December 2024
2 Reads
We consider the family of (poly)continua in the upper half-plane that contain a preassigned finite {\it anchor} set E. For a given harmonic external field we define a Dirichlet energy functional and show that within each ``connectivity class'' of the family, there exists a minimizing compact consisting of critical trajectories of a quadratic differential. In many cases this quadratic differential coincides with the square of the real normalized quasimomentum differential associated with the finite gap solutions of the focusing Nonlinear Schr\"{o}dinger equation (fNLS) defined by a hyperelliptic Riemann surface branched at the points . An fNLS soliton condensate is defined by a compact (its spectral support) whereas the average intensity of the condensate is proportional to with external field given by . The motivation for this work lies in the problem of soliton condensate of least average intensity such that E belongs to the poly-continuum . We prove that spectral support provides the fNLS soliton condensate of the least average intensity within a given ``connectivity class''.