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Publications (5)

Quartz and Quartzite lithic raw material studies: problems and challenges
  • Conference Paper
  • Full-text available

December 2022


465 Reads



Alfredo Pérez-González




Most of the lithic tools made during Prehistory in the Iberian Peninsula are mainly composed of three main siliceous rock types: chert, quartzite, and quartz. While the methodologies for the characterization and provenance of raw materials made on chert (and obsidian) have been developed with well-established and widely used protocols, the same does not apply to quartzite and quartz veins. Here we present recent developments in characterization and provenance analysis of quartzite and quartz through two case studies: (1) establishing and testing an analytical protocol for the quartzite available in the Côa River Valley region (Portugal) to be applied in future archaeological studies; (2) understanding the quartzite variability within the archaeological assemblage of the El Sotillo site (Spain). These two case studies allow us to highlight some of the main problems and challenges linked to the study of quartzite (raw material and lithic industry) in Paleolithic contexts.


Fig. 1. (a) Geological map of the Iberian Massif, subdivision based on Julivert et al. (1972) and Variscan granitoids adapted from Rodríguez Fernández and Oliveira (2015). I: Cantabrian Zone, II: West Asturian-Leonese Zone, III: Galicia-Trás-os-Montes Zone (GTOMZ), IV: Central Iberian Zone (CIZ), V: Ossa-Morena Zone, VI: South Portuguese Zone, VII Variscan granitoids. (b) Regional geological map based on Rodríguez Fernández and Oliveira (2015), with subdivision of the Ollo de Sapo Domain (OSD) and Schist-Greywacke Domain (SGD), and distinction of the Northern Central Iberian Zone (N-CIZ) and Southern Central Iberian Zone (S-CIZ; Talavera et al., 2012; Villaseca et al., 2014). (c) Detailed geological map of the Fregeneda-Almendra Pegmatite Field, displaying the location of studied dykes (stars) and control samples (green dots). Geologic units based on Silva and Ribeiro (1994) and Rodríguez Fernández et al. (2000).
Fig. 2. (a) Photograph of the selected spodumene-bearing aplite-pegmatite dyke from the Alberto open pit. (b) Comb-textured albite (Ab) crystals with their vertex pointing to the wall-rock contact in the Li-mica-bearing dyke from the Feli open pit. (c) 'Chessboard' albite in the Li-mica-bearing aplite-pegmatite. (d) Saccharoidal pure albite, a product of Na-metasomatism. (e) Pegmatite sample showing greisenization via replacement of feldspars by micas + quartz. (f) Secondary spodumene forming spodumene (Spd) -quartz (Qz) intergrowths (SQI).
Fig. 3. Paragenetic sequence for studied LCT aplite-pegmatites. Areas of albitization (albit.) and greisenization (greisen.) include mineral phases formed during Nametasomatism and H + -metasomatism, respectively.
Fig. 4. (a) Field photograph showing representative outcrop of the host psammitic and pelitic metasediments. (b) Section of a metasedimentary hand sample that displays pelitic (dark grey) and psammitic (light grey) laminae. (c) Plane-polarized photomicrograph of alternating psammitic and pelitic layers in host metasediments (S 0 sedimentary layering; S 1 slaty-cleavage). (d) Plane-polarized photomicrograph of biotite (Bt) porphyroblasts developed in pelitic layers constituted by smaller Bt crystals plus quartz (Qz), muscovite (Ms) and tourmaline (Tur). (e) Plane-polarized photomicrograph that shows the development of chlorite (Chl) along microcracks. (f) Strongly chloritized metasedimentary sample with rare fresh biotite flakes.
Fig. 5. Plane-polarized photomicrographs of metasomatized metasedimentary samples. (a) Contact between an aplite-pegmatite and its host rocks, with parallelly arranged tourmaline (Tur) crystals developed, in this case, perpendicular to the contact. (b) Tourmaline-rich area strongly controlled by the extent of the pelitic layer. (c) Tourmalinite sample, composed of tourmaline (up to 90% in vol.) and quartz (Qz). (d) Similar tourmaline and pale-mica proportions in a pelitic layer, with remnant biotite. (e) Pelitic layer showing pale-mica predominance over tourmaline. (f) A mainly psammitic layer with pale-micas replacing biotite flakes.


Metasomatic effect of Li-bearing aplite-pegmatites on psammitic and pelitic metasediments: Geochemical constraints on critical raw material exploration at the Fregeneda-Almendra Pegmatite Field (Spain and Portugal)

October 2022


1,037 Reads


24 Citations

Ore Geology Reviews

A R T I C L E I N F O Keywords: Lithium pegmatite Metasomatism Geochemical halo Lithogeochemistry Psammitic and pelitic metasediments Geochemical exploration A B S T R A C T Fluid-assisted mass transfer and re-equilibration of mineral phases are common consequences of metasomatism associated with igneous intrusions. The addition and/or removal of chemical components in these environments may result in the generation of metasomatic aureoles, which can be recognized by their mineralogy and geochemistry. Due to an increasing demand for critical raw materials used in green energy technologies, rare-element granitic pegmatites have seen renewed interest in the mineral exploration industry. Granitic pegma-tites represent potential sources of critical commodities and geochemical studies of their related aureoles help to advance techniques in exploration targeting. Moreover, the role and timing of fluid exsolution during magma-tic-hydrothermal evolution in granitic-pegmatitic systems and concomitant element mobility remain highly debated. We present a prospect-scale systematic study of geochemical haloes generated by LCT (Li-Cs-Ta) family pegmatite dykes from the Fregeneda-Almendra Pegmatite Field, in the Central Iberian Zone of the Iberian Massif (Spain and Portugal). To understand the magnitude of metasomatic processes linked to these intrusions, we performed whole-rock mass-balance calculation of element gains and losses in variably metasomatized psam-mitic and pelitic host metasediments. The results show that F, B, Li, Rb, Cs, Sn, Be, Tl, As, W and S (±Mo, Ta) were carried by early exsolved and expelled aqueous fluids. The first evidence of element enrichment is recorded at distances of 4-5 times the thickness of the dykes, with exponentially increasing gains of those fluid-mobile elements proximal to the pegmatite margin. Enrichments that were detected farthest from the pegmatite margins were those of Li and Cs, followed by Rb and, to a lesser extent, Sn, F, B, Be, and Tl. The most evolved (fractionated) aplite-pegmatites generated the broadest haloes, with concentrations higher than 200 ppm Li, 30 ppm Cs, 300 ppm Rb, and 15 ppm Sn in the metasediments indicating proximity to a mineralized dyke. In addition, absolute gains of up to ~4000 ppm Li, ~1300 ppm Cs, ~1300 ppm Rb, and 170 ppm Sn in the host rocks could point to the presence of superimposed haloes from multiple evolved dykes.

FIGURE 1: Characteristics of the granitic aggregates: a) and b) GR20; c) and d) GR24. a) and c) are examples of the textures of the rocks (XPL); b) and d) show gel partially filling voids of the concrete prisms after being submitted to RILEM AAR-4.1 expansion test (PPL).
FIGURE 3: Image obtained by SEM (backscatter electron image mode -BSE) of a particle of amphibolite crossed by a crack. EDS spectra confirm the presence of alkali-silica gel (Z1), the existence of chlorite (Z2) and that a silicate mineral (alkali feldspar) (Z3) occurs in the interstitial "cloudy" areas observed under optical microscope. No pure silica was identified in this field of view.
FIGURE 4: Photomicrograph in PPL, SEM image and element mapping of the amphibolite. Quartz is present as small inclusions and in the interstices between amphibole grains, as in the outlined red rectangle of the "cloudy" areas observed under optical microscope (PPL). A similar area outlined on the right hand side of the SEM image in the top-centre panel is mainly composed of Si, Al and Na. The lighter elongate grains contain Si, Al and Ca.

June 2019


257 Reads


2 Citations

The mechanisms involved in alkali-aggregate reaction and the characteristics of reactivity of some aggregates are not completely understood, although tens of thousands of mortar and concrete prisms have been tested in the laboratory and field exposure sites have been installed in a number of countries. Aggregates are the least well understood component in the alkali-aggregate reactions and, surely, the most difficult to assess. This happens not just because the materials used as aggregates are widely variable in origin, geological history, composition, texture and degree of alteration, but also because rocks that behave as innocuous in certain areas of the world appear to perform as reactive elsewhere. In consequence, the petrographic assessment of the aggregates is commonly not enough to classify an aggregate as innocuous or potentially reactive. In this paper questions are raised concerning slow reactive rock types, including suggestions about the possible forms of silica present and their identification.

FIGURE 2: Opaline sandstone composed of glauconite (greenish) and sponge spicules. Photomicrographs in PPL (left). The rock is highly porous as can be observed in the SEM image (centre). The rosette-like crystals of pure silica may correspond to radiolarian or to an inorganic structure formed by silica (Si and oxygen are the main components). Image by SEM-BSE (BSE -back-scatter electrons) and spectrum obtained by EDS (right).
FIGURE 4: Chert showing variable porosity (light yellow colour of the fluorescence dye) and limonite staining in dendritic distribution (PPL) and fossil remains replaced by feather-like chalcedony (XPL).
FIGURE 5: SEM-EDS element maps revealing porosity and presence of two different carbonate minerals, namely calcite and dolomite (Ca and Mg) (b), and presence of very fine-grained silica (Si) as well as clay minerals (Si-Al) and possibly some detrital feldspar (Si-Al-K). Image on the top/left, in BSE, with scale bar.
List of the sedimentary samples studied.

June 2019


843 Reads


2 Citations

The reactive forms of silica present in an aggregate depend on the origin and geological history of the rocks. The detection of specific reactive silica must be focused on characteristics such as the identification of polymorphs, the quantification of microcrystalline to cryptocrystalline quartz, and/or on the deformation manifestations for each aggregate. In this paper the types of sedimentary rocks usually exploited as aggregates for concrete, such as sandstone, greywacke, chert, siliceous limestone and mudstone, are presented. In addition, the rocks exhibiting low metamorphic grade are included when the sedimentary structure is still preserved and the features of metamorphic conditions are slight. The main characteristics of the sedimentary rocks regarding alkali-aggregate reactions are discussed and the importance of complementary methods for the detection of reactive forms of silica explained.

Citations (3)

... In recent years, the number of studies aiming to improve the exploration of Li-Cs-Ta (LCT) pegmatites has increased significantly, notably for identifying alteration features and defining geochemical footprints (e.g., Galeschuk and Vanstone, 2005;Selway et al., 2005;Cardoso-Fernandes et al., 2019;Pfister et al., 2023;Sweetapple et al., 2024). Specifically, numerous studies have focused on identifying criteria to distinguish between barren versus mineralized granitic/pegmatitic systems enriched in rare elements (e.g., Li-Be-Ta-Sn) based on mineralogical, geochemical and metasomatic alteration features (Roza Llera et al., 2019;Ballouard et al., 2020;Barros et al., 2020;Kaeter et al., 2021;Errandonea-Martin et al., 2022;Pfister et al., 2023;Sweetapple et al., 2024). This approach is part of the Horizon Europe − Exploration Information System (EIS) project (, ...


Geochemical footprints of peraluminous rare-metal granites and pegmatites in the northern French Massif Central and implications for exploration targeting
Metasomatic effect of Li-bearing aplite-pegmatites on psammitic and pelitic metasediments: Geochemical constraints on critical raw material exploration at the Fregeneda-Almendra Pegmatite Field (Spain and Portugal)

Ore Geology Reviews

... For these reasons petrography is increasingly supported by complementary analytical techniques, especially X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD) analysis, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) coupled with energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), FT-IR, and TGA-DTA. These complementary investigations can be performed on aggregates as received (Fernandes et al., 2020;Medeiros et al., 2022), as well as on mortar bars after expansion tests to detect ASR gel formation (Marinoni et al., 2012;Custódio et al., 2022;Doğruyol, 2024). ...


... In the group of quarries, the aggregates are divided in large sets concerning mainly the mineral composition and texture, such as e.g. in granite s.l. and in basalt s.l., including a range of compositions. The sample of amphibolite was included as it showed to be a challenging aggregate [21]. Samples of crushed rock were collected in the quarries from batches ready to be sold as aggregate for concrete. ...