M.K. Sahu’s research while affiliated with Bhabha Atomic Research Centre and other places

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Publications (22)

Online imaging system for component integrity test
  • Article

January 2024

Procedia Structural Integrity

S.S. Satpute


M.K. Sahu


Suranjit Kumar




Wadnerkar A.

Fracture Studies on Through-Wall Cracked Straight Pipes and Elbows under Internal Pressure and Bending

August 2022


52 Reads


1 Citation

Experimental Techniques

In service, the piping components (pipes/elbows) are subjected to different operational loadings such as thermal stress, internal pressure, self-weight, external loading from soil movement, flow induced vibration, vortex induced vibrations and third party damage. Structural integrity assessment of these piping components under postulated accidental conditions is essential for ensuring smooth operation of power plant piping system. In order to understand crack growth behaviour of piping components under operating conditions, fracture studies were carried out on two straight pipes and three elbows of 219 mm OD having circumferential through-wall notch with internal pressure. Fracture tests on pipes were carried out under four-point bending and elbows were tested under in-plane bending. A sealing arrangement consisting of stainless steel plate as backing material and silicon rubber sheet with two-component super strength epoxy based adhesive was used to seal the through-wall notch in the pipes and elbows. The pipe and elbows specimens were filled with water through threadolets and the desired internal pressure was achieved using an automatic high-pressure hydraulic pump. The internal pressure was varied from 10 to 25 MPa. The load carrying capacity of pipes decreased by a factor 1.95 with the increase of initial notch angle from 90.5° to 152.8° under an internal pressure of 10 MPa. In the case of elbows, with an increase of internal pressure from 10 to 25 MPa, load-line displacement corresponding to maximum load increased by 41.1%. Ovalization (intrados-extrados) in the elbows was found to be varying from 2.74% to 6.85% at the end of fracture tests. The pipe specimens have undergone initial stable crack growth followed by crack instability and crack growth deviated from the initial plane of the notch. The collapse load obtained for through-wall cracked elbows under internal pressure was found to be conservative compared to the values obtained using twice elastic slope method.

Hybrid Approach for Calculation of J-R Curve Using R6

April 2019


31 Reads


1 Citation

Engineering Fracture Mechanics

The fracture property, J-R curve is an essential material property for assessing the cracked structures for unstable ductile tearing. For obtaining this material property, fracture test is conducted and resultant test data namely load, load line displacement (LLD)and relevant crack extension data are post processed to obtain J-R curve. However, in this method, geometry functions η and γ are essential which are available for only limited geometries. To avoid this limitation, recently two approaches based on R6 failure assessment diagram were proposed. First was the load based R6 approach where load vs. crack growth data is converted to fracture property J-R curve using R6 Failure Assessment Diagram (FAD). This method was further modified to displacement based R6 approach where LLD vs. crack extension data is converted to J-R curve using R6 FAD. The predicted J-R curves were in good agreement with conventionally calculated values especially for displacement based approach. However, when these load and displacement based approaches are attempted to be used in case of throughwall cracked elbows, the predicted J-R curve deviated significantly with respect to those obtained using conventional method. On further investigation, it is found that the assumption involved in the displacement based approach is violated for cracked elbows because of severe ovalization of cross section. Hence, a modified approach is proposed in this work where both load and displacement parameter are used for calculation of J-R curves and named as hybrid approach. Further, this approach is adopted for the six through wall cracked pipes which are already investigated by load and displacement based R6 approaches for J-R curves. The predicted J-R curves are found to be in good agreement for all the investigated pipes and elbows. Hence, a simpler yet more accurate hybrid approach based on R6 method is proposed in this paper for post processing the test data to obtain, the material J-R curve.

Displacement based calculation of fracture toughness for cracked pipes using R6 method

August 2017


55 Reads


3 Citations

Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics

Determination of fracture toughness, J-R curve from experimental test results requires certain geometry factors such as η and γ. These expressions of geometry factors are available for standard geometries and loading configurations. However, these expressions are not available in open literature for complex geometries and loading configurations. R6 Failure Assessment Diagram (FAD) methodology is used for assessment of failure in the failure regime of cleavage fracture, ductile crack initiation and plastic collapse. Recently, one load based approach was proposed for calculation of fracture toughness by R6 using experimental load vs. crack extension data. On comparison with already reported J-R curves calculated using conventional η -factor approach, predicted results were showing good match for some cases while for few cases it became significantly non-conservative. In this paper, the load based approach is modified to displacement based approach and instead of load vs. crack extension data, displacement vs. crack extension data is used for calculation. The calculated fracture properties using displacement based approach show a marked improvement over results using load based approach while comparing with the conventionally calculated J-R curves. The problem of non-conservatism of predicted fracture properties by load based approach is also resolved by the proposed displacement based approach.

Fracture Studies on Carbon Steel Elbows having Part-Through Notch with and without Internal Pressure

February 2016


51 Reads


2 Citations

International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping

Elbows are one type of components widely used in various industrial applications in conventional and nuclear power generating plants, chemical processing plants and petroleum refineries. Due to the complexities of geometric structure, elbows are one of the piping components that are prone to failure in the piping system of nuclear power plants (NPPs). In service, the piping components are subjected to internal pressure in addition to bending loads, and the internal pressure is known to have significant effect on the load carrying capacity of these components. Hence, fracture studies were carried out on 406 mm diameter elbows with and without internal pressure. The investigations have shown that the location of notch plays an important role in the load carrying capacity of the elbows and their failure behaviour. The internal pressure reduced the load carrying capacity of the elbow when the notch was located at the intrados in circumferential direction and the behaviour is vice-versa when the notch was located at the intrados in an axial direction, when subjected to opening moment, in both the cases.

Table 1 : Dimensions of large-scale pipe tests
Table 2 : Dimensions of large-scale elbow tests
Figure 5. Illustration of the transferability approach plotting K r and L r values from Table 7 
Table 5 : Comparison of experimental and predicted initiation loads for pipes
Table 6 : Comparison of experimental and predicted initiation loads for elbows
Failure Assessment Diagram Assessments of Large-Scale Cracked Straight Pipes and Elbows
  • Conference Paper
  • Full-text available

August 2015


324 Reads


5 Citations

This paper reports defect assessments of experiments on large-scale straight pipes and elbows using failure assessment diagram (FAD) methods. The pipes and elbows were of various pipe diameters and contained a range of sizes of cracks sharpened by fatigue loading. Solutions in the literature for stress intensity factor and limit load have been evaluated and up-to-date solutions used as inputs to the FAD assessments. The assessed loads for crack initiation are close to those observed experimentally for straight pipes under pure bending. For elbows, the assessed loads using the FAD approach are generally lower than the experimental loads for crack initiation demonstrating conservatism in the FAD approach. The FAD assessments give confidence in the use of the modern stress intensity factor and limit load solutions for practical defect assessments. The paper indicates how constraint modifications to the FAD may be used to improve accuracy.


Citations (15)

... In later studies, numerous publications focused research on pipe elbows with cracks, subjecting them to in-plane opening or closing bending loads [24][25][26]. Some publications simultaneously combine bending moments with internal pressure to estimate the limit load of cracked elbows [27][28][29][30]. Additionally, several publications investigated exclusively circumferential part-through or through-wall cracks on elbows [30][31][32][33][34]. ...


Plastic Limit Pressure and Stress Intensity Factor for Cracked Elbow Containing Axial Semi-Elliptical Part-Through Crack
Fracture Studies on Through-Wall Cracked Straight Pipes and Elbows under Internal Pressure and Bending
  • Citing Article
  • August 2022

Experimental Techniques

... The compact tension and the single edge notch tension are two other test specimens recommended by the American society for testing and materials (ASTM) [4,5] and British standard institution [6]. There are numerous other specimens which have been proposed in the past to obtain the fracture toughness of materials, see for example [7][8][9][10]. ...

Displacement based calculation of fracture toughness for cracked pipes using R6 method
  • Citing Article
  • August 2017

Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics

... The Failure assessment diagram method is not limited applicable for steel walled pressured equipment problem, several non-pressurized equipment problem that was assessed using FAD method, they are, FAD use to estimate the initiating of brittle fracture at the end of structural CJP groove welded joint with defect due to post earthquake Kobe 1995 [17], failure assessment structural square hollow section with crack at T-joint [18], validation of BS7910:2005 assessment procedure for structural square hollow section with crack at T-, Yand K-Joints [19], failure assessment of cracked X and K joints of structural circular hollow section [20], study on development of deformation limit using FAD method for fatigue-cracked X-joint of structural hollow section subjected in-plane flexure [21], Extensive assessment of notched structural steel component [22], Assessment of aero-engine turbine disk beyond normal operation condition [23], an extensive failure and fatigue assessment for component subjected with rolling contact using FAD method with varies variable [24]. Non-steel walled equipment that was assessed using FAD method, they are, Failure assessment on Zr-2.5Nb alloy material pressure tube used in the Canadian Deuterium Uranium (CANDU) heavy water reactor due to delayed hydride cracking [25], failure assessment for 316H stainless steel containing creep crack [26], assessment of Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy laser welded plate containing undercut defect [27], fracture assessment of notched short glass fibre reinforced polyamide 6 (SGFR-PA6) [28], failure assessment of nuclear steam generator tubes (SGTs) made of Inconel 690 and incoloy 800 [29], extensive assessment of additively manufactured (AM) specimen containing noctes [30], strength analysis of lithium hydride ceramic subjected thermal stresses during sintering process [31]. ...

Application of failure assessment diagram methods to cracked straight pipes and elbows
  • Citing Article
  • October 2016

International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping

... Air dipompa melalui bejana dan menyerap panas, yang dilepaskan diinti reaktor selama reaksi fisi nuklir. Sementara air dijaga di bawah tekanan rendah sekitar 7 MPa, hal itu akan mendidih di inti pada sekitar Gambar 2. Sambung las pada pipa BWR[20,21]. E7018 dimana termasuk jenis basic. ...

Fracture Studies on Carbon Steel Elbows having Part-Through Notch with and without Internal Pressure
  • Citing Article
  • February 2016

International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping

... Following the original documentation [25][26][27][28][29] and the assumed position and location of the cracks (Figures 8 and 9) on the branch junction pipeline, the values of the pipeline diameter and wall thickness were taken, as indicated in the following tables for each crack. The SINTAP procedure is based on two mutually equivalent procedures for the calculation of structural integrity: -R6, which was developed by British Energy [30,31] and -ETM, which was developed by HZG (Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon) [32]. ...

Application of R6 failure assessment method to obtain fracture toughness
  • Citing Article
  • October 2015

Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics

... Crack front contains multiple nodes for the three-dimensional crack, and the J-integral varies along the crack front. The J-integral of the deepest point is evaluated here, which is also the maximum value of the J-integral [33]. The discrete form of domain integral is used to solve J-integral in ANSYS [34], as follows ...

Fracture studies of straight pipes subjected to internal pressure and bending moment
  • Citing Article
  • August 2015

International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping

... The Notch Failure Assessment Diagram (NFAD) is frequently used to study the safety and for the fracture assessment of pipelines or elbows with different types of defects [39,41,[63][64][65][66][67][68][69][70][71][72][73][74][75][76]. It depends on the fracture toughness (K C ), defect size, i.e., defect depth ratio (d/t), and the internal loading -pressure (P) [69]. ...

Failure Assessment Diagram Assessments of Large-Scale Cracked Straight Pipes and Elbows

... Some selected experimental investigations carried out in the laboratory have been explained in the following pages. These include: (1) air and corrosion fatigue investigations on steel tubular joints of offshore jacket platforms, with and without internal ring stiffeners; (2) fractures studies on large diameter pipes having through wall cracks and subjected to internal pressure -the tests require specialized sealing arrangements; (3) fracture studies on 135 mm thick steel cruciform specimens at sub-zero temperature of -70º C to simulate the brittle behaviour after exposure to certain operational conditions; (4) fracture studies on carbon steel pipes at high temperature of +300º Cthe pipes were heated at the notch location alone using special heating elements and insulation provisions; (5) ratcheting studies on stainless steel straight pipes and elbows under combined internal pressure and in-plane bending moment; (6) cyclic fracture studies on welded straight pipes; (7) Fatigue Crack Growth (FCG) studies on straight pipes and elbows; and (8) fatigue life evaluation of welded rail joints. ...

Fracture Behaviour of Cruciform Specimens under Uni-axial Bending at Room Temperature and Subzero Temperature
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • December 2008

... Maximum load, load-line displacement, rotation at the supports, and crack mouth opening displacement were monitored throughout the test. Figures 10-13 show fracture test on a 406 mm OD carbon steel pipe at elevated temperature, the temperature indicator, close-up view of the pipe with heating element covered by insulation material, and a view of the deflected shape of the pipe after fracture test [6]. ...

Fracture Studies on Carbon Steel Piping Components at Elevated Temperature
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • November 2011