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Publications (11)

A kis téliaraszoló (Operophtera brumata L.) aktivitásának modellezése abiotikus paraméterekkel
  • Article
  • Full-text available

April 2013


194 Reads


1 Citation

Journal of Agricultural Informatics

Zsuzsanna Kúti






Magyar Agrárinformatikai Szövetség

In this paper the Hungarian light trap data (1973-93) of Operophtera brumata, L., an important pest in forestry and horticulture are analysed. The life cycle of the Lepidoptera is introduced and the activity of the pests is estimated. We prove that the gradation of the pests has the same periodicity as sunspot cycle has, the gradation peak as feedback is delayed by about two years. The population dynamics of the pest is defined also by climatic parameters. The most effective climatic parameters in this time slice were the sum of precipitation in June and the sum of sunny hours in October. The model is analysed, the model diagnostics is given and an outlook is described on the planned future research, development and application.


Compilation of 3D soil texture dataset applying indicator kriging method, integrating soil- and agrogeological databases

June 2012


85 Reads


1 Citation

Journal of Agricultural Informatics

In the frame of the WateRisk Project (2009-2011) hydrological model has been developed for flood risk analysis, demanding the spatial distribution of soil physical properties. 3D, regional scale, spatial datasets were elaborated for pilots, based on the thematic harmonization, horizontal and vertical fitting and interpolation of soil physical parameters originating from two different databases. The profile dataset of the Digital Kreybig Soil Information System is owned by the Research Institute for Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry; the Shallow Boring Database is managed by the Hungarian Geological Institute. The resultant databases describe the physical properties by texture classes of each of the soil layers (10 cm steps till 1 m depth) and geological formations (50 cm steps below 1 m) down to the ground water table depth.

Figure 1. Snapshots of processes involved in identification of some savanna plant species in Nigeria using an earlier version of Leasys system (AbdulRahaman et al., 2010)  
Figure 2. Leasys Icon The application starts up by loading a splash screen (Figure 3). It is noticeable that during the startup, the application takes a while before coming up. The application first checks the source of all the leaves and all their references.
Figure 3. Leasys 1.1 splash screen  
Figure 11. Leasys quick search highlighted on Leasys main page  
Figure 12. Leasys Quick Search Following the normal left to right direction, one can start by entering the supposed scientific name in the text area. Leasys automatically searches the database and retrieve the results as shown in Figure 12. The right hand part of the module displays two operations namely the Print button which allow you to prints the details of the currently selected plant, but the Print All button prints the selected result Scope.  
Ayotunde:Animproved versionofLeasys:anintelligentplantidentificationsystem An improved version of Leasys: an intelligent plant identification system

January 2012


109 Reads


1 Citation

In an attempt to make identification of plants easy and less cumbersome, computer-based software called Leasys was developed. It is a computerized version of a field key prepared for on-the-spot identification of savanna tree species in Nigeria. Leasys 1.1 is an improved version of the earlier version developed by the same authors. The current version is more expansive than the first version and thus has more features which make identification process faster and easier. Incorporated in Leasys 1.1 are some other features that make it more robust, flexible and versatile. These features include Leasys Property Registration which makes identification of a plant along two selection paths possible, Leasys Plant Management which inserts, updates and deletes plant data from the database, Leasys Deduction System whicht enables the user identify a plant by inputting a leaf feature and Leasys Quick Search which brings about fast identification of plant without going through the step by step process of identification. It is also possible to print one or all results generated. Leasys has a database on two hundred (200) different savanna trees. The system has the potential and capacity to accommodate very large number of species and very large number of taxonomic characters. With the implementation of a specialized algorithm based on the SQL OLEDB engine, AND operator professional reporting system, impressive nature GUI's network compatibility and an enhanced interaction level, Leasys has the great potengtial for progressive upgrading.

Figure 1. Past GHG emissions in CO2 eq. from Agriculture in % of base years 0
Impact Assessment Of Mitigation Strategies In The Hungarian Agriculture

November 2011


38 Reads


2 Citations

Journal of Agricultural Informatics

In this paper we assess the domestic mitigation options to mitigate emissions from the agriculture with special regards to potential renewable utilization based on a UNFCCC assessment's results. We show that the condition of sustainable long-term production is the establishment and introduction of low-emission production processes.

A description of the @RISK program through a case study of a pig farm investment

November 2011


46 Reads

Journal of Agricultural Informatics

The @RISK risk analyser program supports the decision makers when the probability of an incident is not known. The risk analyser program is such an IT tool, which determines the probability of the future events in the past and present informations knowledge by a simulation measure. In our study we used the @RISK 4.5 Industrial version program and we performed the risk analysis through four major steps. We represent the simulation results of the risk analysis of an enlargement investment in a pig farm through graphic illustrations. We analysed the influence of the determinants for the external investment’s risk. We established that the probability of the refund of this investment in all indexes is less than 50 percent. The implementation of the investment rests on the willingness of the decision maker to take risk. In our study it was realized that in the course of a conventional investment-economic analysis we can know only the expected value of the indexes, but with this risk analyser program we can get also estimations for the probability of occurrence, distribution and confidence interval of the indexes.

Figure 1 . The production chains and processes map (Source: ImpAQ: The Agriculture Matrix, 2010) 
Figure 5. Web portal of the ImpAQ project (Source: ImpAQ Web portal) 
Figure 6. The MATRIX of the ImpAQ (Source: ImpAQ Web portal) 
ICT Tools for Implementation the European Qualification Framework in the Agricultural Sector

November 2011


278 Reads


7 Citations

Journal of Agricultural Informatics

The development of the European Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning (EQF) commenced in 2004 in response to requests from Member States, the social partners and other stakeholders for a common reference tool to increase the transparency of qualifications. Although Qualifications within the Agricultural sector in Europe share a common base, each country represents significant geographical differences that result in variable Learning Outcomes. The ImpAQ project (Implement Agriculture Qualification) recognizes the importance of researching different national qualifications in order to contribute to the comparative analysis at national and European level. The ImpAQ aims to compare the Qualifications related to the Agricultural sector, by identifying and analyzing the main issues to be addressed with the purpose of connecting them to the EQF and focusing on the best resolving approaches following the "best fit" criterion. Within the ImpAQ project the consortium developed and applied ICT tools for collecting information from countries of consortium members to build Inventory Database of Agricultural Qualifications and Agricultural Matrix. The matrix cells contain that which qualification entitle for job in the product/process. The Inventory Database and the Agricultural Matrix is used for comparison qualifications. In our article we describe the concept and ICT tools which was used in the project for filling the matrix and uploading information of Hungarian qualifications into the database.

How barley growing conditions and its output change in Hungary

March 2011


25 Reads

Journal of Agricultural Informatics

There is no doubt that climate change has started. It is very important to make effort in developing impact analyses and adaptation strategies. First we were investigated how the production risk of winter barley is changing with time using the E,V efficiency criterion. Based on the regional yearly production data of the crop, we can conclude that beside other non-climatic effects, the changing climate has considerable impact on crops yield; its variability is increasing with the variability of meteorological parameters. We have used production data from 1951 to nowadays. Next, using comparison analyses for climate scenarios, we predict what we can expect in the future. For detecting the reasons of risk increase in the past, and forecasting the potential main points of future risk we have analysed statistically whether the climate needs of winter barley will be satisfied or not in its important periods of growing. Frequency calculations were made based on the daily meteorological data. The situation doesn't show big change, but It is no doubt that the anomalies of the indicators have been becoming more and more frequent. The more frequent the extreme weather events are, the more we can be convinced of uncertainty.

A szőlő-és gyümölcsös-ültetvények teljes körű felmérése és megújúló statisztikája

March 2011


12 Reads

Journal of Agricultural Informatics

The Central Statistical Office made a grape and orchard survey from 1 June 2001 to 15. October based on the 2000. year CXLIII. Law. In the results of the survey we have data from near 300 thousand plantation, namely grape and/or orchard producer farm, household. The data's from the survey in addition the survey's map information and the requirement the data management development lead to create a new (not used before in Hungarian statistic) data management application.

Figure 1. Far m management, the “rich picture” (Sörensen et al ., 2010) 
Figure 2. The factors influencing the adoption of new software (Alvarez and Nuthall, 2006) Based on the above and what has been said prior to this, for those farmers who are open to learning and have no gap in their knowledge in regard to the applications (i.e. shares the opinion of the developers about the given system) and clearly take advantage of the use of the given application a straight path leads to IT use. 
Information flow in agriculture–through new channels for improved effectiveness

January 2010


3,054 Reads


47 Citations

Journal of Agricultural Informatics

Agriculture has undergone significant changes since the industrial revolution. The industrial age and the market economy have moulded agriculture in their image just as much as the characteristics and tools of the information age have recently been transforming its previous operation. Information and communication technology (ICT) take-up in agriculture remains low, and the reasons behind this barely changed in the last 20-30 years. Information technologies are regarded as mediating channels and a vehicle for new services. It is important to research the various aspects of adoption of new information technology, and also not only the use, but the "effective use" of it (Gurstein, 2003). Information-intensive agriculture is fundamentally determined by information, knowledge and the decision-making farmers, in effect the human factor; therefore, studies aimed at the improvement of the situation of agriculture with ICT tools must be centred on the human element.

Figure 1. Figure Caption
Figure 3-4. shows the significant role of sports in our health. 25% of respondents fall ill out of those who are not engaged in sports activities.
Figure 3. Relation of diseases and sports Source: Authors' own research
represents willingness to do exercises by sex. Unfortunately women move less, as merely 50% of female respondents pursue physical activities daily or weekly. This is not surprising, as much
Examining life quality in Hajdúszoboszló Tourist Area, with a special focus on health conditions

137 Reads


6 Citations

The present study discusses the partial results of a more comprehensive research and its front line goal is to identify the factors which affect the quality of life. It also attempts to explore the interrelationship of health tourism and the quality of life. Our study merely focuses on the analysis and the introduction of factors that determine health condition. Good health in itself is not enough, qualitative life requires physical-psychological well-being as well. Years lost from lives due to poor health and early death result not only in human but economic losses as well; so it is highly recommended to dedicate time, money and energy to its investigation.

Citations (6)

... However, to protect water resources (surface or subsurface), it is vital to gain a better and quantified knowledge of the exchange processes, pathways between surface and subsurface waters [12], and the drivers of these (e.g., meteorology, anthropogenic activity, etc.) [13,14]. It is well known that the short term (from diurnal to weekly) changes in the groundwater table are adversely influenced by local meteorological conditions in addition to hydrogeological circumstances [7,15,16]. The magnitude of the effects of these phenomena is multiplied in the case of extremities such as extreme rainfall, floods [17], or groundwater droughts [15]. ...


Drivers of Daily Water Level Fluctuation of Shallow Groundwater in the Inner Delta of the River Danube
Impact Assessment Of Mitigation Strategies In The Hungarian Agriculture

Journal of Agricultural Informatics

... Így az információs rendszerek fejlesztése és bevezetése a versenyképesség fokozása szempontjából is elengedhetetlen a húsipari vállalkozásoknál. A vertikum szereplői csak megfelelő információk ismeretében tudnak jó gazdasági döntéseket hozni, reagálni a piac változásaira (Herdon et al., 2011;Hotváth, 2014). ...

ICT Tools for Implementation the European Qualification Framework in the Agricultural Sector

Journal of Agricultural Informatics

... al. 2009). Így a rekreációs tevékenységek által összességében az életminőségük pozitív változását is tapasztalhatnánk (Sőrés et al. 2012). A szabadidős tevékenységek között a fogyatékossággal élő személyek esetében is hasonló tendenciát igazoltak a kutatások, azaz leginkább a passzív szabadidőeltöltési formák dominálnak és a sportolás bár jelen van a rekreációjukban, de kevés a szabadidősportot űzők aránya ( Ezek a tanulmányok arra hívják fel a figyelmet, hogy még mindig kevés a fogyatékossággal élő személyek számára elérhető szabadidős infrastruktúra. ...

Examining life quality in Hajdúszoboszló Tourist Area, with a special focus on health conditions

... A soil database developed by [22] was used to define the model parameters for the saturated and unsaturated zones. Other important model parameters (Manning roughness coefficient of the river bed, storage coefficient of the surface inundation module, leaf area index (LAI) and root zone depth for the vegetation type, etc.) were set according to relevant literature [23,24]. ...

Compilation of 3D soil texture dataset applying indicator kriging method, integrating soil- and agrogeological databases

Journal of Agricultural Informatics

... Species-level differences may also exist in this respect. For example, in the case of the polyphagous species O. brumata, which was common in the sample collections, the results of light trap collections in Hungary showed a strong relationship between the gradient of individuals of the species and the sum of the amount of rainfall in June and the number of hours of sunshine in October [Kúti et al. 2010]. ...

A kis téliaraszoló (Operophtera brumata L.) aktivitásának modellezése abiotikus paraméterekkel

Journal of Agricultural Informatics

... Farm management software and web apps are preferred over paper-based recordkeeping due to their seamless database integration and user-friendly interfaces, enhancing record accessibility efficiency. As agriculture undergoes digital transformation, farmers are faced with the task of collecting and analyzing data from diverse sources and devices to boost production and operational efficiency (Csótó, 2010). Managing the vast and interconnected dataset generated in modern farming necessitates robust database integration. ...

Information flow in agriculture–through new channels for improved effectiveness

Journal of Agricultural Informatics