December 2021
2 Reads
Наукові праці Державного науково-дослідного інституту випробувань і сертифікації озброєння та військової техніки
After the collapse of the USSR the Armed Forces of Ukraine inherited not only armament and military equipment, but also the system of formation of its designations (names). In the USSR, each Customer of armament and military equipment (AME) had its own system of designations of military equipment with the corresponding nomenclature catalogs. Radio electronic equipment (REO) was presented in the nomenclature catalogs of various supply organs and therefore the names of various techniques were often of related origin and were unsystematic. In the Armed Forces of Ukraine there are no requirements for the designation/names of equipment (not to be confused with the codification of equipment). The development and manufacture of REO by domestic enterprises in these conditions gives them the right to assign the designation of equipment at their own discretion. The use of the Soviet/Russian system of designations of AME leads to confusion. The article analyzes the Soviet/Russian and American system of designations (formation of names) of armament and military equipment. The real state of affairs on this issue in the Armed Forces of Ukraine is analyzed. Showed the need to create a new system of designations of REO and indicated the ways of its development. The main factors that need to be put into the basis of this system are defined.