M. L. Sizemskaya’s research while affiliated with Russian Academy of Sciences and other places

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Publications (32)

Figure 1. Locations of key sites with Pennsylvania ash: (A) on a native treeless plain territory; (B) in the valley of the floodplain of the Ural River.
Figure 2. Salt profile and thickness of the soil horizon with ash root systems: (A) and (B) solonchakous solonetz in virgin and ameliorated condition, respectively; (C) meadow-chestnut soils.
Figure 3. State of the 47-year-old forest strip of Pennsylvania ash on a reclaimed solonchakous solonetz: (A) a general view of shrinking trees; (B) live epicormic (secondary) shoots at the base of the shrinking trunk; (C) yellowing of ash leaves in early August 2023; (D) a long-term self-seeding specimen ash trees with a periodically drying out aboveground part.
Figure 4. Condition of Pennsylvania ash on meadow-chestnut soils: (A) periodic drying of the tops of tree trunks and their replacement restoration by side branches in 70-year-old cultures; (B) self-seeding shoots of ash under the canopy of cultures.
Figure 5. Self-seeding in 40-year-old Pennsylvania ash cultures (autumn 2022) and in 58-year-old cultures (summer 2023) grown at different levels of groundwater table (A, B, respectively), the regeneration of ash in cultures after the spring fire (2023) (C).


Ecological condition and invasiveness of Fraxinus pennsylvanica in different ecotopes of the arid Caspian region
  • Article
  • Full-text available

July 2024


22 Reads


1 Citation

Brazilian Journal of Biology


M. M. Elekesheva


M. L. Sizemskaya


A. V. Kolesnikov

The study investigated ash development in an arid region, focusing on its invasive spread mechanisms at organismic and ecosystem levels under varying moisture conditions. Conducted in the Northern Caspian region’s Volga-Urals interfluve, it examined the effects of arid climate, soil salinity, and limited moisture on plant communities. The features of ash functioning at the organismal and ecosystem levels with permanent and partial deficiency of productive moisture in the soil, as well as with its optimal availability, were investigated. It is shown that on automorphic soil types, ash cultures, subject to appropriate forestry technologies, can exist for many decades even during periodic soil droughts due to premature harmless dumping of leaf mass. In hydromorphic floodplain conditions, ash is not only well preserved in cultures, but also effectively introduced into meadow and forest ecosystems by lowering the relief. Trees in a new place, especially in meadows, begin to bear fruit after 6-10 years and spread the seeds to other territories. Such a nomadic strategy of stepwise dispersed multiple dispersal of ash contributes to the rapid formation of its secondary invasive areas and eliminates the possibility of effective control against it. Therefore, the use of ash in industrial plantings in floodplains is highly inadvisible.


Features of the introduced species composition and state in the arboreta of Dzhanybek research station in the Northern Pre-Caspian Semi-Desert

July 2024

Растительные ресурсы

Представлены результаты изучения видового разнообразия и состояния интродуцентов в богарных условиях на территории Джаныбекского стационара Института лесоведения РАН, расположенного в глинистой полупустыне Северного Прикаспия междуречья Волги и Урала. Были обследованы коллекции двух дендрариев: на гидроморфных лугово-каштановых почвах мезопонижений рельефа – на падине (заложен в 1953 г.) и на автоморфных почвах солонцового комплекса (заложен в 1974 г.). Они создавались принципиально без полива, а агротехнические и лесоводственные уходы были вынужденно прекращены в силу ряда причин в последние десятилетия. Составлен аннотированный список древесных и кустарниковых растений, включающий на современном этапе 77 видов, относящихся к 25 семействам и 44 родам. Большинство представлено семейством Rosaceae, весьма многочисленны виды семейств Caprifoliaceae, Elaeagnaceae, Fagaceae, Fabacea, Oleaceae, Salicaceae, Sapindaceae, Ulmaceae. Часть экземпляров в возрасте более 70 лет имеет удовлетворительное состояние и полноценный жизнеспособный самосев. Выделены основные периоды акклиматизации, связанные с возрастом, особенностями изменения условий местопроизрастания под воздействием самих растений и климата. В дендрарии на почвах солонцового комплекса сохранность видов составила 50%. Также изучен состав деревьев и кустарников, спонтанно заселивших неиспользуемый пруд и сформировавших здесь интразональное ивово-лохово-тополевое сообщество квазитугайного облика, и на зарастающей залежи, где образовался своеобразный “саванноподобный” ландшафт. Это позволило выявить виды, жизненная стратегия которых способствует успешному внедрению в антропогеннонарушенные условия местопроизрастания и, в ряде случаев, проявлению черт натурализации и инвазионность. Определены также наиболее перспективные виды для озеленения, создания парков, ягодников и других насаждений в столь суровых природно-климатических условиях.

Ecological assessment of the safety and biodiversity of woody introduced species in the semi-desert of the Northern Caspian lowland

July 2023


13 Reads

IOP Conference Series Earth and Environmental Science

The species diversity and safety of a 70-year-old collection of tree and shrub introduced species in the arboretum of the Dzhanybek Research Station, located in rainfed conditions of the semi-desert of the Northern Caspian region, was studied. The arboretum was created on hydromorphic meadow-chestnut soils in a mesodepression of relief in 1953. At the present stage, 75 species belonging to 23 families and 43 genera have been identified in the arboretum. It was analyzed that most of the species are represented by the family Rosaceae, the species of the families Caprifoliaceae, Elaeagnaceae, Fagaceae, Leguminosae, Oleaceae, Salicaceae, Sapindaceae, Ulmaceae are very numerous. Species with high ecological and biological potential have been identified. It is concluded that due to their own longevity, adaptive reactions, good self-renewal abilities, many species can exist for a long time and stably in semi-desert conditions. Species that can be recommended for creating sustainable socially significant plantations are proposed.

Fig. 1 presents the 3 m-long trench at Dzhanybek Research Station of the Institute of forest Science RAS (49 °23 42 N, 46 °48 11 E) with markers of the locations of the horizons and morphons of the soil complex. The figure shows the boundaries of horizons and morphons. The composition of soil complexes and the number of their components vary significantly from Solonetzes to Meadow-chestnut soil. The dataset consists of 40 soil microstructure images in plane-polarized light (PPL) and 35 soil microstructure images in cross-polarized light (XPL). All images are sorted into 6 folders (from 10 to 230 pit. The folders title means the number of soil pits in the trench (the location in the trench is shown in Fig. 1 ). Solonetzic soil complex in the trench includes Pit 10 mediumdeep solonetz, Pit 100 deep solonetz, Pit 120 soil of the ecotone zone, Pit 160 soil of the ecotone zone, Pit 185 soil of the ecotone zone, Pit 230, meadow-chestnut soil. Fig. 2 shows a small part of PPL and XPL images from the dataset. The images are marked according to the following general principle: the pit number comes first, -then the sampling depth, -then the soil horizon,
Fig. 2. Microstructure of soil horizon of the ecotone: a -pit160_5-7 cm-AJ-PPL (3); b -pit160_21-23_cm-ABsn-PPL; cpit160_21-23 cm-ABsn-XPL; d -pit160_27-29 cm-BMKsn,i-PPL (2); e -pit160_27-29 cm-BMKsn,i-XPL (2); f -р it160_43-48 cm-BSNdc-PPL.
A dataset of soil microstructure features and the weather conditions affecting them from 2005 to 2021 in the Caspian Depression

February 2022


64 Reads


2 Citations

Data in Brief



A. Kolesnikov




M. Sizemskaya

The soil cover of semi-desert territories is sensitive to modern climatic changes, responding to a change in the composition of soil complexes. Soil microstructure features reflect minor changes in microrelief or fluctuations in the level of groundwater. This property of soil microstructure to memorize soil formation conditions is used for subsequent characterization of changes in long-term climatic trends. But in semi-desert climates, it can be used as an indicator of short-term weather series. This article presents data collected on the territory of the Caspian Depression in the Dzhanybek Research Station of the Institute of Forest Science RAS. The soil cover of the studied site of this station is represented by a semi-desert, two-component meadow-steppe Solonetzic soil complex that strictly follows the elements of the local micro(micro)topography. The height range between the studied pits is 8 cm. The dataset includes micromorphological photographs of the state of the soil complex in 2005. This year is an initial moment for modeling soil properties at the present day taking into account the changed weather parameters. The weather data was collected between February 2005 and June 2021. It includes daily, decadal and monthly data related to air temperature, relative air humidity, wind speed and precipitation, soil temperature and depth of freezing (thawing) of the soil, snow cover depth. The measurement methods did not change throughout the entire observation period, which makes it possible to use the data to correct forecasts of the response of drylands to modern climatic changes with the subsequent verification of models in the field at present.

Formation of Forest Biogeocenoses on Disturbed Lands of the Northern Caspian Region

March 2020


44 Reads


2 Citations

Povolzhskiy Journal of Ecology

Features, trends and the rates of formation of new forest biogeocenoses on anthropogenically disturbed lands, in particular, on an unused pond created on heavy loamy soils in the semi-desert of the Northern Caspian region are analyzed. At an early stage of spontaneous pond colonization by vegetation, the maximum influence on its development was exerted by the presence of a seed source 300 meters away – in the Arboretum of the Dzhanybek Research Station of the Institute of Forest Sciences (Russian Academy of Sciences) with 120 species of introduced tree and shrub plants. Initially 34 pioneer species colonized the lower parts of the unused pond, and 29 species survived by 2018. The formation of intrazonal willow-oleaster-poplar communities of a quasitugai type with a grass-wet-meadow association has been revealed. Their development was influenced by geographical isolation, self-regulation under rather unstable moisture conditions caused by occasional flooding by melt snow waters and bogging. A differentiation of the upper part of the soil-forming rock brought to the surface has occurred. The forest leaf litter has been formed from uncut moquette with a thickness of 1–2 cm, reaching currently quite substantial deposits of 0.953±0.196 kg/m2 , with the ash content reaching 13.85%. Ca prevails absolutely in the ash composition; while the amounts of Mg, Fe, and K are significantly lower. A humus horizon has been formed and the soil effervescence depth has changed. In the whole, for almost 40 years of vegetation colonization, the previously infertile substrate has acquired features of an immature soil, which is characterized by manifesttion of humus-accumulative process, gradual humification of organic matter and decarbonization of the material. In general, compact, diverse in structure, spontaneously arising self-developing forest biogeocenoses could significantly transform disturbed semi-desert territories. The peculiarities of their structure and the composition of emerging species make it possible to properly choose species preferred for landscaping.

Earthworms (Lumbricidae, Annelida) as a Component of Artificial Forest Ecosystems in the Northern Caspian Semidesert

December 2017


8 Reads


2 Citations

Biology Bulletin

The results of an ongoing 50-year experiment of introduction of the species Eisenia nordenskioldi into massive oak plantations (Quercus robur L.) in the Northern Caspian semidesert are analyzed. The change in the quantitative proportion of the dominant earthworm species due to the growth and conditions of forest cultures as well as their impact on meadow-chestnut soils is considered.

Climate changes and virgin vegetation dynamics in the Northern Caspian lowland

December 2016


23 Reads


13 Citations

Biology Bulletin

A wavy trend toward increasing vegetation biomass in desert, semidesert, and steppe communities growing on solonetzic soils was discovered in the Northern Caspian region over a 60-year observation period (1952–2013). The trend is caused by warming during winter months (due to redistribution of soil moisture) and the improvement of hydrothermal conditions in spring months (the period of most active plant vegetation).

Citations (24)

... The implications of these findings are significant for bioremediation (Nasiyev et al., 2023;Dukenov et al., 2023). Chlorella's ability to degrade diesel fuel suggests its potential application in cleaning up oil spills or treating petroleum-contaminated wastewater (Sapanov et al., 2024;Naliukhina et al., 2024). The study also highlights that dilution can enhance algae-based bioremediation by optimizing the concentration levels for maximum degradation efficiency. ...


Efficacy of Chlorella Sp. In Diesel Fuel Degradation in a Model Experimental Study
Ecological condition and invasiveness of Fraxinus pennsylvanica in different ecotopes of the arid Caspian region

Brazilian Journal of Biology

... For modelling and simulation processes, soil temperature and climatic environment are correlated together (Goldoni et al., 2022), especially temperature and humidity (Romanis et al., 2022) as defined by Penman-Monteith equation (Baldocchi et al., 2022). By experimental and calculating comparisons, humidity level directly affects radon (Abd Ali et al., 2019) and organic carbon, but there is no effect on nitrogen level (Oliveira Filho et al., 2022). ...

A dataset of soil microstructure features and the weather conditions affecting them from 2005 to 2021 in the Caspian Depression

Data in Brief

... It should be pointed out that the work also summarizes long-term researches of the bioecology of forest cultures at the Dzhanybek Research Station. The plantations created there since the 1950s differ in the variety of tree and shrub species, soil preparation methods, and methods of planting pure and mixed stands on different types of soils (Knight et al., 2013;Sapanov, 2003;Sizemskaya et al., 2021). ...

Formation of Forest Biogeocenoses on Disturbed Lands of the Northern Caspian Region
  • Citing Article
  • December 2021

Biology Bulletin

... In arid regions, on treeless zonal soil types, the cultivation of trees and shrubs is possible only if they are provided with additional soil moisture due to snow accumulation, surface inflow of meltwater and stormwater, or the availability of fresh groundwater (Galkin et al., 2023;Asadulagi et al., 2024), whereas for the native herbal phytocenoses growing here, an insignificant reserve of accumulated autumn-winter moisture in the soil is sufficient, and when exhausted, plants can end their seasonal growth with the death of the aboveground part already in the middle of summer (Olovyannikova, 2004;Sizemskaya et al., 2009;Sapanov and Sizemskaya, 2020). ...

Climatogenic Restrictions of Arid Forestry
  • Citing Article
  • December 2020

Contemporary Problems of Ecology

... Earthworms can be considered as bioindicators, since they are most studied as compared to other invertebrates. However, some aspects, such as the effect of changing the edificator of the phytocenosis on the composition and structure of the earthworm population, have been less studied, as they require a long period of time and well-executed geobotanical descriptions of plant communities (Scheffer et al., 1984;Vsevolodova-Perel and Sizemskaya, 2007;Morrison and Bohlen, 2010;Vsevolodova-Perel et al., 2011;Hlava and Kopecký, 2013;Geraskina, 2016;Sizemskaya and Vsevolodova-Perel, 2017). ...

Earthworms (Lumbricidae, Annelida) as a Component of Artificial Forest Ecosystems in the Northern Caspian Semidesert
  • Citing Article
  • December 2017

Biology Bulletin

... Seeds of S. sedoides were collected from six populations (10-20 plants per population) in natural habitats of deserted steppe of the Caspian Lowland, Bolgograd region, Russia (49°06′26′′N, 46°24′16′′E; Table S1). According to climatic indicators, the Caspian Lowland is an arid territory with an average annual precipitation of 291 mm and an annual average humidity coefficient (ratio of precipitation to evaporation) of 0.32 (Sapanov and Sizemskaya, 2015). Landscapes of the Caspian Lowland are widely represented by solonetzic complexes, and dark-colored chernozem-like or meadow-chestnut soils are typical for depressions (Konyushkova and Kozlov, 2010). ...

Climate changes and virgin vegetation dynamics in the Northern Caspian lowland
  • Citing Article
  • December 2016

Biology Bulletin

... Although preventing the further destruction of ecosystems is a key element of efforts to improve this situation, restoration of formerly forested land is increasingly recognized as a parallel strategy that can have significant benefits (Chazdon, 2008;Lugo, 2015). In past decades, many traditional strategies, including preservation to allow natural regeneration and afforestation initiatives, among others, have been employed (Sizemskaya et al., 2001, Houghton et al., 2015Martinez-Ramos et al., 2016) and have achieved some success in warmer and wetter regions (Tong et al., 2017;Crouzeilles et al., 2017), but most strategies have resulted in highly variable recovery rates and single-species communities (Suding and Hobbs, 2009;Seabrook et al., 2011;Trac et al., 2007;Uchida et al., 2005;Cao 2011). Hence, new methods are needed. ...

Results of 50-Year Studies on Afforestation as Related to the Problem of Desertification Control in Ciscaspian Lowland in Russia
  • Citing Chapter
  • January 2001

... The climate of the Caspian Lowland has been becoming increasingly more humid since the late 1970s, with a 50 mm increase in annual precipitation and a 70 mm decrease in evaporation during the warm season (Sotneva, 2004;Sapanov, 2007;Sapanov and Sizemskaya, 2015). These values seem small, but they make a huge impact on arid and semiarid ecosystems with a generally poor natural drainage, where they cause wide-spread rising of the groundwater table (Sokolova et al., 2000). ...

Variations in the Content and Composition of Salts in the Soils of the Solonetzic Complex at the Dzhanybek Research Station during the Last 40-50 Years
  • Citing Article
  • November 2000

Eurasian Soil Science

... This method is used, in particular, to assess soil salinity (Vorob'yeva et al., 2012). Electrical conductivity is one of the most convenient and reliable parameters, which makes it possible to accurately estimate the degree of mineralization of soil solutions (Kopikova, 1985) and soil salinity (Tolpeshta et al., 2000;Sotneva, 2005). Pankova et al. (2006) developed a special scale for assessing the degree of soil salinity depending on electrical conductivity. ...

Ion Activities and the Electric Conductivity of Water Extracts from Virgin and Ameliorated Soils of the Dzhanybek Research Station
  • Citing Article
  • November 2000

Eurasian Soil Science

... At the present time, groundwater occurs at a depth of 5 m throughout the entire territory of the station; its salt content under forest plantations in large mesodepres sions increases to 1-5.7 g/L depending on the precip itation during the winter period and the features of water uptake by plants. The concentrations of the toxic ions Na + and Clincreased to the maximum extent [26,29]. ...

The salt status of meadow-chestnut soils in the northern Caspian region upon a rise in the ground-water level
  • Citing Article
  • May 2005

Eurasian Soil Science