MARY H. ROSS’s research while affiliated with Virginia Tech and other places

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Publications (95)

The release of sterile males into natural populations of the German cockroach
  • Article

April 2011


56 Reads


5 Citations

Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata





A pilot experiment in genetic control of the German cockroach was conducted aboard a small vessel based at Norfolk, Virginia. It utilized “sterile” ♂ ♂ (double translocation heterozygotes) whose sterility effects were due to embryonic lethality plus complete entrapment of any remaining viable embryos within the egg case. Initial infestations were reduced by insecticides prior to male release. Three releases of unmated ♂ ♂ were made at monthly intervals. Infested harborages, located in the course of insecticide application, were used as release sites. The experiment was terminated after 4 1/2 months. The results showed that released ♂ ♂ joined groups near release sites and that they competed well against wild type ♂ ♂. Apparently neither they nor ♀ ♀ ♀ ♀ with which they mated moved far from these sites. Sterility effects differed in respect to specific sites and general areas. Population growth was retarded markedly in the galley, the area of heaviest initial infestation. Terminal infestation was heaviest in the mess deck, although the highest sterility among ♀ ♀ ♀ ♀ occurred at/near the mess‐deck release site (only one mess deck‐infested site was found prior to initation of the experiment). It is suggested that a slight increase in the number released would have suppressed/eliminated groups inhabiting galley harborages, but that site selection was the major problem in the mess deck. Analyses of nymphal age classes and mating types among ♀ ♀ ♀ ♀ led to a hypothesis that insecticide‐induced dispersal of nymphs resulted in the infestation of many new mess‐deck harborages. Population growth was unchecked at these sites because they were too far removed from the sterile male release sites. RÉSUMÉ Le lâcher de males stériles dans des populations naturelles de Blattella germanica Une expérience pilote dans la lutte génétique contre Blattella germanica L. a été réalisée sur un petit navire encré à Norfolk, Virginie. La léthalité embryonnaire des mâles stériles utilisés (hétérozygotes à double translocation) était associée au piégeage des quelques embryons viables dans les oothèques. Les pullulations initiales avaient été réduites par des insecticides avant le lâcher des mâles. Des mâles vierges ont été lâchés à trois reprises à un mois d'intervalle. Les abris contaminés, localisés au cours des traitements insecticides, ont été utilisés comme lieux de lâcher. L'expérience s'est achevée au bout de quatre mois et demi. Les résultats montrent que les mâles introduits rejoignent les autres blattes près des lieux de libération et qu'ils ne sont pas défavorisés dans leur compétition avec les autres mâles. Ni eux, ni les femelles avec lesquelles ils se sont accouplés, ne s'éloignent apparemment de ces emplacements. Les effets de stérilisation varient en fonction des sites spécifiques et des zones plus vastes. La croissance de la population est significativement retardée dans la cuisine, zone où l'infestation initiale était la plus élevée. L'infestation finale la plus importante est dans le pont du mess, bien que la stérilité des femelles la plus élevée s'observe à (ou près) du lieu de libération au pont du mess (seulement un lieu d'infestation avait été observé sur le pont du mess avant le début de l'expérience). On pense qu'une légère augmentation de l'effectif libéré aurait supprimé (ou éliminé) les groupes occupant des abris dans la cuisine, mais que la sélection des sites était le principal problème pour le pont du mess. L'analyse des classes d'âges des larves et des catégories de femelles accouplées laisse supposer que la dispersion des larves provoquée par l'insecticide a entrainé la contamination de beaucoup de nouveaux abris dans le pont du mess. La croissance de la population n'a pas été contenue dans ces sites parce qu'ils étaient trop éloignés des lieux de lâcher des mâles stériles.

The transfer of pyrethroid resistance resulting from crosses between resistant German cockroaches and susceptible Asian cockroaches

April 2011


9 Reads


1 Citation

Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata

Crosses were made between the Asian cockroach, Blattella asahinai Mizukubo, and resistant strains of the German cockroach, B. germanica (L.), to assess the transfer of pyrethroid resistance to the progeny and to study the inheritance mechanism(s) involved. It was shown that the strain of Asian cockroaches studied was susceptible to four pyrethroids. F1 progeny were essentially susceptible to the same compounds. Tests with F2 progeny and those from backcrosses to the resistant parent indicated that the data for each pyrethroid fit an hypothesis of simple, autosomal, nearly completely recessive inheritance. The results are discussed from the standpoint of the impact of the Asian genome on the inheritance mechanism(s).

An analysis of embryonic trapping in the German cockroach

April 2011


15 Reads


7 Citations

Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata

The relationship between embryonic lethals from translocation heterozygotes and sterility from embryonic trapping in oothecae of the German cockroach has been analyzed. A modified constrained regression gives a means of predicting the expected hatch from lethality caused by high genetic loads, as in double translocation heterozygotes. Complete sterility is predicted at about 82.1% lethality. ANALYSE DU PHÉNOMÈNE “EMBRYONIC TRAPPING” OU NON ÉMERGENCE DE L'OOTHÈQUE CHEZ LES EMBRYONS DE BLATTELLA GERMANICA Ce travail analyse les rapports entre la léthalité embryonnaire provenant de translocations chez des hétérozygotes et la stérilité apparente dǔe à la non émergence des embryons de l'oothèque (= embryonic trapping). Une analyse de régression modifiée, permet de prévoir le pourcentage d'éclosions que l'on peut attendre dans le cas de léthalité causée par de lourds fardeaux génétiques, comme chez les hétérozygotes à double translocation. La stérilité complète des oothèques est à prévoir pour environ 82,1% de léthalité chez les embryons.

Response of German cockroaches to a dispersant emitted by adult females

April 2011


17 Reads


2 Citations

Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata

A bioassay technique was used to compare the response of six age/sex classes of German cockroaches, Blattella germanica (L.), to a dispersant emitted by adult females when crowded. Differences occurred among the classes in the rate, intensity, and apparently thresholds of their response. Adults, especially males, responded more strongly than nymphs. A greater repellency was associated with filter papers conditioned by non-oothecae than by oothecae bearing females, suggesting a higher emission by the former. Réaction de Blattella germanica à une substance antiagrégative émise par les femelles adultes Des papiers filtres contaminés ont été utilisés pour comparer les réponses de six catégories (âge/-sexe) de Blattella germanica à une substance antiagrégative émise par les femelles adultes groupées. Des différences apparaissent entre les catégories quant aux taux, intensité et seuils apparents des réponses. Les adultes, particulièrement les mâles, répondent plus vigoureusement que les larves. Le pouvoir répulsif des papiers filtres contitionnés par des femelles ne portant pas d'ootheque était supérieur à celui de femelles porteuses; ceci suggère une plus forte émission par les premières.

Cytological studies of Blattella germanica and Blattella asahinai. I. A possible genetic basis of interspecific divergence

February 2011


34 Reads


9 Citations

The position of the nucleolus organizing region (NOR) in Blattella asahinai differs from that in its close relative, Blattella germanica. The number and position of NORs in hybrid males from reciprocal crosses indicate that the NOR carried by the X chromosome of B. germanica corresponds to a small, paired, terminal segment on the longest chromosome (No. 12) in B. asahinai. The segment is not present in B. germanica; hybrids are heterozygous for the segment. Except for these differences and a relatively smaller size of the B. asahinai X chromosome, gross chromosome morphology is essentially identical in the two species and their hybrids. The size of the X and position of the NORs in hybrid males were as expected according to the direction of the cross. The observations are clearly indicative of a nonreciprocal translocation involving the NOR on the X chromosome of B. germanica and those on an autosome of B. asahinai. The shift involved genes fundamental to protein synthesis, i.e., rDNA (identified by association with the nucleoli). Even minor effects on these genes could bring about significant changes in an organism. It is suggested that the translocation may have been the genetic mechanism of interspecific divergence.Key words: cockroach, evolution, nucleolus, NOR chromosomes.

Cytogenetics of Blattella germanica Comparison of an insecticide-resistant and an insecticide-susceptible field strain

January 2011


29 Reads


4 Citations

Canadian Journal of Genetics and Cytology

Meiotic chromosomes of a cockroach field strain that is highly resistant to several insecticides were compared with those of a susceptible field strain. The resistant strain was characterized by extensive autosome–autosome associations. They resulted in fragmentation, deletions, and insertion or attachment of segments in novel positions. The distribution pattern of chiasma frequency was also aberrant. One individual was heterozygous for an interchange between chromosomes 6 and 12. Properties of the susceptible strain were generally similar to those described earlier from a laboratory susceptible strain, except that a terminal knob on chromosome 4 was frequently present.Key words: Blattella, cockroach, chromosome, resistance.

Chiasma frequency in male Blattella germanica (Dictyoptera; Blattellidae)

January 2011


15 Reads


6 Citations

Canadian Journal of Genetics and Cytology

Estimates of chiasma frequency and position for Blattella germanica are presented. Chiasmata occurred in terminal or subterminal positions in the majority of bivalents. Interstitial chiasmata were observed in some instances. A significant maternal age effect on chiasma frequency in the F1 generation is reported. Chiasma frequency declined in males that emerged from a female's subsequent oothecae and the variation within insects became smaller. An argument for the adaptive nature of these variations is presented. A stock heterozygous for a reciprocal translocation was examined for evidence of intra-chromosomal effects on chiasma frequency and insights on bivalent specific rates of crossing-over. It is concluded that chiasma frequency is probably not correlated with increasing chromosome length.

Cytology and genetics of a pronotal-wing trait in the German cockroach

January 2011


23 Reads


5 Citations

Canadian Journal of Genetics and Cytology

A new pronotal-win g mutant of the German cockroach, Blattella germanica (L.), has been described and studied. Morphologically, it is similar to previously described translocation proving traits (T(9, 10)Pw) in this species. Genetically it is inherited as an autosomal semidominant lethal with somewhat reduced viability especially through the males. Cytologically the trait is associated with a terminal deficiency of the ninth pair of meiotic chromosomes, and has been named Df(9)Pw. It is linked with the group VIII markers ru and st at average map distances of 3.4 and 1.5 units, respectively, thus allowing, for the first time, a positive linkage group-autosome correlation for the German cockroach. Comparative studies of the deficiency and translocation Pw traits have produced an approximation of translocation breakpoints and centromere location on autosomes 9 and 10, establishment of the relationship between the deficiency and the translocation, and a tentative assignment of specific traits to specific locations on chromosome 9. The genetic makeup of the prowing locus is also discussed.

Activity of the German Cockroach, Blattella germanica (L.) (Orthoptera: Blattellidae), at Different Microhabitats in Seminatural Conditions when Treated with Sublethal Doses of Chlorpyrifos and Permethrin

March 1998


17 Reads


17 Citations

Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology

Male adults of a mutant, or (orange body), and KNIH (Korea National Institute of Health) strains of the German cockroach, Blattella germanica (L.), were individually treated with chlorpyrifos and permethrin in sublethal doses. Local activity at different microhabitats for harborage, food, water, and other neighbor cockroaches was measured by observing visiting frequency for 4∼5 days continuously after the chemical treatment. Also long-range activity was observed by counting the number of crossing imaginary center-lines within the observation cage during the observation period. The local activity was generally decreased after the treatment of chemicals at most microhabitats. Trends of the activity observed in the control also appeared in response to the chemical treatments; local activity was the highest at harborage, and was low at the other microhabitats. The diel difference observed in the local activity, however, disappeared in the or strain by the treatment of both insecticides. Especially high values in local and long-range activity at scotophase were decreased greatly. In the KNIH strain, the local activity was less affected with chlorpyrifos. Diel difference persisted in the chlorpyrifos treatment, but disappeared in the permethrin treatment. The long-range activity was increased in the chlorpyrifos treatment in the KNIH strain.

Response of Behaviorally Resistant German Cockroaches (Dictyoptera: Blattellidae) to the Active Ingredient in a Commercial Bait

February 1998


17 Reads


16 Citations

Journal of Economic Entomology

Previous study showed that German cockroaches, Blattella germanica (L.), evolved behavioral resistance to a chlorpyrifos-based commercial bait. Feeding experiments with chorpyrifos-treated dog chow were undertaken to determine whether cockroaches avoided the active ingredient or a base ingredient. The results indicate that resistance was caused by aversion to the active ingredient.

Citations (56)

... Adult males are light brown, females are dark brown, and both have two black stripes on the pronotum (Figure 2.A). Although the wings are not used for flight, they can help when gliding from heights (Apple 1995;Ross and Mullins 1995). Female German cockroaches can produce 4-8 oothecae in a lifetime, each containing 35-48 eggs. ...


Composition and abundance of cockroaches in traditional markets of Purwokerto City, Indonesia
  • Citing Chapter
  • January 1995

... German and Asian cockroaches can interbreed and produce viable offspring, which can make identiÞcation of hybrids extremely difÞcult and also increases the concern for resistance devel-1 To whom reprint request should be addressed. 0013-8746/00/1138Ð1146$02.00/0 ᭧ 2000 Entomological Society of America opment in the Asian cockroach (Roth 1986, Ross 1992. ...

Genetic Studies of a Morphological Character That Separates Two Species of Blattella (Dictyoptera: Blattellidae)
  • Citing Article
  • July 1992

Journal of Entomological Science

... Particularly, in resistant populations of B. germanica, differences in parameters of their life history such as reproduction capacity, fertility, fecundity or longevity have been observed. Resistant individuals presented a lower number of nymphs per ootheca, a smaller size of the ootheca, a longer developmental nymphal period, a lower fecundity and/or shorter longevity compared to susceptible specimens (Cai et al. 2020;Grayson 1953;1954;Jensen et al. 2016;Perkins and Grayson 1961;Lee et al.1996;Ross 1991;Wang et al. 2004). These characteristics, which at first glance appear to be negative for resistant individuals, could be positive in terms of fitness in the presence of insecticide although induce failure of control of this pest in the field. ...

A Comparision of Reproduction and Longevity in Pyrethroid-Resistant and Susceptible German Cockroach (Blattodea: Blattellidae) Field-Collected Strains
  • Citing Article
  • October 1991

Journal of Entomological Science

... Spray insecticide liquids are commercially available as either ready-to-use or concentrated formulations; the latter are diluted on-site, mostly by water. Several types of concentrates of synthetic pesticides are used to control agricultural and urban pests [212,331,[371][372][373][374]; they commonly include emulsified concentrates (EC), nanoemulsions (oil in water-O/W; water in oil-W/O; and bi-continuous nanoemulsions [375]), wettable powders (WP), suspension concentrates (SC), flowable concentrates (FC), and micro-encapsulated concentrates (ME; SC) [376][377][378]. Stejskal et al. [377] found significant differences in bioavailability (for B. germanica) on porous and the non-porous surfaces in various micro-encapsulated preparations depending on the size of the microcapsules. ...

Comparisons Between the Response of German Cockroach Field-Collected Strains (Dictyoptera: Blattellidae) to Vapors and Contact with a Cyfluthrin Formulation
  • Citing Article
  • April 1993

Journal of Entomological Science

... There are about 3,500 known species of cockroaches globally, only thirty are considered as household pests. Among them, the German cockroach (Blattella germanica) is listed as one of the most important public health related insect pests [2], because it is highly dependent on human for survival and can transmit mechanically a number of pathogenic viruses, fungi, helminths and bacteria (with some exhibiting resistance to antibiotics) [3,4]. For nearly a half century, the worldwide occurrence of allergic respiratory morbidity, especially in childhood, has been considered to be closely related to the German cockroach infestation [5,6]. ...

The German Cockroach, Blattella germanica
  • Citing Chapter
  • January 1975

... The result of this study showed a meiotic phase in the male cockroach and found a chromosome number of 33 (16 bivalents and 1 univalent). However, early work by Cochran, et al. [13] has reported 23 to 24 chromosomes in randomly collected embryonic cells in wild type and mutant stocks of German cockroaches, with the secondary spermatocytes containing either 11 or 12 chromatin body while mitotic metacentric and diploid cells are also 23 and 24 chromosomes. Though centromeres are not usually distinguishable during meiosis but at mitosis, they are mainly metacentric. ...

Chromosome Identification in the German Cockroach: Wild-type and mutant stocks
  • Citing Article
  • March 1969

Journal of Heredity

... Linkage group VIII markers not used in the work with Glu are tightly linked with ru (Ross andKeil 1978, Ross andTanaka 1988). Therefore, the recombination estimate of Glu with ru also gives an approximation of map distances separating Glu from loci that lie close to ru, including stumpy (sty), miniature wing (min), and maxillary palp elongate (mpe). ...

Genetic variability in the German cockroach: XI. Does chromosome 9 carry remnants of a primitive gene system?
  • Citing Article
  • September 1978

Journal of Heredity

... Response behaviors of indicator species are sensitive to sublethal exposure of various toxic chemicals at low concentrations [1,7]. Response behaviors have been monitored in various taxa, including insects [8,9], crustaceans [2,10], snails [11], and fish [12][13][14]. ...

Activity of the German Cockroach, Blattella germanica (L.) (Orthoptera: Blattellidae), at Different Microhabitats in Seminatural Conditions when Treated with Sublethal Doses of Chlorpyrifos and Permethrin
  • Citing Article
  • March 1998

Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology

... Since the synthesis of cDNA copy is interr rupted in a random manner, the patterns of these ME 5''truncated copies can be regarded as unique molecc ular genetic markers in population analysis. The cluster of German cockroach ribosomal genes is localized to the X chromosome (XX are females and X0, males [23, 24]). In our view, it was principally important to quantitatively estimate the recombinaa tion level within the ribosomal gene cluster. ...

Cytological studies of Blattella germanica and Blattella asahinai. I. A possible genetic basis of interspecific divergence
  • Citing Article
  • February 2011