... Piper attenua- Kumar et al., 2016 ;Soni et al., 2020 ;Fan et al., 2023 ). In brief, compound such as crotepoxide ( Parmer et al., 1997 ;Kumar et al., 2013 ;Reddy et al., 2015Reddy et al., , 2016, cyclohexyl epoxide ( Kumar et al., 2013 ), pipoxide chlorohydrin, galbelgin, 8-hentriacontanol ( Stevenson and Williams, 1977 ;Sumathykutty and Rao, 1991 ), piperolactam D ( Desai et al., 1990 ), -Caryophyllene, -cubebene ( Sumathykutty and Rao, 1990 ;Sumathykutty et al., 1999 ), denudatin B, lancifolin D, denudatin A, wallichinin, piperenone, lancifolin C, 2-oxo-piperol B, piperkadsin A ( Reddy et al., 2015 ), cepharanone B, piperolactam A, piperolactam D, cepharadione A ( Kumar et al., 2003 ), 3] dioxol-5-yltetradecan-2-ol ( Pathak and Kumar, 2019 ), piperine, piperlonguminine, guineesine, -sitosterol, kadsurin A, kadsurin B, piperadione ( Parmar et al., 1997 ), apigenin, quercetin, luteolin, vanillic acid, rosmarinic acid, ferulic acid, protocatechuic acid ( Chandra et al., 2015 ), -cedrene, -bisabolene, -farnesene, ar-curcumene, -cadinene,farnesene, -muurolene, -elemene, linalool, aristolactam A II, cepharadione B, norcepharadione B, tetratriacontanoic acid and nerolidol ( Soni et al., 2020( Soni et al., , 2023 have been identified respectively in past. ...