February 1992
8 Reads
Chirurgia Narządów Ruchu i Ortopedia Polska
Clinical assessment of the results of surgical treatment of 105 congenital clubfeet by peri-talar release has been carried out. There were 58% of soft and 42% of stiff clubfeet in this group. The average patient age at the operation was 17.8 months. The Wynne-Davies point scale modified by Marciniak was used to assess the results. Forty nine feet (46.4%) were rated good, 28 (26.7%) satisfactory and 28 (26.7%) poor. Fifty percent of stiff feet were rated poor and 68.9% of soft ones were rated good. Plantocontourography revealed marked decrease of internal rotation in the operated feet. The authors conclude peri-talar release is an effective method of treatment of soft congenital clubfoot.