May 2024
91 Reads
We describe the vegetation of small-sized non-forest wetlands in the forests of Bystrá dolina, located in the western part of the Pilsko massif in the Orava region of northern Slovakia. The sites are situated between 1126 and 1293 meters a. s. l. In the vicinity of active springs or streams, a spring habitat of national interest has been inhabited by the vegetation of the class Montio-Cardaminetea, alliance Cratoneuro filicini-Calthion laetae and Calthetum laeate association. Alkaline fens, a habitat of European interest, are formed on elevated plateaus or depressions created by landslides. They are occupied by the vegetation of the Valeriano-Caricetum flavae association (class Scheuchzerio palustris-Caricetea fuscae, alliance Caricion davallianae). The occurrence of this vegetation in the Pilsko Massif is at its elevational limit in Slovakia. We also recorded transitional mires (= poor fens) inhabited by the alliance Sphagno recurvi-Caricion canescentis and Carici echinatae-Sphagnetum association, but only sporadically and represented by just one relevé. In the drier parts or places with unstable water regime, the vegetation of the Calthion palustris alliance was recorded in smaller areas. At the same time, we confirmed the presence of Tofieldia calyculata and Trollius europaeus (syn. T. altissimus, NT), two species that are exceedingly rare in the Orava region.