M T De Sanctis’s research while affiliated with University of Chieti-Pescara and other places

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Publications (128)

The ankle-brachial index: a predictor of cardiovascular mortality. the san valentino vascular screening study
  • Article

March 2002


18 Reads

Journal of the American College of Cardiology

Maria Teresa De Sanctis


Lucrezia Incandela





Gianni Belcaro

Treatment of severe intermittent claudication with pentoxifylline: A 40-week, controlled, randomized trial

January 2002


26 Reads


19 Citations


The efficacy, safety, and cost of pentoxifylline (PXF) in the treatment of severe intermittent claudication were studied comparing PXF and placebo in a randomized 40-week study. A treadmill test was performed at inclusion and at the end of weeks 20 and 40. A progressive training plan and the control of risk factors (with antiplatelet treatment) were used in both groups. Of the 200 included patients, 178 completed the study: 88 in the PXF group and 90 in the placebo group. There were 22 dropouts. The two groups were comparable for age, sex distribution, and for the presence of risk factors and smoking. There was a significant increase in pain-free walking distance (PFWD) in both groups. The absolute and percent increase in PFWD was significantly greater in the PXF group (p<0.05). At 20 weeks, the increase was 360.5% in the PXF vs 252% in the placebo group. At 40 weeks, the increase was 386% in the PXF and 369% in the placebo group (p<0.02). Total walking distance (TWD) increased at 20 weeks (up to 254%) and up to 329% at 40 weeks. In the placebo groups the increase was 158% at 20 weeks and 183% at 40 weeks. The excess increase produced by PXF treatment was 30% at 20 weeks and 38% at 40 weeks (p<0.02). Unwanted effects treatment was well tolerated. No serious drug-related side effects were observed. In summary, between-group analysis favors PXF considering walking distance and costs. Results indicate good efficacy and tolerability.

Treatment of retinal vein thrombosis with pentoxifylline: a controlled, randomized trial

January 2002


20 Reads


28 Citations


The aim of this study was to evaluate PXF (pentoxifylline; 1600 mg daily vs placebo) in patients with retinal vein thrombosis (RVT) in a 4-week trial, evaluating clinical outcome and retinal flow. Inclusion criteria were sudden loss of vision (SLV); retinal vein thrombosis (RVT); decrease in retinal vein flow; asymmetry between retinal veins (>40%) documented by duplex scanning (retinal vein thrombosis flow = RVTF). All 18 included patients completed the study. The groups were comparable. No side effect was observed. An improvement in arterial flow (p<0.05) and a decrease in analogue score (p<0.05) were observed in both groups (due to the spontaneous evolution with partial thrombus lysis in 4 weeks). The increase in arterial flow (PSF and EDF) were greater (p<0.05) in the PXF group. The RVFV increase was better in the PXF group (350% increase vs 200% increase in the placebo group; p<0.05). There was a significant difference in the analogue score decrease (4 vs 7) in the PXF group (p<0.05). In conclusion, PXF improved retinal flow after RVT better than placebo. It should be considered as an important treatment option.

Intermittent claudication in diabetics: Treatment with exercise and pentoxifylline: A 6-month, controlled, randomized trial

January 2002


24 Reads


10 Citations


The aims of this study were to evaluate the effect of PXF (1600 mg daily) in diabetic patients with intermittent claudication. Of the 60 included patients, 53 completed the study (27 in the PXF group). There were seven dropouts. The groups were comparable for age, sex distribution, and total walking distance (TWD), and risk factors. There was an increase in TWD at 3 and 6 months in both groups (p<0.05) possibly due to exercise. However the increase (both absolute and percentage) in TWD was significantly larger in the PXF group. At 6 months, PXF produced a 292% increase in TWD (vs 180% produced by placebo) (p<0.02). The excess increase produced by PXF treatment was 112% at 6 months in comparison with placebo (p<0.02). Treatment was well tolerated. Between-group analysis favors PXF considering TWD, and results indicate good efficacy and tolerability.

Treatment of vascular inner ear disease in vascular patients with pentoxifylline: A controlled, randomized trial

January 2002


546 Reads


14 Citations


The efficacy of Pentoxifylline in vascular inner ear disease (VIED) was studied comparing PXF and placebo in a 4-week study; 40 patients with vascular disease and monolateral loss of hearing, vertigo, dizziness, tinnitus (analyzed with an analogue scale line), and cochlear flow reduction were included. The aims of the study were to study the effects of PXF (1600 mg daily) in VIED considering clinical outcome and cochlear flow. Of the 20 included patients, 19 completed the study. One dropout in the placebo group was due to low compliance. Intention-to-treat analysis indicated an improvement in cochlear flow (p<0.05) and a decrease in score in both groups. The cochlear flow increase was 287.5% in the PXF group vs 168% in the placebo group (119.5% difference; p<0.02). There was a difference in score decrease (44.1% larger) in the PXF group (p<0.05).Between-group analysis favors PXF considering blood flow and symptoms. Results indicate good efficacy and tolerability of PXF in VIED.

Treatment of vascular retinal disease with pentoxifylline: A controlled, randomized trial

January 2002


152 Reads


45 Citations


The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of PXF (1800 mg daily) in patients with sudden loss of vision (SLV) in a 4-week trial, evaluating clinical outcome and retinal flow parameters. Inclusion criteria were SLV associated with thrombosis of the retinal artery; decrease in retinal blood flow (PSF: peak-systolic flow; EDF: end-diastolic flow velocity) and asymmetry between the two retinal arteries (>40%) documented by duplex scanning. All 10 included patients completed the study. The groups were comparable. No side effects were reported. A significant improvement in flow velocity (p<0.05) and a decrease in analogue score in both groups were observed. PSF increase was 550% in the PXF group vs 288% in the placebo group (262% difference). EDF increase was 400% in the PXF group vs 200% in the placebo group (200% difference). There was a significant difference in the analogue score decrease (33.3% difference larger in the PXF group; p<0.05). In conclusion, PXF treatment improved retinal flow after retinal artery occlusion better than placebo and should be considered as an important option in this condition.

Treatment of long-distance intermittent claudication with pentoxifylline: A 12-month, randomized trial

January 2002


28 Reads


16 Citations


The efficacy, safety, and cost of pentoxifylline (PXF) in long-range (>400 m interval) intermittent claudication was studied comparing PXF and placebo in a 12-month study. A standardized treadmill test was performed at inclusion and at 6 and 12 months. A training plan based on walking was associated with the control of risk factor levels. Of the 194 included patients, 135 completed the study: 75 in the PXF group and 60 in the placebo group. There were 59 dropouts (due to low compliance). The authors observed a 148% increase in total walking distance (TWD) at 6 months with PXF (vs 110% with placebo; p<0.05); at 12 months, the increase was 170% with PXF (vs 131% with placebo; p<0.02). There was a 38% difference at 6 months and 39% at 12 months in favor of PXF. Treatment was well tolerated. In conclusion, PXF improved walking distance significantly better than placebo.

Flush ligation of the sapheno-femoral junction vs simple, distal ligation. A randomised, 10-year, follow-up. The safe study

January 2002


551 Reads


8 Citations

Les pathologies vasculaires (anciennement ANGEIOLOGIE)

The aim of this study was to compare, in a prospective, randomised study, flush ligation/section of the sapheno-femoral junction (SFJ) including collaterals dissection/ligation to simple, distal (3-5 from the SFJ) long saphenous vein (LSV) ligation/section considering, after 10 years, recurrence of reflux, occurrence of new varices, lenght of obstruction after ligation of the LSV and comparing time/costs. Methods: Surgery. Flush ligation/section or distal ligation/section were performed under general (34%) or spinal anesthesia (76%). All patients went home the same day. Endpoints were variations in AVP (ambulatory venous pressure), RT (refilling time), color duplex reflux, number of recurrent or new incompetent venous sites, time, costs, and lenght of the LSV. Results: 400 patients were included in each group; 369 (age 43.3; SD11) completed the study in the flush ligation group and 377 (43.5;12) in the distal ligation group. AVP was 55 mmHg in both groups at inclusion; at 10 years it was comparable (41 in flush vs 40 in distal ligation). RT was 14 sec vs 13 at inclusion (ns); at 10 years 19 vs 18 (normalised in comparison with initial value; ns between groups). At 10 years major incompetent sites were 5 in both, groups; also minor sites were comparable. The occluded venous segment was 6.5 cm in flush vs 1.4 cm in distal ligation (p<0.025). The average number of sclerotherapy sessions per each patient, needed to control varices, was in favour of distal ligation (12; range 3-20, vs 22; 6-32). Operating time in flush ligation was 29 minutes, average cost was 455(SD55)$US. Operating time in distal ligation was 21% shorter; cost was 28% lower. Conclusions: In this study we used a combination of duplex and AVP. Results indicate that distal LSV ligation achieves, on the control and recurrency of varicose veins results comparable to flush ligation. This is obtained in a shorter operating time, with lower cost. As varicose veins surgery is very common, saving operating time, costs and making procedures simpler is an important option.

Short-range intermittent claudication and rest pain: Microcirculatory effects of pentoxifylline in a randomized, controlled trial

January 2002


22 Reads


4 Citations


The efficacy of pentoxifylline (PXF) in severe intermittent claudication was studied comparing PXF and placebo. Patients were randomized into two treatment plans: PXF (2400 mg, four 600-mg tablets daily) or equivalent placebo was administered for 10 days. The exercise protocol associated with treatment was conducted under supervision. Skin flux (RF) was measured at rest and after 1 minute of exercise (AEF = after exercise flux; 3 km/hr, 12% inclination) with laser Doppler. PO2 and PCO2 were measured at the dorsum of the foot. All 20 included patients completed the study. The two groups were comparable. In the PXF group there was a significant increase in RF, AEF, and in PO2 (p<0.05); PCO2 was decreased (p<0.05). There were also changes in the placebo group, significantly lower than those observed in the PXF group (p<0.05). In conclusion high-dose PXF treatments improved all microcirculatory parameters in subjects with short-range claudication even with a short period of treatment.

Citations (80)

... As already pointed out above, DM is associated with impairment of macro and microcirculation (61)(62)(63); while macroangiopathic alterations can be studied with Doppler ultrasound, MRI angiography or plethysmography (64,65), the diagnostic evaluation of microangiopathic alterations still remains a challenge. In this scenario, since BOLD-MRI predominantly reflects oxygenation changes in peripheral microvasculature, it could be the best diagnostic tool to be used in patients with DM (66,67) to correlate with microvascular oxygenation state (53,68,69). ...


Use of perfusional CBCT imaging for intraprocedural evaluation of endovascular treatment in patients with diabetic foot: a concept paper
Methods of Evaluation and Quantification of Microangiopathy in High Perfusion Microangiopathy (Chronic Venous Insufficiency and Diabetic Microangiopathy)
  • Citing Article
  • October 2001


... The prospective evaluation of venous tone and its variations in CVI may offer a model to study and quantify the effects of treatments on tone 2-6 that can be assessed with several methods (air plethysmography, straingauge plethysmography, and laser Doppler, by evaluating the venoarteriolar response or vein wall perfusion). [7][8][9][10][11][12] The venous tone model can be applied ex vivo on segments of vein dissected during vein surgery for varicose veins. Vein segments can be filled with water at high pressure (30-80 mm Hg) to test dilatation or suspended with a small weight for minutes to test for elongation. ...

Vascular Screening in Andropause: Non-invasive Investigations in Vascular Disease Screening
  • Citing Article
  • March 2001

... В ряде исследований [31,32] сравнивали эффективность комбинации гепарин+эсцинат+ЭФ в виде геля с эффективностью плацебо у пациентов с ХВН, оценивая микроциркуляцию путем измерения чрескожного парциального давления кислорода (pO 2 ) и чрескожного парциального давления углекислого газа (pCO 2 ) в области поражения. В двух рандомизированных двойных слепых исследованиях у пациентов с венозными язвами соответственно простое нанесение геля гепарин+эсцинат+ЭФ улучшило показатели микроциркуляции по сравнению с применением плацебо или отсутствием лечения (p<0,05). ...

Changes in Microcirculation in Venous Ulcers with Essaven Gel
  • Citing Article
  • December 2001


... For example, Centella asiatica extract containing asiaticosides or centella saponins were found to improve wound appearance after topical [34] and oral [35] application. Moreover, the topical application of escin, a horse chestnut seed saponin, ameliorates diabetic microangiopathy [36] and superficial vein thrombosis [37]. These efficacies were caused by improvement of micro blood circulation [38]. ...

Treatment of Superficial Vein Thrombosis with Standardized Application of Essaven Gel
  • Citing Article
  • December 2001


... • Our findings offer a potential drug for clinical management of CIP. management of phlebitis, especially in superficial vein thrombophlebitis (De Sanctis et al., 2001). However, a lack of anti-phlebitis mechanistic studies has limited its clinical application and acceptance. ...

Treatment of Superficial Vein Thrombophlebitis of the Arm with Essaven Gel
  • Citing Article
  • December 2001


... [33] Likewise, in patients with diabetic neuropreliminary indication that topical heparins do impathies and no ulceration, 2 and 4 weeks' treatment prove symptoms of superficial thrombophlebitis or with heparin/aescinate/phospholipid gel improved venous insufficiency, particularly pain, erythema microcirculation parameters in the feet compared and oedema, without affecting systemic coagulation with placebo (p < 0.05). [34,35] No adverse effects or producing systemic adverse events. [7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14] Howwere reported in any of these studies. ...

Four-Week Treatment with Essaven Gel in Diabetic Microangiopathy
  • Citing Article
  • December 2001


... В ряде исследований [31,32] сравнивали эффективность комбинации гепарин+эсцинат+ЭФ в виде геля с эффективностью плацебо у пациентов с ХВН, оценивая микроциркуляцию путем измерения чрескожного парциального давления кислорода (pO 2 ) и чрескожного парциального давления углекислого газа (pCO 2 ) в области поражения. В двух рандомизированных двойных слепых исследованиях у пациентов с венозными язвами соответственно простое нанесение геля гепарин+эсцинат+ЭФ улучшило показатели микроциркуляции по сравнению с применением плацебо или отсутствием лечения (p<0,05). ...

Microvascular Changes in Venous Hypertension due to Varicose Veins After Standardized Application of Essaven Gel
  • Citing Article
  • December 2001


... Среди комбинированных препаратов доказанной эффективностью при лечении ТФПВ обладает гель на основе гепарина, эсцина и эссенциальных фосфолипидов. В рамках двух рандомизированных двойных слепых плацебо-контролируемых исследований продемонстрировано более быстрое в сравнении с контролем без применения топических средств и в сравнении с плацебо купирование симптомов воспаления при использовании геля на фоне введения промежуточных доз НМГ [106,107]. ...

Treatment of Superficial Vein Thrombosis: Clinical Evaluation of Essaven Gel
  • Citing Article
  • December 2001


... В двух рандомизированных двойных слепых исследованиях у пациентов с венозными язвами соответственно простое нанесение геля гепарин+эсцинат+ЭФ улучшило показатели микроциркуляции по сравнению с применением плацебо или отсутствием лечения (p<0,05). У пациентов с микроангиопатией на фоне ХЗВ четырехнедельное лечение гелем гепарин+эсцинат+ЭФ также уменьшило отек, боль и улучшило показатели микроциркуляции (p<0,05) [33]. В сравнительном исследовании с участием 40 пациентов с разными заболеваниями, включая поверхностный тромбофлебит и посттромботическую болезнь, гепарин в форме геля 1000 МЕ/г 2 раза в сутки не продемонстрировал статистически значимых отличий в снижении симптомов отека, боли, тяжести, покраснения и гематом, в сравнении с гелем гепарин+эсцинат+ЭФ [34]. ...

Topical Treatment of Venous Microangiopathy in Patients with Venous Ulceration with Essaven Gel
  • Citing Article
  • December 2001


... Гепарин препятствует тромбообразованию и обладает противовоспалительным действием, чем также способствует улучшению микроциркуляции [28]. В клинических исследованиях комбинация гепа-рин+эсцинат+ЭФ дала положительный терапевтический эффект при лечении травм (в том числе спортивных, таких как гематомы и отеки), патологии венозных сосудов, связанных с ХЗВ [29]. ...

Essaven Gel
  • Citing Article
  • December 2001
