M. Wählisch’s research while affiliated with German Aerospace Center (DLR) and other places

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Publications (222)

Status and future developments in planetary cartography and mapping
  • Chapter

March 2019


141 Reads






Marita Waehlisch

Planetary cartography does not only provide an extensive basis for supporting planning activities in planetary exploration, e.g., landing-site selection, orbital observations, traverse planning, but it also supports mission conduct by, e.g., observation tracking and hazard avoidance mapping. It also provides the scientific and technical basis to create science products after successful termination of a planetary mission by helping to distill data into maps. After a mission’s lifetime, experiment data and eventually higher-level data such as mosaics and digital terrain models (DTMs) are stored in archives – and eventually converted into maps and higher-level data products – to form a basis for research and for new scientific and engineering studies. The complexity of such tasks increases with every new dataset that has been put on the stack of data sources. In the same way as the complexity of autonomous probes increases, tools that support these challenges also require new levels of sophistication. In planetary science, cartography and mapping share a history dating back to the roots of telescopic space exploration and are now facing new technological and organizational challenges with the rise of new missions, new global initiatives and organizations, and opening research markets. The focus of this contribution is to summarize recent activities in planetary cartography and to highlighting current issues the community is facing to identify future opportunities in this field. By this we would like to invite cartographers/researchers to join this community and to start thinking about how to jointly solve some of these challenges.

Major geology stations (numbered circles) and Lunar Roving Vehicle (LRV) traverses of the Apollo 17 crew. The traverse path was adopted from the traverse map of the Apollo era (Defense Mapping Agency, 1975; solid line: based on Very Long Baseline Interferometry observations; Salzberg, 1973; dashed line: approximate track).
The West Pan of Traverse Station 5 was acquired by astronaut Cernan on the southwest rim of Camelot Crater (panorama assembled by W. Harold from Johnson Space Center, source: Apollo Lunar Surface Journal [ALSJ]).
Overlay of 47 color‐coded Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter (LOLA) tracks on the shaded Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera (LROC) Narrow Angle Camera (NAC) digital terrain model (1.5‐m grid) of the Apollo 17 landing site (after coregistration). Color‐coded elevations are given relative to the mean lunar radius of 1,737.4 km.
(a) To approximately level frame AS17‐133‐20296 horizontally it was rotated before measuring angular directions to reference features located within Victory Crater (horizontal directions are represented by white lines). (b) The measured network of angular directions (here represented as black lines emanating from the camera's perspective center) was adjusted to the corresponding points of reference (boulders circled in black). Color‐coded contours were included to support better perception of topography.
Controlled orthomap of the Apollo 17 Apollo Lunar Surface Experiment Package (ALSEP) site. (a) The astronauts' footprints between the ALSEP instruments are clearly visible in the image base (M168000580R, 0.25 m/pixel). Large rocks are mapped as white filled polygons, whereas craters are mapped with the white line feature. (b) Same map without image base and inverted color.


Coordinates and Maps of the Apollo 17 Landing Site
  • Article
  • Full-text available

January 2019


1,080 Reads


21 Citations

We carried out an extensive cartographic analysis of the Apollo 17 landing site and determined and mapped positions of the astronauts, their equipment and lunar landmarks with accuracies of better than ±1 m in most cases. To determine coordinates in a lunar body-fixed coordinate frame we applied least-squares (2D-) network adjustments to angular measurements made in astronaut imagery (Hasselblad frames). The measured angular networks were accurately tied to control features provided by a 0.5 m/pixel, controlled Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LROC) Narrow Angle Camera (NAC) orthomosaic of the entire Taurus-Littrow Valley. Furthermore, by applying triangulation on measurements made in Hasselblad frames providing stereo views, we were able to relate individual instruments of the Apollo Lunar Surface Experiment Package (ALSEP) to specific features captured in LROC imagery and, also, to determine coordinates of astronaut equipment or other surface features not captured in the orbital images, e.g. the deployed geophones and Explosive Packages (EPs) of the Lunar Seismic Profiling Experiment (LSPE), or the Lunar Roving Vehicle (LRV) at major sampling stops. Our results were integrated into a new LROC NAC based Apollo 17 Traverse Map and also used to generate a series of large-scale maps of all nine traverse stations and of the ALSEP area. In addition, we provide crater measurements, profiles of the navigated traverse paths, and improved ranges of the sources and receivers of the active seismic experiment LSPE.


Status and future developments in planetary cartography and mapping

January 2019


34 Reads

Planetary cartography does not only provide an extensive basis for supporting planning activities in planetary exploration, e.g., landing-site selection, orbital observations, traverse planning, but it also supports mission conduct by, e.g., observation tracking and hazard avoidance mapping. It also provides the scientifi c and technical basis to create science products after successful termination of a planetary mission by helping to distill data into maps. After a mission's lifetime, experiment and eventually higher-level data such as mosaics and digital terrain models (DTMs) are stored in archives, and eventually converted into maps and higher-level data products, to form a basis for research and for new scientifi c and engineering studies. The complexity of such tasks increases with every new dataset that has been put on the stack of data sources. In the same way as the complexity of autonomous probes increases, tools that support these challenges also require new levels of sophistication. In planetary science, cartography and mapping share a history dating back to the roots of telescopic space exploration and are now facing new technological and organizational challenges with the rise of new missions, new global initiatives and organizations, and opening research markets. The focus of this contribution is to summarize recent activities in planetary cartography and to highlighting current issues the community is facing to identify future opportunities in this fi eld. By this we would like to invite cartographers/researchers to join this community and to start thinking about how to jointly solve some of these challenges.

Fig. 1: Topographic map illustrating the protagonist's route from the book "The Martian" [6].
Multiple ways to visualize planetary image data

September 2018


162 Reads

At the DLR Institute of Planetary Research, we have many different ways of visualizing planetary image data. From the creation of scientific cartographic products over perspective 3D views to immersive virtual reality environments we apply many different visualization techniques to gain a better understanding of a planet's surface. Processing the data to obtain the best visual and contextual representations for scientific and engineering uses as well as for public outreach is part of our daily routine. We present some of the progress we have made in the field of data visualization during the last decade benefitting from modern techniques.

Planetary Cartography – Activities and Current Challenges

May 2018


489 Reads


2 Citations

Proceedings of the ICA

Maps are one of the most important tools for communicating geospatial information between producers and receivers. Geospatial data, tools, contributions in geospatial sciences, and the communication of information and transmission of knowledge are matter of ongoing cartographic research. This applies to all topics and objects located on Earth or on any other body in our Solar System. In planetary science, cartography and mapping have a history dating back to the roots of telescopic space exploration and are now facing new technological and organizational challenges with the rise of new missions, new global initiatives, organizations and opening research markets. The focus of this contribution is to introduce the community to the field of planetary cartography and its historic foundation, to highlight some of the organizations involved and to emphasize challenges that Planetary Cartography has to face today and in the near future.


July 2017


1,959 Reads


11 Citations

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences

Planetary Cartography does not only provides the basis to support planning (e.g., landing-site selection, orbital observations, traverse planning) and to facilitate mission conduct during the lifetime of a mission (e.g., observation tracking and hazard avoidance). It also provides the means to create science products after successful termination of a planetary mission by distilling data into maps. After a mission’s lifetime, data and higher level products like mosaics and digital terrain models (DTMs) are stored in archives – and eventually into maps and higher-level data products – to form a basis for research and for new scientific and engineering studies. The complexity of such tasks increases with every new dataset that has been put on this stack of information, and in the same way as the complexity of autonomous probes increases, also tools that support these challenges require new levels of sophistication. In planetary science, cartography and mapping have a history dating back to the roots of telescopic space exploration and are now facing new technological and organizational challenges with the rise of new missions, new global initiatives, organizations and opening research markets. The focus of this contribution is to summarize recent activities in Planetary Cartography, highlighting current issues the community is facing to derive the future opportunities in this field. By this we would like to invite cartographers/researchers to join this community and to start thinking about how we can jointly solve some of these challenges.

Enceladus Geodetic Framework

July 2017


135 Reads


3 Citations

The International Archives of the Photogrammetry Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences

The small (approximately 500 km in diameter) satellite Enceladus is moving near the equatorial plane and deep in the gravity field of its parent planet Saturn. Owing to tidal interaction with its parent, Enceladus has adopted a pronounced 3-axial ellipsoidal shape and is tidally locked, with rotational and orbital periods of about 1.37 days. As the equator of Saturn is inclined to the planet’s orbital plane, Enceladus, like most of the other satellites of Saturn, undergoes pronounced seasons. This paper gives a summary of the current status as well as shortcomings of our current knowledge regarding Enceladus’ geodetic and dynamic parameters.

Citations (35)

... Consequently, previous studies focused primarily on the station pair with the highest SNR. Furthermore, discrepancies in station coordinates were identified by Haase et al. (2019), revealing a deviation of one station by 8 m to the northwest. The resulting change in inter-station distance will affect the computed Rayleigh wave velocity values from previous studies. ...


Investigating Subsurface Properties of the Shallow Lunar Crust Using Seismic Interferometry on Synthetic and Recorded Data
Coordinates and Maps of the Apollo 17 Landing Site

... At present, the recognition and mapping of mass movements still rely on visual interpretation of integrated expert knowledge, which is a time-consuming task (Nass et al., 2018), while suffering from artificial and technological limitations and biases. This contributes to the lack of catalogs on a global scale including all kinds of mass movements, and the lack of knowledge about the spatial distribution and density of mass movements. ...

Planetary Cartography – Activities and Current Challenges

Proceedings of the ICA

... Paula S. Morgan introduced the challenges that the mission of Cassini Huygens has faced starting with preserving the domestic health and the operability of spacecraft instruments and devices, dealing with solar radiation and heating, cold of outer distance space, the presence of fault tolerance, power saving, in addition to the surrounding environment such as the delay that took place between Earth issued commands and the mission spacecraft especially when it was brought closer to Saturn planet (Morgan 2018). While Nass et al. (2017), investigate the Planetary Cartography as it offers a base for orbital planning and observation and expedites mission procedures, also it produces scientific results in accordance with prosperous mission finishing via converting data into maps and archives to offer a backbone for scientific research in the future. Laura et al. (2018) proposed an implementation structure for the evolution of planetary spatial data infrastructures, which associate in getting ameliorated spatial data administration, detection, and access. ...

Planetary Cartography and Mapping: Where we are today, and where we are heading for?

... Trenutno je važeći PDS 4 standard te se od 2011. godine svi podaci unutar NASA-inih arhiva arhiviraju upravo prema njemu (Milazzo 2018). NASA je ovaj standard razvila u suradnji s International Planetary Data Alliance (IPDA) čiji su svi članovi (npr. ...


The International Archives of the Photogrammetry Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences

... For comparison, the SRC coverage of Deimos is mainly restricted to the Mars-facing side of the moon with rather uniform spatial resolutions around 100 m/pixel (Fig. 10). Lorenz et al. (2012) report that most observed craters have a simple bowl-shaped and sometimes conical morphology. Observations of craters with complex morphology (central-mound craters; flat-bottomed craters; concentric craters) showed that in addition to the areas covered by vertically relatively homogeneous regolith, processed to sufficient depth, there are areas where the regolith could consist of interlayered lenses of debris with different strength properties, for which thickness varies in the range of hundreds of meters. ...

Phobos: Impact Crater Morphology and Regolith Structure from Mars-Express Images
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • March 2012

... These images were acquired over several different LRO mission phases. For track identification we used the highest-resolution NAC images , taken under complementary illumination conditions, as the visibility of the wheel tracks strongly depends on solar azimuth and incidence angle, similar to crater identification ( Florensky et al., 1978; Basilevsky et al., 2012 ). In high Sun illumination, the tracks are very difficult to identify ( Fig. 11a), whereas with low Sun (big solar incidence angle), the tracks are clearly visible ( Fig. 11b). ...

Identification and Measurements of Small Impact Craters in the Lunokhod 1 Study Area, Mare Imbrium
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • March 2012

... The mean accuracy of Mars Express position was ±(100 ~ 200) m based on improvements in radiometric tracking scheduling process (shorter wheel offloadings and longer data arcs). After utilizing the camera pointing information, the accuracy of the astrometric observations can vary between ±0.6 km and ±3.6 km[23]. ...

New astrometric observations of Deimos with the SRC on Mars Express
  • Citing Article
  • September 2012

Astronomy and Astrophysics

... We select the following eight quantities and requirements to combine for assessment of landing site preference: (1) visibility to Earth ≥ 6 h day −1 , (2) visibility to Mars > 0 h day −1 , (3) visibility to Deimos ≥ 2 h day −1 , (4) visibility to Gale Crater (an example of a fixed location on Mars with a landed mission) > 0 h day −1 , (5) visibility to Sun ≥ 4.5 h day −1 , (6) visibility to Jupiter ≥ 3 h day −1 , (7) radio occultation events with Earth > 0 and (8) radio occultation events with Deimos > 0. Figure 12 illustrates the number of requirements met as a function of location. We project a map of fully compliant grid points on the global image mosaic produced using HRSC images (Willner et al. 2008) (Fig. 13, note that in this figure the Mars-facing meridian is centred, at 0° longitude). ...

New astrometric observations of Phobos with the SRC on Mars Express
  • Citing Article
  • September 2008

... Lastly, few citizen-science projects with clear planetary mapping target exist. Some of them are embedded in a broader context, such as iMars (Muller et al., 2016); others originate from experimentdriven effort (NASA MRO HiRISE), such as PlanetFour (Aye et al., 2016), and citizen-science efforts (NASA LRO/LROC) focus on imagery mapping include Moon Zoo (Joy et al., 2011). ...


The International Archives of the Photogrammetry Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences