M. Koecher’s research while affiliated with University of Münster and other places

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Publications (33)

Kompositionsalgebren. Satz Von Hurwitz. Vektorprodukt-Algebren
  • Chapter

January 1992


10 Reads


2 Citations

M. Koecher


R. Remmert

1. Für die Multiplikation in den Algebren ℝ, ℂ, ℍ und O gilt ∣xy∣2 = ∣x∣2∣y∣2, wobei ∣ ∣ die euklidische Länge bezeichnet. Schreibt man die Vektoren x, y, z: = xy bezüglich einer Orthonormalbasis in Koordinaten (ξv), (ηv), (ζv), so erhält man wegen der Bilinearität des Produktes xy den

Isomorphiesätze von Frobenius, Hopf und Gelfand-Mazur

January 1992


8 Reads


8 Citations

In der zweiten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts wurden neben den Quaternionen viele weitere hyperkomplexe Systeme entdeckt und erforscht. Vor allem in England stand diese Kunst in hohem Ansehen. Kurz nach Entdeckung der Quaternionen und vor Einführung von Matrizen erfanden John T. Graves und Arthur Cayley die nichtassoziative Divisionsalgebra der Oktaven. Hamilton führte 1853 in seinen „Lectures on Quaternions“Biquaternionen, das sind Quaternionen mit komplexen Koeffizienten, ein und bemerkte, daß sie keine Divisionsalgebra bilden. William Kingdon Clifford (1845–1879) schuf 1878 die nach ihm benannten assoziativen Algebren.

Repertorium. Grundbegriffe aus der Theorie der Algebren

January 1992


3 Reads

Wir legen den Körper ℝ zugrunde, anstelle von ℝ darf man hier auch jeden kommutativen Körper K wählen. Reelle Zahlen werden in den Kapiteln 7 bis 11 immer mit kleinen griechischen Buchstaben bezeichnet. Jeder n-dimensionale ℝ-Vektorraum ist isomorph zum Zahlenraum ℝn der n-Tupel x = (ξ1 ...,ξn).

Cayley-Zahlen oder alternative Divisionsalgebren

January 1992


7 Reads


2 Citations

Die Erfindung der Quaternionen ist der Anfang einer neuen Epoche in der Algebra. Mit der HAMILTONSCHEN Schöpfung eines „Systems hyperkomplexer Zahlen“, das nicht mehr kommutativ ist, setzt ein Prozeß des Umdenkens ein: Mathematiker beginnen zu begreifen, daß man bei Verzicht auf das vage Permanenzprinzip auf mannigfache Weise neue Zahlensysteme „aus dem Nichts“ schaffen kann, die noch weiter als die Quaternionen von den reellen und komplexen Zahlen entfernt sind. So erfand J. T. GRAVES bereits im Dezember 1843, zwei Monate nach HAMILTONS Erfindung, die acht-dimensionale Divisionsalgebra der Oktaven (Oktonionen), die — wie HAMILTON 1844 bemerkte — nicht mehr assoziativ ist. (GRAVES teilte HAMILTON seine Untersuchungen über die Oktaven in einem Brief vom 4. Jan. 1844 mit; sie wurden aber erst 1848 veröffentlicht (Note by Professor Sir W. R. HAMILTON, respecting the Researches of John T. GRAVES, Esq., Trans. Roy. Irish Acad. (1848), Science 338–341)). Die Oktaven wurden 1845 von Arthur CAYLEY wiedergefunden und als Postscript in einer Arbeit über elliptische Funktionen veröffentlicht (Math. Papers 1, 127), sie heißen seither CAYLEYsehe Zahlen.

Cayley Numbers or Alternative Division Algebras

January 1991


2 Reads


5 Citations

With the creation by Hamilton of a “system of hypercomplex numbers” a process of rethinking began to take place. Mathematicians began to realize that, by abandoning the vague principle of permanence, it was possible to create “out of nothing” new number systems which were still further removed from the real and complex numbers than were the quaternions. In December 1843 for example, only two months after Hamilton’s discovery, Graves discovered the eight-dimensional division algebra of octo-nions (octaves) which—as Hamilton observed—is no longer associative. Graves communicated his results about octonions to Hamilton in a letter dated 4th January 1844, but they were not published until 1848 (Note by Professor Sir W.R. Hamilton, respecting the researches of John T. Graves, esq. Trans. R. Irish Acad., 1848, Science 338-341). Octonions were rediscovered by Cayley in 1845 and published as an appendix in a work on elliptic functions (Math. Papers 1, p. 127) and have since then been called Cayley numbers.

The Isomorphism Theorems of Frobenius, Hopf and Gelfand—Mazur

January 1991


13 Reads


4 Citations

1. In the second half of the nineteenth century, many other hypercomplex systems were discovered and investigated, in addition to that of the quaternions. Especially in England, this became almost an art and was held in high esteem. Shortly after the discovery of quaternions and before the introduction of matrices, John T. GRAVES and Arthur CAYLEY devised the non-associative division algebra of octonions (also called octaves). Hamilton introduced, in his “Lectures on quaternions” of 1853, biquaternions, that is quaternions with complex coefficients, and noted that they do not form a division algebra. William Kingdon CLIFFORD (1845–1879) created in 1878, the associative algebras now called after him.

Hamilton’s Quaternions

January 1991


19 Reads


34 Citations

1. Sir William Rowan Hamilton was born in Dublin in 1805, and at the age of five was already reading Latin, Greek and Hebrew. He entered Trinity College Dublin in 1823, and while still an undergraduate was, in 1827, appointed Andrewes Professor of Astronomy at that university, and Director of the Dunsink Observatory with the title “Royal Astronomer of Ireland.” In that same year he began to develop geometric optics on extremal principles and in 1834/35 extended these ideas to dynamics, with the introduction of the principle of least action, the Hamiltonian function, and his canonical equations of motion. He was knighted in 1835 and was President of the Royal Irish Academy from 1837 to 1845. His great discovery of quaternions was made in 1843. He died in 1865 at Dunsink.

Repertory. Basic Concepts from the Theory of Algebras

January 1991


7 Reads


1 Citation

We take ℝ as the basie field, though in place of ℝ one could equally well have chosen any commutative field K. Real numbers will always be denoted in Chapters 7 to 11 by small Greek letters. Every n-dimensional ℝ-vector space is isomorphic to the number space ℝn of n-tuples x = (ξ1,...,ξn).

Citations (9)

... In particular, we will use that rotations can be parametrized by unit quaternions (which can be identified with the unit 3-sphere S 3 ), as well as the following formulae (see, e.g. [11,22]): ...


Fast normalized cross-correlation for template matching with rotations
  • Citing Book
  • January 1991

... Graves communicated his discovery to Hamilton in a letter dated 4 January 1844 but it was only published in 1848 after having been rediscovered by Arthur Cayley (1821-1895) in 1845. Since then they have been called Cayley numbers; see Reference [153]. Wynn already discussed them in several of his publications [65,66,69,99]. ...

Cayley Numbers or Alternative Division Algebras
  • Citing Chapter
  • January 1991

... Over the real ground field, with being a scalar product, vector products were first considered, and classified, by Eckmann [5] in 1942, using topological methods. Other treatments are found in for example [9] and [8]. The technique of the present article is used in [3] for a comprehensive proof of the classification theorem in this special case. ...

Composition Algebras. Hurwitz’s Theorem—Vector-Product Algebras
  • Citing Chapter
  • January 1991

... by quaternions which were introduced by W.R. Hamilton in the middle of the 19th century after searching for more general number systems than complex numbers (e.g.[33] [34] which both (by definition) are real in case of real quaternions.The associative but not commutative multiplication law in the quaternion alge- ...

Hamilton’s Quaternions
  • Citing Chapter
  • January 1991

... Given any quadratic algebra A, Frobenius' lemma states that the set V = {v ∈ A | v 2 ∈ k1} \ (k1 \ {0}) of purely imaginary elements of A forms a linear subspace of A which is supplementary to k1 (cf. [9], [3], [11]). Accordingly, each x ∈ A has unique decomposition x = λ(x)1 + ι(x), with λ(x) ∈ k and ι(x) ∈ V . ...

Isomorphiesätze von Frobenius, Hopf und Gelfand-Mazur
  • Citing Chapter
  • January 1992

... Hence, in particular every alternative division algebra is quadratic. In any quadratic algebra B, the subset ImB = {b ∈ B R1 | b 2 ∈ R1} ∪ {0} ⊂ B of purely imaginary elements is a linear subspace of B, and B = R1 ⊕ ImB (Frobenius [9]). We shall write α+v instead of α1+v when referring to elements in this decomposition. ...

The Isomorphism Theorems of Frobenius, Hopf and Gelfand—Mazur
  • Citing Chapter
  • January 1991

... The basis element e 0 acts an identity and e 1 , e 2 , e 3 satisfy the following rules It is obvious that H is noncommutative. A well known fact about quaternions is any quaternion can be represented as 2 × 2 complex matrix through the bijective transformation [1,2]. In [3], a quaternion matrix which entries are quaternions have studied to a pair of complex matrices. ...

Numbers. With an introduction by Klaus Lamotke. Translated by H. L. S. Orde. Edited by John H. Ewing. Paperback ed
  • Citing Article