae (Dítě & Jasík 2012). Títo autori publikovali ostricu vláskovitú z asociácie Caricetum davallianae. ...
June 2012
... The widely used qualitative definition of PF, provided by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), describes it as "naturally regenerated forest of native species where there are no clearly visible indications of human activities and the ecological processes are not significantly disturbed" (FAO, 2015). Previous studies have used similar PF definitions based on the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) definition (Bernier et al., 2017;Kormos et al., 2018;Mikoláš et al., 2019;Sabatini et al., 2021), including two key criteria. First, tree canopy cover should be dense enough to support biodiversity. ...
July 2019
Forest Ecology and Management
... V ostatnom období bolo odtiaľto publikovaných mnoho zaujímavých nálezov (napr. Jasík & Dítě 2017, Hrivnák & Slezák 2017, Eliáš ml. 2018a. ...
March 2017
... The most recent data on Arolla pine phytocoenoses within the northern High Tatras were published by Jasík et al. [11] and Jasík & Dítě [10], who documented findings of Linnaea borealis, an extremely rare species in the Western Carpathians. Finally, Zięba et al. [39] published a larger number of Arolla pine relevés from both the Slovakian northern and, especially, southern part of the Tatra Mountains. ...
February 2017
... Most cyclone-induced windstorms reach Europe from the west and are therefore less impactful in Eastern Europe, although they can still affect forests in the Carpathians (Pettit et al. 2021). Large windthrows are commonly followed by bark beetle outbreaks (Stadelmann et al. 2014), and such pulses of natural disturbance cascades are a key part of the natural dynamics of conifer-dominated mountain forests (Janda et al. 2017;Kameniar et al. 2023). Natural disturbances are likely exacerbated by climate change (Seidl et al. 2014), with extreme wind events becoming more common in Europe (Schemm et al. 2017;Pettit et al. 2021), and spruce becoming more susceptible to bark beetle attacks under warmer and drier conditions (Temperli et al. 2013;Netherer et al. 2015). ...
September 2016
Forest Ecology and Management
... od obce, okolie opusteného lomu, 711 m, 7185a, 48°52′13,73″ s. š., 19°53′11,35″ v. d., 27. 6. 2019, *MV. V Nízkych Tatrách relatívne vzácny druh s výskytom najmä v liptovskej časti pohoria (širšie okolie Ružomberka a Liptovského Jána), zatiaľ čo na Horehroní je jeho známych lokalít oveľa menej (Dítě et al. 2004;Dítě & Jasík 2009). ...
January 2009
... The most recent data on Arolla pine phytocoenoses within the northern High Tatras were published by Jasík et al. [11] and Jasík & Dítě [10], who documented findings of Linnaea borealis, an extremely rare species in the Western Carpathians. Finally, Zięba et al. [39] published a larger number of Arolla pine relevés from both the Slovakian northern and, especially, southern part of the Tatra Mountains. ...
January 2014
... Neottia cordata never occurs directly on neutral or alkaline soils although it occurs on limestone pavement on Moughton Fell in Yorkshire, because it grows on deep humus and moss layers under the shade of juniper (Juniperus communis) bushes (Foley & Clarke, 2005). A similar situation has been reported from the Slovak Republic, where N. cordata grows very rarely in cold and wet northern exposures of chalk or dolomite bedrock, which is, however, overlaid by a deep layer of acid humus and spruce needle litter (Dítě, Hrivnák, & Jasík, 2012). Throughout its range, it is typically found growing on or through deep cushions of moss, usually Sphagnum spp. or Polytrichum commune (Sundermann, 1970). ...
December 2012