Maria Duk’s research while affiliated with Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University and other places

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Publications (20)

Figure 1. A general scheme of flowering initiation in Arabidopsis thaliana and a putative network in the narrow-leafed lupin Lupinus angustifolius. In Arabidopsis, the expression of the FT gene is activated in the leaves by the photoperiod and vernalization pathways. Next, the FT protein becomes
Figure 2. Data fitting results for Models 1 and 3, which show the lowest values of th Averaged dynamics and standard deviation of the experimental data are shown model solutions (averaged over 1000 runs) are shown in black. Green dots represen results from 10 randomly chosen runs of the minimization process. "N" and "V" vernalized and vernalized data, respectively. "9 A.M." and "3 P.M." are the times o the data were collected. T1-T4 stand for sampling terms [21].
Figure 4. Cost function values (F) from 1000 minimization runs in Model 1 under hypotheses H0-5 for three L. angustifolius lines. Asterisks indicate statistically significant differences in the mean F between Hi (i = 1…5) and H0 (* p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01). The labels 8 h and 16 h are SD and LD photoperiods, respectively.
Modeling Floral Induction in the Narrow-Leafed Lupin Lupinus angustifolius Under Different Environmental Conditions
  • Article
  • Full-text available

December 2024


33 Reads


Maria A. Duk






Flowering is initiated in response to environmental cues, with the photoperiod and ambient temperature being the main ones. The regulatory pathways underlying floral transition are well studied in Arabidopsis thaliana but remain largely unknown in legumes. Here, we first applied an in silico approach to infer the regulatory inputs of four FT-like genes of the narrow-leafed lupin Lupinus angustifolius. We studied the roles of FTc1, FTc2, FTa1, and FTa2 in the activation of meristem identity gene AGL8 in response to 8 h and 16 h photoperiods, vernalization, and the circadian rhythm. We developed a set of regression models of AGL8 regulation by the FT-like genes and fitted these models to the recently published gene expression data. The importance of the input from each FT-like gene or their combinations was estimated by comparing the performance of models with one or few FT-like genes turned off, thereby simulating loss-of-function mutations that were yet unavailable in L. angustifolius. Our results suggested that in the early flowering Ku line and intermediate Pal line, the FTc1 gene played a major role in floral transition; however, it acted through different mechanisms under short and long days. Turning off the regulatory input of FTc1 resulted in substantial changes in AGL8 expression associated with vernalization sensitivity and the circadian rhythm. In the wild ku line, we found that both FTc1 and FTa1 genes had an essential role under long days, which was associated with the vernalization response. These results could be applied both for setting up new experiments and for data analysis using the proposed modeling approach.


Using the IIIVmrMLM Method to Confirm and Search New Genome-Wide Associations in Chickpea

December 2024


9 Reads


Chickpea (Cicer arientinum) is an important crop grown in the Middle East, Central Asia, Turkey, India and southern Russia and used in a wide variety of traditional dishes. The decrease in genetic diversity during domestication, as well as the crop's greater sensitivity to abiotic and biotic stresses, provides the idea of using landraces in breeding programs to improve the crop. The new IIIVmrMLM method for genome-wide association search allowed us to identify new variants in the genetic data of the chickpea collection, which were localized within important genes, and to identify landraces best suited to the climate of the two experimental stations.

Models of Flowering Gene Networks and Their Adaptation for the Analysis of Vernalization Mechanisms in Legumes

October 2024


20 Reads


Flowering time is the most important agronomic trait which is used in breeding and determines the crop performance. Vernalization, or prolonged exposure to cold, accelerates flowering and increases yields in many crops. The molecular mechanisms of vernalization-induced flowering are well studied in Arabidopsis thaliana, but remain largely unknown for legumes. Mathematical modeling is a powerful tool to predict regulatory interactions in gene networks on the basis of gene expression patterns. This review concerns previously developed approaches to modeling gene regulatory networks of the flowering transition process and the prospects for their adaptation with the aim of conducting the analysis of the mechanisms of vernalization requirement in legumes.

Modeling Chickpea Productivity with Artificial Image Objects and Convolutional Neural Network

September 2024


30 Reads


The chickpea plays a significant role in global agriculture and occupies an increasing share in the human diet. The main aim of the research was to develop a model for the prediction of two chickpea productivity traits in the available dataset. Genomic data for accessions were encoded in Artificial Image Objects, and a model for the thousand-seed weight (TSW) and number of seeds per plant (SNpP) prediction was constructed using a Convolutional Neural Network, dictionary learning and sparse coding for feature extraction, and extreme gradient boosting for regression. The model was capable of predicting both traits with an acceptable accuracy of 84–85%. The most important factors for model solution were identified using the dense regression attention maps method. The SNPs important for the SNpP and TSW traits were found in 34 and 49 genes, respectively. Genomic prediction with a constructed model can help breeding programs harness genotypic and phenotypic diversity to more effectively produce varieties with a desired phenotype.

Percentage of trait variation explained by QTNs and QEIs. * Abbreviations of trait names are as shown in Tables S1 and A1.
QTNs located within protein-coding genes and their 1 Kb flanking regions. * Abbreviations of trait names are in Tables S1 and A1; ** gene body, *** 5 ′ -upstream, **** 3 ′ -downstream.
IIIVmrMLM Provides New Insights into the Genetic Basis of the Agronomic Trait Variation in Chickpea

August 2024


26 Reads


Chickpea is a staple crop for many nations worldwide. Modeling genotype-by-environment interactions and assessing the genotype’s ability to contribute adaptive alleles are crucial for chickpea breeding. In this study, we evaluated 12 agronomically important traits of 159 accessions from the N.I. Vavilov All Russian Institute for Plant Genetic Resources collection. These included 145 landraces and 13 cultivars grown in different climatic conditions in Kuban (45°18′ N and 40°52′ E) in both 2016 and 2022, as well as in Astrakhan (46°06′ N and 48°04′ E) in 2022. Using the IIIVmrMLM model in multi-environmental mode, we identified 161 quantitative trait nucleotides (QTNs) with stable genetic effects across different environments. Furthermore, we have observed 254 QTN-by-environment interactions with distinct environment-specific effects. Notably, five of these interactions manifested large effects, with R2 values exceeding 10%, while the highest R2 value for stable QTNs was 4.7%. Within the protein-coding genes and their 1 Kb flanking regions, we have discerned 22 QTNs and 45 QTN-by-environment interactions, most likely tagging the candidate causal genes. The landraces obtained from the N.I Vavilov All Russian Institute for Plant Genetic Resources collection exhibit numerous favorable alleles at quantitative trait nucleotide loci, showing stable effects in the Kuban and Astrakhan regions. Additionally, they possessed a significantly higher number of Kuban-specific favorable alleles of the QTN-by-environment interaction loci compared to the Astrakhan-specific ones. The environment-specific alleles found at the QTN-by-environment interaction loci have the potential to enhance chickpea adaptation to specific climatic conditions.

Figure 1. A core regulatory motif responsible for flowering activation by vernalization in (A) Arabidopsis and (B) legumes. (A) In Arabidopsis, the FT and SOC1 genes integrate regulatory inputs from multiple signaling pathways. In the non-inductive conditions, these integrators are repressed by the FLC gene. Cold treatment leads to FLC repression and activation of FT and SOC1, which in turn activate the meristem identity genes, including AP1 (PIM). This turns on floral transition. FT activates meristem identity genes both directly and via SOC1. The scheme is based on the pathway overview from the Flor-ID database (, accessed on 4 December 2023) and a previously published summary on mechanisms of floral transition in Arabidopsis [19,20]. Arrows and T-bars show positive and negative regulatory interactions, respectively. Dashed lines correspond to indirect/putative mechanisms. GAs, Gibberellins; CKs, cytokinins. (B) In legumes, the mechanisms of vernalization-induced flowering have not yet been sufficiently studied. Each legume species has several FT genes, but often only one FT gene is involved in the vernalization response. Upon cold treatment, the FT gene activates SOC1 genes, which are present in two or three copies of the legume genomes. It is largely unknown whether the vernalization signal transduction from FT to the AP1 (PIM) is direct or indirect and whether the legume SOC1 genes perceive any vernalization signal directly. The blue snowflakes and arrows denote the vernalization signaling pathway, whose components are well characterized in Arabidopsis but remain unknown in legumes.
Figure 2. The scheme of network motifs with one and three mediated activators. The left motif represents the coherent FFL of type 1, as classified elsewhere [46], and the right one is its modified version. In the context of our study, Zi stands for target genes, while X, Y, and Yi are transcription and mobile factors.
Figure 6. Dynamics of PIM expression in models (solid curves) and data (dashed curves). (A,B): model under H1; (C,D): model H2; (E,F): model H3; (G,H): model H4. V+, vernalization; V−, absence of vernalization; WT, wild type; mutant, fta1-1 mutant plants.
Best parameter values in models H 1 -H 4 .
Modeling the Flowering Activation Motif during Vernalization in Legumes: A Case Study of M. trancatula

December 2023


44 Reads


3 Citations


In many plant species, flowering is promoted by the cold treatment or vernalization. The mechanism of vernalization-induced flowering has been extensively studied in Arabidopsis but remains largely unknown in legumes. The orthologs of the FLC gene, a major regulator of vernalization response in Arabidopsis, are absent or non-functional in the vernalization-sensitive legume species. Nevertheless, the legume integrator genes FT and SOC1 are involved in the transition of the vernalization signal to meristem identity genes, including PIM (AP1 ortholog). However, the regulatory contribution of these genes to PIM activation in legumes remains elusive. Here, we presented the theoretical and data-driven analyses of a feed-forward regulatory motif that includes a vernalization-responsive FT gene and several SOC1 genes, which independently activate PIM and thereby mediate floral transition. Our theoretical model showed that the multiple regulatory branches in this regulatory motif facilitated the elimination of no-sense signals and amplified useful signals from the upstream regulator. We further developed and analyzed four data-driven models of PIM activation in Medicago trancatula in vernalized and non-vernalized conditions in wild-type and fta1-1 mutants. The model with FTa1 providing both direct activation and indirect activation via three intermediate activators, SOC1a, SOC1b, and SOC1c, resulted in the most relevant PIM dynamics. In this model, the difference between regulatory inputs of SOC1 genes was nonessential. As a result, in the M. trancatula model, the cumulative action of SOC1a, SOC1b, and SOC1c was favored. Overall, in this study, we first presented the in silico analysis of vernalization-induced flowering in legumes. The considered vernalization network motif can be supplemented with additional regulatory branches as new experimental data become available.

Genome-wide association analysis in chickpea landraces and cultivars

December 2023


8 Reads


Chickpea (Cicer arientinum) is an important leguminous crop, which is widely grown especially in the Near East. In wet weather conditions, the susceptibility of chickpeas to fungal diseases such as Ascochyta blight and Fusarium blight increases. Thus, selection of disease-resistant and early-ripening varieties is critically needed. The present study was conducted to investigate genome associations in 171 samples of chickpea plants, grown in two experimental stations in Krasnodar (Kuban experimental station) and Astrakhan (Astrakhan experimental station), examine relationship between genes and 12 phenotypic traits as well as explore the association between genes and 3 hallmarks of resistance to pathogenes: Fusarium blight, Ascochyta blight and Noctuidae. Variants associated with different phenotypic traits were identified using a genome-wide association study (GWAS).

Genome-wide association study of copy number variation in flax through the lens of genome integrity

April 2023


2 Reads


Classical methods for identification of genetic variants associated with certain macroscopic phenotypic traits are, as a rule, limited to analyses of single nucleotide polymorphisms. Copy number variations, and more broadly structural variants may provide a plethora of useful information due to the magnitude of the changes they induce. However, their use in genome-wide association studies is seriously limited mostly due to the uncertainties in their discovery (i.e., failure to resolve an event with nucleotide resolution) by computational algorithms from genomic data. Nevertheless, in certain cases, such analyses are possible and may still yield valuable results. Our recent work has revealed genetic variants (single nucleotide polymorphisms) possibly related to phenotypic traits determining fibre quality. Here, we decided to extend the analyses to structural variants, namely copy number variations. Importantly, we use a novel high-coverage dataset allowing for accurate prediction of copy number variations. Overall, we compiled a list of 41 candidate genes associated with five quantitative phenotypic traits. Furthermore, the genome stability metric developed earlier facilitated stratification of copy number variant loci with regard to their stability. On the whole, our analyses suggest that the genomic regions less resilient to external and internal stresses are more susceptible to changes associated with the studied phenotypic traits.

Citations (8)

... According to the recent findings [83], only 4 QTNs and 5 QEIs were found to overlap with the QTNs identified using Super, FarmCPU, and Blink models of the GAPIT package (Table S20). One of these QTNs, Ca3_8285781, which is associated with NSB, falls into the Ca_24378 encoding PROTODERMAL FACTOR 2-like. ...


IIIVmrMLM Provides New Insights into the Genetic Basis of the Agronomic Trait Variation in Chickpea
Genome-Wide Association Analysis in Chickpea Landraces and Cultivars
  • Citing Article
  • March 2024


... A number of publications have presented in silico analyses of flowering networks in pea (P. sativum) [32], chickpea (Cicer arietinum) [33], and M. trancatula [34]. However, none of the previously published models of floral transition networks in legumes considered the effect of vernalization under different photoperiod lengths and times of day. ...

Modeling the Flowering Activation Motif during Vernalization in Legumes: A Case Study of M. trancatula


... Recently, some researchers discovered that some circRNAs can act as microRNA (miRNA) sponges, and other circRNAs could also directly target mRNAs by partial base pairing. 32,33 In our study, we also found that circRNAs directly regulated the expression of mRNA through signal pathway, which was associated with previous findings that circRNAs were directly involved in pathways. 34,35 Conclusion In summary, our study was firstly identifying 3378 upregulated and 3525 down-regulated circRNAs in cleft palate by TCDD induced. ...

The Pros and Cons of Circular RNAs as miRNA Sponges
  • Citing Article
  • April 2021


... The reason for the superiority of the high level of potassium could refer to the role of antioxidant enzymes, such as POD, CAT, and SOD (AL-Behadili and Abed, 2019; Alfalahi et al., 2022). They are responsible in enhancing resistance and photosynthesis apparatus (Sadanandan et al.,2002;Shaaban and Abou El-Nour, 2012) involved in the plant's phenotype and genotype (Jessup et al., 2020), and increasing cell division (Manian et al., 2021) and cell elongation or extension via gibberellin stimulation by potassium (Kanapin et al., 2022). In addition, it also regulates the growth and meristematic tissues (IPI, 2000, Zhang et al., 2020. ...

Genetic Determinants of Fiber-Associated Traits in Flax Identified by Omics Data Integration

International Journal of Molecular Sciences

... Its strength, durability, and moisture absorption make it ideal for a wide range of items, including delicate linen textiles and industrial materials such as canvas, twine, and fire hoses. Linen clothing is popular because it keeps the user cool and is resistant to microbes [2]. Linen culture for fiber production is mainly found in northwestern Europe [1,3]. ...

The Genetic Landscape of Fiber Flax

... Several theoretical works discussed the role played by cFFLs in managing fluctuations [112,117,124,125]. In [125], Duk and collaborators found that cFFLs do not show absolute adaptation in response to external signals, i.e., the target expression level does not return to its baseline level after a transient external signal, neither if the signal is small. ...

The Ability of Feed-Forward Regulatory Loops to Adapt: Dependence on Model Parameters and Conditions of Absolute Adaptation
  • Citing Article
  • November 2018


... Comparing an optimized miR-FF4 iFFL with 5′ target sites to our CasE iFFL variants, we found that the output level of the CasE iFFL variants was more resistant to changes in plasmid copy number over time during transient transfection ( Fig. 6d and Supplementary Fig. 39). Simulations with an ordinary differential equation model of the endoRNase-based iFFL indicate that robustness to DNA dilution during transient transfection can be achieved with high production and decay rates of the endoRNase (see Supplementary Note 5 and Supplementary Fig. 40a, b), consistent with previous theoretical studies of iFFL dynamics in other contexts [66][67][68] . For our endoRNase-based iFFL, we observed near-perfect adaptation of output levels to resource loading for samples measured at 72 h (Figs. 4 and 5), indicating that 72 h is a conservative upper bound for the adaptation time of the circuit to perturbations. ...

[The dynamics of feed-forward loop depends on regulator type in indirect pathway]
  • Citing Article
  • March 2015


... In a mammalian cell, miRNAs are part of many Transcriptional Regulatory Networks (TRNs), and they function along with the transcription factors to regulate target gene expression via feedback or feedforward loops. 17,43,44,65 It is well-known in the literature that gene transcription happens in a bursting manner [66][67][68][69] and is a highly noisy process. 66,69,70 The translation and degradation processes of proteins also involve fluctuations from the different origins within a cell. ...

Dynamics of miRNA driven feed-forward loop depends upon miRNA action mechanisms

BMC Genomics