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Publications (6)

Surat Keterangan Notaris Dalam Konteks Labeling Cover Note
  • Article
  • Full-text available

July 2023


250 Reads


1 Citation

Jurnal Magister Hukum Udayana (Udayana Master Law Journal)

Made Gde Subha Karma Resen

The purpose of this writing is to find out the substance that can be applied to a Notary’s statement and the reason for a Notary’s statement being labeled as a cover note. This study uses normative research methods with the problem of voidness in norms with statutory, conceptual, and analytical approaches. The sources of legal materials used consist of primary legal materials that come from laws and regulations related to legal issues, secondary legal materials obtained from journals, expert views and the results of previous research as well as tertiary legal materials obtained from legal dictionaries and language dictionaries which are described qualitatively. The results of the research show that the substance that can be applied to a Notary’s statement is a statement that explains the facts about events that actually happened and not as a guarantee for something. A notary statement with cover note label is a term used in practice that has been going on continuously. The cover note labeling describes the condition of the notary's statement containing the substance of protecting, guaranteeing and promising. This substance has the potential to cause legal problems for notaries and consequences for civil law liability, administrative law, and criminal law. Tujuan penulisan ini yaitu untuk mengetahui substansi yang dapat diterapkan pada surat keterangan notaris dan penyebab surat keterangan notaris yang dilabeling Cover Note menimbulkan permasalahan hukum. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian normatif dengan adanya permasalahan kekosongan norma dengan jenis pendekatan perundang-undangan, konseptual dan pendekatan analisis. Sumber bahan hukum yang digunakan terdiri dari bahan hukum primer yakni peraturan perundang-undangan yang berkaitan dengan isu hukum, bahan hukum sekunder yang didapatkan dari jurnal, pandangan ahli maupun hasil penelitian terdahulu dan bahan hukum tersier dididapatkan dari kamus hukum maupun kamus bahasa yang diuraikan secara kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa substansi yang dapat diterapkan pada surat keterangan adalah pernyataan yang menerangkan fakta terhadap peristiwa yang benar terjadi menyangkut kewajiban dan kewenangannya, serta bukan sebagai jaminan/penanggungan terhadap sesuatu. Surat keterangan notaris yang dilabeling covernote merupakan istilah dalam praktek yang telah berlangsung terus menerus. Labeling covernote tersebut menggambarkan keadaan surat keterangan notaris mengandung substansi melindungi, menjamin dan menjanjikan. Substansi ini berpotensi menimbulkan permasalahan hukum bagi notaris dan berkonsekuensi pertanggungjawaban perdata, administratif, dan pidana.



July 2023


26 Reads


Intellectual property rights (IPR) pertain to property rights derived from human intellectual capabilities, encompassing various forms of talent displayed in technology, science, art, and literature. Adequate legal protection is essential for intellectual works to nurture societal creativity and ensure successful safeguarding of intellectual property rights. This study aims to assess the legal protection of intellectual property rights against PT Mottoledo Fen Lie Agen as a patent infringer. This study employs a normative legal study approach, focusing on the positive legal norms governing the protection of intellectual property rights against PT Mottoledo Fen Lie Agent's patent infringement. The study identifies the substantive requirements for patentability of an invention, namely: novelty, inventive steps, and industrial applicability, as specified in Articles 2-5 of the Patent Law. Concerning copyrighted books and similar works, the protection system discussed earlier adopts an automatic approach. This means that creators do not need to undergo a registration process to obtain legal protection; protection automatically exists from the moment the copyrighted work is created as a tangible expression, such as a copyrighted book, etc.

Pembuktian Harta Bersama Dalam Perceraian Perkawinan Campuran Tanpa Perjanjian Kawin di Indonesia

December 2021


110 Reads


5 Citations

Acta Comitas

The purpose of this research is to to find out and examine the position of Shared Property and the system of proof of joint property in the divorce of mixed marriage without marriage agreement This research uses normative legal methods and uses the approach of Legislation (The Statue Approach) and the approach of fact (The Fact Approach). The position of joint property in mixed marriage based on the Law in Indonesia is stipulated in Article 35 paragraph (1) of the Marriage Law stipulated that "the property obtained during the marriage is to be a joint property". The system of proof of joint property in a mixed marriage divorce without a marriage agreement is the person who sues the property together in case of divorce, he must prove that the property is a joint property. although the law does not govern the proof of joint property but the judge can decide the case based on his conviction (The Rechtsvinding School). Abstrak Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui dan memahami Kedudukan Harta bersama serta sistem pembuktian harta bersama dalam perceraian perkawinan campuran tanpa perjanjian kawin Penelitian ini menggunakan metode hukum normatif serta menggunakan pendekatan Perundang-Undangan (The Statue Approach) dan pendekatan fakta (The Fact Approach). Kedudukan Harta bersama dalam Perkawinan campuran berdasarkan Hukum di Indonesia diatur dalam Pasal 35 ayat (1) UU Perkawinan menentukan bahwa “harta benda yang di peroleh selama perkawian adalah menjadi harta bersama”. Sistem pembuktian harta bersama dalam perceraian perkawinan campuran tanpa perjanjian kawin yaitu orang yang menggugat harta bersama apabila terjadi percerian maka ia harus membuktikan bahwa harta tersebut merupakan harta bersama. meskipun undang-undang tidak mengatur mengenai pembuktian harta bersama tetapi hakim dapat memutuskan perkara berdasarkan keyakinannya (Aliran Rechtsvinding).

Pemberlakuan Asli Lembar Kedua Akta Pemberian Hak Tanggungan Dalam Pelaksanaan Pendaftaran Hak Tanggungan Secara Elektronik

June 2021


4 Reads

Acta Comitas

The research objective is to study and analyze the HT-el registration mechanism and the enforcement of the authentic second sheet of APHT that was registered electronically in terms of Constitution 4/1996. The research method used is normative legal research, with an statutes approach, analytical approach and conseptual approach. The results showed that before the enactment of Ministerial Regulation ATR/KBPN 5/2020, registration of mortgage rights was carried out manually by visiting the Land Office according to the provisions in Article 13 and Article 14 Constitution 4/1996 but after the enactment of Ministerial Regulation ATR / KBPN 5/2020 registration of rights Dependency is carried out using an electronic system; and the original storage of the second sheet of APHT cannot be enforced because the Mortgage Rights Law is still valid and does not give delegation authority to Ministerial Regulation ATR / KBPN 7/2019 to enforce the original storage of the second sheet of APHT at the PPAT Office as a document. Abstrak Tujuan penelitian untuk mengkaji dan menganalisa mekanisme pendaftaran HT-el dan pemberlakuan terhadap asli lembar kedua APHT yang didaftarkan secara elektronik ditinjau dari UU 4/1996. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yakni metode penelitian hukum normatif dengan pendekatan Peraturan Perundang-Undangan, pendekatan Analisis dan pendekatan Konsep. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa sebelum berlakunya Permen ATR/KBPN 5/2020 pendaftaran Hak Tanggungan dilakukan secara manual dengan mendatangi Kantor Pertanahan sebagaimana ketentuan yang ada dalam Pasal 13 dan Pasal 14 UU 4/1996 namun setelah berlakunya Permen ATR/KBPN 5/2020 pendaftaran Hak Tanggungan dilakukan dengan sistem elektronik; dan penyimpanan asli lembar kedua APHT belum dapat diberlakukan karena UU 4/1996 masih berlaku dan tidak memberikan kewenangan delegasi pada Permen ATR/KBPN 7/2019 untuk memberlakukan penyimpanan asli lembar kedua APHT sebagai warkah di Kantor PPAT.

Harmonisasi Kewenangan Pembuatan Risalah Lelang Antara Notaris Dengan Pejabat Lelang

March 2021


25 Reads


2 Citations

Acta Comitas

This journal’s purpose is to understand the harmonization of authority arrangements for making auction minutes and to find out the evidentiary strength of auction minutes. This research uses normative legal research with an approach to the concept of law and legislation. Based on the lex special derogate legi generale principle, the authority to prepare auction minutes is based on Staatsblad No. 189 which was promulgated in 1908 concerning Vendu Reglement / VR (hereinafter referred to as Tender Regulations) which regulate the authority to make Minutes of Auction rests with the Auction Officer not the Notary Public. Although a Notary Public can be appointed as Class II Auction Officer according to Article 7 the Vendue Intructie in Indonesian is called an auction instruction Jo. Regulation of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia Number 175 / PMK.06 / 2010 concerning Class II Auction Officers (hereinafter referred to as PMK Class II Auction Officers), however this authority is given the capacity of a Notary as Class II Auction Officer and not the capacity as a Notary. The power of proof of the auction minutes according to Article 1868 of the Criminal Code, the minutes of auction fulfilling the three elements of the deed must be made by a General Official, the deed is determined by law and the General Official who makes it must be authorized to make the deed so that it is said that the Minutes of Auction are authentic deeds having the power of proof that perfect. Tujuan jurnal ini yaitu untuk memahmi harmonisasi pengaturan kewenangan Pembuatan Risalah Lelang dan untuk mengetahui kekuatan pembuktian risalah lelang. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian hukum normatif dengan pendekatan konsep hukum dan perundang-undangan. Berdasarkan asas lex special derogate legi generale pengaturan kewenangan Pembuatan Risalah Lelang adalah berdasarkan Staatsblad No. 189 yang diundangkan pada tahun 1908 tentang Vendu Reglement/VR (selanjutnya disebut Peraturan Lelang) yang mengatur kewenangan membuat Risalah Lelang terdapat pada Pejabat Lelang bukan pada Notaris. Walaupun Notaris dapat diangkat sebagai Pejabat Lelang Kelas II menurut Pasal 7 Vendue Intructie dalam bahasa Indonesia disebut Intruksi lelang Jo. Peraturan Menteri Keuangan Republik Indonesia Nomor 175/PMK.06/2010 tentang Pejabat Lelang Kelas II (selanjutnya disebut PMK Pejabat Lelang Kelas II), namun wewenang itu diberikan kapasitas Notaris sebagai Pejabat Lelang Kelas II dan bukan kapasitasnya sebagai Notaris. Kekuatan pembuktian risalah lelang menurut Pasal 1868 KUHPer, Risalah lelang memenuhi ketiga unsur akta itu harus dibuat seorang Pejabat Umum, akta itu ditentukan oleh undang-undang dan Pejabat Umum yang membuat harus berwenang membuat akta tersebut sehingga dikatakan Risalah Lelang merupakan akta otentik memiliki kekuatan pembuktian yang sempurna.

Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Pihak Pemberi Pinjaman Akibat Terjadinya Gagal Bayar pada Peer to Peer Lending

December 2020


50 Reads


4 Citations

Acta Comitas

The digital world has developed very rapidly and has had a lot of influence in various sectors, one of which is the presence of information technology-based lending and borrowing services, namely Peer to Peer Lending. However, it is possible that the implementation of Peer to Peer Lending carries a risk of a legal problem, namely the default from the Loan Recipient which will harm the Lender who funds the loan application on the Operator's platform. In this regard, the next study aims to identify and analyze legal protection for lenders related to the risk of default in peer to peer lending based lending services. In addition, this study also aims to explain dispute resolution due to default in peer to peer lending. The research method used in this research is normative legal research method. Legal protection for lenders with the formation of special regulations that provide protection for Peer to Peer Lending service users, namely the Financial Services Authority Regulation Number 77 / POJK.01 / 2016 in particular Article 37 and sanctions such as fines, imprisonment, and other additional penalties given after it occurs dispute. Settlement of disputes due to default in P2PL can be carried out outside or inside the court in accordance with Article 39 paragraph (1) POJK Number 1/POJK.07 / 2013.

Citations (2)

... Proses yang ditempuh melalui jalur peradilan memakan waktu yang cukup lama, berbelit-belit, mahalnya biaya yang dikeluarkan, serta eksekusi atas putusan pengadilan cukup sulit. (Dewanthara & Resen, 2020) Pertangungjawaban hukum kreditur terhadap kegagalan bayar/wan prestasi dalam perjanjian pinjam-meminjam melalui fintech dengan menganalisis putusan NO.267/Pdt.G/2020/PN Bdg. ...


Perlindungan Hukum Bagi Penyedia Jasa Pembiayaan Berbasiskan Elektronik (Peer to peer Landing) Dalam Peraturan OJK NO.77/OJK/01/2016 Tentang Layanan Pinjam Meminjam Uang Berbasis Teknologi Informasi
Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Pihak Pemberi Pinjaman Akibat Terjadinya Gagal Bayar pada Peer to Peer Lending

Acta Comitas

... After finding the auction's winner, the Auction Officer reads the minutes of the auction in front of the sellers and buyers of the auction. (Dewi, 2021) The minutes of the auction that have been read out will be signed by all parties in front of the auction official. The Minutes of Auction is perfect evidence of the existence of an auction. ...

Harmonisasi Kewenangan Pembuatan Risalah Lelang Antara Notaris Dengan Pejabat Lelang

Acta Comitas