M. Warner’s research while affiliated with Imperial College London and other places

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Publications (108)

FWI of 2D UHR Seismic Data from an Offshore Wind Farm: Insights from a Feasibility Study
  • Conference Paper

January 2024


16 Reads

G. Salaün


K.H. Karkov



M. Warner

Automated salt model building: From compaction trend to final velocity model using waveform inversion

March 2023


32 Reads


4 Citations

The Leading Edge

Conventional seismic velocity model building in complicated salt-affected areas requires the explicit identification of salt boundaries in migrated images and typically involves testing of possible subsurface scenarios through multiple generations. The resulting velocity models are slow to generate and may contain interpreter-driven features that are difficult to verify. We show that it is possible to build a full final velocity model using advanced forms of full-waveform inversion applied directly to raw field data, starting from a model that contains only a simple 1D compaction trend. This approach rapidly generates the final velocity model and migrates processed reflection data at least as accurately as conventionally generated models. We demonstrate this methodology using an ocean-bottom-node data set acquired in deep water over Walker Ridge in the Gulf of Mexico. Our approach does not require exceptionally long offsets or the deployment of special low-frequency sources. We restrict the inversion so it does not use significant energy below 3 Hz or offsets longer than 14 km. We use three advanced forms of waveform inversion to recover the final model. The first is adaptive waveform inversion to proceed from models that begin far from the true model. The second is nonlinear reflection waveform inversion to recover subsalt velocity structure from reflections and their long-period multiples. The third is constrained waveform inversion to produce salt- and sediment-like velocity floods without explicitly identifying salt boundaries or velocities. In combination, these three algorithms successively improve the velocity model so it fully predicts the raw field data and accurately migrates primary reflections, though explicit migration forms no part of the workflow. Thus, model building via waveform inversion is able to proceed from field data to the final model in just a few weeks. It entirely avoids the many cycles of model rebuilding that may otherwise be required.

Study area and data‐acquisition geometry. (a) Regional topography around the Hellenic arc; black triangles denote active volcanic centers—from W to E: Methana, Milos, Santorini and Nisyros. (b) Acquisition geometry in local coordinates annotated white circles—ocean‐bottom seismometers and their IDs; white dots—airgun shots; white numbers—shot‐line IDs (note, some lines were shot twice); red square—zoomed area shown in Figure 3.
Data‐misfit across iterations. (a) Objective function defined as L²‐norm misfit of normalized waveforms, averaged over ocean bottom seismometers (OBSs), shown as a black line between 1 gray bounds; stations 177 and 178 with the largest misfit, along with a more typical station 105, are highlighted in color; inset: phase residual of four OBSs (annotated stars) at 3 Hz for starting (top) and final (bottom) model. (b) Observed versus synthetic waveforms at OBS 105, line 27 for starting (top) and final (bottom) model; reduction velocity on the vertical axis is 5 km/s.
Final P‐wave velocity model. Shown as a negative anomaly relative to the starting model. Insets: Absolute values of the starting and final model (left and right, respectively) inside the reservoir denoted by the white box. Dashed lines indicate cross‐section planes.
P‐wave velocity of a granitic intrusion as a function of melt fraction. Gray area fills between the Hashin‐Shtrikman bounds (Hashin & Shtrikman, 1963). Colored lines correspond to different values of the pore aspect ratio listed in the key, with rhombi marking the critical porosity (Nur et al., 1998). The maximum observed anomaly with three error bounds from jackknifing is denoted in red.
Kolumbo magmatic system. Ascending rhyolitic melt replenishes the shallow chamber. The exsolved gases mix with seawater and vent at the crater floor. The depth of hydrothermal systems is inferred from seismic reflection images (Hübscher et al., 2015) and geochemical data (Rizzo et al., 2019). The approximate earthquake locations are based on Schmid et al. (2022). The velocity anomaly is extracted from the final model along the DD’ profile (Figure 3b). No vertical exaggeration is applied.


Magma Chamber Detected Beneath an Arc Volcano With Full‐Waveform Inversion of Active‐Source Seismic Data
  • Article
  • Full-text available

November 2022


363 Reads


20 Citations

Plain Language Summary Arc volcanoes, which mark the curved boundaries between converging tectonic plates, host the most explosive events on Earth. The associated hazard depends on how much mobile magma is currently present shallow beneath a volcano. Standard tomographic methods used so far have relatively low resolution and give a blurred picture of only the largest molten‐rock bodies. In particular, they struggle to distinguish between mobile magma and melt spread between tightly packed mineral grains. This study, a first in volcanology, combines a next‐generation tomographic method with extraordinarily dense seafloor recordings of controlled marine sound sources. This state‐of‐the‐art experiment at Kolumbo volcano, offshore of Santorini allowed us to detect a body of mobile magma which has been growing at an average rate of 4 × 10⁶ m³ per year since the last eruption in 1650 CE. This rate is large enough to counteract the effect of cooling and crystallization. Our results show that Kolumbo poses a serious threat and deserves a real‐time monitoring facility. Despite the excellent data coverage, the small magma body was missed by standard tomography. This suggests that applying next‐generation imaging methods to already‐well‐studied volcanoes may lead to similar discoveries. We envision that small‐volume, high‐melt‐fraction reservoirs may be more widespread than previously thought.


Design and Construction of a Low-Frequency Ultrasound Acquisition Device for 2-D Brain Imaging Using Full-Waveform Inversion

July 2022


120 Reads


14 Citations

Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology

The main techniques used to image the brain and obtain structural data are magnetic resonance imaging and X-ray computed tomography. These techniques produce images with high spatial resolution, but with the disadvantage of requiring very large equipment with special installation needs. In addition, X-ray tomography uses ionizing radiation, which limits their use. Ultrasound imaging is a safe technology that is delivered using compact and mobile devices. However, conventional ultrasound reconstruction techniques have failed to obtain images of the brain because of, fundamentally, the presence of the skull and the distortion that it produces on ultrasound. Recent studies have indicated that full-waveform inversion, a computational technique originally from Earth science, has the potential to generate accurate 3-D images of the brain. This technology can overcome the limitations of conventional ultrasound imaging, but a prototype for transcranial applications does not yet exist. Here, we investigate different designs of an annular array of ultrasound transducers to optimize the number of elements and rotations needed to conduct transcranial imaging with full-waveform inversion. This device uses small-diameter, low-frequency transducers that readily propagate ultrasound through the skull with good signal-to-noise ratios. It also incorporates the use of rotations to produce a high-density coverage of the target and acquire redundant traces that are beneficial for full-waveform inversion. We have built a ring of 40 transducers to illustrate that this design is capable of reconstructing images of the brain, retrieving its anatomy and acoustic properties with millimeter resolution. Laboratory results reveal the ability of this device to successfully image a 2.5-D brain- and skull-mimicking phantom using full-waveform inversion. To our knowledge, this is the first prototype ever used for transcranial-like imaging. The importance of these findings and their implications for the design of a 3-D reconstruction system with possible clinical applications are discussed.

Figure 1 Three synthetic models. Left shows the p-wave velocity profile used for all three models. Right shows the s-wave profiles. (a) Acoustic model: Vs = 0. (b) Typical elastic model: Vp/Vs = 2 below 2000 m. …(c) Anomalous elastic model: Vp/Vs decreases within the low-velocity layers such that there is no discontinuity in Vs at the reflectors. Velocities, in m/s, are shown in the water layer, at the seabed, and at the base of the model. The density model was derived using Gardner's law.
Figure 2 Synthetics for the three models shown in Figure 1. Left shows the full extent of the data, lowpass filtered at 10 Hz for display. Centre and right show the full-bandwidth data over a reduced range of time and offset showing only primary reflections from the top and bottom of the three layers. Note that the 10-Hz minimum-phase display filter produces significant time shifts for the left panel.
Figure 3 Vertically differentiated final FWI models, for each of the three synthetic models, generated by inverting offset-restricted data; offset-range 1 spans the smallest incident angles, offset-range 5 spans the largest incident angles. Each of these models shows the band-limited, acoustic reflectivity required to best explain the true amplitudes of the input reflection data, over its limited offset range, when assuming a purely acoustic model. This figure contains all the information required for the direct extraction of accurate AVO parameters.
Figure 4 shows AVO in a familiar form for the shallowest reflector in each of the three models. Figure 3 shows the same information, but there the AVO is represented by the amplitude anomaly with respect to a purely acoustic model. We can proceed either to extract slope and intercept AVO parameters directly from Figure 3, or we can transform the information there into the more familiar form of Figure 4. The diamonds in Figure 4 show the FWI amplitude anomalies transformed from the model domain of Figure 3, plotted at the mean angle for each offset range. This transformation requires the determination of incidence angle in the final FWI acoustic models, and it requires the semi-analytic calculation of the acoustic AVO in the same models; both are straightforward to compute. The match between the true AVO and that extracted using acoustic FWI is near perfect.
AVO determination using acoustic FWI

June 2022


226 Reads


1 Citation

We demonstrate that purely acoustic FWI, run at true amplitude, can be used to extract accurate AVO parameters using offset-restricted subsets of raw unprocessed seismic data. Rather than producing conventional AVO parameters directly, acoustic FWI instead produces AVO anomalies showing the departure of the input data from the AVO displayed by a purely acoustic model. It is trivial to transform this into conventional AVO. AVO extraction via acoustic FWI applied to elastic synthetic data show that the AVO recovery using acoustic FWI is near perfect. When combined with full-bandwidth FWI, this approach removes any requirement for conventional data processing, model building, explicit migration or Kirchhoff-based AVO extraction. A final depth-migrated reflectivity volume, and accurate AVO parameters, can both be generated purely by acoustic FWI.

Citations (60)

... Travel time FWI solves the wave equation only for travel times and uses wave-based propagators instead than rays to help mitigating the problem of cycle skipping and the need of low-frequency data (Brittan & Jones, 2019). Progressive implementations may then include wave-equation travel time inversion (Luo & Schuster, 1991;Reta-Tang et al., 2023) based on a phase cross-correlation objective function, elastic FWI (Leblanc et al., 2022), including surface waves dispersion curves in the FWI objective function (Masclet et al., 2021), and reflection FWI (Reta-Tang et al., 2023;Warner et al., 2023), to cite a few possible workflows. ...


Ultra‐resolution surface‐consistent full waveform inversion
Automated salt model building: From compaction trend to final velocity model using waveform inversion
  • Citing Article
  • March 2023

The Leading Edge

... Our approach can be adapted for use at other locations where a timeseries of deformation is recorded and a magma reservoir pressure source has been identified using geophysical methods. Using a higher resolution seismic tomography survey, or the incorporation of other geophysical imaging such as from gravity surveys, is likely to produce a more detailed reservoir output geometry and therefore improve the modeled deformation results (Chrapkiewicz et al., 2022). ...

Magma Chamber Detected Beneath an Arc Volcano With Full‐Waveform Inversion of Active‐Source Seismic Data

... A few examples that employ this configuration include the SoftVue system (Delphinus Medical Technologies, Inc, Novi, MI, USA), approved by the Food and Drug Administration for the screening of women with dense breast tissue and diagnostic use for all women [36], the UltraLucid system developed by Song et al. [25], [33] and a brain imaging system developed by Guasch et al. [3], [29], [30]. The ring-array system enables acquisition of ultrasound measurements at multiple vertical positions by translating the ring of transducers vertically. ...

Design and Construction of a Low-Frequency Ultrasound Acquisition Device for 2-D Brain Imaging Using Full-Waveform Inversion
  • Citing Article
  • July 2022

Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology

... The linear operator A penalizes deviation from known (or assumed) characteristics of the source function -its null space consists of feasible (or "physical") source models. Well-studied examples of extended source approaches to FWI include Wavefield Reconstruction Inversion (WRI) Herrmann 2013, 2016;Li et al. 2018;Aghmiry et al. 2020;Louboutin et al. 2020) and Adaptive Waveform Inversion (AWI) (Warner and Guasch 2016;Guasch et al. 2019Guasch et al. , 2020Yong et al. 2021;Warner et al. 2021). Huang et al. (2019) present an overview of the recent literature on source extension methods. ...

Adaptive reflection waveform inversion: Faster, tighter, deeper, smarter
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • September 2021

... Li et al. (2019) applied a similar approach but replaced match filters with a deep convolutional network. Yao et al. (2020) applied generative adversarial networks to correct acoustic FWI updates in the gradient domain. In this work, we first extend the deep convolutional network approach presented by Li et al. (2019) to a realistic 3D synthetic velocity model under a narrow-azimuth marine streamer acquisition geometry. ...

Data-To-Data and Gradient-To-Gradient Translations in Geophysics Using Deep Neural Networks
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • January 2020

... Full-waveform acoustic inversion, applied to raw reflection data and run to the full usable bandwidth of the field data, can provide an accurate high-resolution p-wave velocity model together with a related density model. Differentiation of the product of these two models can then be used to generate a three-dimensional image volume for acoustic reflectivity that is closely analogous to that produced by conventional non-linear least-squares acoustic RTM (Kalinicheva et al., 2020). The speed, repeatability and high-signal-to-noise of the FWI approach, provide advantages over conventional data processing and explicit depth migration. ...

Full-Bandwidth FWI
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • January 2020

... Ultrasound computed tomography (USCT) is an emergent 3D tomographic imaging system which has been studied for imaging the breast [5] and brain [6]. Hopp et al [7] explore breast tissue classification according to quantitative sound-speed and absorption measurements. ...

Full-waveform inversion of transmitted ultrasound to image the human brain
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • September 2020

... A common approach to achieve this is to include the reflections in a single parameter, high-frequency FWI to yield an interpretable model (Letki et al., 2019). The derivatives of which form a pseudo-reflectivity image (Kalinicheva et al., 2020;Zhang et al., 2020). While these can be useful as fast-track structural images, a priori assumptions about density limit their amplitude fidelity. ...

Full-bandwidth FWI
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • September 2020

... Alternatively, Agudo et al. (2018) develop a matching filtering algorithm to transform elastic data into acoustic data before inversion with acoustic FWI. Yao et al. (2020b) further use supervised deep neural networks to eliminate elastic effects from the field data and then invert the processed data with acoustic FWI. However, strong heterogeneity and softness of near-surface layers cause serious distortion and attenuation to waveforms of land seismic data. ...

Geophysical data and gradient translation using deep neural networks
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • September 2020

... The similarities between the two methods, especially on how the inverse problem is solved, have resulted in numerous research studies that utilize aspects of ML to solve FWI more efficiently, to make it more robust, or to replace it with a deep neural network. Recent applications of ML in FWI include substituting forward modeling by an ML-based forward solver (Giannakis et al., 2019), training an optimization algorithm with ML rather than using conventional gradient descent (Sun and Alkhalifah, 2019), extrapolating the data at low frequencies to avoid cycle skipping (Sun and Demanet, 2019), accounting for elastic effects in acoustic FWI (Yao et al., 2019b;Li et al., 2019), and replacing FWI with convolutional neural networks (Wu and Lin, 2018;Mosser et al., 2019;Araya-Polo et al., 2019), also for time-lapse applications (Yuan et al., 2019). ...

Removing Elastic Effects in FWI Using Supervised Cycled Generative Adversarial Networks
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • June 2019