Maria José Vilaça de Vasconcelos’s research while affiliated with Purdue University West Lafayette and other places

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Publications (10)

Figure 1. A -P-efficient and P-inefficient maize plants grown in the Cerrado under low Pi conditions. B -Dry weight of maize genotypes. C -Root/shoot ratio of maize plants. D and E -Phosphorus content. F -Anthocyanin concentration. G and H -Units of APA activity. B to H, The maize plants were grown in hydroponics culture in the presence (250 µM Pi -gray bar) or absence (0 µM Pi -black bar) of phosphate harvested after 15 days in treatment. Each bar is the mean of three replicates with a standard deviation.
Figure 2. Phylogenetic analysis based on nucleotide sequences of plant phosphate transporters. Plant phosphate transporters were assembled using ClustalX, and NJ-plot was used to develop the tree. Abbreviations are shown for respective transporters: ZmPTs: Zea mays phosphate transporters; AtPT: Arabidopsis thaliana phosphate transporters; LePT: Lycopersicon esculentum phosphate transporters; OsPT: Oryza sativa phosphate transporters; HvPT: Hordeum vulgare phosphate transporters; SbPT: Sorghum bicolor phosphate transporters.
Figure 3. A -Northern blot analysis of phosphate starvation-induced ZmPTs genes in maize genotypes. B -Expression of ZmPTs in a plant grown in different phosphorus concentrations. C -Suppression of the ZmPTs expression by Pi resupply. D -Expression of ZmPT genes using RNA isolated from different root parts. E -Expression of ZmPTs in different maize plants under Pi starvation. F -Effect of duration of phosphate starvation on ZmPTs genes expression in maize genotypes. G -Expression of ZmPT homologs in roots of two sorghum genotypes. Total RNA isolated from different times of hydroponically grown plants supplied with half-strength modified Hoagland's solution containing 250 µM phosphate (+) or no phosphate (-) for different days or different concentrations as indicated. All the blots were probed with 32 P labeled ZmPTs. The panel below the Northern blots is the ethidium bromide-stained gel prior to blotting showing the RNA integrity and uniformity of loading.
Mean squares for yield (kg ears/ha) of eight maize inbred lines evaluated in a Red Oxisol at two levels of phosphorus (2 ppm and 15 ppm) in 2001 and 2002.
Expression analysis of phosphate induced genes in contrasting maize genotypes for phosphorus use efficiency
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November 2022


60 Reads


2 Citations

Brazilian Journal of Biology

M. J. V. Vasconcelos






K. G. Raghothama

Phosphorus is an essential nutrient for plant growth and development. The ability of plants to acquire phosphate (Pi) from the rhizosphere soil is critical in the Brazilian Cerrado characterized by acidic soil. The induction of Pi transporters is one of the earliest molecular responses to Pi deficiency in plants. In this study, we characterize the transcriptional regulation of six (ZmPT1 to ZmPT6) high-affinity Pi transporters genes in four Pi-efficient and four Pi-inefficient maize (Zea mays) genotypes. The expression analysis indicated that Pi-starvation induced the transcription of all ZmPT genes tested. The abundance of transcripts was inversely related to Pi concentration in nutrient solution and was observed as early as five days following the Pi deprivation. The Pi-starved plants replenished with 250 µM Pi for four to five days resulted in ZmPT suppression, indicating the Pi role in gene expression. The tissue-specific expression analysis revealed the abundance of ZmPT transcripts in roots and shoots. The six maize Pi transporters were primarily detected in the upper and middle root portions and barely expressed in root tips. The expression profiles of the six ZmPTs phosphate transporters between and among Pi-efficient and Pi-inefficient genotypes showed an absence of significant differences in the expression pattern of the ZmPTs among Pi-efficient and Pi-inefficient genotypes. The results suggested that Pi acquisition efficiency is a complex trait determined by quantitative loci in maize.



March 2022


42 Reads


8 Citations

Revista Brasileira de Milho e Sorgo

Phosphorus is an essential macronutrient for plant growth and development. However, phosphorus availability is low in many soils, and the plant's ability to acquire phosphorus from the rhizosphere is critical in the acid soils of the Brazilian Cerrado. In addition, high levels of fixed phosphate (Pi) in many soils reduce phosphorus availability to plants. Thus, Pi deficiency is a significant concern for crop growth and high yields in tropical soils. The intra- and interspecific variations in plant growth under Pi-limiting conditions are complex traits controlled by many induced or suppressed genes, comprising an intricate epistatic regulatory network interacting within cells and the external environment. The microRNA genes (miRNAs), a class of regulators that induce, degrade or repress mRNA transcription and translation, are another critical aspect of this network. As a result, changes in morphology (growth and root architecture) and physiological (enzymes, organic acids, and anthocyanin) can be observed in plants under Pi stress. Furthermore, symbiotic associations with phosphate-solubilizing bacteria and mycorrhizal fungi increase phosphorus availability to plants. Therefore, understanding mechanisms involved in plant adaptation to phosphorus deficiency is critical for developing cultivars adapted to low phosphorus levels in the Brazilian acid soils. This review addresses P acquisition and use by plants and discusses its implications in genetic breeding programs.

Espécies de Potyvírus Causando Mosaico Comum em Sorgo no Estado de Minas Gerais

Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench é cultivado em várias regiões tropicais e subtropicais do mundo. Entre as doenças, o mosaico comum causado por potyvírus é uma importante limitação, causando redução na produção de sorgo granífero e forrageiro. No Brasil, apenas o Sugarcane mosaic virus (SCMV) havia sido relatado anteriormente como espécie de potyvírus associada ao mosaico em sorgo e milho. Levantamento para monitorar a ocorrência da virose mosaico comum foi realizado em lavouras de sorgo no Estado de Minas Gerais durante a safra 2014/2015. Amostras de plantas de sorgo que expressavam sintomas de doenças virais foram coletadas para análises moleculares. A caracterização molecular da proteína capsidial (PC) dos potyvírus infectando naturalmente o sorgo permitiu identificar o Johnsongrass mosaic virus (JGMV) como mais um agente causal da doença do mosaico comum no sorgo em Minas Gerais. As sequências dos isolados brasileiros de JGMV identificados infectando o sorgo (JGMV-Sr) foram depositadas no GenBank sob os números de acesso KY952241, KY952242 e KY952243. Comparações das sequências do gene da PC desses isolados brasileiros de JGMV-Sr revelaram altas identidades de sequência de nucleotídeos (nt) e de aminoácidos (aa) com o isolado dos Estados Unidos U07218.1 (JGMVMDKS1). Os isolados JGMV-Sr são distintos dos isolados brasileiros que infectam gramíneas forrageiras (JGMV-Fg) (KT833782 e KT289893).

FIGURE 1-Means for grain yield (left), and for P acquisition at low P soils and P internal utilization efficiency at high P soils (right) for seven maize single cross hybrids. For the trait grain yield, hybrids with same symbols are members of a pair of P efficient (solid) and P inefficient cross (open symbol). P use efficient hybrids are shown as bold squares and P inefficient ones as open triangles (right figure).
FIGURE 2-Means for grain P concentration for seven maize single cross hybrids and its six parental inbred lines (left), and for anther silk interval (right) at three low P soils (x axis) and two high P soils (y axis). Hybrids are represented as squares and inbreds as triangles. P use efficient genotypes are shown as bold symbols and P inefficient ones as open symbols.
Inheritance and breeding strategies for phosphorus efficiency in tropical maize (Zea mays L.)

January 2010


560 Reads


58 Citations


Information available from full cycle maize trials regarding the inheritance of phosphorus (P) efficiency in tropical maize is limited. This type of information is essential to establish selection strategies for these characteristics. The objective of this study was to investigate the inheritance and relationships between characteristics related to phosphorus efficiency in tropical maize. Six tropical maize lines with contrasting P efficiency and seven F 1 crosses derived from these lines were used in this study. The parental lines, the F 1's, F 2's, BC 1P 1, BC 1P 2, BC 2P 1 and BC 2P 2 from each of the seven crosses were evaluated in three low P and two high P environments. Efficiency traits evaluated were: grain yield (GY), stover yield, (SY), grain P concentration (GPC), stover P concentration (SPC), P acquisition efficiency (PAE), P internal utilization efficiency (PUTIL), P harvest index (PHI) and the quotient of P utilization (QUTIL). Anther silk interval (ASI), which has been related to drought tolerance, was also determined. For each trait, the following parameters were estimated: mean effect (m), additive effects (a), dominant effects (d) and epistatic digenic effects (aa, ad, dd). A 47% mean yield reduction was observed at the low P level compared with the high P level in the soil. Dominance effects and epistatic effects (when detected) were more important than additive effects for the majority of the traits studied. A low correlation for PAE was observed between low and high P environments, suggesting that different mechanisms of soil P acquisition occur in low and high P environments. For the PUTIL a high correlation was observed between low and high P environments, suggesting that similar plant internal mechanisms occur in both soil P levels. A medium and negative correlation was observed between ASI and GY at low P environments. Our results suggest that the selection criteria adequate to select for P efficiency include GY under low P environments to determine PAE under low P soils, and grain P concentration under high P environments to determine PUTIL.

FIGURE 1-Means for grain yield (left), and for P acquisition at low P soils and P internal utilization efficiency at high P soils (right) for seven maize single cross hybrids. For the trait grain yield, hybrids with same symbols are members of a pair of P efficient (solid) and P inefficient cross (open symbol). P use efficient hybrids are shown as bold squares and P inefficient ones as open triangles (right figure).
FIGURE 2-Means for grain P concentration for seven maize single cross hybrids and its six parental inbred lines (left), and for anther silk interval (right) at three low P soils (x axis) and two high P soils (y axis). Hybrids are represented as squares and inbreds as triangles. P use efficient genotypes are shown as bold symbols and P inefficient ones as open symbols.
Heterotic groups based on yield-specific combining ability data and phylogenetic relationship determined by RAPD markers for 28 tropical maize open pollinated varieties

September 2001


378 Reads


80 Citations


Twenty eight maize open pollinated varieties (OPVs) were crossed in a diallel scheme and the 378 F1's were evaluated in 10 environments in Brazil. Based on yield-specific combining ability data (SCA), these varieties were classified in four heterotic groups. The consistence of the proposed heterotic groups was confirmed comparing intra- and inter-group F1 values and midparent heterosis. Superior OPVs combinations for use as a source of inbreds in hybrid breeding programs were determined. RAPD markers were used to genotype these varieties. A UPGMA dendogram, based on marker data from 50 primers and 178 polymorphic bands, was obtained. Phylogeny obtained with RAPD markers agreed with known pedigree data. Dent germplasm tended to group separately from flint germplasm. Multidimensional Scaling Analysis on marker data and morphological data showed a higher degree of genetic divergence among the dent germplasm than among the flint germplasm used in this study. Correlation between RAPD marker estimated genetic distance and SCA for yield was low and positive (r = 0.16**).

Eficiência de Aquisição e Utilização Interna de Fósforo em Milho Tropical: Importância Relativa e Critérios de Seleção

1 Embrapa Milho e Sorgo, CP. 151, CEP 35701-970, Sete Lagoas-MG, , Palavras-chave: Zea mays, aquisição de fósforo, eficiência de utilização interna de fósforo, eficiência de uso de fósforo, nutrição mineral de plantas. Um dos principais responsáveis pela escalada de preços dos alimentos em todo o mundo nos últimos anos tem sido o alto custo dos fertilizantes, em especial daqueles contendo fósforo. Este é o segundo nutriente mais consumido pela agricultura mundial, sendo superado apenas pelo nitrogênio (Batten, 1992). As reservas mundiais de fósforo capazes de serem exploradas a valores de 40 dólares a tonelada devem se esgotar na segunda metade deste século (Murrel & Fixen, 2006), indicando que, pesquisas visando desenvolver genótipos mais eficientes no uso deste nutriente devem se tornar cada vez mais importantes nos próximos anos. Os conceitos de eficiência de aquisição – utilizado no sentido de quantidade do nutriente adquirido pela planta por unidade do nutriente disponível no solo – e de eficiência de utilização interna – definida como habilidade da planta de produzir grãos pôr unidade de P na mesma – tem sido considerados os dois principais componentes da eficiência de uso de nutrientes (grãos produzidos por unidade de nutriente no solo). Moll et al. (1982) propuseram uma metodologia para determinar a importância relativa de duas variáveis (A and B), sobre uma terceira variável (C), a qual é obtida pelo produto das duas outras (C=AxB). Foi utilizada uma transformação logarítmica para se obter uma relação aditiva entre estas variáveis (logC=logA + logB) e foi determinada a proporção da soma de quadrados de C que era devida a A e B. Estes autores utilizaram esta abordagem para investigar a importância relativa da aquisição e da utilização interna sobre a eficiência de uso de nitrogênio (N) em oito híbridos de milho avaliados sob alto e baixo N no solo. Foi verificado que, eficiência de uso de N foi função principalmente da eficiência de aquisição deste nutriente sob alto N no solo, enquanto sob baixo suprimento de N no solo, o principal componente da eficiência de uso de N foi a eficiência de utilização interna deste nutriente. Gourley, Allan e Russele (1993) definiram conceitos para distinguir entre "genótipos superiores" e "genótipos eficientes" em estudos de eficiência nutricional em plantas. De acordo com estes autores, atividade metabólica superior em um dado genótipo deverá resultar em produções mais altas, independente da disponibilidade de nutriente no meio e, neste caso, um genótipo superior (e não um genótipo eficiente) estaria sendo identificado. A condição chave para classificar um par de genótipos como eficiente e ineficiente seria então que os mesmos atingissem produções semelhantes sob níveis adequados do nutriente, e que diferissem entre si nos ambientes sob baixo suprimento do mesmo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a importância relativa da eficiência de aquisição e de utilização interna de P sobre a eficiência de uso deste nutriente em genótipos tropicais de milho cultivados em ambientes sob alto e baixo P no solo e verificar critérios de seleção adequados para estes caracteres.

Citations (5)

... However, APase activity in E. dunnii decreased in shoots of plants subjected to 10% P ( Fig. 8e and f). This may have occurred because, at a molecular level, P starvation-induced genes that encode enzymes help to prioritize internal P use and maximize P acquisition by inducing high-affinity Pi transporters in roots (Vasconcelos et al. 2022). ...


Selecting Eucalyptus spp. Clones to Enable Higher Phosphorus Uptake Efficiency
Expression analysis of phosphate induced genes in contrasting maize genotypes for phosphorus use efficiency

Brazilian Journal of Biology

... Phosphorus is a vital macronutrient to plant growth and development and the second most limiting nutrient in maize production after N (Vergutz et al., 2017). Its deficiency in soils has strongly contributed to the low maize yield in tropical areas (Vasconcelos et al., 2022;Parentoni et al., 2010). In these areas, the low-P stress may decrease maize yield by around 50-60% compared to optimal P conditions (Fritsche-Neto et al., 2010;Parentoni et al., 2010;Meirelles et al., 2016). ...


Revista Brasileira de Milho e Sorgo

... Many root Pi-responsive genes are known in several species, such as high-affinity Pi-transporters, acid phosphatases, and purple acid phosphatases, phosphoenolpyruvate phosphate, and pyrophosphate-dependent phosphofructokinase, RNases, phosphodiesterases, β-glucosidase, and others with unknown functions (Raghothama, 2000b;Velasco et al., 2020). Among the Pi-starvation induced genes, those encoding high-affinity Pi transporters play a critical role in plant Pi acquisition (Raghothama, 1999;Nagy et al., 2006;Vasconcelos et al., 2018Vasconcelos et al., , 2021. Thus, Pi starvationinduced genes are considered to be involved in multiple metabolic pathways indicating a complex Pi regulation system in higher plants (Wu et al., 2003;Devaiah and Raghothama, 2007). ...

Research Article Isolation of high-affinity phosphate transporters SbPT1 AND SbPT2 in Sorghum bicolor and their characterization in contrasting genotypes
  • Citing Article
  • January 2021

Genetics and Molecular Research

... Phosphorus is a vital macronutrient to plant growth and development and the second most limiting nutrient in maize production after N (Vergutz et al., 2017). Its deficiency in soils has strongly contributed to the low maize yield in tropical areas (Vasconcelos et al., 2022;Parentoni et al., 2010). In these areas, the low-P stress may decrease maize yield by around 50-60% compared to optimal P conditions (Fritsche-Neto et al., 2010;Parentoni et al., 2010;Meirelles et al., 2016). ...

Inheritance and breeding strategies for phosphorus efficiency in tropical maize (Zea mays L.)


... However, when heterosis determinations were associated with genetic divergence, correlation estimates were close to zero for all traits. The fact that the genetic diversity was not considered a good predictor of heterosis is in agreement with reports in the literature for other species such as corn (Legesse et al., 2008;Parentoni et al., 2001) and wheat (Krystkowiak et al., 2009). The most plausible explanation is that divergence was assessed by several markers that may not be associated with the traits under study or that heterosis in this case is not only due to heterozygosis (Andorf et al., 2019;Fu & Dooner, 2002;Melchinger et al., 2007). ...

Heterotic groups based on yield-specific combining ability data and phylogenetic relationship determined by RAPD markers for 28 tropical maize open pollinated varieties
