M Chanel’s research while affiliated with CERN and other places

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Publications (107)

Fig. 1: Open Linac 1 Alvarez tank 
Fig. 1: Looking downstream from the second accelerating section of LIL-W towards LIL-V. The two accelerating structures of LIL-W are not visible as embedded in solenoids. The man is standing near the converter target between LIL-V and LIL-W. 
Fig. 1: Demonstration of stochastic momentum cooling in ICE. The momentum distribution of 5×10 7 circulating protons was first spread out by applying noise around a harmonic of the revolution frequency on a radiofrequency (RF) cavity (first Schottky scan, rectangular shape). Then cooling was turned on. Scans at 1 minute intervals show the concentration of the protons with initially Δp/p = ± 3×10-3 into a narrow momentum bite of ± 0.5×10-3. The signal height is proportional to the square root of the particle density, and the abscissa is ∆p/p. 
Fig. 1: Evolution of the PSB intensity over the years 
Fig. 1: Linac 2 750 kV Cockcroft-Walton generator, source and accelerating column 


Fifty years of the CERN Proton Synchrotron : Volume 2
  • Article
  • Full-text available

September 2013


1,241 Reads


17 Citations

Simone Gilardoni






Thomas Zickler

This report sums up in two volumes the first 50 years of operation of the CERN Proton Synchrotron. After an introduction on the genesis of the machine, and a description of its magnet and powering systems, the first volume focuses on some of the many innovations in accelerator physics and instrumentation that it has pioneered, such as transition crossing, RF gymnastics, extractions, phase space tomography, or transverse emittance measurement by wire scanners. The second volume describes the other machines in the PS complex: the proton linear accelerators, the PS Booster, the LEP pre-injector, the heavy-ion linac and accumulator, and the antiproton rings.


Possible improvements to the existing pre-injector complex in the framework of continued consolidation

January 2010


122 Reads


9 Citations

The situation of the present pre-injection complex will be discussed with particular emphasis on the performance limitations. Mitigation measures will be discussed assuming that substantial consolidation work can be devoted to such improvements. Possible scenarios for the implementation of these measures will be outlined, together with an analysis of the impact on the performance of the LHC machine.

Table 1 : Total Measured Tune Shift in the Horizontal and Vertical Plane, as well as the Slope of the Fitted Lines
Figure 5: Delta signal of the beam from the transverse pickup. The signal is taken few ms after the instability occurs and the trace is taken every 21 revolution periods. Only the last 50 traces have been plotted.
Figure 6: Delta signal of the beam during the 90μs of acquisition (90 beam traces).  
Coherent tune shift and instabilities measurements at the CERN Proton Synchrotron Booster

January 2009


112 Reads


2 Citations

To understand one of the contributions to the intensity limitations of the CERN Proton Synchrotron Booster (PSB) in view of its operation with beams from Linac 4, the impedance of the machine has been characterized. Measurements of tune shift as a function of the intensity have been carried out in order to estimate the low frequency imaginary part of the impedance. Since the PSB is a low energy machine, these measurements have been done at two different energies, so as to enable us to disentangle the effect of the indirect space charge and resistive wall from the contribution of the machine impedance. An estimation of the possible resonant peaks in the impedance spectrum has been made by measuring a fast instability in Ring4.

Figure 1: Betatron functions of the lattice with the initially planned injection chicane (solid lines) compared to a lattice without perturbations (dot-dashed). Red and blue lines are for horizontal and vertical betatron functions, respectively.  
Figure 2: Betatron functions after reducing the perturbation by increasing the BS magnetic length and decreasing the deflection.  
Figure 3: Beta-beating with the initial injection chicane (dashed) and after increasing the magnetic length and decreasing the deflection angles.
Lattice Issues of the CERN PSB with H- Charge exchange injection hardware

January 2009


64 Reads


1 Citation

The motivation for the construction of CERN Linac4 is to improve the performance of the PSB by raising the injection energy and implementing a new H- charge exchange multiturn injection scheme. Lattice perturbations introduced by the new injection hardware are described. Strategies to mitigate the consequences, first by minimizing the additional focusing introduced and, by compensating the residual perturbation, are reported.

Figure 1: Tune footprint of the PS Booster computed for 12 test particles launched on a 2-D grid with initial start amplitudes ranging from 1σ to 2σ, without and with s.c. compensation by 4 electron lenses. 
Space-charge compensation options for the LHC injector complex

July 2007


65 Reads


6 Citations

Space-charge effects have been identified as the most serious intensity limitation in the CERN PS and PS Booster, on the way towards ultimate LHC performance and beyond. We here explore the application of several previously proposed space-charge compensation methods to the two LHC pre-injector rings, and the challenges which need to be overcome. The methods considered include the reduction of tune shift and resonance strengths via octupoles, pole-face windings, electron lenses, or neutralisation.

Figure 1: 4ns long Pb54+ bunch from Early Beam, immediately prior to extraction from the PS.
Table 2 : Values of envelope function β and normalised RMS emittance growth due to mismatch, calculated with various TT2 optics; PS ejection optics with kick enhancement quadrupole (QKE58) on/off

January 2007


87 Reads


8 Citations

The LHC will, in addition to proton runs, be operated with Pb ions and provide collisions at energies of 5.5 TeV per nucleon pair, i.e. more than 1.1 PeV per event, to experiments. The transformation of CERN's ion injector complex (Linac3-LEIR-PS-SPS) to allow collision of ions in LHC in 2008 is well under way. The status of these modifications and the latest results of commissioning will be presented. The remaining challenges are reviewed.

Figure 1: Almost completely installed LEIR Ring (a few days after first circulating beam).  
Figure 2: Vertical Ionization Profile Monitor after opening the machine.
Figure 3: Quadrupole currents versus time with corrections to compensate gradients due to acceleration.
Fig. 4: Time evolution of the beam current (yellow) and the magnetic cycle (purple).
Figure 5: Time evolution of longitudinal beam distribution measured via Schottky diagnostics.
LEIR Commissioning

July 2006


109 Reads


2 Citations

The Low Energy Ion Ring (LEIR) is a central piece of the injector chain for LHC ion operation, transforming long Linac 3 pulses into high density bunches needed for LHC. LEIR commissioning is scheduled to be completed at the time of the conference. A review of LEIR commissioning highlighting expected and unexpected problems and actions to tackle them will be given.

Performance of nominal and ultimate LHC beams in the CERN PS Booster

July 2006


26 Reads


2 Citations

The requirements for nominal and ultimate LHC beams in the CERN PS-Booster were specified in 1994 and served as input for the definition of the "PS conversion for LHC" project. Already during the upgrade project and also after its completion in 2000, the beam intensities to be provided from the PS Booster were increased in order to compensate for changes on the LHC machine, the beam production scheme in the PS and for nonanticipated beam losses along the injector chain. In order to improve the beam brightness, to be compatible with the increased requirements, extensive machine studies have taken place on the PS-Booster. The working point was changed to reduce the influence of systematic resonances and the injection line optics was re-matched to improve the injection efficiency. The paper summarizes briefly the evolution of the performance requirements. The various measures undertaken to improve the LHC beam quality are outlined and the present performance achieved in the PS Booster is presented.

Figure 4: Pb 54+ vertical trajectory measurements and comparison with the optics model prediction before and after the correction for the bending dipoles quadrupole error (see text for the difference between Model 1 and Model 2). in regions with horizontal betatron function much smaller than the vertical ones and additional vertical focussing best fits the measurements. The comparison between the vertical trajectory measurements and the model prediction is shown in Fig. 4. The three curves describing the MAD prediction refer to the initial model, to the insertion of K1=0.025 [m −2 ] to the ITE dipoles (Model 1) and to the additional parameter K1=0.025 [m −2 ] in the two dipoles at the end of the ETL line and the beginning of the EI line (Model 2). 
Design and Validation with Measurements of the LEIR Injection Line

July 2006


63 Reads


4 Citations

The CERN Low Energy Ion Ring (LEIR) commissioning started in the year 2005. O4+and Pb54+ion beams are transferred at 4.2 MeV/nucleon from Linac 3 to LEIR through a low energy transfer line, for which the constraints and the resulting optics design are presented. First trajectory and dispersion measurements agreed only poorly with the theoretical model. Iterations of a refined optics model and further measurements improved the agreement between experimental observations and expectations. In particular, the effect of quadrupole errors in the line dipole magnets is discussed.

Citations (59)

... A phase space distribution consistent with this source is determined, and a particle flux escaping the trap can be calculated. [13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20] In this section it is assumed that the nested well trap is established such that the positive plasma species is confined in the inner well, and the negative species is confined by the outer well. However, this choice is only made for convenience, and the results apply equally to an inverted well with the plasma signs exchanged. ...


Nested well plasma traps
Search for antihydrogen at LEAR
  • Citing Article
  • September 1996

Physics of Atomic Nuclei

... Электронные пушки с управляемым профилем пучка были установлены на изготовленные в ИЯФ установки электронного охлаждения ЭХ-35 и ЭХ-300, предназначенные для строящихся колец CSRm и CSRe (IMP, Китай), а также на установку электронного охлаждения для кольца LEIR (CERN, Швейцария). Эксперименты по охлаждению пучка ионов Pb +54 , проведенные на охладителе LEIR, показали [5], что накапливаемый ионный пучок увеличивается с 0,7 × 10 9 до 1,3 × 10 9 частиц при переходе от параболического профиля электронного пучка к полому при одинаковом (0,1 А) его токе. Время жизни накопленного пучка при этом после остановки инжекции увеличивается с 6 до 12 с. ...

Commissioning of the LEIR electron cooler with Pb+54 ions
  • Citing Article
  • January 2006

... Several Machine Development (MDs) measurements are performed, in order to investigate the suggested improvements for the planned LHC Injectors Upgrade [2]. As a part of these MDs, the betatron tunes are measured at the injection of the PS, by using turn by turn (TxT) transverse position data from the 43 BPMs of the PS [3]. For the data discussed in the following, 625 turns for each of the 4 bunches injected from the Proton Synchrotron Booster (PSB) are recorded, using the same cycle, at 3 different positions in the sequence of cycles [4] of the PS. ...

Specification of the Beam Position Measurement in the PS Machine

... The target match at the injection septum BI.SMH is shown inTable 3. The left part of the table shows the optics parameters of the beam in the PSB at the center of section 1L1. Note, that the vertical ¬-function has changed in 2004 with the installation of a new PSB working point [11]. Note also, that in the vertical plane the parameters of PSB and injection line agree, while in the horizontal plane the incoming beam must have a smaller ¬ than the one given by the machine lattice to allow for horizontal stacking.Figure 8 : TRACE 3-D simulation of envelope and dispersion along the LT-LTB-BI line for the matched, achromatic optics. ...

Study of a New Working Point for the CERN PS Booster

... The cost is however producing fewer bunches per train, resulting in less bunches available in the LHC. Some of the known injector limitations will be further mitigated by the LIU project that with the new Linac 4 [14], the PS injection energy increase to 2 GeV [15] and the upgrade of the SPS RF system [16] will lower the brightness limitations of the Booster and PS and increase the maximum intensity in the SPS (see Ref. [17] and reference therein). It is possible to summarize the beam parameter for different scenarios configurations by a brightness limitation coming from either the Booster or the PS and a total intensity limitation given by the accelerating system of the SPS [18]. ...

Possible improvements to the existing pre-injector complex in the framework of continued consolidation

... The latest in a lineage of CERN colliders purposed to explore the energy frontier which dates back to the Proton Synchrotron (PS)[65], the LHC is housed in the 27 km long underground tunnel previously built to host the Large Electron-PositronCollider (LEP). Inside the tunnel, an array of superconducting dipole, quadrupole and sextupole magnets respectively operate the tasks of bending the flight path of the particles into the approximately circular shape of the collider and to regulate the properties of the beam to maximise the number of collisions occurring at the beam interaction points. ...

Fifty years of the CERN Proton Synchrotron : Volume 2

... The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) operates with proton as well as heavy ion beams [1]. Collisions between beams of fully stripped lead ( 208 Pb 82þ ) ions have been successfully carried out during the first years of operation of the LHC [2,3]. Moreover, the success of the first two Pb-Pb runs led the experiments to request a proton-ion run [4], as a first extension to the LHC design, for the last exploitation period before the first long shutdown of the LHC. ...

Ions for LHC: performance of the injector chain

... More time was devoted in 2010 to study the Nominal beam which had already been demonstrated [11]; in particular the new, digital, Low-Level Radio-Frequency system, needed for dual harmonic acceleration, is now completely operational [12]. A lot of experience with this beam was gained in 2010, in LEIR but also in the PS and SPS, as the Nominal beam is also used to deliver lighter ions by fragmentation to fixed target experiments [13] [14]. ...


... Progress in accelerator engineering, including the development of storage rings of high energy heavy ions, stimulates the study of the sputtering of structural materials (as a rule, chromium-nickel stainless and non-magnetic steels) used in constructing the storage rings themselves. In particular, this is the case of sputtering of the inner surface of rings by a fraction of the accumulated ions scattered by residual gas molecules [4]. Further studies of sputtering of such steels by fast heavy ions showed the strong dependence of sputtering on the inelastic energy loss and the initial material state (grain size, impurity concentration, and other causes) [5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12]. ...

Experimental investigation of impact-induced molecular desorption by 4.2 MeV/u Pb ions

... Figures 5 and 6 show the beam response and BTF reconstruction around the n = −3 and n = −8 unstable lines for Q = 0, with active damper and after the cooling process. Due to the finite signal time of flight and the large noise, corrections on the BTF phase signal have been performed both with time gating [10] and averaging. The BTF response presents a double peak structure which can be attributed to the previous cooling process: this is responsible for the circle-like shape at the center of the stability diagram as also predicted in [11]. ...

A novel method of noise suppression in beam transfer function measurements