M Zemba’s research while affiliated with Spitalul Universitar de Urgenţă Bucureşti and other places

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Publications (61)

Unilateral pigmentary retinopathy--a review of literature and case presentation
  • Article
  • Full-text available

January 2016


146 Reads


10 Citations

Romanian Journal of Ophthalmology

A.-C. Stamate


M. Burcea


M. Zemba

Objectives: To report a rare case of unilateral pigmentary retinopathy and describe the clinical and visual field characteristics of this particular case. Methods: We present the case of a 30-year-old male patient with a gradual loss of the visual field on his left eye (LE) for the past 10 years, with further gradual painless loss of his central visual field in the last year, and no similar symptoms in his right eye. His past medical and ocular history were unremarkable. No family history of acquired or inherited diseases was determined. Results: Based on the history, clinical findings, and visual field examination, the diagnosis of unilateral pigmentary retinopathy was established. Visual acuity and visual field in the left eye (LE) were severely affected, while in the right eye (RE), they were completely normal. Conclusions: In this case, distinct features of pigmentary retinopathy were observed only in one eye, with the fellow eye being unaffected. The diagnosis requires a long follow- up period, visual field and electrophysiological testing to rule out a delayed onset of a bilateral form of pigmentary retinopathy.


[The influence of imagery in a case of intraorbitar chistic tumor].

January 2014


6 Reads

Oftalmologia (Bucharest, Romania: 1990)

Conjunctival inclusion cyst represents a congenital or, in most cases, an acquired disorder. The most frequent cause of an acquired conjunctival cyst is the implantation of conjunctival epithelium after surgical interventions or ocular trauma. Usually, these cysts are located supero-medially, with a stationary evolution, without a progression in dimension, but in some cases can evolve into enormous translucent cysts. Histologically, they are lined by stratified, nonkeratinized, squamous epithelium and contain desquamated cellular debris, chronic inflammatory cells and mucus, when goblet cells are present. Most cysts can be treated adequately by complete excision with marsupialization of the entire epithelial lining to prevent fluid reaccumulation.

[Ocular hypertension in herpes simplex keratouveitis]

January 2014


19 Reads


1 Citation

Oftalmologia (Bucharest, Romania: 1990)

The herpes simplex virus is one of the most common pathogens in humans, who are seropositive for the virus in 90% of the cases at the adult age. It determines reccurent infections in more than a third of the population and these infections depend on the immune response of the host. Ocular infections of newborns are due to the herpes simplex virus type 2, meanwhile type 1 is found predominantly at adults; almost all ocular structures can be affected. HSV-1 in the most frequent etiologic agent in infectious anterior uveitis (with the varicelo-zosterian virus) and it is responsible for 6-10% of all cases of anterior uveitis. More than half of the keratouveitides due to HSV will develop intraocular hypertension and open-angle secondary glaucoma, during reccurences and most of them will resolve after proper control of inflammation.

[Peripheral ulcerative keratitis]

January 2014


20 Reads


9 Citations

Oftalmologia (Bucharest, Romania: 1990)

Ulcerative keratitis is frequently associated with collagen vascular diseases and presents a predilection for peripheral corneal localization, due to the distinct morphologic and immunologic features of the limbal conjunctiva, which provides access for the circulating immune complexes to the peripheral cornea via the capillary network. Deposition of immune complexes in the terminal ends of limbal vessels initiates an immune-mediated vasculitis process, with inflammatory cells and mediators involvement by alteration of the vascular permeability. Peripheral ulcerative keratitis generally correlates with exacerbations of the background autoimmune systemic disease. Associated sceritis, specially the necrotizing form, is usually observed in severe cases, which may evolve in corneal perforation and loss of vision. Although the first-line of treatment in acute phases is represented by systemic administration of corticosteroids, immunosuppressive and cytotoxic agents are necessary for the treatment of peripheral ulcerative keratitis associated with systemic diseases.

[Alternative therapeutic excision carcinoma interepitelial conjunctivitis with corneal extension].

January 2013


6 Reads

Oftalmologia (Bucharest, Romania: 1990)

Surgical treatment for conjunctival neoplasms, with wide local excision, with or without supplemental cryotherapy to the surgical margins represents the treatment of choice for this pathology. In some cases, these neoplasms can be diffuse or multifocal, with borders that are difficult to detect clinically, such that topical therapies offer a more efficient method for treating the entire ocular surface, delivering high drug concentrations at this level, with negligible systemic side effects. Beginning from the clinical case of a patient diagnosed with conjunctival intraepithelial neoplasia, we try to present other therapeutical alternatives, although in this case the therapeutical approach was the classic one.

[Ocular ischemic syndrome--a case report]

January 2013


50 Reads


3 Citations

Oftalmologia (Bucharest, Romania: 1990)

Ocular ischemic syndrome, also known as hypoperfusion/ hypotensive retinopathy or as ischemic oculopathy is a rare ocular disease determined by chronic arterial hypoperfusion through central retinal artery, posterior and anterior ciliary arteries. It is bilateral in 20% of the cases. Most often it appears due to severe occlusion of the carotid arteries (ICA, MCA>ECA), described in 1963 by Kearns and Hollenhorst. Occasionally it can be determined by the obstruction of ophtalmic artery or some arterities (Takayasu, giant cell arteritis). The risk factors are: age between 50-80 years, males (M:F = 2:1), arterial hypertension, diabetes, coronary diseases (5% of the cases develop ocular ischemic syndrome), vascular stroke, hemodialysis. The case we present is of an 63 years old man known with primary arterial hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, diabetes type 2 non insulin dependent and diagnosticated with ischemic cerebral stroke and bilateral obstruction of internal carotid arteries in march 2010, who is presenting for visual impairment in both eyes. The imaging investigations show important carotid occlusion and at the ophthalmologic evaluation there are ocular hypertension and rubeosis iridis at the right eye, optic atrophy at both eyes (complete in the right eye and partial in the left eye), with superior altitudinal visual field defect in left eye. The following diagnosis was established: Chronic ocular ischemic syndrome in both eyes with Neovascular glaucoma at the right eye, Anterior ischemic optic neuropathy at the left eye and laser panphotocoagulation at the right eye was started.

[Intelligent phaco in hard cataracts].

January 2012


30 Reads

Oftalmologia (Bucharest, Romania: 1990)

to evaluate the efficiency of new torsional phacoemulsification software (Ozil IP system) in hard nucleus cataract extraction. 45 eyes with hard senile cataract (degree III and IV) underwent phacoemulsification performed by the same surgeon, using the same technique (stop and chop). Infiniti (Alcon) platform was used, with Ozil IP software and Kelman phaco tip miniflared, 45 degrees. The nucleus was split into two and after that the first half was phacoemulsificated with IP-on (group 1) and the second half with IP-off (group 2). For every group we measured: cumulative dissipated energy (CDE), numbers of tip closure that needed manual desobstruction the amount of BSS used. The mean CDE was the same in group 1 and in group 2 (between 6.2 and 14.9). The incidence of occlusion that needed manual desobstruction was lower in group 1 (5 times) than in group 2 (13 times). Group 2 used more BSS compared to group 1. The new torsional software (IP system) significantly decreased occlusion time and balanced salt solution use over standard torsional software, particularly with denser cataracts.

Citations (13)

... This form of RP does not fit into the usual genetic variety and is hypothesized to be due to either mosaicism wherein the mutation affects only few cells or somatic mutation instead of germline mutation. The possibility of any person developing URP or asymmetric RP in such a scenario is based on whether the affected cells become retina or retinal pigment epithelium or transform into bone or muscle [7][8][9]. ...


Unilateral Retinitis pigmentosa-A review
Unilateral pigmentary retinopathy--a review of literature and case presentation

Romanian Journal of Ophthalmology

... The most accepted explanation of PUK is both the cell-mediated and humoral mediated autoimmune processes in which the reactions maybe against the corneal antigens, exogenous antigens or circulating immune complex [2,3]. When associated with underlying systemic disease, it becomes more challenging to an ophthalmologist to control PUK with necrotizing scleritis and aggressive treatment is mandatory. ...

[Peripheral ulcerative keratitis]
  • Citing Article
  • January 2014

Oftalmologia (Bucharest, Romania: 1990)

... La fundoscopia en OD muestra mejoría significativa (figura 1-b) y los hallazgos de la AFG en OD prácticamente se normalizan (figura 2-c). El síndrome de isquemia ocular (SIO), es producto de la hipoperfusión crónica a través de la arteria central de la retina y ciliares anteriores y posteriores, en relación con estenosis u oclusión de arteria carótida común o interna ipsilateral (1) . Tiene una incidencia de 7.5 casos por millón cada año, es más frecuente en hombres -2:1 -, ocurre de media a los 65 años (2) y es bilateral entre 20-26%. ...

[Ocular ischemic syndrome--a case report]
  • Citing Article
  • January 2013

Oftalmologia (Bucharest, Romania: 1990)

... These patients were found to have poor tear film quality and reduced tear production resulting from long term topical therapy. 9 Barisic et al, 10 conducted a study at Croatia involving 160 subjects including 110 patients receiving topical IOP lowering therapy and 50 controls. The study showed that OSD was much more common in patients treated for glaucoma with topical medications when compared with the control group. ...

Ocular surface in glaucoma patients with topical treatment
  • Citing Article
  • January 2011

Oftalmologia (Bucharest, Romania: 1990)

... The sensitivity of a glaucoma diagnosis in a Canadian study was estimated to be 76% [38], and similarly in the UK, it was estimated that up to as much as two-thirds of all POAG patients were undetected [39]. There might also be problems with overdiagnosis of glaucoma [40]. Earlier similar studies as the present have mostly restricted the diagnostic window to include only POAG H40.1 [41], while others also have included ocular hypertension (OHT), i.e. ...

[Overdiagnosis in glaucoma--a real problem?]
  • Citing Article
  • February 2008

Oftalmologia (Bucharest, Romania: 1990)

... 4,5 Angiofibromas of the eye-lids, colobomas, hamartomas of the iris and ciliary epithelium, cataracts, retinal angiomas, persistent pupillary membranes, papilledema, band-shaped keratitis, and pigmentary retinopathy have also been reported in TSC. [6][7][8][9][10] To the authors' knowledge, this is the first study comparing the prevalence of refractive errors and strabismus in children with TSC and control subjects of similar age and socioeconomic background. The authors documented that the total prevalence of any ocular finding or refractive error and the prevalence of hypermetropia were significantly higher in patients with TSC, whereas the prevalence of astigmatism, myopia, anisometropia, strabismus, and additional ocular findings was similar. ...

[Pupillary membrane persistence, Bourneville's disease and pigmentary retinopathy]
  • Citing Article
  • October 1996

Oftalmologia (Bucharest, Romania: 1990)

... Но, к сожалению НГ является одной из самых трудно диагностируемых нозологических форм открытоугольной глаукомы и как показал ретроспективный анализ литературы и клиническая практика, нередки случаи обнаружения аденомы гипофиза у пациентов с предполагаемой НГ [2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11]. По данным ряда авторов частота неверного диагностирования неглаукоматозной оптической нейропатии, развившейся вследствие компрессии аденомой гипофиза хиазмы и зрительного нерва составляет около 6,5-8% [6,11]. ...

[The nonfunctional pituitary adenoma, The optic chiasm syndrome]
  • Citing Article
  • February 2000

Oftalmologia (Bucharest, Romania: 1990)

... 30 5. Visual fields were tested with the Humphrey 91 screening test. 31 When the children were not able to cooperate in Humphrey perimetry, the visual fields were assessed according to simple confrontation techniques as described by Donders. 32 The final results were categorized in present or absent defects for each eye. ...

[Interpretation of visual field with Humphrey Zeiss Analyser]
  • Citing Article
  • February 2002

Oftalmologia (Bucharest, Romania: 1990)

... The apoptosis is accompanied with the activation of caspase-2, caspase-3, and caspase-8 and is reversed by caspase inhibitors [20]. However, the precise mechanism(s) of amiodarone-induced optic neuropathy is clearly not fully characterized [21][22][23]. ...

[Ocular manifestation in amiodarone toxicity--case report]
  • Citing Article
  • February 2005

Oftalmologia (Bucharest, Romania: 1990)