Marc Stuckey’s research while affiliated with Laboratoire Information Génomique et Structurale and other places

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Publications (33)

Auswahl und Qualität von Kontexten für relevante naturwissenschaftliche Bildung
  • Chapter

September 2019


78 Reads



Marc Stuckey

Heute scheint es unstrittig, dass sinnstiftendes und effektives Lernen an der Lebenswelt der Schülerinnen und Schüler anknüpfen sollte, wie es die Theorie des situierten Lernens nahelegt. Sinnstiftendes Lernen sollte durch sogenannte Kontexte angestoßen und eingerahmt sein. Dieses wird seit vielen Jahren gefordert, auch für den naturwissenschaftlichen Unterricht in Deutschland. Aber: Sind alle lebenswelt-orientierten Kontexte gleich gut? Oder: Braucht es für die Auswahl eines allgemeinbildenden und damit auf gesellschaftliche Teilhabe vorbereitenden naturwissenschaftlichen Unterrichts eine besondere Auswahl von Kontexten, eine besondere Legitimation? Dieser Aufsatz diskutiert diese Fragen, ausgehend von der Frage nach der Relevanz naturwissenschaftlicher Bildung und erläutert dies an einem Unterrichtsbeispiel zum Thema Tätowierungen.

Making the learning of chemistry more relevant for students
  • Article
  • Full-text available

September 2018


151 Reads


Socio-scientific issues as contexts for relevant education and a case on tattooing in chemistry teaching

April 2018


736 Reads


16 Citations

Educación Química

Context-based science education suggests that meaningful science teaching should be based on the lifeworld, society, or potential professional future of the pupils. But: Are all corresponding contexts for science education similarly good? This paper presents a curriculum model for using socio-scientific issues as contexts for science education in general and chemistry education in particular. It discusses the implications of this approach and presents an example on chemistry teaching about the issue of tattooing.</p

Socio-scientific issues as contexts for relevant education and a case on tattooing in chemistry teaching

March 2018


47 Reads


5 Citations

Educación Química

Context-based science education suggests that meaningful science teaching should be based on the lifeworld, society, or potential professional future of the pupils. But: Are all corresponding contexts for science education similarly good? This paper presents a curriculum model for using socio-scientific issues as contexts for science education in general and chemistry education in particular. It discusses the implications of this approach and presents an example on chemistry teaching about the issue of tattooing.

The Idea of Filtered Information and The Learning about the Use of Chemistry Related Information in the Public

June 2015


29 Reads


6 Citations

This chapter discusses the idea of filtered information. The existence of filtered information suggests that most science-related information used in the public is not scientific in the strictest sense of the word. Such information is mainly presented to the public by non-scientists in the forms of news media, brochures, advertising, or personal communication. These individuals tend to be journalists, politicians, advertising experts, or people from various professions and stakeholder groups. Such groups employ information derived from science, but they transform it in various forms on its way to the public. Chemistry education should provide sufficient subject matter knowledge and critical skills so that pupils can evaluate the chemistry-related information used in public discourse and in the media. This skill set is necessary for understanding how science-related information reaches the public and how it is used by different shareholders to influence individuals and public opinion. It is also needed to cope with general public discourse and to deal with the media and their offerings in a critical fashion. This chapter discusses a socio-philosophical framework for understanding the science-to-society relationship of different science-related information types. It presents organizing principles for modeling the information flow from authentic science to the public sphere. Different pedagogies are also suggested and illustrated by classroom cases for learning about how chemistry-related information is used in non-scientific societal practices.

The Philosophical Works of Ludwik Fleck and Their Potential Meaning for Teaching and Learning Science

March 2015


166 Reads


40 Citations

Science & Education

Marc Stuckey






This paper discusses the essential elements of the philosophical works of Ludwik Fleck (1896 – 1961) and their potential interpretation for the teaching and learning of science. In the early 20th century, Fleck made substantial contributions to better understanding the sociological character of the nature of science and explained the embedding of science in society. His works have several parallels to the later and very popular work, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, by Thomas S. Kuhn, although Kuhn only indirectly referred to the influence of Fleck on his own theories. Starting from a short review of the life of Ludwik Fleck, his philosophical work, and its connections to Kuhn, this paper elaborates upon and illustrates how his theories can be considered for science education in order to provide students with a better understanding of the nature of scientific endeavor and the bi-directional science-to-society links.

Chemistry under Your Skin? Experiments with Tattoo Inks for Secondary School Chemistry Students

January 2015


449 Reads


10 Citations

Journal of Chemical Education

This paper discusses a set of easy, hands-on experiments which inquire into and differentiate between tattoo inks of varying quality. A classroom scenario is described for integrating these experiments into secondary school chemistry classes. Initial experiences from the classroom are also presented.

Citations (20)

... During the past decade, science education scholars have introduced multiple approaches to support the relevance of science studies. For example, researchers have developed interesting contexts such as industrial chemistry and chemistry of tattoos that young people might experience relevant (Hofstein and Kesner, 2006;Stuckey and Eilks, 2014;Eilks et al., 2018). Blonder and Mamlok-Naaman (2019) evaluated the possibilities and challenges of using historical and contemporary approaches in science education. ...


Promoting institutional collaboration through a joint project-based learning course: a case study of upper secondary school and university students’ experienced relevance
Socio-scientific issues as contexts for relevant education and a case on tattooing in chemistry teaching

Educación Química

... In the recent decade, teacher arranged their learning using a curriculum based on issues. Socioscientific issues based on the 4-pillars model (Eilks et al., 2018) that explained in Table 1. The author reduces data on 20 journals that discussed the SSI approach. ...

Socio-scientific issues as contexts for relevant education and a case on tattooing in chemistry teaching
  • Citing Article
  • March 2018

Educación Química

... Job shadowing and site visits are seen as part of informal and formal activities. Informal activities may reinforce the intellectual demands, focusing on topics in modern science, connected to the learning preferences of young people (Anderson et al., 2003;Belova et al., 2015). It is important to realise that job shadowing and site visits need to be relevant to diverse learners' needs, influencing science education and teaching practices, and encouraging positive attitudes towards scientific careers (EU, 2004). ...

The Idea of Filtered Information and The Learning about the Use of Chemistry Related Information in the Public
  • Citing Chapter
  • June 2015

... However, the relatively narrow assessment of NE-NOS clearly requires further refinement, for example, learning about the role of science in society is necessary to enable students to become future responsible citizens (Hofstein et al., 2011). Specifically, understanding the interplay between science and society-specifically how various interest groups utilize scientific information-equips students to make better-informed choices on socio-scientific issues (Hofstein et al., 2011;Stuckey et al., 2015). The NE-NOS also provides further insights into science as a social institution (Irzik & Nola, 2014), encompassing the public communication of scientific information (Martins, 2016;Stuckey et al., 2015) and its engagement with societal and cultural contexts Dagher & Erduran, 2016;Rutherford & Ahlgren, 1990). ...

The Philosophical Works of Ludwik Fleck and Their Potential Meaning for Teaching and Learning Science
  • Citing Article
  • March 2015

Science & Education

... 4 In this respect, action research seems to be one of the possible remedies as it combines academic research with practice, e.g. 5,6 The teacher plans and systematically verifies the learning process, the teacher is a part of the research process and not only subject to investigation or a non-participating observer. 3,4,7 The presented action research was guided by a definition by Cohen, et al., 8 who point it out as an on-the-spot procedure which focuses on a specific problem located in a current situation. ...

Chemistry under Your Skin? Experiments with Tattoo Inks for Secondary School Chemistry Students
  • Citing Article
  • January 2015

Journal of Chemical Education

... The Socio-Scientific Issues-based teaching approach was one of the main focuses for PROFILES consortium partners in the framework of the project. The project partners developed many modules based on the socioscientific teaching approach (Kennedy & Lucey, 2014;Schindler et al., 2014). All PROFILES teaching and learning materials (modules) were shared among the partners and disseminated via the partners' websites as an open resource. ...

What Should I Do with my Old Cell Phone? A Case of Collaborative Curriculum Development within PROFILES-Bremen

... Diese Erkenntnis und das Wissen darüber, dass insbesondere public-sphere actions (nationale Gesetze, Verbote, Regulationen) zu weitreichenden Veränderungen führen, lässt die Schlussfolgerung zu, dass junge Menschen, die in der Schule auf verantwortungsvolle Aufgaben vorbereiten werden sollen, sinnvoll vernetztes Systemwissen gekoppelt an gesellschaftliche Handlungsmöglichkeiten vermittelt bekommen sollten.5.2.2 Bewertungskompetenz wird zum wichtigsten Kompetenzbereich in verantwortungsvollen PositionenIm vorherigen Abschnitt wird deutlich: Fachwissen ist als Bewertungsgrundlage eine notwendige Grundlage für Entscheidungsträger*innen. Das beurteilen können von Informationen und Wissensquellen bekommt dabei eine höhere Priorität als detailliertes Fachwissen und wird so als wichtigster Kompetenzbereich von den interviewten Personen eingeschätzt. Studien zur Bewertungskompetenz bei Schüler*innen zeigen jedoch, dass naturwissenschaftliches Fachwissen beim Bewerten in der Regel nicht herangezogen wird(Heitmann & Tiemann, 2011;Menthe, 2012;Sander & Höttecke, 2015;Stuckey et al., 2011). Interessant sind hier die Unterschiede, die sich bei den Entscheidungsträger*innen zu den Ergebnissen der o.a. ...

Erfassung von Bewertungskompetenz in Gruppendiskussionen zum Klimawandel

... In science education, this is often referred to as socio-scientific issues (SSI), which are often seen as a special type of contextbased learning in the design of science curricula. The thematization or problematization of SSIs in science education is important to ensure that the science curricula are relevant and to promote interest in learning science [68]: "There has been many attempts to address students' lack of interest in learning science through context based science education, such as the Science-Technology-Society movement, which highlight societal issues to enhance students' critical thinking skills and social responsibility" ([69], p. 2). ...

Ein Beitrag zum Verständnis der Relevanz des Chemieunterrichts
  • Citing Article
  • October 2014


... Research indicates that the term relevance in science takes various dimensions. Such was the view taken by Stuckey, Sperling, Mamlok-Naaman, Hofstein & Eilks (2014). In science education, there are three dimensions of relevance (Stuckey, Hofstein, Mamlok-Naaman & Eilks, 2013) viz: individual, societal and vocational. ...

The societal component in a model of relevance in science education

... In the core section, the e-module presents learning activities based on the socio-critical and problem-oriented stages developed by Eilks et al. The learning stages developed by Eilks et al. [13] consist of textual approach and problem analysis, clarification of science background through practicum, continuing the socio-scientific dimension, discussion and evaluation with different viewpoints, and meta-reflection. The socio-critical and problem-oriented learning stages meet the criteria and are by socio-scientific issues base. ...

The societal dimension in German science education - From tradition towards selected cases and recent developments

Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education