Manzoor Ilahi’s research while affiliated with COMSATS University Islamabad and other places

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Publications (42)

Building a Multilevel Inflection Handling Stemmer to Improve Search Effectiveness for Urdu Language
  • Article
  • Full-text available

January 2024


37 Reads


1 Citation

IEEE Access


Sajid Iqba


Abdullah Abdulrhman Alaulamie


Manzoor Ilahi

Stemming is an essential step in various Natural Language Processing (NLP) applications and is used to reduce different variants of the query words to a standard form to avoid the vocabulary mismatch issue in Information Retrieval (IR) systems. Due to specific grammatical rules and complex morphological structures, finding an effective stemming algorithm in Urdu is challenging task. Although, several stemming algorithms have been proposed for the Urdu text stemming; however, none of them extract the stem from multilevel inflected forms. In this context, according to the best of our knowledge, this is a first effort towards the proposition and evaluation of a novel Urdu Text Stemmer (UTS) that can deal with multi-level inflection forms in Urdu text. The experimental evaluation of the proposed scheme has been conducted on the text-based and word-based custom-developed corpus. The proposed stemming technique is rigorously evaluated and compared with state-of-the-art stemming algorithms. Experimental results demonstrate that UTS outperforms existing Urdu stemmers and achieves an accuracy of 94.92% and 91.8% on word corpus and text corpus, respectively. We also evaluated our proposed system in an Information Retrieval application for Urdu, using the Collection for Urdu Retrieval Evaluation (CURE) dataset. Our approach for information retrieval outperformed and improved both recall and precision metrics.


Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3 Example of compound words reduction rules
Inection examples in Urdu language.
Examples of loan prexes in Urdu.


High performance stemming algorithm to handle multi-level inflections in Urdu Language

April 2022


37 Reads

Stemming is an essential step in varied Natural Language Processing (NLP) applications. It is used to reduce different variants of the query words to a standard form to avoid the vocabulary mismatch issue in Information Retrieval (IR) systems. There are a lot of stemming algorithms in English language, but Urdu NLP still in its infancy. A stemmer develops and evaluates in a language cannot be efficiently used for other languages. Urdu has the highly inflected and complex morphological structure, and most of the current Urdu stemmers remove a few numbers of affixes and leads to inefficient results. In this context, according to the best of our knowledge, this is a first comprehensive effort towards the proposition and evaluation of a novel Urdu Text Stemmer (UTS) that cope with multi-level inflection and derivation forms in Urdu text. The experimental evaluation of the proposed scheme has been conducted on the text-based and words-based custom developed corpus. The proposed stemming technique is rigorously evaluated and compared with state-of-the-art stemming algorithms. Experimental results demonstrate that UTS outperforms existing Urdu stemmers and achieves an accuracy of 94.92% and 91.8% on word and text corpus, respectively.

High performance stemming algorithm to handle multi-level inflections in Urdu Language

April 2022


76 Reads

Stemming is an essential step in varied Natural Language Processing (NLP) applications. It is used to reduce different variants of the query words to a standard form to avoid the vocabulary mismatch issue in Information Retrieval (IR) systems. There are a lot of stemming algorithms in English language, but Urdu NLP still in its infancy. A stemmer develops and evaluates in a language cannot be efficiently used for other languages . Urdu has the highly inflected and complex morphological structure, and most of the current Urdu stemmers remove a few numbers of affixes and leads to inefficient results. In this context, according to the best of our knowledge, this is a first comprehensive effort towards the proposition and evaluation of a novel Urdu Text Stemmer (UTS) that cope with multi-level inflection and derivation forms in Urdu text. The experimental evaluation of the proposed scheme has been conducted on the text-based and words-based custom developed corpus. The proposed stemming technique is rigorously evaluated and compared with state-of-the-art stemming algorithms. Experimental results demonstrate that UTS outperforms existing Urdu stemmers and achieves an accuracy of 94.92% and 91.8% on word and text corpus, respectively.

A methodology to rank the design patterns on the base of text relevancy

December 2019


65 Reads


8 Citations

Soft Computing






Muhammad Asim Noor

Several software design patterns have cataloged either with canonical or as variants to solve a recurring design problem. However, novice designers mostly adopt patterns without considering their ground reality and relevance to design problems, which causes to increase the development and maintenance efforts. The existing automated systems to select the design patterns need either high computing effort and time for the formal specification or precise learning through the training of several classifiers with large sample size to select the right design patterns realized on the base of their ground reality. In order to discuss this issue, we propose a method on the base of a supervised learning technique named ‘Learning to Rank’, to rank the design patterns via the text relevancy with the description of the given design problems. Subsequently, we also propose an evaluation model to assess the effectiveness of the proposed method. We evaluate the efficacy of the proposed method in the context of several design pattern collections and relevant design problems. The promising experimental results indicate the applicability of the proposed method as a recommendation system to select the right design pattern(s).

Efficient routing for corona based underwater wireless sensor networks

July 2019


395 Reads


22 Citations


The imbalance energy consumption and high data traffic at intermediate nodes degrade the network performance. In this paper, we propose: energy grade and balance load distribution (EGBLOAD) corona, EG without corona and DA without corona based schemes to distribute data traffic across the network nodes for efficient energy consumption. The dynamic adjustment of transmission range in first scheme helps in reducing data load. Additionally, the transmission range is purely based on distance, energy and data load of the receiver node for achieving maximum network lifetime. Second scheme divides a data packet into three fractions; small, medium and large for transmitting from various paths to evenly distribute the data load on the network nodes. In third scheme, depth adjustment of void node is performed to resume network operations, whereas, the load distribution and transmission range mechanisms are the same. The extensive simulations are carried out to show the effectiveness of proposed schemes in terms of PDR, energy consumption, and load distribution against the baseline scheme.

Fig. 1 a QQ­Plot for developers ratings (including duplicate values). b QQ­Plot for developers ratings (excluding duplicate values) 
PDF for Weibull distribution of developer’s ranking
Knowledge based quality analysis of crowdsourced software development platforms

June 2019


86 Reads


3 Citations

Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory

As an emerging and promising approach, crowdsourcing-based software development has become popular in many domains due to the participation of talented pool of developers in the contests, and to promote the ability of requesters (or customers) to choose the ‘wining’ solution with respect to their desired quality levels. However, due to lack of a central mechanism for team formation, continuity in the developer’s work on consecutive tasks and risk of noise in submissions of a contest, there is a gap between the requesters of a domain and their quality concerns related to the adaptation of a crowdsourcing-based software development platform. In order to address concerns and aid requesters, we describe three measures; Quality of Registrant Developers (QRD), Quality of Contest (QC) and Quality of Support (QS) to compute and predict the quality of a crowdsourcing-based platform through historical information on its completed tasks. We evaluate the capacity of the QRD, QC and QS as assessors to predict the quality. Subsequently, we implement a crawler to mine the information of completed development tasks from the TopCoder platform to inspect the proposed measures. The promising results of our QRD, QC, and QS measures suggest to use the proposed measures to the requesters and researchers of other domains such as pharmaceutical research and development, in order to investigate and predict the quality of crowdsourcing-based software development platforms.

A priority-induced demand side management system to mitigate rebound peaks using multiple knapsack

April 2019


277 Reads


70 Citations

Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing

Demand side management (DSM) in smart grid authorizes consumers to make informed decisions regarding their energy consumption pattern and helps the utility in reducing the peak load demand during an energy stress time. This results in reduced carbon emission, consumer electricity cost, and increased grid sustainability. Most of the existing DSM techniques ignore priority defined by consumers. In this paper, we present priority-induced DSM strategy based on the load shifting tech-nique considering various energy cycles of an appliance. The day-ahead load shifting technique proposed is mathematically formulated and mapped to multiple knapsack problem to mitigate the rebound peaks. The autonomous energy management controller proposed embeds three meta-heuristic optimization techniques; genetic algorithm, enhanced differential evolu-tion, and binary particle swarm optimization along with optimal stopping rule, which is used for solving the load shifting problem. Simulations are carried out using three different appliances and the results validate that the proposed DSM strategy successfully shifts the appliance operations to off-peak time slots, which consequently leads to substantial electricity cost savings in reasonable waiting time, and also helps in reducing the peak load demand from the smart grid. In addition, we calculate the feasible regions to show the relationship between cost, energy consumption, and delay. A priority-induced demand side management system to mitigate rebound peaks using multiple knapsack. Available from: [accessed Mar 26 2018].

Figure 1. Cloud services.
Table 1 . Related work.
Figure 2. Types of clouds.
Figure 3. Leadership hierarchy of wolves.
An Enhanced Multi-Objective Gray Wolf Optimization for Virtual Machine Placement in Cloud Data Centers

February 2019


509 Reads


57 Citations


Cloud computing offers various services. Numerous cloud data centers are used to provide these services to the users in the whole world. A cloud data center is a house of physical machines (PMs). Millions of virtual machines (VMs) are used to minimize the utilization rate of PMs. There is a chance of unbalanced network due to the rapid growth of Internet services. An intelligent mechanism is required to efficiently balance the network. Multiple techniques are used to solve the aforementioned issues optimally. VM placement is a great challenge for cloud service providers to fulfill the user requirements. In this paper, an enhanced levy based multi-objective gray wolf optimization (LMOGWO) algorithm is proposed to solve the VM placement problem efficiently. An archive is used to store and retrieve true Pareto front. A grid mechanism is used to improve the non-dominated VMs in the archive. A mechanism is also used for the maintenance of an archive. The proposed algorithm mimics the leadership and hunting behavior of gray wolves (GWs) in multi-objective search space. The proposed algorithm was tested on nine well-known bi-objective and tri-objective benchmark functions to verify the compatibility of the work done. LMOGWO was then compared with simple multi-objective gray wolf optimization (MOGWO) and multi-objective particle swarm optimization (MOPSO). Two scenarios were considered for simulations to check the adaptivity of the proposed algorithm. The proposed LMOGWO outperformed MOGWO and MOPSO for University of Florida 1 (UF1), UF5, UF7 and UF8 for Scenario 1. However, MOGWO and MOPSO performed better than LMOGWO for UF2. For Scenario 2, LMOGWO outperformed the other two algorithms for UF5, UF8 and UF9. However, MOGWO performed well for UF2 and UF4. The results of MOPSO were also better than the proposed algorithm for UF4. Moreover, the PM utilization rate (%) was minimized by 30% with LMOGWO, 11% with MOGWO and 10% with MOPSO.

Deep Long Short-Term Memory: A New Price and Load Forecasting Scheme for Big Data in Smart Cities

February 2019


468 Reads


146 Citations


This paper focuses on analytics of an extremely large dataset of smart grid electricity price and load, which is difficult to process with conventional computational models. These data are known as energy big data. The analysis of big data divulges the deeper insights that help experts in the improvement of smart grid’s (SG) operations. Processing and extracting of meaningful information from data is a challenging task. Electricity load and price are the most influential factors in the electricity market. For improving reliability, control and management of electricity market operations, an exact estimate of the day ahead load is a substantial requirement. Energy market trade is based on price. Accurate price forecast enables energy market participants to make effective and most profitable bidding strategies. This paper proposes a deep learning-based model for the forecast of price and demand for big data using Deep Long Short-Term Memory (DLSTM). Due to the adaptive and automatic feature learning mechanism of Deep Neural Network (DNN), the processing of big data is easier with LSTM as compared to the purely data-driven methods. The proposed model was evaluated using well-known real electricity markets’ data. In this study, day and week ahead forecasting experiments were conducted for all months. Forecast performance was assessed using Mean Absolute Error (MAE) and Normalized Root Mean Square Error (NRMSE). The proposed Deep LSTM (DLSTM) method was compared to traditional Artificial Neural Network (ANN) time series forecasting methods, i.e., Nonlinear Autoregressive network with Exogenous variables (NARX) and Extreme Learning Machine (ELM). DLSTM outperformed the compared forecasting methods in terms of accuracy. Experimental results prove the efficiency of the proposed method for electricity price and load forecasting.

Citations (37)

... Stemming is performed using an inflectional approach, derivational approach or both of them. Most of the existing stemmers use an inflectional approach, which involves removing common suffixes from the words [5,11,12,14,15,[31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39]. The inflectional approach generates various inflections of a word, considering linguistic anomalies like plural, gender, and case [12, 14-17, 34, 40, 41]. ...


Effective Stemmers Using Trie Data Structure for Enhanced Processing of Gujarati Text
Building a Multilevel Inflection Handling Stemmer to Improve Search Effectiveness for Urdu Language

IEEE Access

... Li et al. [19] proposed the "Energy-Efficient Computation Offloading and Resource Allocation (ECORA)" techniques to reduce the overall cost of the system. Authors in [20,21,22] proposed suitable resource allocation techniques for residential buildings, consumers' power requests, and time-sensitive IoT-fog applications in a fog computing environment, respectively. ...

Efficient resource allocation for consumers' power requests in cloud-fog-based system
  • Citing Article
  • January 2019

International Journal of Web and Grid Services

... Fortunately, some problems are already known to arise recurrently during software development. To solve these known problems, developers use design patterns that are proven solutions designed by other developers from their experiences [Hussain et al. 2019]. ...

A methodology to rank the design patterns on the base of text relevancy

Soft Computing

... For the simulation of the proposed algorithm, a CloudSim simulator is used. We have evaluated and compared the performance of the proposed resource allocation algorithm with the metaheuristic algorithm like ant colony optimization (ACO) [11], particle swarm optimization (PSO) [12], cuckoo search [13], modified gray wolf optimization (MGWO) [14]. The proposed algorithm resolves the following issues by migrating the virtual machines: ...

An Enhanced Multi-Objective Gray Wolf Optimization for Virtual Machine Placement in Cloud Data Centers


... LSTM networks are designed to avoid the problem of long-term dependencies and forecast long-term and short-term time series with small errors (Santra and Lin, 2019). Another important characteristic of LSTM is being adaptive and automatic in learning which helps with the easy processing of big data (Mujeeb et al., 2019). In a study, a dual-stage attention-based LSTM network is proposed for short-term zonal load probabilistic forecasting, highlighting the significance of feature selection and weather conditions, while demonstrating superior accuracy and generalization compared to existing forecasting models (Lin et al., 2022). ...

Deep Long Short-Term Memory: A New Price and Load Forecasting Scheme for Big Data in Smart Cities


... By employing the splitting method, the model's generalization capabilities can be assessed, preventing overfitting and enabling unbiased evaluation of its predictive accuracy. In 2019, a study undertaken by Zahid et al proposed two models for electricity load and price prediction, aiming to enhance the forecast accuracy [22]. These models employed a hybrid feature selection technique, utilising Recursive Feature Elimination (RFE) to reduce data redundancy and dimensionality. ...

Electricity Price and Load Forecasting using Enhanced Convolutional Neural Network and Enhanced Support Vector Regression in Smart Grids


... In their study, the authors of [14] use a Game Theorybased TVR model for on-peak and shoulder-peak hour pricing [14]. Of note, the authors find that shifting load to off-peak hours from peak hours may cause "rebound peaks" whereby consumers subject to the same pricing mechanism increase the demand on the grid disproportionately following the peak pricing [14]. ...

Enhanced Time-of-Use Electricity Price Rate Using Game Theory


... Efficient energy management is define as it is a process of monitoring, controlling, conserving energy, collecting data, and metering energy consumption data [17,18]. In efficient energy management system, load forecasting is divided into three types; short term load forecasting, medium term load forecasting, and long term forecasting [19,20,21,22,23,24,25]. In price forecasting, prediction of on spot price and onwards further prices based on their daily consumption. ...

Game Theoretical Demand Response Management and Short-Term Load Forecasting by Knowledge Based Systems on the basis of Priority Index


... This dual capability allows PSO to extensively investigate the solution space at the beginning of the run, identifying promising regions, and then gradually shift toward more refined local search as the optimization progresses. A VM placement problem based on the PSO algorithm could optimally and rapidly converge on VM mapping [32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39]. ...

Virtual Machine Placement via Bin Packing in Cloud Data Centers
